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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by masterwriter234

masterwriter234 The dimension jumping shapeshifter

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by masterwriter234

masterwriter234 The dimension jumping shapeshifter

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Appearence: sky blue tshirt. Tan shorts. Sneakers. Brown hair. blue eyes. Tan skin
Color of crystal/jewel green
Power(s): shapeshifting
Weakness: small round black orbs that absorb life energy
bio: Josh is an average boy. On the evening of his 13th birthday he found a strange green glowing crystal in his yard. The moment he touched it he knew what he could do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Drag0n
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Drag0n The robotic ninja

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

name: Salteer
Color of crystal/jewel: Orange
Power: Superhuman agility and stealth
weakness: Other more powerful ninjas.
Bio: He doesn't have parents and he was trained by the Doki Woki ninja clan.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Americore
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Chance

Appearance(pictures welcome): Has dark black shaggy hair that comes down to his chin. Where's a black hoodie that has a smiley face on the front with baggy jeans to match. His shoes are funnily enough Heelies because he feels it helps him get around faster.

Color of chrystal/jewel: Purple

Power: Has the ability to "merge" ,if you will, with any object. For instance, if he touches and object as long as the objects are touching each other he can "flow" through the objects to reach an end point. Since he just discovered his power he can only move through a few objects at a time. He also cannot stay within the object for very long so he must picture where he wants to end up, in conjunction with the object's he touches, so that he doesn't just get spit out anywhere.

Weakness: He is a 13 year old boy with just the ability to flow through objects. If he ends up in the middle of some "bad dudes" he is gonna take a beating if he isn't quick about getting away.

Bio: Chance always enjoys putting a smile on other peoples faces. He has always had a glow with the flow attitude ever since his family could remember. One day when he was moving the yard after his 13th birthday was nearing an end he came upon his crystal. Excited, thinking it was a secret birthday present, he grabbed it and that is when things got strange. After the crystals gift was given to him he began to freak his parents out. Coming down the stairs every day seemed like a bizarre trip to the rest of the family for Chance because he would start coming down and end up in the garage. His parents don't know what his happening and worst of all, neither does Chance. Like it was mentioned though, he has a pretty relaxed attitude, so he is taking it day by day to figure out his new gift.

Age is always 13

(Would love some notes to make sure this power seems fair. Also sorry for piggybacking off of your birthday idea didn't know if that would be cool or not)
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