Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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The "Baker" explosion, part of Operation Crossroads, a nuclear weapon test by the United States military at Bikini Atoll, Micronesia, on july 25th 1946. A massive version of the above photo is here

  • Using the template provided, please create a nation sheet.
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Nation Sheet Template
(Provided here in bbcode form)
Name: (Such as England, the United States of America or France)
Demonym: (Such as English or Americans or the French)
Head of State: (Extra style points if the title is "El Presidente.")
National Religion:

Description: (A summary of your nation goes here; basics on what's going on and what the country is about. Include terms like, "NotChina" and "Secondary Power" and similar here.)

Government: (Type; Monarchy, Communist, Tinpot Pissditch Dictatorship, el Republico Bananos etc. (the last of these gets extra style points -if- el Presidente wears aviator sunglasses, a gold braided peaked cap and the currency has pictures of palm trees on it))

National Anthem: (Srs or not, up to you. Extra style points if some sort of Salsa hit or Latin jazz number or it's Elvis)

(Just describe the major industries and how they are organized.)

(PLEASE be sure to identify where on the map you are, preferably by posting a clip of the region you wish to occupy. We may have to move you around to make it work. Don't be shocked if you don't get all the area you requested.)

(Makeup of your population; ethnicities, languages, minorities.)

Notable Locations
(An overview of important cities, military bases, political prisons (if any) and World Conclave Historical Landmarks (which is to say, along the lines of the Taj Mahal or the Pyramids at Giza))

Regime Personalities and Factions
(Important people in your country; leaders and the such, people that factor heavily into your RP. At the very least, the leader, your WC delegate and major political parties/factions if one party state.)

(Major institutions of the nations, such as legislative bodies, corporations and, most importantly, the military.)

Military Numbers
Active Duty Component Total:
Air Force:
Other: (Such as KGB/Waffen-SS/Pasdaran/Other type troops -- internal security, or paramilitary forces)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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Nation Sheet Template
Name: Empire of Mille-Sessau
Demonym: Sessauan
Head of State: Empress Alisandre de Valle (age 71)
National Religion: Mithian Modernism (practical, polytheistic materialism)
Population: 79,000,000

Mille-Sessau stepped into the war's greatest military conflict as easily the most dominant nation in the known world. With over seventy-eight overseas colonies, departments and island holdings, Sessau carved a path through the world from the 16th to the 20th century with armed colonialism--the literal policy of planting flags in resource rich areas and maintaining order at the point of a bayonet. As nationalism ramped up however, Sessau turned to imperialism, installing viceroys and native governors to sustain her overseas territories.

Now, she maintains her far flung empire by the very skin of her teeth, employing the Sessauan Black Army and the Black Fleet, the latter of which is the largest and most competent--albeit aging--fleet in the world, to keep international trade lanes open.

A constitutional monarchy is a form of monarchical government established under a constitutional system which acknowledges an elected or hereditary monarch as head of state. Modern constitutional monarchies usually implement the concept of trias politica or "separation of powers", where the monarch either is the head of the executive branch or simply has a ceremonial role. Where a monarch holds absolute power, it is known as an absolute monarchy. The process of government and law within an absolute monarchy can be very different from that in a constitutional monarchy.

National Anthem:
A Land of Many, a Land of One

(Just describe the major industries and how they are organized.)



Notable Locations
(An overview of important cities, military bases, political prisons (if any) and World Conclave Historical Landmarks (which is to say, along the lines of the Taj Mahal or the Pyramids at Giza))

Regime Personalities and Factions
(Important people in your country; leaders and the such, people that factor heavily into your RP. At the very least, the leader, your WC delegate and major political parties/factions if one party state.)

(Major institutions of the nations, such as legislative bodies, corporations and, most importantly, the military.)

Military Numbers
Active Duty Component Total: [UNDER CONSTRUCTIONS]

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

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Union of the Free States of Atronia, Atronia.


When the Second World War began, the Union of the Free States of Atronia declared neutrality and forced on fixing their economy. The country enjoyed the regrowth of the economy and the boom of several industries and markets. For three years, the country stayed away from the war until notNazi Germany took most, if not all, of notEurope. With the notAllied countries losing, Atronia agreed to supply any exiled governments that fell to the notAxis forces. This angered the notAxis countries, especially notGermany. Then, the reports that notNazi Germany were killing thousands of ethnic groups were spread around the world. The civilians of those ethnic groups demanded that Atronia declare war on all notAxis countries.

The president agreed and announced a declaration of war against all notAxis countries. With the war starting, Atronians were ready to help out in the war in any way they could do it. They joined the military, worked in factories, provided aid to the troops overseas, and supported the troops in any way possible. Then, the Atronian government was getting pressured by notJapan. They had started attacks on several notAsia and island countries. Atronia promised that they were going to protect any notAsia and islands from notJapan. They renounced its trade treaty with notJapan and embargoed iron, steel and mechanical parts against notJapan. And they provided supplies to notChina, which angered notJapan, but they did nothing about it for a few months.

That was until notJapan attacked Atronia's puppet, notPhilipines. This was the final line for the Atronian government and officially declared war on notJapan. Atronia and notPhilipines forces tried to held on the island, but they were pushed back. With their navy, they started to aid the weaken notAllied forces. And a couple wins and loses later, they were able to push back the notJapanese navy away from their coastline. The island won't be taken back until around '45. In the east Atronia and notAllied forces were dealing with both notItaly and notNazi Germany forces. The notNazi Germany's Luftwaffe and the Kriegsmarine were too powerful to face in one massive battle. With the help of notFrance and several other notAllied forces, they attacked several ports and cities to get the attention of both the Luftwaffe and the Kriegsmarine. After a year and seven months of attacking, both the Luftwaffe and the Kriegsmarine were weaken enough that Antronia could launch an invasion.

The invasion of notNazi Germany occupied lands happened during the afternoon and it took about seven hours before they decided to retreat from the coastline. NotNazi Germany's defenses were too powerful to take on. With the invasion was lost on the east front, notJapan was losing the war to notAllied forces as island after island was retaken. With the war on the east front getting worst for Atronia, they decided to end the war by bombing the capital of notJapan without anyone knowing about it. It was at two o' clock during the day that reports of several Atronian bombers and fighters headed for the capital. Citizens gathered in the palace for morning pray for their troops in the frontline. Without any warning, they dropped the bombs and two thousand dead in the first wave of the bombing. Three thousands more died after the second wave ended; but, the leader wasn't killed. He was running later to attend morning pray; but, the capital was destroyed in the bombing.

However, both notAxis forces and notJapan weren't going to give up the war. Atronia decided it was time to revel to the notAllied leaders the world's first ever atomic bombs. Seventeen years under development and tests before they were revealed to notAllied forces. One bomb was already dropped within their own lands and it was proven successful. Two more were made to drop on both notNazi Germany and notJapan. It was called, Faragó' Project. The project was named after Atronia chemist Faragó Béla, who discovered nuclear fission in 1920. After sharing with notAllied forces the bombs, they warned both notJapan and notGermany to to end the war or they use the bomb. Both leaders refused to give up.

On 9 August 1945, Atronian bombers dropped one of their bombs on notNazi Germany's lands. The location was nearby the failed invasion by notAllied forces and this was payback. The notNazi Germany's leader quickly turned his self in and surrounded to notAllied forces. They had given the leader of notJapan twenty-fours to respond to the terms of surrender; but, he didn't have enough time to respond within the twenty-four hour timeline. A second bomb was dropped on notJapan's biggest port city on 10 August before notJapan surrendered, bring the end of the Second World War.

After winning the Second World War, Atronia has surfaced as the superpower of the world. The word, superpower, was dubbed by Former President Fazekas András in one of his speeches towards the end of the war. He quoted saying that “the children of the future will look at Atronia as some sort of 'superpower' figure. The country is entering an economic boom that surprised everyone, including President Halász Renátó, who already wrote down seven pages of how he planned to get the country out of the Grand Depression.

The automobile industry, the housing market, and so many others boomed as soldiers and workers were finally able to rest. Many of them were giving birth to babies and buying things for fun. Televisions were appearing all over America and cars were starting to be used by the middle class family. The Depression was over and done as the Golden Age of Atronia starts, but something was going on behind the scenes with the countries of the world.

The international community was upset at the Union of the Free States of Atronia because of the Bombing of notJapan's capital and the Bombings of NotNazi Germany and NotJapan. The former President Fazekas András among with his vice president, László Jakab, defended their actions and said that they had no choice to do it. With most of the countries feared Atronia, because of their coldness in the Second World War, they decided to not pursue charges; but, Atronia had to agree to be the majority helper in the rebuilding efforts in notEurope, especially former notNazi Germany. The formation of the World Conclave was an attempt at improving relations with the rest of the world.

Atronia is now facing new problems in their nation each day. Segregation and inequality of notAfricans into sharp focus on the Atronian government. Returned soldiers are having a hard time changing back into civilian life. And the superpower faced another superpower, the notUSSR. The world is changing faster than everyone ever expected and many wonder if the Union of the Free States of Atronia can protect the free world as the leaders of Atronia head to their first every meeting.

Federal presidential constitutional republic.

Head of State
President Halász Renátó.

National Anthem
The Boots of Atronia is the national anthem of the Union of the Free States. The anthem is based on "Marching Song" (Tiến Quân Ca), the national anthem of Vietnam.

After World War II, the Union of the Free States of Atronia's economy is entering a 'long boom' as many citizens are calling the post-war economic expansion. High productivity growth is continuing to grow as soldiers are coming back home.

Agriculture was improved as left over Ammonia became available for making fertilizers, leading to a permanent decline in real fertilizer prices. Tractors are quickly replacing horses and mules. Family farms are having a hard time compete against the farming business. The Green Revolution is still in full effect as Atronia is facing a 'baby boom'. Farming had already transformed during the war to help feed the soldiers in the front lines, now they are feeding the millions of Atronians. Aircraft and air transportation industries were helpful during the war, producing different types of airplanes for the notAllied forces. After the war ended, they still had a large surplus of machine tools and manufacturing facilities for airplanes. These industries are facing the highest productivity growth before, during, and after the war.

The housing market is facing also facing an economic boom as housing became affordable to the middle class. And military spending is raising as the country is planning ahead for the future in defending their continent. Since the country has a dense population, there is a degree of strain on social infrastructure in general and educational costs and civic projects tend to be intensive. Without an economy sufficient to the task, any other nation would face difficulties.

National Religion
The Union of the Free States of Atronia has a diversity of religious beliefs and practices, meaning that it doesn't have an national religion.


(PLEASE be sure to identify where on the map you are, preferably by posting a clip of the region you wish to occupy. We may have to move you around to make it work. Don't be shocked if you don't get all the area you requested.)

(Makeup of your population; ethnicities, languages, minorities.)

Notable Locations
Komoró - Capital City

Port of Skalakhorio - The tenth busiest container port in the world.

Mitikas - The second largest city in Atronia next to Komoró.

Iborfia University - The second smartest private college in Atronia.

Brenzalja Naval Base - The naval base that was used to build the nuclear bombs.

Attala Air Base - Home to the planes used to drop the bombs.

Kismező - The island east of the main land. A tourist destination.

Attala Range - The mountain range that's the longest range in the country.

Szobor Hölgy Igazságosság (Statue of Lady Justice) - The statue of Lady Justice in the city of Komoró. Based on the Szabadság-szobor (Freedom Statue) and Old Bailey's statue of Lady Justice.

Hősök tere (Heroes' Square) - A square that had the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and statues of important people that helped shape Atronia. Based on the real thing in Hungary.

Regime Personalities/Factions
(Important people in your country; leaders and the such, people that factor heavily into your RP. At the very least, the leader, your WC delegate and major political parties/factions if one party state.)

(Major institutions of the nations, such as legislative bodies, corporations and, most importantly, the military.)

Military Numbers Active Duty Component Total



Air Force

(Such as KGB/Waffen-SS/Pasdaran/Other type troops -- internal security, or paramilitary forces)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SomeChap
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(courtesy of SomeChap)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cold
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Nukes in progress

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

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The Republic of Morulia

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