Kingdom Of Heaven

Deus Vult!
Welcome to the interest check/development thread for a proposed forum game that uses the Paradox strategy game Crusader Kings as it's engine, so-to-speak. Centered around Jerusalem in 1221 A.D. players will take the role of Jerusalem's council as they preside over the regency of the young Queen Isabella II. To young to rule, it will be the duty of the council to steer the fate of the beleaguered holy kingdom and protect it from the perils it faces. War, diplomacy, and political intrigue awaits us in the Kingdom of Heaven!
Knowledge of the mechanics of Crusader Kings is strongly recommended for those interested in playing.
Available Roles
Chancellor - the Chancellor of Jerusalem is the kingdom's leading diplomat and chief adviser of matters of state. The chancellor has the ability to improve diplomatic relations, sow dissent in other realms, and fabricate claims in the name of the Queen.
Marshal - Chief military adviser and strategist for the holy armies of Jerusalem. The Marshal has the ability to suppress revolts, train troops, and research military technology.
Steward - Chief financial adviser for the Holy Kingdom. The steward can collect taxes, oversee construction, and research economic technology.
Spymaster - Top advisor in all matters related to then clandestine. The spymaster may be a male or female character, and has the ability to scheme, build spy networks, and study technology in other realms.
Court Chaplain - Leading religious adviser to the Kingdom of Jerusalem. The chaplain may proselytize across the kingdom, research cultural technology and improve religious relations.
Available titles
Players may choose to begin the game with the following titles to flesh out their back stories and raise their overall standing within the kingdom.
Baron/Baroness - ruler of a barony in Jerusalem based within a castle, providing them with military might.
Lord-Mayor - ruler of a city within Jerusalem, providing them with a valuable source of income.
Bishop - ruler of a Bishopric in the kingdom, giving them strong ties to the Vatican.
Commander - An unlanded title but gives the character the ability to lead armies and formulate strategy in the field. (Can be used in conjunction with any of the above landed titles.)
If you're interested feel free to put forward an application with the following format...
[image/character/family crest/optional]
Council Position
Council Position
Those whom I deem most appropriate for the story will be selected to play.