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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sirena
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alexandra “Alex” Lee

Location: Underground target range
Interacting With: Loki (@BlackPanther), Grace (@unfallenangel), Taylor (@Chaotic Chao), Aaliyah (@Damo021), and Professor Latour (@Ace of flames01)

Alex watched as the brunette who had signalled her earlier spoke to the panther and was surprised when it seemed to understand her. How did she do that? Alex didn't have time to dwell on that, however, as Loki's body contorted into something not fully human nor fully animal. She was scared and shocked at this sudden transformation. Unsure of what to do, she just sat there with her mouth gaping. When Loki transformed back into a panther, Alex wanted to rush forward and help him but stopped herself when the professor laid him down onto the nearest couch. It's alright, Professor has everything handled. She was sure of it.

Hearing Grace's reply, Alex gave her a small smile. "Thanks for clearing things up. I hope he's going to be okay." Alex watched her exchange some words to the other newcomer and then head off. She turned around as she heard the young man in red say he needed a medic, noticing the claw marks on his chest. She was going to offer to help when Professor Latour addressed her and the other raven-haired girl. "I guess I'll go first then?" she said, directing her rhetorical question at the other girl. Standing up, Alex looked around the room and gave everyone the brightest smile she could muster, given the situation. "Hi everyone! I'm Alexandra Lee, but you can just call me Alex. My codename is Haven, and I can heal myself and others. I can't really heal much at the moment, but I'm working really hard on it." She paused for a moment, looking between Loki and Taylor. "I don't think I can do much for Loki if his injuries are internal. Sorry, professor." Alex was clearly upset that she couldn't help him. Alex walked towards Taylor, and kneeled in front of him. "Is it okay if I touch your chest?" she asked, unaware of how odd the question sounded.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Casey W. Locke

Location: Meeting room => Sophie's room
Interacting with: Raylan@AcerRo and Sophie@Ace of flames01

Casey just sat in his seat as he watched the chaos unfold and then calm back down, apparently he was gonna be on the team with that cocky guy Bao that had shown his powers just before Sophie, who ran out had caused Loki to change into a Panther through a process that made Casey cringe. Everything was going to hell in an instant and Casey being one to avoid stress just stood up and walked right out the door after firing the small bits of twisted scrap into the still burning door where they welded to it instantly creating drooping loops on it. When he walked out of the meeting room he took a sip of his floating tea he gagged at the taste of cold Earl Grey, as soon as he thought of that he remembered the Sophie girl and how the fire was actually pretty beutiful to look at. "I wonder where she ran off to..." he pondered and just began wandering around the maze-like basement, half looking for Sophie and half just wandering absentmindedly.

After a minute or two of walking Casey canceled the friction vectors on his feet and began skating down the halls in his running shoes and breathed a sigh of relaxation as he flew through the winding hallways. Soon enough he flitted past Sophie's room and saw the fire at Raylan's feet, apparently it wasn't going well with his attempt at whatever he was doing and Sophie wasn't having any of it. He stopped outside the door and just watched ready to step in and keep Raylan from getting burned which he felt like she would and could in an instant. "Umm.... Is this a bad time?" he nervously asked and slid right up to the doorway leaning against it in an attempt to seem cooler than he ever was, "I think they got that panther guy under control...".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Having forgotten about Sophie Bao braced himself for seeing what she could do in action. When Latour told him about helping instruct the new students. He specifically mentioned Sophie by name. More because he was making sure he had her as a student because of her powers. Its powerful shit by the sound of things, and it didn’t take long for Sophie to prove it in the range. The whole range looked probably not unlike what Hell looks like, and Bao understood completely why Latour was concerned about it.

Then shit got crazier somehow, Loki freaked out and in what looked like a moment of completely losing control turned into a panther. Everyone thankfully gathered in on him and got him to calm down before he sickeningly snapped back to normal. As Latour got back up Bao made sure to help him up with a hand. Watching on as Sophie dashed off, Bao was just about to leave after her before seemingly of all people Raylan went after him. Huh, maybe he wasn’t as bad as Bao thought.

As the other two new kids were both introducing themselves though, Bao gently pulled Latour over closer to him.

“Look, you know I’m with you on this right?” Bao asked glancing back over at the others. “I mean... are you sure about these guys though? I’m sure there are other students in school who can be more adapt for this.” Bao quietly folded his arms exchanging his glance between the others and Latour. “Will we really have time to get these guys ready when things start getting real?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Raylan Elisha Wilcox

Location: Sophia Blackthorn's room.
Interacting with: Sophia Blackthorn@Ace of flames01 and Casey Locke @The ghost in black

Raylan leaned over and lit a cigarette from the fire that appeared by his feet. “Thanks for the light. Should be a bottle of whiskey in the closest ceiling.” Raylan said sitting back in the chair, he poured a bit of his coffee on the fire. Raylan wasn't about to let her intimidate him.
“You know what, we are oft to blame in this, tis too much proved that with devotion's Visage and pious action we do sugar o'er the devil himself. Hamlet Act three, scene one. I don't care and I'm not hiding it. Now, you can play nice and answer the damn question and tell me why you're in here balling under the bedclothes. Or I can shut the door and make sure you get to cry in here all alone permanently. It's your call little girl.” Raylan said with eyes locked in her. He wasn't sure if he was really willing to even attempt following through with his his threats, but he was more than willing if she felt so inclined.

Raylan sipped the last of his coffee when he heard a voice behind him. Raylan turned slightly to see whose voice he heard. It was the Polo boy, what was his name? Casey Jones? No, Casey Jones was driving his train high on cocain. At least he's out having fun, this dude looks like a Calvin Klein reject. “Goodie, I'm filled with joy. The Young Boy's Modeling Association is in on Third Street from my understanding.” Raylan said looking over his shoulder slightly before looking back at Sophia, who was doing a very bad job of trying to be the Boogie Man or whatever she was doing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location: Sophie's room then the yard outside
Interacting with: Raylan @AcerRo, Casey @The ghost in black

Sophie cracked a smile at Raglan's threats and locked eyes with him. Not an ounce of fear could be detected in her eyes, only a burning rage and a dead emptiness. "Sorry, old man, but I speak English not ye old language from your era. You think I'm scared of your empty little threats? What if I told you I wanted to be permanently stuck down here? Why the hell do think I locked the door that you so rudely broke? Get the hell out of here, you aren't cut out for this kind of work, you damn drunk. Go back to the gutter you passed out in last night." She replied as she made Raylan's cigarette exploded in his face, slightly singeing his left eyebrow. Sophie smirked and laughed softly. She got up from her bed and walked up to the doorway with her blanket draped over her, then stopped briefly and smiled gently at Casey before continuing, placing a hand on his shoulder as she passed by him. "Thank you for letting me know. I think I'll just take a quick walk before I return to the others. Could you please tell Professor Latour for me?" She replied softly as she passed by him.

Sophie navigated the labyrinth like passage ways with ease and soon made it outside to the backyard, where she wondered aimlessly as she thought about everything that had already happened in so little time. She sighed and combed her fingers through her hair "Who am I kidding? I'm not cut out for this either.... God I am such a hypocrite..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Meeting room
Interacting with: Professor Latour @Ace of flames01 and everyone in general

”I’ll be fine once my head stops pounding,” Dani said in response to the Professor’s inquiry. If she was being honest, she was pretty relieved that he hadn’t gotten upset with her for not paying attention, and she was quite surprised that he seemed to care how she was feeling. Considering the fact that Dani had only rarely had understanding or concern directed her way in her life, she couldn’t really think of how to properly respond once Professor had explained what group she was in apart from a weak, ”Thanks.”

Despite the fact that she really just wanted to keep her eyes closed until her headache and nausea passed, Dani felt that she should probably at least try and seem like she was paying attention as the two latecomers took their turns introducing themselves and their powers. And so, she forced herself into a more upright sitting position, wincing slightly as her head swam, and turned her attention towards the girl who quickly introduced herself as Alex/Haven and explained that she had the power to heal people.

To actually demonstrate her ability, the girl approached Taylor, who had apparently sustained some injury or another while holding onto Loki’s feline form, and asked that he allow her to touch his chest. Despite the fact that it didn’t seem that Alex would be able to use her ability to provide Dani with some relief from her headaches, she had to admit that Alex’s ability would certainly prove useful in the long run. While Alex waited for Taylor’s permission to heal his injury, Dani turned her attention to the other latecomer and tried to see if she could guess what her power(s) would be.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Casey W. Locke

Location: Sophie's room => Yard
Interacting with: Sophie@Ace of flames01

Casey scowled at Raylan as he taunted him and was about to say something but stopped when Sophie verbally berated him herself. He covered his mouth and snickered before going dead silent when Sophie walked past him and placed a hand on his shoulder thanking him. "Shit, I didn't say anything back!" he thought as she walked don the hallways, Casey gave a final glare towards Raylan before rushing out and following Sophie out to the yard where he cleared his throat to get her attention. He was a thinking of what to say but couldn't get anything before they made it outside.

"Umm... I didn't get to say your welcome sooo I guess... your welcome." Casey said, defaulting to saying something stupid, rubbing the back of his neck clearly nervous talking to her. "You sure you are okay Sophie?" he asked trying to break the tension that he was just exuding and it showed by the ring of flattened grass as his field push away anything physical. "You.. you just looked kinda down and since we're gonna be working together... you know... like we just have to be in tip top shape" he said and skated next to her careful not to get too close.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Loki Cage

Loki was still unconscious when Alex explained her ability. His paws twitched some until in an extremly fast transformation with a succession of snaps, he became human again. He still had his pants on luckily, but his bare upper half was covered in bruises. The most apparent one being a rather angry bruise on his neck. The struggle along with being stuck caused them...and he still remained comatose. His nose had a small trail of blood along with his mouth, but the blood looked fairly dry. He wasn't going to bleed out and die nor was he going to have internal problems.

He was probably going to hurt like hell when he woke up with that many bruises.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wicked Sweet
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Wicked Sweet is secretly 3 Kobolds in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting with: Loki @BlackPanther and Alex @sirena

"Hi everyone! I'm Alexandra Lee," one of the late-comers introduced herself. "but, you can just call me Alex. My codename is Haven, and I can heal myself and others. Katherine's mood lightened. A healer is just what Taylor and Loki needed. Though, at the same time she couldn't help be more than a little annoyed that Latour was continuing having students introduce themselves and showoff their abilities while two of his students lay injured in the room. "I don't think I can do much for Loki if his injuries are internal. Sorry, professor." And, just like that Kat's hope was extinguished.

A few snaps and pops in quick succession, sounding eerily similar to a breakfast cereal, alerted Katherine to yet another transformation by Loki. She knelt down once more to check him out, somewhat relieved that this shift was short and seemingly easier on his body. He was human again. A very tall and muscular boy who might even be dreamy if it weren't for the dotting of bruises over his torso. Where Taylor was good-looking and had a smile that could melt nearly any girl's heart, Loki by comparison was a chiseled statue of a Greek god. But, this wasn't the time to compare the looks of her classmates. Both young men needed medical attention. There was a of brownish dried blood from Loki's nostril to his upper lip. Of even more concern was a particularly nasty bruise that took up a good portion of his neck and was nearly black in color. Once again, Kat found herself stroking Loki's head, running her hand through his raven black hair out of sympathy and concern.

"Is it okay if I touch your chest?" she heard Alexandra ask Taylor.

After a moment, wanting to see if Alex could truly heal Taylor's chest wound, Katherine pleaded with her. "Are you sure there isn't anything you can do for Loki?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location: the yard outside
Interacting with: Casey @The ghost in black

Startled a bit by a voice that interrupted her thoughts, Sophie stopped and turned to see that Casey had followed her. He had asked her if she was going to be alright, and honestly, that was a first for her; she wasn't sure how exactly she should respond to such a question.

"Ah... uh... Yeah... Yeah I'll be fine... You said your name was Casey, right? Back when we were introducing ourselves? Why did you follow me? I mean... You saw what kind of destruction I'm capable of, so, aren't you afraid of me?" She replied, rubbing her arm awkwardly and finding it difficult to hold eye contact with him. She took a couple of steps back to make herself more comfortable with the situation, but even then she found herself to be extremely uncomfortable with the whole situation.

Location: Range
Interacting with: Bao Lu @DrewVonAwesome

Soon after Alexandra had begun introducing herself, Bao Lu pulled Francis aside. Francis' gazed over his students with concern, yet with pride. Bao Lu did have a very valid point, there were many other students that had applied for this class, those who were much better prepared for this than those present. Francis smiled and fixed his gaze back on Bao Lu. "Oh yes, there were many others that applied for this class, many that would be ready for action right now if we were under attack. However, I hand picked these children for a reason. A reason I am not entirely sure of yet." He said with a hushed voice so only Bao could hear him. He chuckled softly. "But I have complete and utter faith in each and every one of them. They will be ready when the time is right. You just need to have a little more trust in them, Bao Lu. They are going to need all the help they can get and right now, we are the only ones who are able to teach these children control."

Francis heard then snapping of Loki's bones and cartilage as he shifted back to normal somewhat. He grimaced as he knew that had to have been painful and that the boy's condition was mainly because of the professor's poor decisions. Francis sighed heavily."God, how am I ever going to make it up to that boy for what I did?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chao
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Chao Resident Space Cowboy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interaction: Alex @sirena, Katherine @Wicked Sweet
Location: Basement meeting room, X-Mansion

Katherine had suggested to get Taylor to the infirmary with a warm smile. Taylor smiled back, but in pain. He groaned, "I'm... not getting up anytime soon." Taylor felt as if he was attacked by a panther- Oh wait, he was.

"Is it okay if I touch your chest?"

Taylor raised an eyebrow for a second, but than realized she meant to heal him. Taylor nodded, "If that can help me. But, I ... I think Loki needs more attention right now, he's injured worse than me.." Taylor said to her. The fact that Loki turned into a hybrid of man and panther, not to mention blood ran from his mouth and nose and the grotesque bruises covering him. Taylor could easily tell that Loki may need more help. Then he coughed.

Honestly, Taylor felt like he was going to pass out from the exhaustion and wounds he had on his chest, left side, and hands. The stinging, the stinging was bad. It felt like someone was pouring bleach on his wounds, especially when the wind swayed into his cuts. Taylor breathed in and breathed out. He wasn't sure if he could stay awake.

"...Urgh.." He managed, trying to speak but even then he was too tired to do so. So he quietly laid his head on the wall, breathing in and out. He wrapped both of his arms around his chest, trying to keep the wind from going inside of his cuts and making him feel even worse. Taylor slowly closed his eyes, and his vision dimmed out from his eyelids slowly closing.

Soon enough, he was unconscious.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by unfallenangel
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unfallenangel Time Lord of Middle Earth

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


LOCATION: Outside -> institute

From her spot in the trees, Grace could see Sophie and Casey emerge from the entrance and stop to talk. It seemed as though Casey had come after her. Briefly, she wondered what had happened down there after she had left. She closed her sketch book, tucked it under her arm, and spread her wings. Floating lightly to the ground, she tucked her wings back under her shoulder blades and headed back inside. It felt like she had been outside for hours, but it hadn’t been that long.

She always got lost in her work when she was drawing. Grace made her way to the kitchen to grab herself a bottle of water and a banana before heading back down to the basement. As she made her way through the maze, she couldn’t help but think about Professor Latour taking on this many students and leaving another higher student to help. Grace had been there for a while now, and she had never known him to be so bold with his student choices.

Usually they seemed to be smaller, more condensed groups. She wondered if something else was happening that they didn’t know about. Stopping just outside the large doors, she listened to see if there was still a lot of drama going on inside. Hearing nothing but muffled voices, Grace pushed the doors open and peeked inside.

Loki lay on the couch, unconscious. Taylor was also unconscious. Katherine was standing with her arms folded across her chest, looking from both boys to the girl named Alex. Loki looked like he had been hit by a bus and Taylor looked...pretty beaten up. Latour stood near Loki’s human form, talking to Bao. She had apparently missed quite a lot. She slipped back into the room and looked from the two boys to Alex and Katherine. “Oh this is going to be a fun year,” she muttered and perched lightly on a chair near the door.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Raylan Elisha Wilcox

Location: Kitchen.

“She's scared. Interesting.” Raylan said as he stood up and wiped his brow. “She blew up the cigarette… So she does more than just start fires. I see why Frank has taken such an interest in her.” Raylan stood up, wincing from his ribs. He lifted his shirt up and inspected the damage from the night before. It was worse than he thought, deep blues and purples seemed to cover his rib cage and stomach. At least his abs looked nice, that was a small bonus. He made to sure to take the bottle with him.

Raylan made his way to the kitchen. He made sure that he was alone before he took a wet rag and put it in the microwave. When it was nice and hot, Raylan lifted his shirt and applied to his ribs. He would repeat this as many times as it took to get his body to loosen up.

The point was to aid healing. No amount of ice was going to make it better quick enough. He just needed to loosen up enough to be able to move. It was an old trick he'd learned from his days living in an MMA gym. Cold is for when you're done, heat is to keep going.

He took a single swig from the bottle of whisky that was pulled from Sophie's room. It was a small one, only a pint. Yet that was enough to help him get through the day without seeming hurt. He put the bottle in one of his hiding places, just in case anyone showed up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Casey W. Locke

Location: Yard
Interacting with: Sophie@Ace of flames01

Casey gave a slightly more confident laugh and slid to a stop next to Sophie, "Sophie.... I have to say this, you couldn't hurt me with that light show if you tried." he said and tried to catch her eyes "What you did in there was honestly amazing, but do you honestly think your the only one with destructive powers?" Casey said, a bit sorry to have to be so blunt but it had to be said. "There are so many amazing people like you who don't have ANY control of their powers but the Professor chose you because you're special" he said before puling out a pencil "I'm just as destructive as you". The pencil flew out of his hand and into a nearby tree taking a chunk out of it and obliterating the pencil into a fine dust. "But... you know how I control it?" he asked and finally caught her eyes but couldn't hold it for long as he turned away this time with the embarrassment catching him again, "I-I take a deep breath and just say that, I'm not the only one, because if you can believe it I went through this whole, "lock myself away" too". He gave a nervous smile and realized that he was rambling and looked back at Sophie hoping he got through to her at least a little bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sirena
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alexandra “Alex” Lee

Location: Underground target range
Interacting With: Loki (@BlackPanther), Taylor (@Chaotic Chao), and Katherine (@Wicked Sweet)

"If that can help me. But, I ... I think Loki needs more attention right now, he's injured worse than me.." the young man replied. Eyebrows furrowed, she gave Taylor a concerned look but resigned. "Okay, if you're sure." Alex was about to leave his side when she noticed him getting weaker by second. She reached out, grabbing onto his shoulders; but he had already passed out at that point. "Hey, come on. Stay with me now," she shook his shoulders lightly in an attempt to wake him up. Worried and in a slight panic, she did the first thing she could think of. Alex gingerly took his hands in hers in an attempt to heal his wounds. Eyes closed, she tried to calm her rapid heartbeat so that she could focus on healing Taylor. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. You can do this Alex. Focus. A cooling sensation enveloped her hands as she felt her healing powers working. Opening her eyes, she was happily surprised to see that Taylor's hands looked as good as new. She would have to celebrate later, however, as there were more important matters at hand. Alex gently placed her hands on his chest, again, concentrating as hard as she could. She wasn't sure if the wounds were completely healed, but she had managed to make them stop bleeding at least. She sighed in relief; she was actually able to do something right for once. But her job wasn't over just yet.

"Are you sure there isn't anything you can do for Loki?" Katherine pleaded with her. Turning her attention to the brunette, Alex was surprised to see Loki had reverted back to his human form with an array of bruises littering his body. "I can definitely try," she said, reassuringly. She made her way over to the other young man, kneeling beside him. Carefully wrapping her hands around Loki's neck, Alex once again tried to use her healing powers. The angry bruise on his neck faded to a greenish yellow colour. It wasn't fully healed, but it was now in the last stages of its natural healing process. Moving onto his chest, she tried to heal as many bruises as possible. At this point she could feel the energy draining from her body. Come on Alex, just a hold out a bit longer. She wasn't used to healing multiple people in one day, so it definitely was taking a toll on her. After a while she removed her hands from Loki's body, letting her arms go limp at her side. Alex hung her hand, breathing more heavily than usual. "Sorry...I think...I think that's the best...I can do."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@sirena@Wicked Sweet[and everyone else in the room]
Loki Cage

Even unconscious Loki's self was more feline in nature. This was proven by the sound that came out of his throat while Katherine ran her hand through his hair. The sound was a but gravely, but still recognizable as a purr. Which would probably be embarrassing for him if he was conscious. His eyes seemed to move underneath his eye lids, and he looked the most calm he's been since arival.

As he was healed, he started to gain consciousness. Slowly, yellow eyes made an appearance and he seemed to freeze. He blinked a moment before looking and seeing both Katherine and Alex sitting by him. He blinked again then sat up, eyes searching for his sunglasses and spotting the pieces. A grumble came from him and he laid back down. Hands went to his face as bits and pieces of what happened made an appearance in his mind. A wave of dread splashed over him.

"Dammit." he made a frusterated noise before rolling somewhat to look at both women. "Are you two okay?" one of his hands went to his still sore side. His yellow eyes were filled with concern along with a bit of insecurity about being both without a shirt and without his sunglasses.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by unfallenangel
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unfallenangel Time Lord of Middle Earth

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


LOCATION: Basement -> Kitchem
Interaction:@BlackPanther@sirena@AcerRo@Ace of flames01

Grace stood and leaned her back against the wall, watching as Alex heal first Taylor and then Loki. That was a convenient power to have. After a few moments of touching Loki, Alex seemed to pull away and look exhausted. "Sorry...I think...I think that's the best...I can do." Alex panted. Grace walked over to her and put a hand gently on her shoulder.

“Alex, that was pretty amazing. I think even a little bit will help both of him for now.” She tried to sound reassuring to the other girl, but she was distracted at Loki let out a gravelly purr and began to wake up. He looked really shaken up as his eyes scanned the room in a panic.

“Hey, Loki, you’re okay. You didn’t do anything wrong,” she said gently and looked from Alex to Katherine for reassurance. Loki really did remind her of a caged wild animal. “No one got too badly hurt. Are you okay?” Grace kept her distance from him, giving him room to recover.

She then looked from Loki to professor Latour and Bao, who were still conversing in the corner of the room. “Do we have anything else to do today, or was the introductions really it?” she asked quietly. “Because I’m getting hungry. My poptart didn’t really do a whole lot. I’m going to try and find something to eat, if you need me I’ll either be in the kitchen or in the courtyard,” she called quietly, picked up her sketchpad, and ducked out of the room.

She ambled along slowly, wondering what the professor and Bao were planning for them as group exercises. She made her way into the kitchen and headed straight for the fridge, but froze when she saw Raylan leaning against the counter, a bottle beside him on the counter. She watched him as he opened the cabinet to stash the bottle and couldn’t help but smirk.

Holding out her hand, she flicked her wrist, sending a small gust of wind forward and slammed the cabinet door shut. “You’re missing all the fun down in the basement. There were at least two unconscious at one point.” She sat her sketchpad down on the counter and leaned against it with both hands as he turned around.

A damp rag was in his right hand and as he pulled his shirt down, Grace caught sight of a few dark bruises. “Geezus, what did you do? Get hit by a bus?” She shook her head and pulled herself up onto the counter, perching herself on the edge as she regarded him cautiously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Raylan Elisha Wilcox

Location: Kitchen
Interacting with: Grace Potter [@unfallenangle]

The moment the door shut. Raylan knew exactly who shut it. It was Grace, anyone else would have have said something about it before shutting the door.

“Yeah, a bus. It was a big cat bus. Me and this huge ass racoon named Toto took a ride. I zigged when the catbus zagged.” Raylan said as he reached for the bottle and took another drink. A small one this time. He stretched out a little, checking to see how much pain was still coming from his bruises. It was all starting to loosen up.

It seemed like Grace didn't remember much from the night before and Raylan, was more than happy to keep that going. “I bet Frank is over the moon, someone passed out and I had nothing to do with it this time.” Raylan deadpaned. Heating the rag up, and placing it on another bruise.

Raylan turned to look at her. He couldn't help but notice the sketch pad and penciles."Been drawing have you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wicked Sweet
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Wicked Sweet is secretly 3 Kobolds in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting with: Alex @sirena, Loki @BlackPanther, Prof. Latour@Ace of flames01

An odd sound came from Loki as Katherine gently stroke his short, black hair. If she didn't know better she would say he was... purring? She bit her lip to muffle a giggle. It was rather cute. Though he had fallen unconscious do to his injuries and trauma the boy appeared quite peaceful in this moment, as if he was simply sleeping.

Despite the fact Taylor had passed out beforehand, Alex had seemingly managed to heal the boy's wounds at least well enough to close the injuries and stop the bleeding. After laying her hands upon Loki many of the contusions that decorated his shirtless body disappeared and the large bruise upon his neck looked a lot better. Katherine gave Alexandra a hug with one arm even as the young woman's arms went limp by her side. "You did great," Kat told her with a soft voice and smile.

Shortly after Alex worked her magic Loki began to stir awake. Katherine was taken aback by his golden eyes. It wasn't that she was scared, but surprised at their unusual color. They seemed more feline than human. And were quite... mesmerizing. Kat watched as the boy sat up and looked around seemingly in shock. Kat found herself biting her lip again as she once more admired his toned and well-defined upper torso. "Are you two okay?" The question didn't register for her at first as Kat was rather distracted by the scenery.

“Hey, Loki, you’re okay. You didn’t do anything wrong,” said the winged Grace. Katherine hadn't even noticed the brunette had reentered the room let alone joined Alex and herself by Loki's side. “No one got too badly hurt." Kat's brow furrowed. Why did she say that?

"Alexandra here mended you up pretty well," Katherine quickly added. "You look a lot better now than you did moment ago thanks to her." She lightly placed her hand upon Loki's and looked up into those golden eyes of his. "Nothing that happened this morning is your fault," Katherine said firmly.

After a moment, Katherine stood an examined the room. Grace had left once more. Did she have ADD or what? Raylan and Casey had left, and Sophia had ran off in a huff. Taylor lay unconscious in the floor still. Dani the telepath was sitting alone and looked to not be feeling very well, while the professor has having a conference with Bao. Katherine was annoyed that their mentor once again appeared to be dropping the ball.

"Professor," Katherine sternly addressed Latour with her hands upon her hips. "Might I suggest that we adjourn class for the morning. We have students who are exhausted and injured who need looking after or, at the very least, should be allowed to rest in their rooms."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Meeting room, then kitchen
Interacting with: Raylan @AcerRo and Grace @unfallenangel

After a couple of moments of trying to guess what powers the unknown girl possessed with little success, a loud series of pops and snaps drew Dani’s attention back towards Loki’s sleeping form, which was human once again. She was a bit surprised to see that Taylor was unconscious and propped up against the wall, Alex focusing intently as she held his hands. Though Dani couldn’t really see anything happen from where she was sitting, Alex certainly seemed satisfied as she moved her hands to Taylor’s chest a few moments later.

Once Alex had finished with Taylor, she moved back to Loki and began healing him as well. When she finished, it was clear that she was rather tired from the exertion, but both Taylor and Loki seemed to be sleeping more comfortably than they had been before. At least until Loki came to several minutes later. From the strange groan-ish noise he made shortly after realizing that his sunglasses were destroyed, it seemed that, despite how feral his mind had felt, he remembered most of what had transpired before he passed out.

Fortunately, Grace, whom Dani had felt arrive back at the room while Alex was in the middle of healing Taylor, seemed to realize it as well, stepping up to congratulate Alex before assuring the shapeshifter that he hadn’t done anything wrong. On the other hand, she didn’t really seem all that interested in sticking around to see how things progressed from there, explaining to the Professor that she would be in the kitchen getting something to eat if he needed her before leaving again.

At the mention of food, however, Dani remembered that she hadn’t eaten breakfast yet, wincing as her stomach rumbled and drove the point home. Though somewhat concerned that she would get in trouble for leaving the meeting early, Grace had already done so twice with seemingly no repercussions, and so, while Katherine confronted the Professor about something or the other, Dani found herself quietly slipping from the room and making her way towards the kitchen.

Before too much longer, Dani arrived at the kitchen and walked in, doing her best to pay Grace and Raylan no mind as she headed towards the cupboards where she remembered the cereal being located. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until she was standing in front of the counter below the cupboards that she remembered that she wasn’t actually tall enough to reach them without some kind of boost. Heaving a dejected sigh, Dani turned to start looking around the kitchen in the hopes that she would find a step ladder or something she could use to reach the cupboard.
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