Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Celes heard what Flowey said after one monster arrived and disappeared. He looked at him, annoyed at this. She walks to him silently.
"I SAY, THAT IS NOT A NICE THING TO SAY AT ALL! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM ANYWAY?!" she says to the flower, looking annoyed at the flower... well... as annoyed she could be with this body. It felt so weird.
"IF I HAD MY BODY BACK... I WOULD HAVE.... ARG!" she says as she moves forwards, annoyed. She hoped this whole body switch would ware off soon, cause she didn't like it. She didn't like yelling all the time. She usually preferred being calm... not... THIS.

Meanwhile, Erion saw how tense Annie was, and he could understand. She didn't trust those monsters cause of what happened before. She had a bad experience with the first monsters she ever met... so it was understandable. Still, she should be at least able to relax a bit right now... He sat down and hoped that the underground party would answer. He felt though that he should have went with them... but without him, Annie would have ended up really causing trouble. A human was needed to speak to her and try to convince her. A monster would have made her unsure about it. He sighed as he just waits, hoping for the best now
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Luna had been enjoying the peace and quiet of this unusually large forest for the past several days. One could be forgiven for assuming that this was her way of giving up on society and attempting to go feral, as much as a moth could, but the truth is that she was just curious. It's also possible that she was slightly lost. She noticed some commotion going on and flew over to investigate, and watched some sort of altercation happen between a human and a scaly monster. "What on earth?" It wasn't long before the human girl got away and none other than her own king showed up. This led Luna to retreat to an even farther off tree and watch from a distance. When they left and headed for what appeared to be a human town, she flew after them, uncertain of what she was going to do. When they started discussing something else, she clung to another tree, unaware that she stood out far more here than she did further into the forest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KaiserElectric
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KaiserElectric Spaghetti Enthusiast

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Undyne stared at the empty space she thought was Red for a good moment or two. At this point Undyne was beginning to question her grip on reality, or at least the eyesight of the puny human whose body she was in. She was 100% sure Red was talking to her just a moment ago before she suddenly vanished. It was all deeply confusing, but most of all it was really starting to tick her off. She let off a menacing growl, which even in the human's voice sounded intimidating thanks to the raw emotion behind it.

"We need to get things back to normal and find out what the heck is going on down here!" she declared, charging forward with renewed purpose. "No more goofing around! We're gonna get this done NOW or I'm not Undyne, Captain of the Royal Guard!!! MARCH!!!"


Sethlan rocked back and forth on his heels idly, waiting for the call to go through. He tried to be polite and not eavesdrop (eavesdropping is quite rude, almost as rude as trying to chase someone when they're talking on the phone), but he couldn't help but notice something was off. He recognized Mettaton's voice over the doc's phone, but while he couldn't hear exactly what he was saying, something about his tone seemed...off. Like he wasn't his usual boisterous self, and Mettaton was ALWAYS his usual boisterous self, as far as he knew. It really bothered him though, almost as much as the speck that was stuck on the outside of his goggles.

Grumbling slightly, Sethlan tugged them off of his face and turned them around to inspect the damage. Thankfully, it was just a small scratch and not a crack like he was afraid of. He'd spent half of his money this month replacing goggles that he'd bent, cracked, smashed, crushed, pulverized, melted, fused, lost, and generally annihilated in one way or another, so it was nice when a problem could be easily fixed like this. He was about to buff out the scratch with the sleeve of his jacket before he spotted something reflected in the lens. A subtle hint of movement in the trees near the group. He turned around cautiously but couldn't spot what caused it. Was there another human around lying in ambush? Quietly, Sethlan inched his way towards where he thought the disturbance was. His confrontation with Asgore's fatherly death glare was enough to keep him from attacking outright, but it couldn't have hurt to check and see what the trouble was...right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"Hi Mettaton... Huh? ... O-Oh... where is the real Mettaton? ... Well, you have his voice and his telecommunications systems, so... I'm guessing something happened.. Well, I need you to give me definitive proof that there are people down in the cave, as someone wishes to demolish it, and uh... in turn... kill everyone down there. So we need help so that uh... doesn't happen, I guess. I just need you to look around at all the people with your camera and... then look at the environment. Maybe like a landmark of the Underground, wherever you are, and then I need you to send it to this phone ASAP. Thanks, Mettaton," I say, hanging up and looking at Annie. "We'll have to wait a little... If you can postpone the destruction, we can give you proof."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Underground Search Party-Ruins

Main Group

Skylar watched as David answered the call and she listened to Alphys as she spoke from the other end, telling David to get proof of that there were people in the Underground before she hung up on them. She noticed that Flowey had grumbled to Celes in response, "Let's see you try to live in a small pot of soil," Of course, Celes and Undyne had both voiced their determined resolve to keep moving forwards. However, before anyone could even continue walking forwards, Skylar heard her own voice echo flamboyantly,

"Oh? Did I hear Alphys on the phone?"

Skylar answered as she turned to face Mettaton, "Yeah, she just called you and-" She stopped and with wide incredulous eyes, she couldn't help but ask "What the...?!" Mettaton grinned. He just came from the room that once held the monster candy, and apparently Skylar's makeover included making her wear a cosplay of the main character from the Mew Mew Kissy Cutie anime...a pink and white dress complete with the fake black cat ears and tail. Mettaton gave a twirl and posed, giving Skylar an energetic and optimistic look and he asked "What do you think, Dahlings? I'd say this is quite an improvement!"

Skylar had a blank look on her face as she answered in deadpan "I....have no words...." She felt like she wanted to go find a hole, crawl into it and stay there for the rest of her life. But then she realized: She was in David's avian body. Birds can't crawl...The same logic must apply to bird monsters as well. Flowey could be heard holding laughter back, only for snickers to come out. Aria, who was in Sans' body and still holding Chen, looked to Skylar and she shrugged "Well....at least you look a lot like the character?" Skylar muttered "Thanks," in response.

Surface Group

Town of Ebbott

Annie thought she heard fluttering nearby and she looked towards the source, trying to figure out if it was another monster hiding nearby or not. When she didn't see who or what it was, she directed her attention back to the group and listened to what Alphys said to the person she was calling. After Alphys spoke to her, Annie answered "It's already postponed. I'm the only on who's doing the job after all,"

Asgore asked Annie, "Really? Golly, it seems like such a dangerous job. Why would they leave you alone to do it?" Annie laughed and answered in a proud tone, "I'm the expert! I know how to handle explosives. Most of the time I just make fireworks and help out with New Years Celebrations and any other celebration that requires fireworks. It's just what I'm good at,"
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by seanmcchapman
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seanmcchapman The bad ending

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A the day passed and it was morning. Zzzk breathed from out under the wagon. There wasn't anything left to do, but either rest or continue on if it were to make a better use of time. "Get to Mt.Ebott, get permission to set up shop, make some friends, and get to work" Zzza said to itself. "1,2,3" Zzza got up to it's feet and went inside the wagon. After a few minutes Zzzk had grabbed itself water and there after went back out and resumed pulling the wagon onward. After several hours Zzzk was a speck on the horizon from the town. Zzzk then laid on the ground just on the outskirts of town.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Celes heard what Flowey said, and looked sad a bit.
"OH... BUT WHAT IF YOU HAD A LARGER FLOWER POT OR SOMETHING." she says, but then shook her heard... before seeing Mettaton in Skylar's body.... and just... holding back laughter as she chuckles just a bit. She looks at Flower, and lower her head, triyng to talk as low as possible right now.
"YA... THAT IS PRETTY FUNNY... POOR GIRL." she then says to Flowey. One thing for sure.... She was glad not to be with mettaton in her body.

Erion heard what Annie said, and smile softly.
"Well... that is interesting. Expert in explosives. I guess you liked them since you were little eh?" he says smiling softly at her. He then looked around a bit more.
"If your gonna do the explosion... I hope you are planning on sending a broadcast or something underground in case there are still things under there. We don't want some people or monsters dying cause they didn't know about the project." he says.
"Although, best wait till the group gets back with the kid for this." he adds
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Right, proof... er... how do you send files, and... you're listed as 'Alphys Undyne', right?" I answered. I then looked through all of Mettaton's folders, trying desperately to find out exactly how to do this, and I was certain that Alphys would tell me how, but, I figured it out on my own pretty quickly. "Ah, never mind, got it... and..." I then shot a video of all the people and monsters that were stuck down here, either asking them to wave, or... just generally do something, and then sent it via a text message, of all things... after which, I continued with "There, sent... at least, it should be. Just show them that text," I then waited for a goodbye, or a thank you before saying goodbye, myself, and hanging up. I then remembered that weird cat girl I saw while I was shooting that video, the one who did that weird pose involving her legs. Wait... that couldn't have been Skylar, could it? I thought for a moment before I tried to connect the dots, and once I did, I couldn't help myself. I started laughing, and between my fits of laughter, I somehow manged to say "Sorry... Skylar... I didn't... think... it would... be this... bad... you're not going to... survive that!" of course, I felt pretty bad about it afterwards, but WOW, I mean, I knew fashion on the surface was weird (come to think of it, most monsters didn't wear anything UNTIL we got to the surface), but that had to be a disaster, and I really shouldn't have laughed at the victim. I would have healed her, but, I couldn't, given that I no longer had my healing abilities, so, instead, I found some sort of weird square-shaped steak, and I gave it to Skylar, as a sort of apology for me having no self-control.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spinna
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Having clung to a tree for too long at this point, and long enough for anything of interest to leave her field of hearing at that, Luna decided to try and enter the nearby human town, hopefully without being noticed. She looked about for something she could use to conceal herself and noticed several other, tiny moths. "Oh, so they do have moths here! ...Sort of. As long as I stay relatively near to other moths, I shouldn't stand out too much, right?" She flew into the town of Ebbott, after the human girl and King Asgore to see what they were talking about, looking for other moths to stick to all the while. When she arrived, she noticed a group of moths flustering about a street lamp and stood under it herself, rather conspicuously.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KaiserElectric
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KaiserElectric Spaghetti Enthusiast

Member Seen 10 mos ago

'An expert in explosives?' Sethlan thought to himself. Wow, that was a fun sounding job description. Almost as fun as the royal blacksmith, now that he thought about it! Sethlan briefly considered if he would have traded in his little hammer and anvil for whatever you used to make fireworks if he had the chance. Knowing his usual ineptitudes of course he probably would have lost most of his fingers at this point if he had, but that was a thing Sethlan decided not to dwell on.

"N-new Years?" he stammered out in an effort to make some sort of conversation. "Ooh I really like the New Year's fireworks. New Years is when the Royal Guard used to send in all their weapons to get repaired, and I could watch the fireworks from my workshop window while I fixed them," he recalled fondly. "I a-always wanted to go outside to watch them, but I was always busy..."

Sethlan got the impression that his musings were not keeping everyone's interest so he awkwardly attempted to change gears. "Uh, so...well, why are you trying to bomb the Underground closed with your cool fireworks, exactly?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"No more goofing around! We're gonna get this done NOW or I'm not Undyne, Captain of the Royal Guard!!! MARCH!!!"

Stopping his jabbing for spaghetti, Papyrus spun around slowly with a wide smile on his face, a hand and index finger brought and held up as he helpfully intoned, "But you are not Undyne? Very clearly, you are Chen, my human companion? Regardless! I understand your strong sentiments, and I share them wholeheartedly…!“ And then as suddenly as the monster in red appeared, POOF, she was gone…and the younger of the skeleton brother’s couldn’t help but momentarily fall quiet, jaw a little slack, hand still raised.

Shaking the heavy head of a boss monster, and then clearing that throat, eyes going a bit big as the physical sensation of such a thing…and then fuzzy ears caught onto his clone’s dilemma with Flowey the flower. Lowering a hand and turning on his heel to follow them, ”Is that really your true feelings Flowey? Worry not! For once we have returned to the surface, we can return you to the larger window planterbox…” Taking in a breath and then slapping one heavy hand onto the chest of the boss monster he was currently inhabiting, ”I can assume my original role of carrying the flowerpot prison…!”

Offering helpfully, though he did have some limited training when it came to changing the direction of gravity, he raised up his freehand to try to lift blue magic on the flowerpot…and by extension, Flowey, once again forgetting that his current magic was of a different variety.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Underground Search Party-Ruins

Main Group

Skylar's face turned brighter red as she noticed that the others were chuckling and laughing at her misfortune. She accepted the steak from David with tears starting to well in her (er...David's) eyes and she thanked him. Mettaton laughed with the others and he preened himself over Skylar's makeover and he stated to her, "Oh, Dahling! You may have been gorgeous before, but now you're outright glamorous! You're definitely going to find yourself a date with this outfit!" Skylar didn't answer as she kept on walking towards the next room, clearly showing that she didn't want to deal with Mettaton and the makeover. She didn't see that Papyrus was trying to use blue magic. She soon arrived in a smaller room, where a training dummy once stood.

...Wait. How did she know that there used to be a training dummy there?

Surface Group

Town of Ebbott

Alphys showed the group the pictures of Underground search party and Annie commented "Huh...So there really is a group down there..." She then blinked at one picture and she snorted "Snrrk! What-What is she wearing...?" Alphys raised an eyebrow before looking at the picture again and she caught sight of Skylar wearing a Mew Mew Kissy Cutie cosplay. Her nose bled before she proceeded to fangirl unaware that the cell phone was still on that call to Mettaton's number, "Oh-! OH MY GOSH! SHE'S WEARING THE FIRST MEW MEW KISSY CUTIE OUTFIT! She-She looks a lot like Ayumi-chan! I knew it! OHMIGOSHOHMIGOSHOHMIGOSHICAN'TBREATHE!

Annie beamed at Erion's comment, deciding to ignore the dino monster who was currently freaking out, and she answered him with her hands on her hips in a confident pose, "Of course! Been studying fireworks ever since after I saw my first Fireworks show!" She listened to Sethlan talk about New Years in the Underground and she couldn't help but feel sorry for the Pangolin, a little.

When Erion mentioned broadcasting and Sethlan asked why, she sighed and said "To be honest...I wanted to broadcast a warning, but I was ordered not to. I don't know why. My brother and I always made it a policy to just do the job and don't ask questions. We need the money...badly...I don't like the idea of having my explosives being used to take lives, but my brother and I do need to pay the bills and put food on the table, because passion alone isn't going to help us through in life,"

Asgore commented sadly "Oh....That doesn't sound fair..." Annie shook her head sadly and she commented "Unfortunately...Life isn't fair. That's...just how it is..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

When Erion heard what Annie had to say.... he stares a bit, and frowned. Ordered not to do a broadcast.... which would mean...
"Annie, I think the one that gave you that job... wanted to end up killing monsters or anyone that was underground... including the kid that saved all those monsters." he then says, frowning at this.
"Do you have a name or something about who those guys are? Cause considering what they were going to ask you to do... I feel like it is an attempted murder here... Sorry to say that." he then says, annoyed. But... how would that group know... and if they knew... what else did they end up doing in all this? It was puzzling his mind right now. It felt like there were much more that they didn't know about this whole situation.

Celes just kept moving forwards, resiting the urge to go and laugh at what Skylar looked now. One thing for sure, Mettaton had one twisted version of what fashion was... and what people like. Sure... as she understood, japan were more interested in looking a bit like how Skylar looked right now, but this was not japan. Skylar will probably try her best to remove and get back to her original self when all this is over, that Celes could bet on. But still, she resisted to go and laugh, staying silent in all this as she kept moving forwards.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

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"Hm?" Marisa heard a comotion going on as she was walking back to work (to investigate more on the dissappearance of frisk). Wondering what it was about, she quickly yet quietly went near the noise and hid behind the farthest bush. "Oh, it's just a random person talking to a group of some sorts." she was gonna say 'some monsters' but thats not what she was 'spying' on them for. Slowly, she crept closer, and climbed the second closest (and conveniently placed) tree and sat on a branch. "Now I can hear better.." Marisa whispered as she listened.

"Blah,blah, fire works...blah,blah new years...wait. Broadcast warning..? Explosives..? Killing all monsters underground..? Even the kid that....WHAT?!? Marisa whispered loudly. As luck may have it, the branch she was on finally snapped. "OH SUGAR HONEY ICE TEA-oof"! she yelled as she made impact to the ground. "ow..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 4 mos ago

It took a little while for Alphys to actually respond... but once she did I had to turn down the speakers of Mettaton's internal phone just so my own eardrums won't burst. "Gah! Er... I mean... I guess I got the pictures to you, uh... mind calming down?" I ended up saying to her, wondering whether or not she actually knew that she didn't hang up yet. Because of her not hanging up the phone, I also overheard something about someone being told specifically to NOT broadcast this to the monsters in the underground, at least, that's what I assumed they said. After saying goodbye to Alphys, I decided to hang up, myself, and I made a mental note of the actual phone number, just in case I needed her help for something in the future... hey, you never know, and apparently, she was royal scientist material, despite what the previous fangirling might suggest. Celes seemed to grow tired of standing around, and I guess I was to blame for that, unfortunately. "Sorry, everyone, got a call, had to find proof, and... well, you know how it goes," I tried my best to explain to the group as I rolled on forwards, wondering what puzzle, if any, would be next. These twins sure have strange powers... I mean, they might have the ability to make things grow limbs, and even now, they switched us all up. Sure, that was because of a trap, but sheesh... I wonder if they've ever changed themselves... were they even twins originally? Did they look human, at first? I thought while I continued onward. My mind ended up wandering to Sans, our own resident comedian, after that, and I wondered... were there really that many shortcuts, or did he actually teleport? If he did teleport... then, perhaps, if a certain someone decides to be evil... that ability could come in handy.
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