Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn applies the medigel and activates his helmet once more. He cocks his head and looks past Williams. "I say we use a more comfortable ride." He points at the pod and walks up to one of the few remaining consoles. "It appears to be in working order. It would definitely be a faster and safer way out then using those beasts again." With a few clicks and the pull of a lever, the pod opens up. "I've entered the coordinates of the shore. It should guide us there safely and then it's just a cakewalk back to the Argo."

He strides pas Williams, takes the girl from him and motions her to sit down in the pod. "Just keep the rebreather on for now. Just to be safe. Never trust colonial tech." As soon as Willaims' inside, Flynn pushes the button and the pod closes. With a hiss and, what sounds like a small explosion the pod ejects!

The lights flicker and go completely dark. There are no windows, so it is hard to say where they were... After what seems like hours the lights flicker back on and the white walls vanish, making place for a transparent material, revealing the blue calm waves on all sides. With a shock the sideway thrusters activate and with rapid speed makes way towards the beach.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The view if the ocean on all sides is both euphorical and devastating. If it wasn't for all the time he spent in space he would experience both. However now he just looked out the pod with a bored and unstatisfied look. That is until the boosting stopped a few hundred meters before the shore. The pod slowly descended, and they all grabbed a handle,or any other surface that could hold em.

The pod eventually hit the water and started spinning at a rapid rate, and rolled itself on the water surface. The beach was only a few ten metres away, but the pod went on rolling, out on the shor, where it was finally stuck in the wet sand. With a small hiss the pod's door bursted off the main structure and the transparency of the cabin's stopped to exist.

William sighed as he stepped out of the cabin, having a huge bump on his forehead. He touched it gently, but he hissed from the pain, he felt, so he stopped experimenting. He looked around. They landed in the spot they started from, or the beaches look ghostly similar on this planet. To his surprise their bests were still on the shore.
William whistled and one of the beasts jogged over to him with a confused face. He kneeled down and patted it's head "Good boy, Thunder"
The beast made a laughing noise, almost as if it mocked it's master, but it accepted the pat with glittering eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn steps out of the cabin as well and helps the girl by giving her a hand. He looks around, a bit bewildered before shaking his head. "Hey Williams... I'll go and get the Argo and pick you guys up. Saves you and the girl the trouble of ploughing through the jungle." His eyes shift towards the jungle up the cliff. "Should take half an hour. We'll keep contact via the radio. Oh... And see if you can reestablish a connection with 3Y3. My Tool seems a bit haywired." With one last salute to Williams, he makes his way towards the jungle.

A short climb later and he finds himself surrounded by foliage once more. Well, better foliage then in a metal cabin surrounded by water. Cutting and hacking his way through vines and roots, Flynn manages to retrace his steps back to the Argo. He plants his face in his hand as a Argo, half sunken away with his landing gear in some mud, greets him. With a flick of a switch on his wrist, Flynn opens his comm to Williams. "Yeah... It's going to take a bit longer. Guess the stabilizers didn't hold... Landing gear is stuck in the mud. Your call: make your way here with the girl, or wait a bit longer while I fix this."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Williams just raised his hand as a sign of acknowledgement, and continued to play with the animal for a while longer. Both he and Thunder followed Flynn with their eyes, until he disappeared behind the thick vegetation. Williams looked at the girl who was sitting beside the pod, but decided not to go there. If he was in her position, he would appreciated some lone time. He turned back to Thunder, and the beast licked his face. With a slightly disgusted smile he laughed, and cleaned his face of the salyva with his shirt. As soon as he did, he saw a slight glimmering over the ocean. It could have been the sun, he thought at first, but the time was already late, and the double suns of the planet, were on they their way to cast a few hours of twilight, before casting a night lasting 30 hours. This planet really was weird for anyone that grew up on Earth. He looked around for his helmet, until he found it laying a few metres back on the shore. Willaims picked it up, and patted it a few times so the sand would come out, and then he put it on. His hair crunched as the sand in the helmet pushed against his head, but it wasn't so bad. He zoomed in, and saw 3Y3 coming to shore. The droid must have noticed them coming towards the shore with the pod, but it was a long way to go with the small engine it had.

Willaims felt like it took an eternity for teh droid to reach shore, but he himself knew it was not more than a few minutes. The droid casted a long, wayward shadow as the suns were setting behind him. He wished it was a leisurely dressed woman would come instead of the droid, but even after closing his eyes, and opening them, only the droid stood in front of him, angrily beeping. "Whoa calm down buddy! Flynn got some nice waterproof plates for you, when we get back to the ship! Next time we'll message you, I promise!" Of course he didn't really mean it, but at least 3Y3 booped in acknowledgement. Suddenly teh radio in his helmet crackled to life, but the interfere was too big for him to catch any words. However it was the voice of Flynn for sure. He glanced over at the droid, but it seemed it couldn't catch a word either. "Can you amplify my signal? " 3Y3 gave off some happy chatter and soon he his HUD showed the symbol of amplified comms.

"Flynn, I didn't quite catch you, the interference is way too big here. 3Y3 is amplifying the message here, so I hope you can get it. We'll be setting up camp here, cause I really don't want to search for the ship in the dark, or even in dusk. Just make sure you fix the ship in an hour or so. We'll make a campfire until then. Over." They would need at least another 30 minutes or so to make a campfire, but there is no way Flynn would finish in that time. He turned off his comm, and patted the little droid. From the otehr side Thunder bumped him, with a jealous expression. He couldn't help but smile and kneeled down to pet the animal. "Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" The animal seemed to understand, and with a proud face, heads high up, he announced to the world that he was deeme a good boy. Or girl. Frankly Williams didn't know, but with both companions by his side, thay started walking back to the pod. And with the setting suns casting a long shadow on the white sand of the beach, the three figures slowly made their way back towards the girl, they worked so hard to rescue.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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"We'll make a campfire until then." and the link closes with a crackle. "Sure, Williams. You just stay with the nice girl and your pets on a romantic beach, while I will work until the middle of the night in a creepy jungle to get the Argo back and running." he says to no one in particular. With a shrug he surrenders to the situation and opens the entry hatch of the Argo with a button on his wrist. Carefully avoiding the sucking mud, he makes his way aboard the ship.

At least the interiors of the ship seem untouched and the only problem would be the landing gear. Making his way to the cockpit, several creative solutions fly through his head. Upwards thrust? Heating it up and breaking it? With a shake of his head he dismisses the ideas one by one. This required a delicate touch. The landing gears were very vulnerable and... Hm... Maybe he should have taken that upgrade offer anyway from a couple of weeks ago.

Sitting down in the pilot chair, he brings down a panel and flicks it on. A red warning message pops-up which states the obvious: the landing gear is stuck. "Thanks com. Didn't notice yet..." With a sigh he activates the upwards thrusters and puts them on minimal thrust. As soon as he feels the shock of resistance, he puts the Argo in hover. He turns around in his chair and stands up once more. He makes his way to the armory and looks around. "We should have... Ah! There it is." Picking up a laser cutter, he opens the comm channel once more. "Yo, Williams. This is going to take a while, but can you send 3Y3 over, if you already found him that is. I could use his tools."

Flynn jumps of the hatch. The ship was maybe two centimeters up in the air. He had to watch out for the thrusters, but should be fine overall. With a flick of the button, he activates the laser cutter and makes his way to the first 'leg'. Time to start cutting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

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"I mean he's a great guy, reliable and stuff, but don't EVER let him play cards."- The girl chuckled and swept some hair out of her face. Finally Williams made her laugh, because the last hour of her crying was just too much. I mean who expects you to just sit by idly and let a girl cry. Williams and his scruffy bearded face smiled, and continued the story, gesturing throughout the whole story. "And so we had those aliens follow us. Thank god the argo was there unless we would have..."- His helmet a few feet away, laying in the sand gave out some crackling noise, and interference could be heard. Some of that stuff when military grade equipment is blocking commercial radios. Williams picked up the helmet and put it next to his head to listen. He was sure it was Flynn. He frowned as he couldn't make out anything, but thankfully 3Y3 came to his help, and amplified the signal. It was better, but still kinda shit. "Yo, Williams. This is going to take a while, but can you send 3Y3 over, if you already found him that is. I could use his tools." Williams turned off the comms repeat and looked at the droid. "Pal you wanna go and help Flynn?" The small droid made a whistling sound, which could have been either agreement or disagreemnet. Williams looked at it confused, and he imagines his face looked ridicolous. He scracthed the back of his head and exclaimed. "Well then, do what you want I guess." The droid made a few boops and whistles, on different frequencies, then it left very quickly. Williams looked at it enter the forest and thought to himself that he'll never really get this droid.

He sat down next to the girl, and poked the campfire with a stick. "So how did you end up being captured?" He didn't look at the girl, but he could feel that her cheerful mood disappeared in a second. She pulled her legs close to herself, and hugged em, finally ending up in a position, that made her look like an embrio. "I guess you don't wanna talk about it." Williams looked at the girl who shook her head, and closed her eyes. Williams sighed, and poked the fire once again. This is gonna be a long night he thought, as the silver glow slowly raised up from behind the vast ocean, revealing the distant starts to the naked eye.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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A bright red beam lights up in the encroaching darkness. The night had come fast, as the many trees blocked out the last remaining sunglight. Luckily the Argo had exterior lights which helped. It still gave Flynn the creeps though.

A rustling sounds. The sound of leaves. He drops the cutter, draws his side arm and aims at the sound. Silence... Then a spherical shaped object comes flying out of the foliage, letting out several bleeps and excited noises. Flynn flynches for a second and almost pulls the trigger, but notices the little droid in time. "Sheesh, 3Y3, you could have let me know alright? Glad you're here though." He looks back at the gears. He managed to free one of the three thusfar. As soon as it had become free, the 'leg' retracted. Three more to go. With 3Y3 it would only take half the amount of time.

With a short command he sends 3Y3 to one of the landing gears with the task to cut away the mud. He himself picks up the laser cutter once more and continues on his own one.

With a hiss, the last 'leg' retracts into the ship. Flynn smiles as he wipes his hand over his forehead. After four hours of cutting, the job was finally done. It was pitch black by now and only lights were coming from the Argo.

He motions to 3Y3 to follow him as he makes his way on the ship. The red lights slowly fade away, and the warning message that exclaimed the obvious shuts off. His eyes widen as he sits down in the chair and checks the fuel gauge. Being that long in hover mode had drained the storage quite a bit. Nothing critical, but still feelable in the wallet.

With a sigh he hits the button to close the cargo hatch and steers the ship upwards, leaving the forest below him. With one last quick check he makes sure the landing gears are all fine and undamaged. When he is certain, he steers the ship towards the beach.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A blinding light shone at Williams who instinctively put his hands in fron of his eyes. After adjusting to the brightness he looked at the source. It was the Argo with it's reflectros and the smiling Flynn waving from inside the cockpit. Williams sweared and Flynn slowly landed the ship on a flat area down the beach. He yawned and looked around, the camp. The fire was still burning happily as if time didn't pass at all, and the pod was still where they left it. Thats was quick. As he wanted to step up he heard a small mutter from his right. The girl they rescued slept on her shopulders. Oh right. Totally forgot about her. He gently shaked her up. "Wake up sunshine, it's time to go." Standing up, he grabbed his gun and helmet and waited for Flynn to arrive and for the girl to fully wake up. Thunder was also sleeping ont eh other side of teh fire, so Williams went over to wake up the beast. "Come on boy. Enough snoozing." The beast hastly opened his eyes and looked for the source of the sound. As he looked at William it's eyes lit up with forgiveness and it licked his face. He swept his face with a rug and looked at the beast frowning. "Thanks buddy. What a way to please me." He pat the animal, and looked back at the girl. She was sleeping. William carefully put her on the saddle and then whistled. "Come Thunder." With small stepes they walked for a minute ir two until they reached the Argo.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Bright lights light up the beach and 3Y3 greets the group with cheerful beeps. Flynn stands in the opening of the hatch, awaiting the group. A smile appears on his face but slightly disappears as he sees 'Thunder' in William his wake. "You really want to bring him along? A beast that needs water in a spaceship, completely isolated from any body of water apart from the silo, which I'm not going to let him swim in." He looks over his shoulder, into the bowls of the ship before shaking his head. "You also don't have an aquarium big enough in any of your apartments as far as I know. But... You're an adult, and I want to be anything but your mother, so I'm going to let you choose right here, right now." And with a shrug, he turns around and enters the ship, making his way to the cockpit.

He sits down in the pilot chair and scratches his chin. A small beard had formed over the past couple of days. "I should shave." Then he sees a reflection of himself in some piece of metal and assess the picture. "Or... Maybe I should let that grow." He shrugs to himself and spins around in his chair until he tactfully places his feet on the console panel and leans back, waiting for Williams to make his choose and bring the girl aboard, with or without Thunder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Willaims looks at Thunder with an empty gaze. The beast slightly tilts its head sideways, and lets out a barking noise. "Not now Thunder, I am thinking." He frowns hardly, and puts his index finger on his forehead. A gesture he saw his dad do, and he inherited it, so to say. Maybe his child will do it too. He looks deeply in the eyes of Thunder and then lets out a sigh. "Look Thunder, I love you. And I want the best for you. So you should be with your own kind. It will be better for you." With a huge heart tearing sigh, William removes the saddle from Thunder, and walks inside the ship with the girl. With one last glance at the confused Thunder the ramp closes behind him, and he throws himself in his chair inside teh cockpit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn looks up as Williams sits down next to him. "Sorry mate. But it's better this way." He removes his feet from the desk and positions himself in front of the yoke and console. "At least we finished this job splendidly. I say we fly up to the nearest Safe Zone* and take a little R&R. We deserved that." With the same motions as he had done a thousand times before, he steers the ship upwards, towards the sky. The dark blue slowly turns to black and it doesn't take long before the ship leaves the orbit of the planet.

With a upwards swipe on the left hand of his chair, Flynn brings up a display, showing the nearest points of interest. He taps the nearest Safe Zone and let's the computer do the calculating. After a short while the vortex slowly opens up and swallows the ship. Flynn looks at the colors washing over them and a small smile appears on his face. "I'm always in awe of this part. We have no idea what the colors represent, just that this technology allowed us to travel. It's just a beautiful sight." He shakes his head and gets up. "It shouldn't take long before we reach the Safe Zone. Let's go and try to have a chat with the girl in the meantime."

* = A Safe Zone is a protected piece of space where ships can conduct repairs or just relax without danger of being ambushed by pirates. Most of the times there are Space Stations around it, but not always.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Yeah you do that buddy." Williams yawned and stretched his arms before resting them on his laps. "I think I'll have a nice long snooze in my room. Wake me up if anything happens." With that said, Willaims stood up, and amde his way to the lcoker rooms. He put his armor inside the lcoker, alongside his weapons, and the made his way to the room he used. The book he last read was still laying on the bed. he'd occasionally read it before taking a snooze, but never else. This way the book took ages to read. But he was quite fine with that. A good story needs time to tell. One rushed will lead to the uncomfortable feeling that you missed something. This way, he'll have a good time reading. Williams yawned yet again as he opened the book. He started reading from where he left, but he quickly fell asleep, exhausted after the day they spent rescuing the girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn sees his partner walking off, leaving him to his own devices. "Guess... I'll do that then." He get's up from the chair, throws every piece of equipment just in the corner of the cockpit and takes a few good stretches. The snapping of released air from the bones can be heard as Flynn stretches his arms and tilts his neck. He looks down and sees the bullet wound on his chest. Now that the adrenaline of the day (and the auto-stims from his suit) was wearing off, the stinging pain came creeping up. He let's out a hiss as he touches the wound and his hand recoils. "I think this has priority."

The Argo was too small to house a proper medbay, but they had set a small corner in the cargo hold up where all the medical stuff was. Flynn rummages through some crates and finds some Nano-Aid Bandagestm. He slaps a piece on the wound and let's out a groan as the microscopic bots start working on the damages tissue. Luckily it had been a small bullet wound. Anything larger these things wouldn't fix. These bots weren't 'that' smart after all. He sits down in the not so comfy looking chair and leans back with his head, looking at the ceiling. A sound makes him look up at the entrance of the cargo hold. It is the girl and she is staring at him. He beckons her closer and pulls a chair that is in reach behind one of the crates. The girl hesitates but eventually comes closer and sits down.

They start talking...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A loud rumbling sound wakes Willimas up, only to be thrown out of bed, straight into the wall a second later. With a loud swear he touches his forehead which is filled with blood. He looks around, and sees that the window is no longer filled with the crazy colours of hyperspace. And apart from a constant noise of scratching, there doesn't seem to be a source for the sudden stop. Slowly standing up, his forehead and leg hurting like hell, Williams makes his way to teh door and opens it. Papers and boxes lay all over the floor, along with a few tools. He checks both right and left before heading out to see the others, careful not to trip on anything. Some of the lights are gone not working, and the whole ship is cowered in dank shadows.

With a rushed beeping 3Y3 suddenly comes out of a corrdior and bumps into Willaims. He stumbles back, but grabs a pipe and manages to saty on his foot. He throws a very angry look at 3Y3 who is floating all over the place, trying to say somnething. "Okay buddy! Calm down. What is it that you want?" The small robot flies off towards the medbay and leaves Williams behind. With a sigh, followed by a hiss as his forehead begans aching he follows the droid. Upon entering the edbay he sees Flynn attending to the unconcious girl. Flynn nods and Williams nods back. He serches a few cabinets, onyl to realise that all that was contained within them now lies on the floor. After a few minutes of searching he picks up 2 bottles labeled "painkillers". He throws one to Flynn and takes a few tablets from the other. Unholstering his pistol, he looks at Flynn. "You attend to the girl okay? Oh and next time I say I hear something in the vents, you better not ignore me!" With that he leaves the medbay nad goes down teh corridor leading to the engine bay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Flynn his hands work quickly as he tries to fix up the girl as well as he can. He wasn't a medic, but fending for yourself for such a long time, leaves you with certain handy skills. He wasn't quite sure what happened. One moment he was sitting in the cargo hold with a beer in his hand, talking to the girl and the other he was carrying an unconscious body to the medbay! The Argo was literally ripped out of hyperspace and that was quite the feat. No known technology of all the space-fearing aliens was capable of that. Was Williams right? Was it something from inside the ship? If it was just a rodent in the vents, he'd cut his beard off he promised to himself.

With a (sort of) satisfying smile he looks at his handiwork. All that she would get from this whole situation, were just some bruises. With a nod, he grabs a random pistol of one of the shelves and takes a few painkillers from the bottle Williams threw at him, hoping they will dull the wound on his stomach. The nano-bots were still working busy on closing the wound and moving around would only prolong the process. With ease and patience he makes his way to the cockpit. It was important to see if nothing major was damaged, like... let's say... life support!

He reaches the cockpit and shuts off the annoying alarm sounds that had been ringing the entire time. He brings up a screen showing the subsystems of the Argo. It was as he feared. Something or someone damaged the life support. In such an event, the ship will automatically leave hyperspace and shuts down all non-essential systems to save as much energy and air as possible. It wouldn't leave this state unless overruled, which meant crawling into the air ducts or until the emergency state was lifted, by repairing the life support. "Oh joy." he mutters to himself. He opens the public speakers of the Argo and relays the information to Williams, his voice echoing through the entire ship.

"Well, at least there are no pirates or other scum making use of our poor situation." he jokes at Williams before closing the speakers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

As Williams walks donw the corridor filled with thrash thrown all over the palce by the sudden stop, he listens carefully to a small scratching sound coming from somwhere. His gun at the ready, he makes his way to the engineering bay's blast door. He looks up at the red light above it saying: "Emergency Lockdown". Williams inputs a code into the panel, but it denies his efforts. So he opens the commlink to Flynn "Can you open this nasty door for me? Can't get it to move!" A little later the door opens with a hiss, and Williams mutters something like a thanks into the comms.

As he enters the sealed airlock, the doors close behond him, and the the second door opens. Instantly the bright orange lights that are spinning around, along witht he blaring sirens stun him for a second. He sniffs the air. Smoke. That can't ever be right. To his right is a panel which he uses to shut the sirens. This time the codes work, and the rooms falls silent. Too silent for the engineering bay. Apart from the crackle of fire, and the same sracthing noise. "Oh I be damned." He picks up an extingusher from a nearby box and slowly makes his way to the source of the sound. It isn't long until he sees the problem. "Uh Flynn? You said RESTART the Life Support right? So, there might be a bit of a problem with that."

Before him lies the remains of the life support mainframe, on fire of course. It takes a few minutes and 3 bottles of extingusher to put out the fire. Now it's just some charred metal piece, heftly attached to each other. He sits down to asses the situation. There isn't much in it for them. Life Support is out, and there is still that noise, whatever it is. Most likely, the cause of their problems. It is jsut all kinda messed up. But as he thinks, Williams notices teh noise again, closer than before. Slowly he grabs his gun, and turns his head towards the corner, from which the sound came from. One step after another, he reaches the corner, and looks down the corridor behind it. A small lizard like creature is spitting some kind of black goo all over the energy cells. Williams fires a shot, and the creature runs away, with him chasing it. "Flynn get your ass here, or help me track this whatever!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn runs another diagnostic and let's out a sigh. "You said a -bit- of a problem! Why is the console saying there is no Life Support at all!? What is even going on down there!" He let's out a groan and almost jumps out of his chair. With big strides he makes his way to the location Williams last broadcasted from.

It takes a while, but Flynn eventually reaches Williams. "I saw the lovely remains of the Life Support on my way. What in the Seven Hells* is going on?" With a frustrated look on his face he listens to the explanation of Williams and of the beast he sighted. Flynn slowly mutters to himself "Guess I'm shaving my newly growing beard off..." He shakes his head and looks around. There was black goo on several pieces of equipment. He had tried wiping it away, but it was sticky and wouldn't come loose. "So... we're looking for a tiny lizard in a big ship? It's life signature is probably too small to even be picked up! How are we ever going to find that annoying beast?" Flynn raises his gun, just in case whilst still looking around for any signs of movement. Whatever this annoying little critter was, it had done some serious damage to their ship. "When did it even get on board? And if it was on board for a longer period of time, why didn't it do... this," motioning to the black goo "before? Ugh, whatever. You go left, I'll go right." He motions to the duct behind him, turns around and makes his way, pistol at the ready.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Williams runs across the service tunnel where the lizard-ish thing went, and keeps his pistol at the ready. The worst thigns happen if they catch you off guard. But the weird animal or whatever doesn't stop, and keeps running throught the smaller and smaller tunnels, leaving a black goo behind it. He accidentally steps into one small puddle, and his shoes start emitting a rubbery smoke. He stops for a second to check, and sees that the sole of the boots are almost completely gone. Whatever this goo is, it is highly acidic. He shouts into the intercom "Keep away from the black goo. It eats through your clothes." The emergency lights stutter, and even they fade out. Darkness and silence falls on the ship. The intercom is still blinking, so there is connection. "Let's be quick before things go so wrong we can't fix it anymore." Williams turns on the flashlight of the pistol, and follows the black puddles, carefully avoiding them.

In a few minutes he finds the lizard creature in a corner, chewing on an electrical box. The machine is barely fizzling, and it has seen better days, but it doesn't look totally wrecked. At least they can get the lights back. He raises his gun, and carefully aims at the lizard. The shot rings in the tunnel, but the creature dodges the bullet in the last second, and escapes into an open duct. "God fucking damnit." He opens the comm channel to Flynn "It escaped into the airducts." He sits down, and breathes the air. It is already getting kind of dense. If this keeps up long they will suffocate from the toxic air. Suddenly an idea rushes his mind, and he talks into the comms once again. "Get a rebreather mask for the girl, and make sure you have your gear too. Go to the cockpit and wait for my sign. I have a plan." Williams puts away the pistol. And starts running back, towards the crew quarters.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn, already halfway in the airducts, receives the message from Williams. "Really!? You couldn't have said that earlier!? Ugggh..." He crawls back out again and lands with a loud clank on the metal floor. Backtracking was rather easy, were it not that almost everywhere on the way back was a trail of the black goo. Stepping around it and avoiding it took time, but Flynn finally reaches the the room from the girl.

They had given her some meds before they entered the Vortex so she would get some well earned rest. Flynn takes out an emergency rebreather from the nearest dispenser and places it on her face, attaching it firmly. He then proceeds to his own quarters, getting every last bit of equipment. He pulls on his Enite Backpack and grabs his guns and sword. With one last quick glance he states he has everything and makes his way to the cockpit.

As Flynn arrives in the cockpit he is taken aback by all the warning flashy signs. "Oh dear... Yes, yes! I get it, we are in danger!" With some quick flicking of switches he silences the alarms and proceeds to activate the speakers. "Yo, Williams I-... Fuck! Now even the speakers aren't working. Guess I have to do this the old way." Flynn brings up his personal intercom and beeps Williams. "Alright mate. I'm in position. What's that grand plan of yours?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Williams was running down the hallway when the intercom came in. Without slowing down he shouted into the mic. "Flynn do you remember the *huff* neuro gas we picked up at *huff* our last mission? The ones in the big purple containers?" He stopped at the door of the storage area. The door was jammed due to lack of power and he began tearing it part with his exo suit. A real job for real machinery. "You better watch out cause I am about to flood the ducts with it. Whatever this thing is if it doesn't die from that then we were fucked from the start!" With a last push accompanied by a shout the door opened and Williams fell in. It was a mess inside with all the containers thrown around and equipment littered all over the floor. But the purple canisters he was looking for were in perfect condition. Good thing they strapped them down.

He grabbed one and as fast as he could carried the large canister towards the engineering bay. "I got the barrel Flynn, flood this ship on my mark!" Thank god the ship wasn't too large and Williams arrived at the habitat controls fast. Luckily they were still intact. He grabbed a pipe and attached it to the canisters and typed a few commands in the console. If he did everything right then it is good to go. A green light indicated that the gas was ready to be used by the machine. Williams shouted into the intercomms "Flynn, go for it!"
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