The Elder Scrolls: Colony at Septimia

It is the 1st of Morning Star, 3E 289, and with the sun dawns the inaugural year of "The Province of Akavir". Unerring and vainglorious,the young Emperor, Uriel V, has plied the talents of his rule into the construction of a vast invasion fleet, dubbed "The Far East" and manned by some seven of Tamriel's battle-hardened legions. Having bloodied it Esroniet and the smattering of isles that dwindle, spine-like,from Tamriel's north coast, The Emperor personally delivered his armada to where no recorded Tamrielic soul had ever tread, to the heartland of that timeless plague of invaders; Akavir.
Landing, the Emperor quickly drove his army up the coast, and in the wake of he and his ferocious legions of battlemages, sword-singers and nordic-screamers, the locals meekly scattered into the trees. With the vast fear his expedition seemed to command, the Emperor was able to hollow out a ready-walled and fertile city, Ionith, seated at a fulcrum point of crucial rivers and life-giving flood-plains. It was here that he named his capital, garrisoned his troops, and prepared to choke out the natives who had so often plundered his Empire, only to retreat to their abundantly fertile, bejewelled homeland, and to here would flock droves of Tamriel's destitute and hopeless, eager for the prosperity such untapped and freely-offered land can grant.
Yet, just a short barge-trip upriver, another settlement has sprung. Obscured beneath the seasonal monsoons, whose rains slop across the terraced fields and mist up once more in haze against the still sun-draped soil, shivers the town of Septimia, defined only by a muddy palisade and the frothing-green ocean that laps and then hammers the coast at erratic intervals. It was here that the Emperor first flirted with a provincial capital, before his intemperate urges drove him to the more contentious ground to the east. Needing the security of a port, however, and acknowledging the susceptibility of the settlement to river-raids and coastal-reavers, necessitated a commanding Imperial presence.
Titus IV Alorius, descendent of Tiber Septim's great general and pacifier of the feuding kingdoms of the High Rock region, commands the city as its governor. Quietly displeased by the Emperor's flippancy, Titus seeks to forge a cultured, strong and lasting settlement. To do this, Alorius has sold of the remnants of his estates in Colovia, and used the funds to offer financial incentive to the more enterprising, though, perhaps, not as prosperous, of Tamriel's citizenry. Having dispatched messengers to each of the nine provinces, lobbying for colonists, Alorius hopes to make this settlement his magnum opus - far greater what he might have achieved among the stones of Colovia.
The Premise:
Thank you for taking the time to read thus-far, I very much appreciate it.
Colony at Septimia is, as its name suggests, a RP centred around the ill-fated Septimia colony founded by Uriel Septim V in the 3E on the continent of Akavir. Our characters will be colonists who have taken up the bursaries offered by the city's governor, Titus IV Alorius - perhaps simple tradespeople and farmers, perhaps guards or mercenaries, perhaps skilled workers, potters, alchemists, tavern owners and bards. Anything that a budding young town might have need of - our characters will have to fulfil those roles. This is a port city, and as such, trade will be of great import as well.
The format will be that of a "slice-of-life" RP, focusing on the day-to-day running of the town, the threats from the environment (this is Akavir, both the wildlife and the natives are aliens to us, and potentially hostile at that), and the politics of malcontent that often crop-up in community. There will, of course, be larger events, those that know the lore will be aware that the city is eventually destroyed by the Akaviri (although we might not follow this path) - this is a frontier and dangerous society, and the kinds of people that take up the offer of joining the conoly will be aware of this. They may be redeemed convicts purchased from prison, they may be economically, politically or religiously ostracised (think Puritans from our world), or they may simply be greedy - but something must motivate these people to take the perhaps thousand-mile journey, and to forgo the prospect of ever seeing Tamriel again.
Characters will, by and large, have lead fairly ordinary lives up until their departure - this is their big adventure. Of course storied warriors will be welcomed, but not every character can have been present at every fulcrum point available in our timeline.
Rules and Requirements:
Character Interaction:
- Gregarious vs Introverted - This RP focuses strongly on character interaction, and will be almost entirely driven by it. For that reason, please try and submit characters whose day-to-day functions involve the necesity of speaking to other players. You might play a boat-builder who has to haggle for lumber from the local mill, You might play a trader trying to negotiate a trade-contract from the governor, whatever it is that you choose, ensure that you are not isolating yourself. I leave the personality of your characters up to you, but please ensure that they meet this stipulation.
- Romance - Personally, I dislike RPing romance, at least between my own character and another player's, and will likely not engage in it, however, I have no qualms with other characters participating in such a storyline by mutual consent. Having said this, I would make three stipulations. Firstly, ensure that the characters whom you romance have a believable and readily identifiable connection with one another, and be sure to develop it to a point where they acknowledge this in a way that does not seem engineered. Think about how you personally would conduct yourself in a relationship, or how you would like to, or about relationships in-media that you have personally found compelling. This isn't really the setting for one-night stands - I find that sort of drama tiresome. Secondly, I would ask that you keep romances tame, or, as the Americans among us might say, 'PG-13'. Thirdly, I don't want the focus of this RP to be relationships - this is not gossip town - if you're going to have relationships, make sure they occur at the end of a character's story arc, or at a cursory point along it, not embody that arc altogether.
Posts and their Content:
- Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling and Syntax: - I don't particularly enjoy reading posts that do not utilise correct grammar, are not punctuated smoothly or are not organised into easily digestible paragraphs. I'm happy to give pointers to those whose native language is not English, as best I can, but I will not generally accept players who do not display effort to address their use of language, and sculpt it to each context.
- Posting Frequency - I understand that we generally need to make do with what were given, however, I will require players to post at least once every 7 days (although I may vary this), unless, of course, there are real-life mitigating circumstances. Obviously, I'm not your employer, I don't need the details, I won't mind if you tell me beforehand that you will not be able to make the deadline, but please don't abuse my trust by making a habit of asking repeatedly. If you really can't post on a regular basis, please do notify me of your dropping out, rather than disappear. I won't be disappointed, but I do need to know.
- Post Order - Since this will focus on character interaction, and ideally will have multiple interactions running concurrently - hence requiring that I afford players autonomy to play out their own interactions. To allow for this, I will be running a time-stamp system, which I will explain in the next section.
Game Running and Admin:
- Time-Stamps: - Every so often (usually every three weeks, to give everyone a chance to get at least three posts in), I will make a post in which I will establish a setting for the RP. Each setting will occupy one 24-hour-day, which I will move weekly from Morning to Afternoon to Evening/Night. In each scene-setting post, I will establish an event for that day, if there is to be one, or any environmental conditions that will colour the behaviour of our characters. For instance, I intend to start the RP on new year's day, and hence, the town will be preparing for celebrations (in TES, the holiday is called "New Life Fesitval", the particulars of which I will explain in the opening post in the IC). Characters will then be free to make their weekly post (you're welcome to make more frequent posts, though!). Once we have moved through three weeks, I will change the setting, and establish a new one.
- Multiple Characters - I'm more than happy for players to have multiple characters, but I would like to wait a couple of weeks before accepting applications for them, to allow other prospective players the chance to create a character to fill one of the essential roles outlined. Keep in mind that the rule for one-post-a-week applies to each individual character, not each player. If you take on another character, you'll need to make multiple posts. Additionally, if your character will use any minor supporting characters that will only appear in some of that player's own posts, but will not interact independently, then I will need to see a CS for that character as well.
Accepted Characters and Required Role:
Character Sheet Format: (Please submit CS's via PM)
Accepted CS's:
Roles that require filling:
Commander of the Guard:
Gondola-Diver: (To ferry supplies to the Emperor at Ionith)
Trading Post Operator/General Store Owner:(Perhaps an East Empire Company representative?)
Imperial Messenger:
Farmer:(The Environment is similar to what you might find in Cambodia and Vietnam - rice is the staple crop and fields are sodden and rain-drenched)
Lumberjack and Mill-owner
Discharged Soldier:
Priest (Perhaps one with unorthodox beliefs, such as an Alessian Order adherent)
Details of the Setting:
Akaviri Enviornment:
Construction Material:
City Map:
Governor Titus IV Alorius' Citadel:
Public Buildings: