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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Interacting with: Everyone
Location: the room viewing the underground range

One after another, the students went, they all did as instructed and Francis smiled and gave each student an approving nod as they displayed their gifts. Now the only student that was yet to display their gift to the class was Sophie, and she was clearly uncomfortable with this notion.

Francis looked at her and grinned. "Saving the best for last are we, my dear? Care to share with us what you can do?" He chuckled softly as he casually went and got the nearest fire extinguisher.

Sophie flinched and tensed up when Francis addressed her. "And by 'best', you mean 'most unstable ', right?" She said as she eyed Francis, then sighed and stood up as Francis returned with a fire extinguisher in hand. "Alright.... Seems I no longer have a choice in the matter... My name is Sophie Blackthorn, codename: Pyro. Pretty self explanatory as to why but I am obligated to show you why anyways."

Sophie opened the heavy steel door to the range and stepped inside, then shut and locked the door behind her; Francis stood at the ready. Suddenly, the range erupted in fire and the room was enveloped in a blazing inferno of hellfire. The steel door quickly turned a bright, glowing white and a heat radiated from it that could still be easily felt a good 5ft away. Inside the inferno, Sophie stood unscathed by the fire that surrounded her and and crawled up her body. She extended her arm towards the giant window overlooking the range and a sudden, roaring ball of fire coiled around her extended arm before shooting and attacking the glass.

That's when Francis intervened, Francis phased through the glass and out the flames with the extinguisher, and in a matter of about 5-10 minutes, the flames were put out for the most part. The large steel door was unlocked by Sophie and the two finally exited the range. "Use of the range is off limits for the rest of the day and don't touch this door for at least another two hours or you will get burned." Francis instructed then turned to Sophie, then sighed softly and gently grinned. "Well done, dear. You may sit down now. " Sophie nodded and sat down in the nearest open seat, looking down at the ground.

Meanwhile, Francis clapped his hands together and shifted his attention to the remainder of the class. "Now then! Onto the next order of business! As some of you may know, I usually do not take on this many students and this is still very true. However, I have chosen an advanced student that will help me in teaching all of you. Bao Lu, please stand and be recognized." Francis gestured to Bao Lu. "Bao Lu will be taking on half of the class for the time being in training them, while I will be taking the other half. Raylan, Sophie, Loki, Katherine, and Danielle. You will be on my team. Grace, Casey, Taylor. You will be on Bao Lu's team. I am expecting you to all work hard and I will be regularly receiving reports on your progress. If I am being informed that you are not making the progress needed, you will either be put through a version of mutant cram school, or.... you will be expelled and sent home. Any questions? If not then you are dismissed to familiarize yourself with your new team members and classmates."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01 and everyone
Loki Cage

Loki's attention snapped up when he heard Sophie's code name. He felt his heart rate increase as she went into the range. His thoughts shooting back to his past where flames changed his life and himself. Panic crept onto his features and he seemed frozen...pale and frozen in place.

Then the range exploded into flames and he tumbled over the back of his seat, sunglasses falling off and exposing the look of sheer panic on his face. The feline pupils wide as fear etched into his features. He backed away until he hit the corner of the room and stood there. Eventually it was over, but it was too late he was triggered. He heard the professor speaking, but could barely make it out. "no no no...I can...I can't...I can't control it..too scared...fire..."

His throat felt dry and then he couldn't control it. He made a noise of agony as this time the process was slower since he did not want it, but was triggered by fear. Every part of the process was easily in view..his ribs snapped apart and re shaped causing his shirt to rip. His face changed shape and his face contorted as it did so. Each part that reshaped had accompanying snapping sounds and sounds of agony. This wasn't the quick process it was earlier...this was much slower and much more gruesome.

Eventually a rather scared looking panther stood there fear still clear on its face. Loki was still backed into the corner and the fear was directed to the range.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chao
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Chao Resident Space Cowboy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interaction: Katherine Winchester @Wicked Sweet and Loki Cage @BlackPanther
Location: Meeting Room, X-Mansion basement.

Taylor watched as the others had demonstrated their powers. And it was actually very cool to watch other mutants. Taylor did not know how to feel about someone being able to read his mind. It was well, a private place for anyone to think, not for someone to barge into and listen in on.

There was one girl he had saw, her name was Katherine Winchester, he'd seen her the first day he was on campus. Taylor thought she was, well stunning. Not to mention, she did seem to be a nice person. When she got up to tell everyone her name, Taylor could've sworn he saw her stare at him for a second. Taylor gave her a smile, before she turned her attention away from him.

Basically the half animal, half man hid in the corner, staying as far away as he could from the range. He only started to notice Loki's fear after the Professor stopped talking about which teams everyone was on. "Huh.." He told himsel,f if Bao Lu was the team leader, Taylor figured this was gonna be interesting. He had then turned to see Loki in the corner. Taylor was about to ask Loki if he was okay, but he seemed that was a bad idea. "Are... Are you okay? The fire's not going to hurt you, it's uhm... not close enough to hurt you. So, calm down. Okay?" He asked Loki, with a look of worry on his face. The guy seemed so terribly afraid, and Taylor didn't know exactly what to do.

What Taylor did was probably stupid, but he stepped closer to Loki. "Don't bite me." He said, getting closer. Taylor wasn't sure if trying to calm down a panther was a good idea, but he had tried it anyways.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sirena
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alexandra “Alex” Lee

Location: Room, then underground target range
Interacting With: Mostly with Professor Latour (@Ace of flames01), but anyone can respond

As Alex's blaring alarm clock woke her up from her slumber, her arm reached out instinctively to stop the incessant beeping. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she looked over to check time. The numbers 8:00 glared at her in bright red. Okay, that gave her a good 30 minutes to shower and get ready. After going through her morning routine, Alex was met with a big decision: her outfit. Today was an important day after all, and she wanted to make a good impression. After sorting though her closet she finally decided on a flowy, floral tank top and a pair of denim shorts. Cute, yet comfortable. She wanted to be prepared, because she wasn't sure what the Professor was planning for them to do today.

With a spring in her step, she made her way toward the underground target range where the Professor had told the group to meet. Alex was excited, but at the same time quite nervous. She had always wanted to use her powers for something good, but also wasn't sure she was capable enough to be a part of something like the X-Men. As Alex continued walking, she was confused as to why she wasn't at the target range yet. She was sure it was a left, two rights, and then another left...and another right, and another right? Or was it two lefts, and then a right, and then a left, and then... Oh god, she couldn't believe that she was lost on her first day. Slowly, she began retracing her steps and racking her brain to remember the directions the Professor had given to get to the range. Eventually she found her way there, but way past the designated meeting time.

Practically sprinting into the room, Alex's eyes searched for the Professor and immediately turned to him with her head bowed. She wanted to introduce herself to the other students but that would have to wait. "I'm so sorry Professor! I-I got lost on my way here. I know that's no excuse, but I promise it won't happen again. Really," she exclaimed. God, she was such a disappointment. Clenching her eyes, she awaited for him to reprimand her for her tardiness.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Meeting room
Interacting with: Loki mostly, but everyone a little bit

All in all, Dani had to confess that revealing what her power was to the others in the group had gone better than she had expected. While it didn’t seem that anyone was necessarily happy about the fact that she could read their minds, no one seemed to be acting on those feelings. Perhaps their subdued reaction was just because of the fact that they were a more understanding bunch due to their own strange and wonderful abilities, but whatever the reason, Dani was rather glad for it.

Dani was pulled from her content reflection on the way things were going when the brown-haired girl who had been nibbling on a Pop-Tart earlier stood up and introduced herself as Grace/Typhoon before walking into the range. Once behind the blast door, she spread out her large wings and beat them to launch herself into the air. Though it wasn’t really possible to see what she did next, the thumping noises emanating from the window and the way her clothes whipped violently around her frame indicated that it probably had something to do with manipulating the air.

The man wearing the dark grey shirt suddenly stated that his name was Raylan/Cataclysm once Grace had confidently returned to her seat, though it seemed that he didn’t really want to be there at all. After a look from Professor Latour, he stood up and looked over at the dent Taylor had left in the wall earlier, popping it back out before he stalked into the range. Despite her best efforts, Dani couldn’t help but flinch a little as he passed by her. The anger she had felt from him when she revealed her ability just a few minutes before had been... frightening, if she was being honest with herself, and the fact that it had been directed at her made her a little afraid to be around him.

As Dani watched, Raylan picked up a couple of metal spheres before making them float off to the side while he sipped at the drink in his hand. In the time that it took her to blink, one of the spheres was gone, the distinct clang of metal striking metal audible from the range. An instant later, the second orb followed its twin to the other end of the range, its collision with the wall marked by the same sound as the first.

Several moments later, Raylan returned from the range with the scrap from the two orbs in his hands. Unfortunately, Dani couldn’t help but flinch again as he walked by her on the way to his own chair and set his cup down, focusing on the metal pieces between his hands. The sound of metal pieces scraping against one another and smashing together filled the air as he focused on whatever it was he was doing. Once he was done, he held out the combined metal orb for everyone to see, explaining that he had the power to manipulate magnetic fields.

The next person to go was the boy with glasses that had held his mug in front of him without using his hands upon arriving earlier. He introduced himself as Casey Locke, though he muttered something about everyone getting their laughs in before he stated that his codename was Accelerator. He explained that his power was the ability to control something called vectors, though Dani had no idea what that meant. Although, from his demonstration, which consisted of throwing a huge slab of material at the far wall of the range and surrounding himself with the scrap and his mug, Dani felt that it was safe to consider it a more technical version of telekinesis.

After Casey had finished, the boy who had arrived in a hoodie and athletic shorts that thought most of them would be easy to break in half took his turn, introducing himself as Bao Lu/Wind Dancer. As it turned out, he also had the ability to control the air, which he demonstrated by jumping up to the ceiling. Apart from that, he seemed rather arrogant, explaining that he could beat probably everyone else in the room. Dani, of course, wasn’t going to contest that.

The girl who had been sitting quietly next to the professor ever since Dani had arrived was the final person to show off her powers, though she seemed as reluctant to do so as Raylan had been. She introduced herself as Sophie Blackthorn/Pyro, prompting a strange spike of fear in Loki, before she walked into the range to demonstrate her power by lighting the whole range on fire. Dani, however, was only vaguely aware of what was going on inside the range as the sudden surge of terror coming from Loki hit her like a truck.

Though Dani did her best to both prevent his fear from making her afraid and prevent her own emotions from leaking to the others in the room, it was fairly clear to anyone that looked that she wasn’t really succeeding at either as she curled up on her chair by hugging her knees to her chest. When she began feeling dizzy and weak, she pressed her forehead against her legs and clamped her eyes shut while she tried to slow her racing heart and take deeper, slower breaths.

While Dani was normally quite content to suffer in silence, she really, really didn’t want to risk having her emotions influence the emotions of the other students and end up creating a feedback loop of sorts. ”Please calm down!” Dani cried out mentally to Loki. ”The fire’s gone! You’re safe!” Fortunately, a few students also seemed to be trying to calm Loki down. Dani could only hope that their efforts would see some success soon, as she wasn’t exactly confident that she would be able to contain her emotions for very much longer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wicked Sweet
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Wicked Sweet is secretly 3 Kobolds in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Like her classmates Katherine watched everyone as they stood, introduced themselves and demonstrated their mutant abilities. She was really weirded out by hearing Dani's voice inside her head. It was unpleasant and a bit upsetting for Kat, but she said nothing and sat there quietly as the others went on. She just hoped that it wouldn't be a reoccurring thing. The abilities shown by the others were pretty impressive. Kat was mesmerized by Grace and her angelic wings. Casey's ability seemed an awful like Raylan's as both fellas demonstrated their powers using metal objects. Also, Kat was all that could in the science department so she wasn't quite sure what a 'vector' was. Bao could apparently fly through air manipulation it seemed, and Kat couldn't stop herself from giggling at his last comment. Sophia's ability to generate fire frightened Katherine more than a little, and she secretly hoped that the codename Pyro wasn't short for Pyromaniac.

Once the show-'n'-tell was over the professor divided the class into two groups, one to be trained by himself and the second to be trained by Bao. Katherine was a tad disappointed that she would not be in the same group as Taylor. As she looked over at him in that moment she noticed the boy's attention was elsewhere. Young Dani also seemed preoccupied. Following their gaze Katherine soon realized what was going on.

Loki was shifting. The sounds coming from his body as it contorted and transformed were sickening, and the changed seemed to be taking longer than his first. Soon in the corner of the underground lounge stood a large, beautiful, yet obviously agitated, panther. Taylor moved closer to the big cat, speaking calmly in an attempt to calm him.

"I'm so sorry Professor! I-I got lost on my way here," exclaimed a young Asian woman as she burst into the room. "I know that's no excuse, but I promise it won't happen again. Really."

Katherine held up her arm trying to signal to the newest student to enter the room to stand back. Kat was frightened of the big cat in the room. She worried he may lash out at anything and anyone in his agitated state. Standing from her seat beside Bao, Katherine stepped slowly over towards Taylor. Placing her hand gently on his back she whispered, "Don't crowd him."

She then moved to the left a bit so the big cat could get a clear view of her. Taking a step back, Katherine knelt down so she could look the feline in the eyes. Katherine's entire body was trembling. There was nothing stopping him from lunging and attacking her. But, Kat saw he was afraid, possibly more than she was at this very moment. So she had to try. She had to try to make things better. Yet, in her frightened state would her mutant ability work on him? Was Loki's mind too feral for him to understand the words that were about to come from her lips?

Taking a deep breath in an effort to calm herself, Katherine looked Loki-cat in the eye. She smiled softly at him, and spoke gently. "Loki ... relax."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by unfallenangel
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unfallenangel Time Lord of Middle Earth

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


LOCATION: The basement lounge

Looking over her shoulder, Grace grinned at Bao and couldn’t help but laugh. Of course Professor Latour would pair the two air powers together. Maybe this would mean she could finally start getting a handle on her powers and not letting them get the best of her when she got angry. The teams were actually the way she had predicted they would be. As she sat lost in her own world of thoughts, a few other mutants stood and showed their powers.

Sophie was last. Grace knew about Sophie’s power and it didn’t frighten her as much as it had at first. She gripped her hands together in her lap as she watched Sophie enter the range and set the place ablaze. The flames were nothing short of spectacular as they danced around the range, engulfing everything in their path.

There was a flurry of motion in the corner that caught Grace’s attention. She cut her eyes to the side just as the gruesome sounds of bones being crushed and reformed filled the air. Where the guy that called himself Loki once stood was a frightened black panther. Grace flinched at the sight of his wild eyes and the way his ears flicked back in anxious fear. Taylor and Katherine approached cautiously, trying to calm the frightened beast, while the smaller girl, Dani, stared at him with a concentrated look, her brows furrowed.

A young woman with long brown hair rushed into the room, running late for the meeting. She stopped in front of the professor and stammered an apology as the rest of the students looked between her and the large cat cowering in the corner. Grace could almost feel his fear, and she couldn’t help but feel for him.

Standing slowly and taking a small step toward the door, she couldn’t help but feel her palms start to sweat. She wished she was the type to try and help calm him down, but she couldn’t find the words. She had trouble talking to people on a normal basis, let alone when they were panthers that could jump and slice her throat in a second. The growing feeling of unease crept into her stomach as she watched the scene unfold. Maybe it was because she had never seen anything like it before, or maybe it was the mutant part of her that feared him so. Birds were always fearful of the agile cats that preyed on them.

Grace watched as Katherine crouched down in front of the panther and spoke in an authoritative tone. Curiosity kept her from bolting out the door and slamming it behind her. She wanted to see how all of this panned out. With nervous eyes, she glanced around the room, searching for Professor Latour.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Interacting with: Loki @BlackPanther, Dani @TaliPaendrag, and @sirena
Location: the room viewing the underground range then her room

Not even a minute after Sophie had sat down and panic had already flooded the room. She could only watch in sheer horror as first one of her classmates, Loki, slowly and painfully take the form of a terrified, jet black panther, then another classmate, Dani, curl up in a tiny ball as she held her head in pain. This was her fault, and she knew it. "N-no...! I-i didn't mean to -! I didn't know that this would happen! I'm so sorry...! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Her mind screamed in horror, over and over, until she finally stood up with a loud clatter as her knees smacked against the coffee table. "I'm sorry!!!" She screamed aloud with teared up eyes, then ran to the door and accidentally pushed the new comer. "Ah...! I-I'm sorry...!" She repeated, quietly this time, as she stopped only briefly before continuing to run to her room, where she locked herself away and continued to cry under her bed covers.

Interacting with: Loki @BlackPanther, Taylor @Chaotic Chao, Katherine @Wicked Sweet, Danielle @TaliPaendrag, Alexandra @sirena

In moments the room had turned into utter chaos, one of the very things Francis hated the most. He watched with a sigh as Sophie exited the room, in a rather disruptive manner, before returning to Loki. "Good... At this point it would be better if she were not here... I will take care of her but right now we have more pressing matters." He thought to himself as he cracked his knuckles and neck, stretching a bit as well, as he approached Loki. "Everyone step back, please! Come along now, step back! Get to a safer distance! I can take it from here!" He instructed as he took a step closer to the cowering panther. "Alexandra, dear, you know very well that I do not appreciate tardiness! Please be sure that you don't let it happen again, alright my dear? Please take a seat anywhere you like and I will be with you in a moment." He told her offering her a brief warm and gentle smile.

Francis took a step forward. "Now Loki, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Which shall it be, my boy?" He asked taking another step closer. With a swipe from one of the panther's massive paws that phased through Francis, Loki had made his choice quite clear. "Alright.... Hard way it is then..." He thought with a sigh, then lunged and tackled Loki, straddling him in a head lock. Loki jerked around violently, but Francis dug in his heels and held his grip. Francis violently looked another room for Taylor. "Taylor! Quickly! Firmly grab the scruff on the back of Loki's neck! Whatever you do, do not let him go! Katherine! Look Loki dead in the eyes and with a stern and serious tone, tell Loki to relax! Keep repeating it until I say so! You must say it without an ounce of fear in you or it will not work! Understood? Good! Hurry up now! Both of you!" He ordered between the violent jerks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Chaotic Chao@sirena@TaliPaendrag@Wicked Sweet@unfallenangel@Ace of flames01
[and anyone I missed]
Loki Cage

Loki looked up at Taylor and slapped the floor. A behavior typical of cats and large felines that have been corned and are trying to give warning. His ears pin back flat to his skull as his eyes remain wide and scared. In all honesty, he probably has ptsd that when triggered sends him back to memories that then trigger a shift. The panther turns and paws at the wall making soft scared sounds before turned and bunching into the corner.

A voice goes through his mind and it is greeted with feral flight feelings. Compared to feeling the fight side...this was better. He licks his lips showing discomfort and fear as he slaps the floor again..his sleek form shuddering somewhat and the fur lightly puffed. Soon, a newcomer burst in and cased him to hiss, lips curling up as he backed up more. He made another soft scared noise.

Katherine soon approached and asked Taylor to back away. That did help...and yellow feline eyes met human. He grumbled but tilted his head as she spoke. He felt himself stop shuddering and his ears started to perk up. He was about to fully relax when the professor approached. It snapped the relaxation and sent his mind spiraling back into being feral. Ears snapped back and he slapped the floor again...but the professor got to close and caused for Loki to give an actual swipe and a hiss.

He was tackled causing for him to completly panic. Nail scraped at the floor and several unhappy noises came from him. Then he stopped. the panther growled lowly before he looked up at Katherine. Still scared...but now more so as being pinned down made it worse...being crowded made him more scared. The eyes held little to no humanity in them...they seemed more Panther then when he was in human form. The more scared he became the less his human side controlled his body.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Chao
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Chao Resident Space Cowboy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interaction: Loki @BlackPanther, Katherine @Wicked Sweet, Professor Latour @Ace of flames01
Location: X-Mansion, Basement Meeting Room

As Taylor had tried to get closer to Loki, the guy in his panther form seemed to be threatening Taylor to stay back. "Shit..!" Taylor had said to himself, but got a little closer, biting his lip. Even though Katherine told him to back down, he didn't. This was until the Professor had told him to back off. The Professor said he could handle this, but Taylor wasn't that sure.

Then the Professor had tackled the panther, and Taylor was almost in utter shock to see that. ""Taylor! Quickly! Firmly grab the scruff on the back of Loki's neck! Whatever you do, do not let him go! Katherine! Look Loki dead in the eyes and with a stern and serious tone, tell Loki to relax! Keep repeating it until I say so! You must say it without an ounce of fear in you or it will not work! Understood? Good! Hurry up now! Both of you!" Taylor instantly went for Loki, grabbing the scruff on the back of his neck.

The room was heretic, as Loki thrashed and thrashed, trying to get everyone away. Taylor felt Loki claw his leg a little, while trying to escape. "Graaah! Come on, Cage!" Taylor yelled, while trying to hold him down. Taylor couldn't use his full power of super strength, he'd crush Loki's neck, but he can't even hold him down that easily with even a little bit of super strength. Taylor gritted his teeth, and yelled out a sort of a growl and a yell.

So? First day of school, very interesting..
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sirena
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alexandra “Alex” Lee

Location: Underground target range
Interacting With: Katherine (@Wicked Sweet), Loki (@BlackPanther), Sophie and Professor Latour (@Ace of flames01), and whoever is closest to her (can be anyone tbh)

In her haste Alex hadn't managed to see the commotion going on in the room. Eyes still clenched, it wasn't until she felt a body bump into hers that she noticed the students gathering around some sort of animal. She was too distracted to hear the girl's apology or else she would've reassured her that it was no big deal. There seemed to be a much bigger matter hand. ...Was that a panther? She saw a brunette hold out an arm to signal something, but she wasn't sure what. Hearing Professor Latour address her, she nodded in response. "Yes, professor. I swear it won't happen again." Obediently Alex took the closest seat she could find, still feeling extremely guilty about her tardiness.

Alex had no clue what was going on and was extremely worried that someone was going to get hurt. If someone got injured severely she wouldn't be able to help them. Her powers weren't that far developed, as of yet. She continued to watch the scene before her but couldn't make sense of it all. Why was there was a panther? And why did Professor Latour address it as "Loki"? Although she could see the appeal, she didn't think it was anyone's pet. Turning towards the person closest to her she asked, "Why is there a panther here? Is it for some kind of training?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wicked Sweet
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Wicked Sweet is secretly 3 Kobolds in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Did it work? Maybe it did. Loki-cat's ears lifted from the back of his head and he seemed to stop shuddering. Maybe Katherine's mutant ability did have an effect even when Taylor stepped closer.

Until the professor tackled the large black panther. Latour dared to wrap the big cat in a headlock and ordered Taylor to restrain the feline as well. Now things were much worse. Loki-cat was even more agitated and scared. And, probably pissed off to boot. When his eyes met Katherine's a second time her heart ached for him. Kat had lost a bit of respect for the professor in this moment. Latour was suppose to be their mentor and teacher, helping his students learn to control their mutant powers. Yet, here he was, physically restraining a frightened student instead of trying to defuse the situation with calmness and kindness.


As Prof. Latour ordered her to use her mutant persuasion power on the panther Kat momentarily considered using it instead on her teacher and Taylor. But, that would most certainly leave the two of them open to an attack. Maybe they deserve it. Katherine shook her head. She mustn't think that way. Letting her emotions get the better of her was not a good idea with her power. That's how--

Katherine adjusted her position in front of the struggle going on before the class doing her best to once again have her dark eyes catch Loki-cat's gaze. "Loki, hey Loki," she called as calmly as she could possibly manage. "Hey, it's OK. Loki ... trust me," she told the feline. Kat waited a few seconds hoping her words would sink in, but in Loki-cat's increasingly feral state she wasn't sure if her ability would work at all this time. But, she had to try. Before anyone was seriously injured. Taking a deep breath she spoke once again. "Loki ... relax."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Raylan Elisha Wilcox

Location: Range then Sophia Blackthorn's room. [
Interacting with: Sophia Blackthorn@Ace of flames01

Raylan sat and watched as the Polo boy did his thing. It was impressive to say the least, but Raylan couldn't help but wonder just how much control he has over that cube. Raylan thought, was curious if he could even nudge something that heavy. It was impressive but not enough to make Raylan do anything more than what he was doing.

Then it was soccer boys turn. “What is up with these people and their names? Loki Cage? Tiny Dancer? Rocket Man? Two Elton John's and a wanna be trying to get street cred from a name. Wind Dancer my ass, Michael Flatley called and wants his atomic headband back.” Raylan thought himself.

Then he had to say it. He couldn't just leave it alone and be done. “I was trained 10 plus years in kung fu. So I can probably kick just about anyone’s ass in here.” Those replayed in his head as his anger started to grow.

The moment he heard those words. Raylan knew he was going to be the one, the one that tried him. Tiny Dancer would get hurt for it if he did. There was always one, one that had to prove themselves and show they were the biggest badass in the place and Raylan was more often than not the target. He didn't mind, not really. If only because he won almost all the time. His entire life had been a one long fight after another. In fact, if he was being honest, he enjoyed it.

The Institute was one the place he never had to fight and if the truth was known, Raylan has no ideas how live that calm and peaceful life. He was comfortable in chaos and danger. That was the life he knew how to live.

Raylan shifted in his chair. His only movements since sitting back down. There was so much he wanted to do and say but Raylan knew Frank and what he would do. Frank was very good at finding a way to get the better of Raylan. What stopped Raylan was fear of Frank finding out about his bruises. It wouldn't take long after for Frank to put everything together.

Then it was the little Growths turn. Her and Frank both seemed to be joined at the hip. That one of two things, she was either terrified of everything, or she was extremely dangerous. The scarier notion was both were true.

Raylan watched as the whole range turned into the picture of hell. That display made Raylan stand up and take notice. The steel door changed color from the heat alone. This was a terrifying amount of power, this was amazing. Raylan even cracked a smile at the display.

Raylan only took in his eyes off the range when the Frank started talking. He noted the teams and his smile instantly went away. Two psychics, Cat boy, the Fire Growth all stuck around Raylan. He almost felt bad for them. Still Raylan never said a word.

“Cool.” Raylans only word at the clear sight of fear coming from the newly formed Panther. Raylan didn't bother getting any closer than he was. He wasn't about to get got by a big cat. Still he took a single precaution. Raylan's hand opened slightly and the metal ball started rolling towards him. Just the notion of having a weapon with him made him relax.

From the moment Frank started barking orders. Raylan left the room. There wasn't anything he could have done. Plus someone needed to go check in the girl. That someone should have been Grace or Frank, not Raylan. He made his way out of the room passing some Asian girl, never giving a hint of seeing her.

He made himself another cup of coffee and walked out having himself another cigarette. When he was done, Raylan thought about where a scared little girl would go. He settled in her room. Wherever that was. He walked into Frank's office and started going through paper work.

There was a dossier on everyone. Powers, history, and other details could be easily found. Raylan found his first and noted how much was lacking in the file. He couldn't blame Frank for hiding his information, if the wrong things were known about Raylan, very bad things could happen.

Raylan couldn't help but note the exact same thing about the Growths file. There hardly any information about her. In Raylan's head thsr meant two things, she was either crazy or the kid had a rough go. Either way Raylan found her room and made his way there.

Raylan knocked on the door a few times. “You can come out from under the bed clothes and open up or I can. Your call.” Raylan didn't give her the time to answer. An audible click to be heard coming from the other side of the door.

Once the door opened he saw a figure sobbing under the blankets. Raylan just pulled a chair from the desk and sat down. "Don't worry I let myself in. So what's your deal kid? Why you in here crying?” Raylan said crossing in foot over his leg and taking a sip of coffee.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Loki Cage

Loki continued to stare at Katherine. He blinked as if he was understanding what she was asking of him. When told to relax he started to...which meant the humanity seemed to flood back into his very feline eyes. With relaxation comes trying to shift back to human. However, being held the way he is...his body does not have enough space to contort back. What was horrifying to watch is his body try...and get stuck.

Loki's body contorted to some horrifying thing between human and Panther. Bones kept cracking and moving back and forth causing for a look of pain and horror. One of his worst nightmares is getting stuck. This inbetween form is the most vulnerable since his body can't cooperate with him until it's fully one shape or the other. On top of that...this sickening form was visible to those left in the room...making him even more horrified.

Trying hard his body slammed him back into Panther form causing for a small amount of blood to escape his mouth from the rushed decision his body made. His eyes got blurry as he went unconscious. His form went limp and his ears fell forward. He needed more practice shifting...he needed help to make it less painful. Heck he needed help being more human when he is human form. However, right now he needed to be given space to take human form when he woke up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Meeting room
Interacting with: Professor Latour @Ace of flames01

Dani couldn’t help but groan as Sophie realized what was going on with Loki and started panicking as well. Holding off Loki’s fear was already hard enough, and Dani wasn’t entirely sure that she would be able to hold off Sophie’s fear at the same time. Fortunately, Sophie ended up deciding to leave the room in a hurry, which took away a bit of the pressure on Dani’s mind as Sophie got further away and her thoughts grew quieter. Even though Dani could still hear Sophie’s thoughts, they were a good deal quieter and much easier to ignore, enabling the smaller girl to focus on the problem at hand.

As Sophie ran out of the room, Katherine crouched down in front of Loki and told him to relax, no doubt using her ability in an attempt to calm him down. And, strangely enough, it seemed to be working! Dani involuntarily breathed a small sigh of relief as she felt Loki’s hysteria, and subsequently the pressure on her mind, gradually diminish. At least until Professor Latour grabbed him in a headlock and sent everything back to square one.

Muttering a curse under her breath, Dani turned her focus back to holding off Loki’s fear while Katherine tried to get him to calm down again. This time, however, Dani was more prepared, and so it wasn’t as difficult as it had been earlier. As such, she had the luxury to pay attention to some things that she hadn’t really noticed earlier, like the fact that there was a new student in the room or just how feral and animalistic Loki’s mind felt at the moment.

Moments later, it seemed that their second attempt at getting Loki to calm down was rather successful, and Dani couldn’t avoid breathing another small sigh of relief as the pressure on her mind dissipated. Unfortunately, the relative peace Dani experienced was shattered by Loki as he attempted to shift back into his human form, the sound of bones breaking and grinding against each other filling the air.

Immensely glad that she couldn’t see the process occurring, Dani pulled the bottle of Advil from her pocket and quickly swallowed two of the little brown pills while she relaxed on the lounge chair, her feet dangling over the edge again. Shortly afterwards, the horrendous sounds that accompanied Loki’s transformations ceased and he slipped into unconsciousness.

”Sorry that I missed it earlier, but could you tell me what the groups that you mentioned were?” Dani asked the Professor telepathically, hoping that he wouldn’t be too upset with her. While she waited for him to respond, Dani kept her eyes closed and tried not to move too much. Holding off Loki’s terror had given her a fairly large headache and had left her feeling a little nauseous, the latter of which wasn’t helped at all by the gruesome sounds accompanying his transformations.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aaliyah Cruze

Location(s): Infirmary then Meeting Room, X-Mansion basement.

Interacting with: Nurse then with Grace @unfallenangel, Group.

"Could we not of done this yesterday or tomorrow?" Aaliyah spoke with some frustration in her voice as she sat at the edge of the bed, She had found herself spending the morning in the infirmary for her check ups that the teen had been putting of for quite a long time. It was true she was scheduled to come in for her check up at the end of last week but had been actively avoiding it. "We could of done this last week, as originally scheduled remember." The nurse calmly replied as she was finishing up checking on the results from this morning tests.

"But you know how much I do not like being poked and prodded, And now I am like super late now for the meeting professor Latour set up, you know he scheduled that right?" The nurse turned and smiled at Aaliyah as she nodded in acknowledgment. "That I did, But if you came and had your check up when you were supposed to, we would not have this issue my dear, Remember, I am not hear for poking and proding any of you, Only to make sure you are all fit and well." Aaliyah at the nurse with a hint of surprise on her face and a slight smile. "Wait a minute, you did this today on purpose didn't you?" She Enquired.

The nurse smiled "Maybe" as the teen had that 'no way' look about her as the nurse spoke again. "Don't worry the professor already knows your here as I already told him so that you would be, Your vitals are good though, blood pressures and sugar levels are good.." She said looking at the results. "Hmm.. Yes everything looks normal, Now your free to go to, Just remember next time to turn up for your appointments next time and give the professor my best." Aaliyah smiled and nodded, She could not beleive the nurse pulled a stunt like that but she could understand why and did see the amusing side to it, now hopefully Francis really won't mind her being late.

Leaving the infrimary, Aaliyah made her way down through the mansion, many of the students were going about getting ready for lessons for the day ahead as she made her way through them before making her way to where she needed to go to make her way down to the underground section when it was quiet enough to go unnoticed. The young teen was long since ready to come down to the meeting having a morning jog and shower, She was dressed casually in a white tank top and a pair of addidas bottoms and trainers, no need to have anything overly crazy on as there was no telling what would happen in this meeting. Eventually making her way through the maze of the underground she was quickly past by a young girl crying and not long followed by another student, A face she reckonises, 'what happened? have I missed the meeting? What did he do?' She thought to herself.

Finally arriving at the doors to where the meeting was probably still ongoing, Aaliyah had a little butterfly feeling in her gut as she wondered who else was there behind those doors for this meeting. Taking a moment Aaliyah walked in to a very unusual scene, "Sorry I am late, I was just seeing..." What she saw completely caught her off guard and the surprise was on her face was clear to see as Aaliyah stood there quite speechless for moment as she wondered what on earth she just stumbled into. She soon realized she was standing near to Grace, This girl she knew from the times they often talk with one another as she stares at a unconscious Panther. "Grace, Just what exactly have I missed here?" She asked quietly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by unfallenangel
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unfallenangel Time Lord of Middle Earth

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


LOCATION: The basement lounge
Interaction: @sirena (ALEX) @Damo021 (Aaliyah)

Grace watched with a fixed curiosity as the Professor talked Loki and Taylor gripped his scruff, fighting the terrified panther to the ground. The next thing that happened nearly made Grace vomit. The way the bones contorted and stuck out as Loki tried to shift back to a human and the loud cracking noise as they shifted back and forth. With a sudden jolt, the panther seemed to reappear and collapse onto the ground, unconscious.

Thinking that someone should check on Sophie after this entire fiasco, Grace turned to the door in time to see Raylan duck out. She cocked her head to the side and wondered where he was sneaking off to. Hearing Alex ask about the panther, Grace turned back to her and shook her head slightly. “Actually...That’s one of our classmates. His name is Loki and he shape shifts, for lack of a better word. He got freaked out by a fire and went completely feral. They were trying to stop him, and well, you saw how that panned out.”

With a small shrug, Grace turned to head out the door and nearly ran into Aaliyah. “Geez!” she said and jumped slightly when she noticed her. Laughing at herself, she smirked at the girl before her. “So, you missed a kick ass class today. It was a regular three ring circus, you should be jealous that you missed it. We had super strong man, two psychics, a shape shifter, bao the wind dancer and a few others.”

Grace turned back to Loki. “He got spooked and they tried to calm him down, but he got stuck mid shift. It was totally wicked and gruesome. I think the pain was too much and he passed out though,” she explained the situation to Aaliyah and pressed her back against the wall.

Taking one final look around the room, she took a step back and pulled the door open. “I’m going to head out. I’ve had enough fun today. You should check with the professor because he assigned teams,” she called as she headed back up to the ground level. Being inside alone was enough to make her itch with anxiety, but knowing that she was underground made it ten times worse. Outside was where she always wanted to be, it made her feel less caged in.

She made a pit stop by her room and grabbed her sketch pad and a few charcoal pieces before heading outside onto the grounds. Her spot was just outside the courtyard garden, in a tall oak tree. Spreading her wings around her, she pushed herself off the ground and up onto a large branch. Bracing her back against the large trunk, she pulled out her pad and took a deep breath, trying to figure out what she wanted to sketch.

It wasn’t hard for her to think of something. Grace let the charcoal glide across the page as she started with her idea. After a few moments, the image took shape. A terrified panther stood in the corner, his eyes flashing between fear and rage. She used the charcoal like a master, creating different dimensions on the page. Grace lost herself in her work, trying to figure out if she was happy with the way things had turned out for her so far or not.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Interacting with: Loki @BlackPanther, Dani @TaliPaendrag, Katherine @Wicked Sweet, Taylor @Chaotic Chao, Alexandra @sirena, Bao Lu @DrewVonAwesome

As Loki started to relax, Francis too relaxed his hold on him. He knew that his way of restraining and calming the frightened panther were certainly not the best, and he was going to have to apologize for his actions as soon as Loki woke up.

Once Loki fell unconscious, Francis lifted Loki to the best of his ability and carried him to the nearest couch and gently laid him down. He sighed and turned to Taylor and Katherine. "Well that certainly could have gone better on my part, couldn't it? Well done you two. Are you both alright?" Francis asked. He then heard the message from Dani and smiled reassuringly to her. "Not at all, dear. How could you possibly have heard what the teams were amidst the chaos? I apologize for the ruckus; are you alright? You will be on my team along with Raylan, Sophie, and Loki."

Francis then turned his attention to the new arrivals. "Why don't you two young ladies introduce yourself to the class; you both will be part of Bao Lu's team. Just say your name, new codename, and show us what you can do, alright?"

Interacting with: Raylan @AcerRo
Location: Sophie's room

Not long after locking herself up in her room, the door suddenly opened up by itself and the man who had addressed himself as Raylan entered her room. She watched with untrusting eyes as he pulled up a chair next to her and sat down next to her. "The whole pretending to care act doesn't suit you, ya know." Sophie replied with a scoff. "How did you find this place and what do you want, Raylan?" A small fire erupted near his feet as Sophie slowly sat up, her bed sheets draped over her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chao
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Chao Resident Space Cowboy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interaction: Katherine Winchester @Wicked Sweet, Professor Francis Latour @Ace of flames01
Location: Basement Meeting Room, X-Mansion.

"Loki ... relax." Katherine said to Loki, and soon enough it was done.

Taylor felt the rip and tear of his clothes, and somewhat his skin through the struggle of holding Loki down. Taylor felt something cold trickle down his stomach under his ripped red shirt, and he figured it was blood. Luckily Katherine had saved him from being teared apart, and Loki calmed down. Yet, Loki was stuck in his panther phase as blood trickled down his mouth. Taylor noticed that when Loki's bones shift when he shapeshifts, it also becomes painful, so he could only imagine how it felt.

The Professor picked Loki up, and Taylor coughed, holding his stomach as he sat up. "Holy shit.." Was the only thing he could manage from his mouth, he had claw marks on his chest, they weren't deep, but they were still bleeding. Not to mention there was blood and scratches on his hands. Taylor gritted his teeth as he looked at the aftermath of what happened to him.

"Well that certainly could have gone better on my part, couldn't it? Well done you two. Are you both alright?"" The Professor had said.

Taylor wanted to say that, but calmed himself down. "Urgh... I could use a medic.." He groaned, holding his chest. Welp, his favorite red shirt was ruined. Taylor had then turned to Katherine. "Thanks. If you didn't step in at that point, I'd be torn apart." He said, then laid back down, breathing hard.

Fucking A.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wicked Sweet
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Wicked Sweet is secretly 3 Kobolds in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She saw it in his eyes. Katherine's mutant ability of persuasion had worked. Loki-cat had stopped struggling against those whom held him down. Once again he had begun to relax. And, in that moment Kat smiled with some pride in herself for aiding in the situation. But, that moment unfortunately was fleeting.

The sickening sounds that were becoming familiar to her ears signaled that Loki was once again transforming. Yet, this time something went wrong. Once again it appeared he was struggling as his body popped and shifted. For some reason Loki couldn't morph back into his human self. Instead he got stuck between panther and human. It was if his human form and panther form were simultaneously jammed into one space and were forced to fight for dominance. What resulted was not a feline-human hybrid, but a deformed mongrel monstrosity. If Katherine had actually ate a full breakfast before this initial class meeting she surely would have lost it by now after witnessing this horrific sight.

When he finally reverted back to his big cat shape Katherine was relieved that Loki's trauma seemed to finally be over. She gasped as blood shot from the feline's mouth. Her brown eyes welled with tears as Loki-cat fell into unconsciousness before her and the others who remained within the underground lounge. As the tears started to slide down her cheeks the professor lifted Loki-cat up and placed him upon the sofa. Kat stepped over over to the cat, placed a delicate hand upon his large head as she knelt beside the sleeping beast and stroked it gently. "You poor thing."

"Thanks," Taylor said to her as he sat clutching his chest, "If you didn't step in at that point, I'd be torn apart."

Kat turned her head and gave the boy a smile. Wiping away her tears, she slowly stood. "We should get you to the infirmary," Katherine said softly.
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