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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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<Snipped quote by Kho>

You mentioned there being other Relics. Are there any others on Galbar? And do they all just give anyone who drinks them a kick of maddened god-soul?

Also, is the Bard still around? I presume he is. We want to ask him about what's written on the Cube.

Yes, there are countless other 'Perfectus Relics' or whatever they will come to be called. Vowzra more or less littered them throughout the Universe. One will probably be able to find one or two in every planetary system (I know, that's a heck of a lot, but let's go with it ^^'), and the odd comet may also host one. Also, the relics were never actually intended to take on the shapes of man/hain-made objects. They were meant to be rocks from Perfectus which had been infused with the energies of the Gap/a maddened essence etc. But as that chalice is now canon, I guess we can go with something along the lines of: the Gap energies cause the relics to take on random forms or shapes. So armour, swords, cups, belts, books, socks, teddy bears, bananas...
they may even be capable of being forged into something, if they take on a metallic form or something of the sort. Let he who finds one use his imagination.

Effects vary, some may have within them a maddened essence but that doesn't have to mean that the person who finds it will become a demigod. And other relics may just be infused with Gap energies. It is a powerful object which can be used for unique things, or consumed and so on. So that chalice Teknall has may yet have unique properties...

And yes, the Bard is still around, but has been handed over to @Double Capybara
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Kho I have a question. Does the New Chronos time flow function in the same way as it previously did? I mean, is it still 1000 years-to-1 day inside or not?

Yup, the time flow in New Chronos is 1000 years to 1 Galbarian day
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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<Snipped quote by Vec>

Yup, the time flow in New Chronos is 1000 years to 1 Galbarian day

Aw crap, now I'm just imagining Toun's broadcast being sped up so much from the time dilation that it sounds like a caffeinated chipmunk fired from an air cannon.

How about we just...pretend that plot hole isn't there and carry on?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Let's see, I need to:

-Have a flashback post to show the weird crap Zeph made on his planet (I think this will just get lumped into the Wong's demigod post, considering how I have that planned out)
-Finish a halfway complete ogre post I've had for weeks
-Do more stuff with Akthanos and Vetros
-Have a subplot with Ventus and the chaos resulting from Zeph's disappearance
-Have a collab to get Wong's demigod in this RP

The Ventus and resulting chaos subplot would be an interesting one I think, and Ilunabar @Double Capybara and Teknall @BBeast might want to get involved once a bunch of air elementals swoop in claiming to have inherited the place and in no soft words try to get all the others gods present to leave.

Of course, Ventus is trapped in a time paradox and will technically in three places at once. While Stand continues to chug along at a snail's pace, Ventus is gathering that holy order called the Zephyrean Skylords to participate in the battle against that part of the Horde of chaos that was attacking the Hain village. At some other point in time, he's out there in Vetros teaching the humans various shtuffs. And now we're talking about having him also dealing with the issue of inheriting daddy's shtuffs.

Boy, Ventus is a busy bee.

Edit: Oh yeah, and Murmur and Basheer are still guys and once Stand is over they have more fightin' to do with Jvan.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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<Snipped quote by Cyclone>

Now imagine if we encouraged every god to go colonise another planet or two and fill it with glorious life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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And that is why Vestec is so easy to write for.


<Snipped quote by Cyclone>

Now imagine if we encouraged every god to go colonise another planet or two and fill it with glorious life.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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@MuttonhawkDoes one have a choice whether they sign or not? I mean, you said it would take 25 (30 with Teknall's reinforcement) Might to break. What happens if someone decides to skip the whole thing? Do they have to use might in order to NOT sign it?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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@MuttonhawkDoes one have a choice whether they sign or not? I mean, you said it would take 25 (30 with Teknall's reinforcement) Might to break. What happens if someone decides to skip the whole thing? Do they have to use might in order to NOT sign it?

No, the point was that signing is voluntary. However, after you sign it, it would take excessive Might for a signatory to break the Oath.

Although it seems an exception exists for inside New Chronos; the Oath seems to prevent fighting there full-stop, like the Valley of Peace except more powerful.

<Snipped quote by Vec>

Yup, the time flow in New Chronos is 1000 years to 1 Galbarian day

Ah, that would explain the necessity of the barrier.

<Snipped quote by Cyclone>

The Ventus and resulting chaos subplot would be an interesting one I think, and Ilunabar @Double Capybara and Teknall @BBeast might want to get involved once a bunch of air elementals swoop in claiming to have inherited the place and in no soft words try to get all the others gods present to leave.

How dare those elementals contest my ownership of the Citadel! I literally own half of it, from expenditure of Might. Teknall will definitely be there to tell the elementals in no soft words to leave.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@MuttonhawkDoes one have a choice whether they sign or not? I mean, you said it would take 25 (30 with Teknall's reinforcement) Might to break. What happens if someone decides to skip the whole thing? Do they have to use might in order to NOT sign it?

No, no one is bound by it unless they sign. They are not obliged to sign and Toun isn't cajoling anyone to sign. You don't have to break anything unless you've signed.

Also, once you've signed...no take-backsies unless the oath is destroyed.

Although it seems an exception exists for inside New Chronos; the Oath seems to prevent fighting there full-stop, like the Valley of Peace except more powerful.

Also this. It's a powerful Valley of Peace-ish effect that doesn't generate might and only applies to gods or those under the orders of gods.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by Cyclone>

Now imagine if we encouraged every god to go colonise another planet or two and fill it with glorious life.

[Manifest Alefpria intensifies.]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Buh bye bishes!~~
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Buh bye bishes!~~

RIP Ull'yang, he's one with the sewage now.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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<Snipped quote by Vec>

RIP Ull'yang, he's one with the sewage now.

You guys gotta have some kind of bad guy in the mix. Can't have a conqueror without the ones he is supposed to conquer. I'm just gonna put some stops here and there ;D

By the way, the instant Lif came marching at Ull's door asking for dragons would be the day Lipsrasilians finally realise the meaning of a real volcanic eruption :)

(sorry for jumbled grammar, bad sleeping pattern in in full effect cause of this post :S)
EDIT2: In all seriousness, how bad is it? Give it to me, I can take it. I was never that good with the whole good guy gone bad plot :S
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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You guys really should have taken Vowzra more seriously, it's all as he said, look:

In vain...in vain, the insubstantial hour
Defenceless falls: the god obeys the Power.
It comes! It comes! The fleshly being of old -
Its antique darkness and errors behold!
Whither it steps the clouds of Truth decay
And all its nurturing raindrops die away
Sight valiant shoots its momentary fires
In vain it shoots, and with a flash expires.
And bite by bite, at dreaded Jvanic strain
The ailing Star fades from this specious plain;
As Reathos' eyes by Vestec's claws oppressed
Closed one by one to momentary rest;
Thus its obscure approach, and secret might,
Causes Light to cease, and brings forth yon Night.
See great unTruth from her old cave erupt,
With heaps of sophistry all things corrupt!
No truthful flame, no forthright, dares to shine;
No fearless spark is left, no blaze divine!
Lo! thy Jvanic dread empire is restored;
Light dies before thy unabiding word:
Thy hand, great Anarch! lets the curtain fall;
And Universal Darkness buries All.

Now go back, study every word and thought he ever had, and prepare yourselves: For The Vowzrid TruthSayer Spake Thus, and All Is As It Spoke xP
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

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A very late creation sheet for change-eaters, now also known as entropites, long after I should have figured out a cool name for them.

It doesn't really tell anything we didn't already know, but I feel like I need to make one for all my major species.

Aw crap, now I'm just imagining Toun's broadcast being sped up so much from the time dilation that it sounds like a caffeinated chipmunk fired from an air cannon.

How about we just...pretend that plot hole isn't there and carry on?

How about instead we rationalise it by saying that Toun just spoke very, very slowly.

For over a year the Immortals had to stand around and watch awkwardly as Toun made really low droning sounds with his mouth. Poor guy, this death hit him hard.

@Antarctic Termite @Kho By the way, I wanna thank whoever put that video in the post. You just introduced me to my new favourite genre of music :)

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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How about instead we rationalise it by saying that Toun just spoke very, very slowly.

For over a year the Immortals had to stand around and watch awkwardly as Toun made really low droning sounds with his mouth. Poor guy, this death hit him hard.

That would be quite funny xDD but I don't think there's a plot-hole here at all. To all extents and purposes, Toun exists in a separate plane from the universe, his message will have to pass through the New Chronos barrier which would, I assume, allow the message to be transmitted to its intended receptors in the manner it was sent. Or something like that...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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@Antarctic Termite

Something will need to be done about those pesky not-elementals once Murmur and Basheer are freed up. We can have another incomprehensible collab! If Stand ever ends...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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@Antarctic Termite

Something will need to be done about those pesky not-elementals once Murmur and Basheer are freed up. We can have another incomprehensible collab! If Stand ever ends...

Would they care to take in a currently homeless little werewolf cutie that suffers from night terrors? (ノ≧ڡ≦) Teehee~!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

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@Antarctic Termite

Something will need to be done about those pesky not-elementals once Murmur and Basheer are freed up. We can have another incomprehensible collab! If Stand ever ends...

crecks knukcles

Once all the rest of our absurd self-imposed workloads are done or forgotten, anyway.
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