There has always been worship.
In the earliest days of man, we revered the sun and it's awesome power of bringing both life and death; over time, the Sun would find itself personified with specific Deities - Gods, along with other things, both tangible and not. Life and Death; Sun and Moon; Water, Fire, Earth, Wind; War and Peace, Love and Conquest. Across the globe, across time and cultures, each society had their own names for these Deities - but some became more prominent in history than others.
As far as people in the 21st Century are concerned, this is because these civilisations were great. Egyptians, Greeks, the Vikings - they conquered, with great minds and greater power. We learned much from their teachings, from mathematics and sciences to the arts. But the people of ancient times and their religions had a far greater impact on our world than most will ever know. Their Gods were not just folktales written to explain the unknown.
They were real. Just as they are today - and they are not done with the Earth and her people just yet.
Greetings, ladies, gentlemen, and unidentifiable alien blob species! As you have no doubt gathered from the title and introduction post of this interest check, you will have gathered it will be centered around Gods, and their lovely bastard Demi-God children. Or perhaps not lovely - it all depends on you, after all.
First of all, I would like to impress upon everyone that this is not going to be your typical, Percy-Jackson-esque roleplay. Well will not be roleplaying only teenagers - in fact, I would be most appreciative in a range of ages. As of yet, I have a plot, and am building up a CS. Without giving too much away, here is what you can know solely for the interest check - naturally, I will be taking questions:
Without giving away too much about the plot - and no current CS - I hope this is enough to pique somebody's interest. As always, I will take queries before you invest anything.
First of all, I would like to impress upon everyone that this is not going to be your typical, Percy-Jackson-esque roleplay. Well will not be roleplaying only teenagers - in fact, I would be most appreciative in a range of ages. As of yet, I have a plot, and am building up a CS. Without giving too much away, here is what you can know solely for the interest check - naturally, I will be taking questions:
- This is a high-casual Roleplay. I will not accept someone who cannot write something with basic correct grammar and spelling. Posting requirements won't be extremely stringent - more than one paragraph, once a week.
- You will be playing as a Demi-God; either from Ancient Greece, Egypt, or or the Norse beliefs. I currently have a list of Gods from all faiths, but naturally it doesn't include every single one. Keeping in mind the various shenanigans and abilities of the Gods from the myths, you can pick any - from the three faiths - as long as they are pure-blooded, and regardless of sex, can be a mother or father to your character. After all, if Zeus can morph into a swan for amusing sex, I'm fairly sure he could turn into a woman as well. In addition to this, virginal or loyal Gods/Goddesses will not be a mother/father to your character. This includes Artemis, Athena, and Hera - there may be others that I am not aware of, so do some research on your God.
- This roleplay is of a war between Gods - it will also take our characters around the world, in what seems like futile hopes of stopping said war, and subsequent end of the world. Said roleplay will begin in a mysterious manner - your character may or may not know that they are different to most other humans, but the prospect of Gods and powerful Godly blood flowing through their veins is not known. If powers manifest - and they will have powers; they wouldn't be much of a Demi-God without them, after all - perhaps they would come to the conclusion of Godliness if they chose to not ignore it or pin it down to coincidence; but there would be no proof, nor sudden appearance of said Godly parent.
- UPDATE: There is currently no cap on children of a certain God/Goddess, but if I'm suddenly getting ten children of Zeus and 15 of Hecate, there will be a cap. Additionally, if too many children of a certain faith appear, that will be capped until more children of other faith's are filled up - however, there is no worry, as there isn't a limit on how many characters one may have.
- ANOTHER UPDATE: Children of Titans, Giants, Spirits, Demons, or mythological beasts will not be accepted - Gods only please.
Without giving away too much about the plot - and no current CS - I hope this is enough to pique somebody's interest. As always, I will take queries before you invest anything.
OOC Page: roleplayerguild.com/topics/140737-wrat..