
Valoran is the name of the supercontinent in which the League of Legends takes place. It is a high-fantasy world with city-states supervised by The High Council of Equity. The recognized countries and city states are:
The Countries of Valoran
- Bilgewater Union
- Empire of Noxus
- Empire of Shurima
- Ionia
- Kingdom of Demacia
- Kingdom of Freljord
The City-States
- Bandle City
- Piltover
- Zaun
Unknown/Non-Governed Territories
- Mount Targon
- Shadow Isles
- The Ten Unexplored Seas
Each country, city-state, and tribe have a diplomat known as the Emissary of the League. The emissary is the one who submits the names of randomly selected champions to be summoned to The Fields of Justice. Characters who are summoned will see their name listed in a GM message. In-game, characters will see a portal open before them. That portal will be the door to transport them to a match. Characters won’t know who will be on their team. It may be a friend, it may be a rival, or it may be a complete stranger whom they have never served with.
Role Play
When a player is writing in a certain city, then he or she will utilize the tagging system to state their location so that others will know. The tagging system will also be used to let readers know which champions were either directly spoken to/interacted with or mentioned in their post. The tag can be found below:
[b]Champion:[/b] His or her name.
[b]Affiliation:[/b] City-state.
[b]Role:[/b] If you filled out a CS, then you know what this means.
[b]Attributes:[/b] If you filled out a CS, then you know what this means.
[b]Time/Date:[/b] Mars (March) 4-31 (you can role play any scenes between those dates) 7116 (the year) A.R.W. (After the Rune War)
[b]Location:[/b] Where are you in the world. Be as specific as possible.
[b]Tagging:[/b] Who are you talking immediately to. [b]Mentioned:[/b] What character was mentioned in the post but not directly spoken to?

NPCs & Establishments
Players can create common NPCs or establishments that characters can use, or they may be people who they will see all the time. The player who created the NPC can opt to control that NPC for all characters who visit the establishment or leave them as an open role to be played whenever necessary. There will be a list of NPCs and establishments for each city in a hider. If a named NPC or establishment is created, I ask that the player(s) who created them send me a PM so that I can keep track and add it to the list.
You will find the NPC list in a hider beneath the list of countries, city-states, and unknown areas above.
More Threads
If we get a ton of people in this game, then I will be giving each major city such as Demacia, Noxus, etc. their own thread and it will be linked here. This will be to help us organize the IC plots that are going on so that we don't over-clutter this one IC.[/font]
1. Sandbox. This is a sandbox area. Storylines will be either guided by those individual players running them or by the GM.
2. Summoning. If your champion is summoned to the Fields of Justice, you can still resume play as though they had been summoned on another date. However, you must answer the call.
3. Duels. Players may get into duels due to champion rivalry. Champions can choose to duel within the Fields of Justice in a 1 v 1 match or they can choose to duel in their current dimension. Warning: If champions duel and one of them dies in Valoran, then they will die for real. Thus is why the Fields of Justice exist. They are to help keep the peace and they are an alternative form of warfare between nations.
4. Tagging. Use the tag please.
5. No OOC. Keep all OOC comments in the OOC thread. That's why it is there. Also be sure to "@Mention" the person you are talking to out oc courtesy.
A link to the Arena thread will be posted here soon for when the time comes. Also, if we get a ton of people in this game, then you may find links to specific nations such as Demacia, Noxus, etc. For all RP being conducted within the jurisdiction of those nations.
Fields of Justice (Arena)