And, as I near completion, finally, a teaser character for you all.
Because I am a tease.

Primus Pilus Severus. One of the last commanders of the fabled legions of the Old Empire. Charged with, during the end of all things (as far as the empire was concerned) defending the passes of the north from the encroaching barbarians. Even as great changes rocked the dying empire-the coming of Grandfather Thirst was no gentle thing-even as cities died and burn, Severus and his legion held the north, until, seemingly, all lines of communications had been cut off, or were dead.
So. Severus studied. Severus learned. He delved into the baleful energies seeping into the land,
permeating it. Changing it. And he discovered a new lore of magic. The Lore of Balefire. A red, pale, flickering thing, that gives off no heat, but burns all the same. That twists the world around it. Desperate, he gave himself over to this lore entirely-until, indeed, it's energies were the only thing animating his body...
Today he still follows his last command.
Hold the north. Come what may.