Avatar of Americore
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    1. Americore 9 yrs ago
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Current Rusty, but hoping to have fun
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Let us write. DM me
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Back again losers
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Till next time
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College! Sport's teams! Spring break!
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I'm a meat popsicle.

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Sounds interesting
Bump, showing interest in a flight medic ;)
@atroposer I plan to keep Poseidon's anger issues for sure haha. However, was curious if it wouldn't be too far off the mark if I made him a bit more lax when dealing with those that summon him off the bat? That will change drastically though if he hears something that insults him.
@Atroposer Will hopefully have the CS to you within the next few days.
I was actually curious about that. A form I was picturing for Poseidon in this day and age was something close to this.

Didn't know if this was too far off from what you had in mind or not? Thought it would give off a more approachable vibe to whomever summoned him.

@Atroposer Much appreciated
@Atroposer Then I like it even more! I would like to ask if I can create a character sheet for Poseidon if possible? If there are too many people staking claims on deities though, I have no problem making a witch CS. Just for keeping it even.
I would like to throw my interest in if you don't mine. Pardon me if I misread, so are the greek gods mentioned now more human in nature when you say they involve themselves in mortal lives? Ie, with lack of faith in them anymore they walk amongst us all? Pardon me if I misread, just curious
God damnit, woman. thinking to himself as he slid across the hood to the passenger seat. Eyes were stuck on the cashier inside. As fate would have it, so were his. Stuck in a battle for what seemed like hours between the two all he could think about was, There has to be more like us going through time. I just don't understand what the fascination with Beth is? Why would they go all this way to try and stop us from our goals? We need to figure out what her past linked too.

Snapped back to reality, oops there goes gravity...wait...there fucking goes gravity?!?! Without missing a beat he began to float from the car. Hand latched onto the door handle he shouted to Beth, "I am either, literally, head over heels for you or," the door began to swing out for him to climb in, "One of those wiley coyote looking bastards in there knows a thing or two about physics. To the point they can mess with this shit."

Scanning up and down on the dashboard he desperately needed to find it. "Where is it, where is it, where the fuck is it." This may just be a prop to those not on this journey, but for them, it was a true blue time machine. Just like the movies there was a, "Flight switch!" Hitting the switch, the car began to float up higher with the wheels turning into the hoover modules from the movies.

"Beth, step on it, some crazy shit is about to happen and I don't have enough toilet paper to deal with this whole mess!" Every step they took, every breath they let slip from them, was another stride down the rabbit hole that was this mystery. We need to dive deeper, we need to attack from, "The inside! Beth, we need to find a way to get to Inception! We need to figure out from within what the hell these weirdo's want!"
Is it a cop? I didn't see any cops on the street? A squad car in the distance maybe, but no cops on foot his body slowly straightened out from his hunched fit of exhaustion. I need to make a break for it but the walls of the buildings paired together with only the fire escapes to drip down little pieces of hope upon his very troubled head.

Blood splattered, gloveless, hands raised toward the sky to show...wait...gloveless?! Eyes whipped down to his belt to realize that his knife still rested in the thigh of the deceased Doctor. "Fuck it all" announcing in an disappointed tone. With an, assumed to be, impatient cop behind me, knife in a dead guy that is covered in finger prints, Chance felt far from kosher at this moment. To throw his brain into overdrive, all he needed to do was take a quick glance at the enigma that stood behind him.

Chance's head shot forward with another, "Fuck it all!" emphasizing each word. It was one of the Bat clan. Of all the potential do rights in this city he had to be cornered by one of the Bat's. With a knife littered with his fingerprints in a dead guy, covered in blood, down an alley with no exit, and a true blue vigilante at his rear...Chance felt a few degrees more than fucked. So he did the only thing plausible at this point in time.

A long sigh began only to be cut off with a gruff response, "I'm a rat in a corner here. A bloody rat at that. It is obvious that something about me is amiss. Hell, a little more than amiss." Slowly, Chance turned to face Batgirl, hands still lazily kept above shoulder level. "As of right now you see a guy covered in blood, darting from an apartment that had quite a fall out from anyone with ears. I was brash, my brain was torn asunder with emotion, however" he couldn't keep a spare tear from rolling down his face, "The bastard deserved every shot you heard!"

Keeping his right hand above his head as his left hand grabbed the strap from his satchel. With great care he lowered the bag to the ground and continued on. "That fucker killed kids! Well, more than that he..." it was hard to keep his train of thought on track at this moment. Taking a breath as he got back to standing tall, "Look, the person upstairs was a man living a false life that he didn't deserve. If a court called for evidence of that fact then I would be exhibit mother fucking A."

A trash can would rattle as a stray cat leaped from it and blasted past him. Chance's eyes whipped to the ground to watch this interference scamper away. You need to calm down, all you can do bud is explain yourself and then hope for...well I don't know...anything. "The story is long, and it would probably seem like I am just trying to distract you. I hear about you Bat folks all the time on the streets. Yous guys are some smart folk. However, every ounce of me is telling you the truth." His right hand pointed up toward the direction of the apartment. "That man...no...that thing deserved to die. All I wanted was retribution for all of the kids that weren't lucky like me to walk away from that facility."

Like she would know about the facility. Dead kids huh? Great! You are practically the king of broken story telling now. Beating himself up internally Chance's eyes burned into her cowl. Twitching back and forth from eye to the other, unable to focus on one iris he stated, "If you give me the time, I will explain every ounce of my reasoning along with actual proof of that monster's travesty."
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