Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



Add: Status effect will be decided on a random dice roll, rolled by the player. The resulting effect will last 1 turn duration. Cool Down: 1 turn

Noxian Diplomacy

Add: Champions with bleed effect if allowed to bleed for 1 full turn without being healed or cured of status ailment, can be instantly killed on next turn, unless gear (Ex. Guardian Angel, Zhonya's Hourglass, etc.) or ally ability otherwise prevents it. Bleeding champion will be visible to all participants for 1 turn duration. Cool Down: 1 turn


Add: Enemy champions affected by Rake will be slowed for 1 turn duration. Cool Down: 1 turn


Add: Enemy champion wearing Talon's mark will die on the third successfully placed hit. Mark duration and slow 1 turn. Cool Down: 1 turn

Shadow Assault

Add: Talon's movement speed is increased for as long as his blades remain out. Blades can only remain out for 1 turn without being retracted. Therefore, Talon can have increased movement speed for 1 turn unless he retracts his blades. Similarly, Talon can remain invisible to enemy champions for 1 turn unless Talon retracts his blades.

Add: Enemy champions who possess absolutely no physical defense gear within their inventory will be severely wounded and if not healed in time, will die on the next successful hit dealt. Cool Down: 3 turns

Sorry that took awhile. I'm looking over profiles now. If you make those changes, let me know, I'll glance at it and approve it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Power Chord


Staccato (Hymn of Valor): If an enemy champion is struck by Staccato - Power Chord, their Magic Resistance gear will be shattered. Enemy champions lacking Magic Resistance gear will be severly wounded, and if not healed, can die on consecutive hit.

Diminuendo (Aria of Perseverance): If an enemy champion is struck by Diminuendo - Power Chord, the enemy champion's damage output is reduced for 1 turn duration, and therefore, will be ineffective for such a duration.

Tempo (Song of Celerity): If an enemy champion is struck by Tempo, their movement speed will be dramatically reduced for 1 turn duration.

Hymn of Valor:

Add: Sona can attack up to two nearby enemy champions simultaneously within a 5 meter range.

Add: "Sona and tagged allied champions deal bonus damage on their next basic attacks for 1 turn duration." Cool Down: 1 turn

Aria of Perseverance

Add: Sona can heal 1 injury on an allied champion. At level 6, she can heal 2 injuries. Further injuries healed will be decided on gear selection.

Add: "Sona and tagged allied champions receive a shield that will void 1 magic (ability power) attack. At level 6, the aura will void 2 magic (AP) attacks. Further voids will be decided on gear selection." Cool Down: 1 turn

Song of Celerity

Add: 1 turn duration.

Add: "Tagged allied champions gain bonus movement speed for 1 turn duration." Cool Down: 1 turn


Add: Crescendo range is 5 meters in a straight line. Any enemy champions caught within Crescendo's path will dramatically be reduced to a near-death state, and will be forced to dance for 1 turn.

Add: At level 9, Cool Down is reduced to 9 posts waiting period. Crescendo can therefore can be cast again after the 9th post as opposed to a full turn. At level 12, Cool Down is reduced to 8 posts waiting period. At level 15, Cool Down is reduced to 7 posts waiting period. At level 18, Cool Down is reduced to 6 posts waiting period. Cooldown reduction for all of Sona's basic abilities. Cool Down: 3 turns

Thanks for pointing that out. I saw where it may have gotten confusing. I changed "them" to "him/her" in Garen's CS.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@LeeRoy@PatrickDrummer@Stern Algorithm@jasonwolf@WrongEndoftheRainbow@Mirrodin@Jersh@Kaalee@BreakingMe

So, I had to come up with a master tag list so that I can make announcements to all of you.

1. I am looking for two Co-Gms to help me run this.

2. If you have already submitted to me a completed profile and would like to unlock a second character because I am certain we may need second characters if you guys can afford them, then send me a PM of who you'd want your second character to be.

3. If your characters are ever randomly summoned to the Fields of Justice, then you can have them appear wearing whatever skin you want them to. However, you will have to RP them wearing it and it will not conflict with your gear choices.

Now as for the rest of you.

Characters Currently on Reserve:

Miss Fortune

Time Left:

Ashe - Dropped
Azir - 5 days left.
Blitzcrank - 3 days left.
Braum - 2 days left.
Ekko - 5 days left.
Gnar - 2 days left.
Katarina - Submitted
Kled - 1 day left.
Leona - 7 days left.
Miss Fortune - 1 day left.
Sona - Submitted
Talon - Submitted


If a character is ever dropped from reservation, you can always reserve the character again if no one has taken it by the time you do so.

However, I use this 7 day experiment to not only let me see your activity, but allow you to see your own activity. If it takes you more than 7 days to send me a profile for a canon character, then you may need to think about your activity. Do you really have time to post to this game? Because the pace will be at least 1 post a week, and if you can't provide 1 post a week, then your group could possibly skip you unless they're nice enough not to do so. But by this game's laws, they will be in the right to do so it'll be completely legal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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[@HolySolider] would there be room for a Nautilus or Gragas?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jasonwolf
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jasonwolf Hunter, Trainer, Ranger, Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Holy Soldier I've been in LoL since beta, so if you want someone to keep a thumb on game mechanics and such I'd be happy to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jersh
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Jersh Black Market Memer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'll be able to write my sheet after work tonight, hopefully.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

I haven't forgotten about the RP, just getting a bunch of other stuff done. I'll have more than enough free time to participate in a few days.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Archangel89Yes. This is a massive game. There will be more than enough room. However, you would have to make a CS for one or the other. I am considering introducing second characters to people who get me a complete CS for their first character.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


You don't need to write out that whole description. Just keep it plain and simple because like how everybody else has been doing it because I'll be adapting the skills to the RP.

Rage Gene

While in combat Gnar generates Rage. At maximum Rage his next ability will transform him into Mega Gnar, granting increased survivability and access to new spells.

Add: Gnar will be capable of transforming into Mega Gnar every 3rd turn. On the third turn, Gnar will be able to retain his rage form for 1 turn.

Boomerang Throw/Boulder Toss

Add: Gnar throws a boomerang that damages and slows enemies it hits before returning to him. The maximum range of the boomerang is 10 meters. If he catches the boomerang its cool down is reduced, allowing Gnar to cast Boomerang Throw every 5 posts as opposed to waiting 1 full turn.

Mini Gnar: Throws a boomerang that deals physical damage and slows enemies for 1 turn duration. The boomerang returns towards Gnar after successfully hitting an enemy.

Mega Gnar: Throws a boulder that stops when it hits an enemy, dealing physical damage and slowing enemies within 3 meters of the impact site for 1 turn. Picking up the boulder allows Mega Gnar to use the ability once more on the next turn without cool down penalty.

Add: Cool Down: 1 turn.


Add: Gnar's attacks and spells hype him up, dealing bonus damage and granting him Movement Speed.

Mega Gnar is too enraged to be hyper and instead can rear up on his hind legs and smash down on the area in front of him, stunning enemies in an area.

Mini Gnar - Passive: Every 3rd successful attack or spell on the same target will shatter 1 piece of enemy champion's magic resistance gear.

Mega Gnar - capable of stunning enemies 3 meters in front of him, stunning all those caught within wallop's path for 1 turn. Mega Gnar wallops so hard that he cannot be interrupted by stuns during his windup. Mini Gnar is capable of using wallop as a surprise transformation into Mega Gnar when all other abilities are in cool down.

Add: Cool Down: 1 turn


Add: Gnar leaps to a location and bounces off the head of any unit helands on, traveling further.

Mega Gnar is too large to bounce and instead lands with earth-shattering force, dealing damage in an area around him.

Mini Gnar - capable of dodging and evading an opponent, an opponent's attack, ability, or ultimate, depending on the nature of the ult. Gnar can only use this move once before facing cool down consequences. If Gnar lands on a minion, monster or enemy champion, then he will not only damage them, but bounce off and travel further.

Mega Gnar- jumps and crushes or "crunches" enemies caught within 3 meters of his impact site. Enemy champions caught directly beneath Mega Gnar during a crunch can die instantly if not wearing proper gear. Otherwise, 1 piece of physical armor is damaged if Mega Gnar successfully deals damage to enemy champions.

Add: Cool Down: 1 turn


Add: Mega Gnar throws everything around him in a chosen direction, dealing damage and slowing them for 1 turn duration. Any enemy that hits a wall is stunned for 1 turn duration, killed instantly if not wearing proper gear, or left in a near-death state.

Add: Cool Down: 3 turns

Mini Gnar - Passive: Grants Boomerang Throw an even lower Cool Down, allowing Gnar to cast Boomerang Throw after every second post. Mini Gnar's movement speed is dramatically increased.

All right; so, once I get a significant amount of CSes up and approved, then I will be going back through them because I will be using the speed percentage system to determine how fast one character is in comparison to another. Because in the Fields of Justice, when characters start buying boots, boots in comparison with natural champion abilities will determine who is faster than who while in game.

However, since all of those cool downs, and results only matter in the Field of Justice, no one needs to worry too much about it until that day comes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@LeeRoy@PatrickDrummer@Stern Algorithm@jasonwolf@WrongEndoftheRainbow@Mirrodin@Jersh@Kaalee@BreakingMe


So, the first event I have planned for The League is a Demacia and Noxus ball. Of course it wasn't Jarvan's idea, but I'm going to say that it was decided by the Emissaries who rule their lives like gods. I'm sure things are going to start like a hair-thin thread before it snaps. But whatever happens will be decided by everyone's actions.

Those characters who aren't allied to Demacia or Noxus can still participate. There are many friends and allies of either kingdom.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

@LeeRoy@PatrickDrummer@Stern Algorithm@jasonwolf@WrongEndoftheRainbow@Mirrodin@Jersh@Kaalee@BreakingMe


So, the first event I have planned for The League is a Demacia and Noxus ball. Of course it wasn't Jarvan's idea, but I'm going to say that it was decided by the Emissaries who rule their lives like gods. I'm sure things are going to start like a hair-thin thread before it snaps. But whatever happens will be decided by everyone's actions.

Those characters who aren't allied to Demacia or Noxus can still participate. There are many friends and allies of either kingdom.

Kindred will be there in case anyone kills anyone.

"I smell a hunt!"

"Yes, dear Wolf. Few desire to meet us at the height of festivities, yet they should expect us; they dance among their rivals and enemies."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jasonwolf
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jasonwolf Hunter, Trainer, Ranger, Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@LeeRoy@PatrickDrummer@Stern Algorithm@jasonwolf@WrongEndoftheRainbow@Mirrodin@Jersh@Kaalee@BreakingMe


So, the first event I have planned for The League is a Demacia and Noxus ball. Of course it wasn't Jarvan's idea, but I'm going to say that it was decided by the Emissaries who rule their lives like gods. I'm sure things are going to start like a hair-thin thread before it snaps. But whatever happens will be decided by everyone's actions.

Those characters who aren't allied to Demacia or Noxus can still participate. There are many friends and allies of either kingdom.

"Demaglio!" The tiny creature shouts dancing and waving his boomerang.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 10 mos ago

So, the first event I have planned for The League is a Demacia and Noxus ball. Of course it wasn't Jarvan's idea, but I'm going to say that it was decided by the Emissaries who rule their lives like gods. I'm sure things are going to start like a hair-thin thread before it snaps. But whatever happens will be decided by everyone's actions.

Those characters who aren't allied to Demacia or Noxus can still participate. There are many friends and allies of either kingdom.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@PatrickDrummerI'll give you the edits when I get home from work. And if not then, definitely this weekend.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jasonwolf
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jasonwolf Hunter, Trainer, Ranger, Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Holy Soldier Everything should be up to date on Gnar now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Holy Soldier Could I renew my Azir reservation? I'll be finishing up my app tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@jasonwolfstill not home yet. I'll look at it soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@jasonwolfGnar is approved. You can go ahead and move him over to the Character Thread.

I got on here late because work as well as a visiting friend is keeping me this weekend, but I'll be taking care of those CSes that still need to be handled.

I'm going to try and get to Kled tomorrow. I got to go back into work in the morning.
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