Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Valoran is the name of the supercontinent in which the League of Legends takes place. It is a high-fantasy world with city-states supervised by The High Council of Equity. The recognized countries and city states are:

The Countries of Valoran

  • Bilgewater Union
  • Empire of Noxus
  • Empire of Shurima
  • Ionia
  • Kingdom of Demacia
  • Kingdom of Freljord

The City-States

  • Bandle City
  • Piltover
  • Zaun

Unknown/Non-Governed Territories

  • Mount Targon
  • Shadow Isles
  • The Ten Unexplored Seas

Each country, city-state, and tribe have a diplomat known as the Emissary of the League. The emissary is the one who submits the names of randomly selected champions to be summoned to The Fields of Justice. Characters who are summoned will see their name listed in a GM message. In-game, characters will see a portal open before them. That portal will be the door to transport them to a match. Characters won’t know who will be on their team. It may be a friend, it may be a rival, or it may be a complete stranger whom they have never served with.

Role Play

When a player is writing in a certain city, then he or she will utilize the tagging system to state their location so that others will know. The tagging system will also be used to let readers know which champions were either directly spoken to/interacted with or mentioned in their post. The tag can be found below:

[b]Champion:[/b] His or her name.
[b]Affiliation:[/b] City-state.
[b]Role:[/b] If you filled out a CS, then you know what this means.
[b]Attributes:[/b] If you filled out a CS, then you know what this means.
[b]Time/Date:[/b] Mars (March) 4-31 (you can role play any scenes between those dates) 7116 (the year) A.R.W. (After the Rune War)
[b]Location:[/b] Where are you in the world. Be as specific as possible.
[b]Tagging:[/b] Who are you talking immediately to. [b]Mentioned:[/b] What character was mentioned in the post but not directly spoken to?

NPCs & Establishments

Players can create common NPCs or establishments that characters can use, or they may be people who they will see all the time. The player who created the NPC can opt to control that NPC for all characters who visit the establishment or leave them as an open role to be played whenever necessary. There will be a list of NPCs and establishments for each city in a hider. If a named NPC or establishment is created, I ask that the player(s) who created them send me a PM so that I can keep track and add it to the list.

You will find the NPC list in a hider beneath the list of countries, city-states, and unknown areas above.

More Threads

If we get a ton of people in this game, then I will be giving each major city such as Demacia, Noxus, etc. their own thread and it will be linked here. This will be to help us organize the IC plots that are going on so that we don't over-clutter this one IC.[/font]


1. Sandbox. This is a sandbox area. Storylines will be either guided by those individual players running them or by the GM.
2. Summoning. If your champion is summoned to the Fields of Justice, you can still resume play as though they had been summoned on another date. However, you must answer the call.
3. Duels. Players may get into duels due to champion rivalry. Champions can choose to duel within the Fields of Justice in a 1 v 1 match or they can choose to duel in their current dimension. Warning: If champions duel and one of them dies in Valoran, then they will die for real. Thus is why the Fields of Justice exist. They are to help keep the peace and they are an alternative form of warfare between nations.
4. Tagging. Use the tag please.
5. No OOC. Keep all OOC comments in the OOC thread. That's why it is there. Also be sure to "@Mention" the person you are talking to out oc courtesy.


A link to the Arena thread will be posted here soon for when the time comes. Also, if we get a ton of people in this game, then you may find links to specific nations such as Demacia, Noxus, etc. For all RP being conducted within the jurisdiction of those nations.

Fields of Justice (Arena)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Welcome to the Castle of the Gods, Headquarters of the League.

The High Council of Equity have called for all members of the kingdoms of Noxus and Demacia, as well as their allies, to participate in a special dinner as a means to cool the flames that burn between the nations and bring them closer to peace through cooperation. The Emissaries ask nothing more from their guests but to eat, drink, socialize and be merry. To enjoy this night as though there were no kingdoms and wars and that everyone was equal and at peace. It may have been asking for much, but they were at least willing to give it a shot!

The Main Ball Room

Champions will find the doors open for them automatically upon approach. The piano fills the hall with a pleasant melody and the air is warm with the pleasant smells of a grand feast spread out upon the long tables that line the left and right side of the room. They are free to partake in the spread, dance, play music themselves, or even sing. This was meant to be a night of drink, laughter, and joy. A night of peace.

Main Method of Arrival to the Ball: Gateway (Teleporter)


Use this code at the top of each of your posts to let other writers know, who your character is, where your character is, their kingdom, who they are talking directly to, and who they have mentioned. If you wish to add graphics, colors, etc., then do so. Design it however you like.

Name: (The name of your champion)
Affiliation: (what kingdom, city, etc. If your champion is from a major kingdom, then write that please.)
Location: (Be specific so everyone knows where your character is currently positioned and not just writing your character wherever THEY think they are standing)
Tagging: (This will be who your character is directly interacting with/talking to. You can use the @Mention here and tag those writers out of courtesy)
Mentioned: (This may be a champion your character is thinking about or indirectly mentioned in your post.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Jax
Affiliation: Ionia, and by proxy Demacia. Though, loosely.
Location: Castle of the Gods.

That familiar blue aura of teleportation washed across him as he stood atop the dias in the Placidium of Ionia, Jax nodded a silent farewell to the surrounding scholars and spiritualists alike as he vanished into thin air. In a moment he reappeared in a spectacular venue rivaling that of the Placidium itself, though much more decadent and not much in the way of orderly. Despite its exuberance it was merely a locale that served the purpose of looking pretty. Rather than having any particular unique quality about it, it relied on the concept of beauty to give it the appearance of glory. He inhaled through is nostrils and let out a long sigh, adjusting his shoulders to lessen the weight of the length of brass lamppost on his back. After stepping from the elevated platform he was stopped by a man dressed lightly in armor who asked of him to leave his weapon at the door, behind the mask he smiled slightly and gave a short laugh.

Reaching behind himself and grasping the pole with his thumb and forefinger he showed it to the guard. "Hah, this old thing? Haven't you seen a lamp before?" Before the man replied he laughed again and stepped past him, for a moment the guard contemplated stopping him. Even raised his hand towards the strange figure before reconsidering his decision. Of all the people in the world to argue with, Jax was not one that the guard would bother.

It was a laborious task seeking his prize at this locale, the hustle and bustle of the venue was particularly great. Nobles of every nation state were doting about with a sickening sense of importance. Even those nationals that weren't particularly fond of either nation were here, likely forming relations with the higher ups of individual nations to get in good with the most powerful states. Man, if these people really sat down and thought about the important issues. Shurima's rise, the Void's growing influence, the hellscape of the Shadow Isles. If they'd seen what Jax has seen in his long years, they wouldn't bother with the petty squabbles of Demacia and Noxus.

If Jax thought so low of these people, why was he here?

Well, a number of reasons. If a fight breaks out, sweet. The champ's here to add some teeth to the list of teeth he's knocked out. Of course there might be a chance that he might actually find some sort of interesting adventure by following some noble home to their nation-state that would be fine as well. The biggest reason, however, and the reason he's thus far forgotten to replant his lamppost on his back.


Of all the fancy food and decoration that was here, the high standards of the people observing and consuming it? The liquor here must be the single most expensive and highest quality out there. Behind, of course, Gragas' most recent brew. Obviously nothing compared to the best drink that only ever improves, but this was effectively a consolation prize. For not bothering to actually traverse the Freljord in order to seek out his old friend.

It was about this time that he remembered carrying a magically alight lamp in one's hand might be taken as an offense, obviously he didn't want to start a fuss before he hand found his prize. He placed the post back in the leather holster on his back and continued shoving his way through the crowd.

Name: Sion
Affiliation: Noxus
Location: Far beneath the Castle of the Gods.

Party? Yes. They had said party. They had said secret.

There was a colossal carriage that had carried several Noxian nobles to the teleporter directly beneath the Castle of the Gods. Beneath the seats that the nobles had ridden was a fake panel, but why? Chained down beneath that panel lied the beastly horror that is Sion, and beneath him was another deeper panel. And in that panel was a catapult, primed and ready to launch the beast towards the castle once the signal was raised.

It was a particularly complex and intentionally show-offish carriage, so despite the inner workings it didn't look too abnormal.

But why?

What purpose did they have for bringing the heathenish creature here?

Sion is an engine of war, designed to be unleashed on the unprepared. If violence broke out inside of the party, a signal would be raised. The goliath would be fired at the castle and unleash absolute hell upon any Demacian noble or soldier that crossed his path.

Battle. . .Yessss.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
Avatar of Holy Soldier

Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Jarvan Lightshield IV and Garen Crownguard
Affiliation: Demacia
Location: Standing next to the wine samples at one of the banquet tables
Tagging: Open Mentioned: Noxus - @LeeRoy@BreakingMe@PatrickDrummer@Mirrodin

Jarvan bitterly sipped from the cup in his hand. The red wine was a sweet blend and the alcohol left its burn across his tongue. The Demacian emperor peered down at his glass after sampling the drink’s strength, and with a frown, returned it to the table.

They’re trying to lower our guard, Jarvan thought. He never disobeyed the gods but that didn’t mean he ever took pleasure in the occasions they had planned. The moment he was informed that every kingdom to include that one kingdom full of bloodthirsty, anarchist scum (surprised they even have a crown to stand under), were invited to this ball, this grand occasion of peace, he felt the declination even in his soul. Absolutely not! But there he was, standing amidst six Dauntless soldiers to include his general and friend, Garen.

“The wine is strong,” Jarvan muttered for Garen’s ears.

Garen’s brows lifted curiously as he peered into the rouge waters of his glass before he asked without turning away from the rest of the room: “Does this occasion unsettle you, my lord?”

Jarvan frowned and crossed his gold armored arms before his chest. The gods had insisted that the champions arrive in formal clothing suitable for a ball, but Jarvan wasn’t going to have it. He and his men were armed to the teeth.

“Tell me Garen, do you feel comfortable in the presence of the gods?”

Garen frowned a little as he mused over the question. He had to ask himself how did he feel at that moment and if he was supposed to feel as paranoid as his lord.

“I suppose, yes.”


“Because I believe that we were brought here for respite, and the gods will ensure that we get it.”

“In death, Garen. Do you really think Noxus would see the Emperor of Demacia standing here without his complete guard, walk over, grab a plate of cheese and chips, and say, ‘How fairs your day?’ Whatever they got planned; whatever they intend; I want my men to be just as ready as I am. So drink light. You’ve never failed me, and I can’t imagine you ever doing so.”

Garen turned to Jarvan with his blue eyes shining in determination. He returned the wine glass to the table and reassured the emperor, “I would die for you. You have had my sword and my undying loyalty for years now and you’ll have it until my end.”

Jarvan glanced over at Garen and smiled in appreciation. “And I, you Garen. I intend for my grave to be on the battlefield, blanketed in the blood of my enemies.”

“That’s a fine death, my lord, but I intend to see you die naturally for the sake of the kingdom.”

“Hmph!” Jarvan uttered a muffled laugh behind a smirk. “Old, bedridden, and shitting myself.”

Garen’s face lit up brightly with mirth as a grin expanded on his face before laughter rang loudly from him.

“I won’t be any younger than you by then. Hm…” Garen crossed his arms next and smiled into his possible future. “I might have me a lady.”

Jarvan arched a brow. “Is that right?”

“I want strong Crownguard children to continue to serve your line.” He then arched a brow back at Jarvan and gave him a side-glance. “Which means you’ll need to find a lady friend too.”

Jarvan huffed out another laugh. “If there are any worthy.”

“What about Shyvana?”

“What about her?”

Garen looked away from Jarvan and just closed his eyes as an amused smile stretched across his face. Jarvan’s brows knitted on his forehead as he gave the silent vanguard a questionable look. Turning his attention back to the ball, Jarvan scowled at his thoughts and the teasing Garen gave him.

“She’s a loyal and fearsome warrior…I would trade her prowess for no other.”

Garen nodded. “Her beauty is quite exotic and she watches you a lot.”

Jarvan closed his eyes next and his frown hardened further as he resisted Garen’s subterfuge. He knew what he was trying to get him to confess.

“We will discuss this no more.”

“Yes, Sir,” said Garen with another large grin on his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
Avatar of Stern Algorithm

Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Name: Kindred
Affiliation: None
Location: Castle of the Gods, The Main Ballroom
Tagging: @LeeRoy
Mentioned: Sion

"What is it, Lamb?" the large, smoky, disembodied wolf's head eagerly asked in his gruff voice.

"A party, dear Wolf; merriment," came the reply of the humanoid sheep creature in her clear, cold voice.

"Are we invited?"

"No. And yes. When enemies meet, we are always invited."

"Will it be fun?"


"Then let us go!"

Kindred deftly stepped off the teleportation platform, Lamb casting her inscrutably masked gaze from one warm body to another, the majority of the attendees, those with less courage, falling deathly silent at their approach. Wolf orbited Lamb playfully, snapping his jaws at the other guests.

"Fret not, mortals," Lamb said in a somewhat less than reassuring tone, "We are simply here to observe."

"Lamb! Lamb!" Wolf agitated, "I smell the stench of undeath approaching!"

Lamb did not reply. She wondered which abomination Wolf was sensing. She tightened her grip on her bow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BreakingMe
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BreakingMe My whole existence is flawed.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Katarina
Affiliation: Noxus
Location: Katarina's home >> Entrance to the ballroom
Tagging: @Mirrodin
Mentioned: @Holy Soldier

Katarina looked over her dress in the mirror one more time. The smooth, black fabric clung to every inch of her body but that wasn't her concern. She was worried the high slit would reveal the daggers she had strapped to her thigh. When she stood still, she was fine. It was any sort of movement that gave her away. Damn it. She was going to have to go in naked. Well, obviously not naked, but weaponless. It frustrated her. High ranking Demacian officers would be there tonight. Maybe even Jarvan himself. Wouldn't that be lovely, she thought to herself. A chance to pay Demacia back for the brand on her face. She knew, though, that even if he was there, her chances of taking him out were slim to none. The ball was a peaceful but highly regulated event. Besides, Talon was too level-headed to let her try anything tonight. He had reminded her many times, before they were getting ready, that tonight was not their night.

She tore the weaponed garter off her leg and tossed it to the floor. The steel of the daggers pinged against the marble floor, a sound that echoed too loudly in her ears. She had exceptional hand to hand combat skills and had yet to find a rival. That, however, didn't calm her nerves. Her daggers were her safety net. They had never failed her. Well, except the one time. But that was in the past and that man was dead. Jarvans's face flashed across her mind again. Someday he would pay for all he'd done to her family and Noxus. She balled her fists at her side. Not tonight. Not tonight.

"Talon!" she shouted. She opened the set of wooden doors and walked with a gallant purpose toward the room Talon was changing in. She pounded on the door. "Talon? Are you finished?" She shouted again, impatient and frustrated that he hadn't immediately responded to her beckoning. It was just like him, though. He would refuse to respond to her often, attempting to teach her patience. All it usually did was end with the two in a teasing altercation and a laugh. It was odd how Talon had always been able to get her to laugh, no matter the situation. Even the night her father had disappeared, Talon had made her feel better. She knew that he had been hurting just as much as she had but he had given her a shoulder to lean on when she needed it most.

The tension in her body waned as she remembered how he had been her fortress that night. Her voice softened somewhat. "Talon - I'm ready to go. Obviously you're not, so I'm just going to go ahead. I promise I won't do anything stupid. Just catch up when you can." She still didn't hear a reply. Oh well, she thought, he'll find me eventually.


Arriving at the ballroom, Katarina stood a short moment in the doorway. The room was spectacular. Noxus had some beautiful venues but nothing compared to this. The fabrics were heavy and rich in color. The music was ethereal and intoxicating. Her eyes surveyed the room. They brushed quickly over the staff. None appeared to be out of place. Her eyes, however, locked on pair of men in a corner. Her stomach immediately flipped. Not only was Garen here, but Jarvan himself stood in this ballroom. The two chuckled over small talk. They drank casually but both were trained to look relaxed, no matter how on guard they were. Her hand immediately went to her daggers - daggers that remained on the floor of her bathroom. Damn it!, she shouted to herself. A passing server held a tray of champagne that Katarina took two of and immediately downed without a breath. Tonight was going to be a long night.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Champion: Kled.
Affiliation: Noxus?
Role: Fighter.
Attributes: Melee.
Location: Kled's land >>> The Ball room.
Tagging: @BreakingMe@LeeRoy

Kled was resting by the fire his ax in the stuck in the ground with his back against it. He was just feeling the night take it's toll on him and was close to finally what some would call sleep, but he heard some twigs snap and he immediately jumped to life. Fury filled his one good eye and he furiously looked around, hand on his trusty pocket pistol, and upon hearing a bush rustle he opened fire. The first shot sent him back but as insurance he fired another shot and was knocked back again. He holstered the pistol and picked his ax out of the ground and approached the bush. Gazing into it he found a messenger carrying a note, and slowly bleeding out.

"Poor thing, but that's the price you pay for stepping on my land!" Kled yelled at the end, and he let loose his ax on the messenger and grabbed the note from his cold dead hands. "Skaarl, you got a snack. And we got mail." His lizard got up and dove into the bush with excitement. "Now let's see what we got here... Invited... Ball... Peace... FOOD AND DRINKS!" he jumped into the air and let out victorious shout. After having putting out the fire he saddled up on Skaarl and made way to the ball.


Kled was stopped at the front door and told he had to leave his weapons with the guards he agreed because his Skaarl was the only weapon he needed. After getting the green light to go in he road his mighty steed through the front doors. "Forward Admiral Major Kled has arrived!" he called out into the ball room, and for being small the yordle can make a very loud entrance you could probably be deaf and still hear that. His eye quickly scanned for some of those drinks that were promised. His eyes landed right next to that red head Katarina and a tray of champagne. Still riding Skaarl Kled approached the women and grabbed the whole tray from the server "So the mighty Katarina decided to sit by peacefully drinking in the same room as some dirty Demacians? Wait. I know you're only doing this to throw off there suspicion. That's just like a Noxian to lure the enemy into a false sense of security and strike when they're most vulnerable. So when are you gonna strike? Never mind I want to be surprised when it happens." While waiting for any of that to even phase Katarina Kled looked at the rest of the attendants and someone did catch his one eye. It was some attendee carrying a lamppost on his back. "Well look at that, I reckon that one over there must love that lamppost, but no as much as I love this lizard." he said while rubbing Skaarl's head.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Jax
Affiliation: Ionia, and by proxy Demacia. Though, loosely.
Location: Ball Room, right in front of a couple of guys.
Tagging: @Holy Soldier
Mentioned: Jarvan the 4th, Garen Crownguard

Pushing and shoving had proven to be the most dominant strategy for passing through the crowd, though he'd knocked a few hats off of a couple ugly women who were wearing dresses too tight for their weight. In their huff they gave pause when they realized who had pushed them aside, a hush washed over them and they resigned. Weaving and shoving, more weaving and shoving. Would he ever find what he was looking for?

Just when he was about to give up hope, his eye caught glimpse of the most beautiful thing.

A bottle, glorious and red. Adorned with ornate golden vines and leaves, a royal Demacian wine if ever he laid eyes on one. For a moment he spoke in foreign tongue. Though roughly translated to, "Be-still my heart." In that moment he fanned at his face (despite it being behind a helmet) and rushed towards the table. Hoping to save face at the final moments, however, he slowed his pace and casually walked towards the table. Without bothering to ask or even seek out a glass, he snatched it from the table.

Popping the cork with his thumb, he upturned the bottle and placed the neck through a hole in his helmet. He turned his whole head backwards and began to pour the burning liquid down his throat. It was a fantastic five or so seconds before he realized whose bottle of wine he had just stolen from right in front of him.

Literally the bottle that had been brought in to replace the one that had been unsealed for the Demacian royal himself.

In that silent moment he stood there, letting the wine pour into his mouth. Slowly turning his head and the bottle back down to stop the flow. His eyes behind his helmet showed signs of awe that none would ever see.

It was at this moment that Jax knew, he fucked up.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mirrodin
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Member Seen 24 days ago

Champion: Talon
Affiliation: Noxus
Role: assassin
Location: from talon's bedroom to the ball
Tagging: @BreakingMe@PatrickDrummer

Talon climbed in the window to his bedroom, quickly scrambling to find his tuxedo and get ready for the ball before kat found out that he had been gone. He rinsed off quickly in the shower and brushed his hair and teeth before drying himself off. He hadn't heard kat looking for him yet but he knew he wouldn't have long before she came searching.

He slid blade after blade into hidden pockets throughout his tuxedo, making sure each one was hidden but still within reach if he needed them. He looked himself over in the mirror and smiled, confident that he was ready. "Okay Kat, I'm ready!" he called out as he stepped out into the hallway. He noticed her bedroom door open and walked in looking for her. She was nowhere to be found. He did find her daggers on the bathroom floor though and he slipped them into hidden pockets, rolling his eyes that she had left them.

Talon walked into the ballroom, peering around at the other guests that were conversing and drinking. His eyes finally found the fiery red of Katarina's hair and he made his way through the crowd towards her. As he approached he noticed kled talking to her. He nodded his head at a fellow noxian soldier and took his place a little bit away from Katarina. "I have your daggers" he whispered to her softly as he reached passed her to take a glass of champagne of a tray one of the servers was carrying and slowly sipped at the drink.

He turned to kled without checking to see if she had heard him. "how are you today, kled? I see that lizard of yours is keeping his tail out from between his legs in the face of our enemies" he said good naturedly, a smile in his face as he reached out to pat skaarl's head
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
Avatar of Holy Soldier

Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Jarvan Lightshield IV and Garen Crownguard
Affiliation: Demacia
Location: Standing next to the wine samples at one of the banquet tables - Jarvan is meeting with The Kindred
Tagging: Open Mentioned: Noxus - @LeeRoy@BreakingMe@PatrickDrummer@Mirrodin@Stern Algorithm

The laughter between Jarvan and Garen fell quiet when a man wielding a lamppost mosied up to the table and snatched a bottle of Royal Demacian Wine without permission. A few soldiers made a motion to stop the man until Jarvan stopped them by firmly thrusting out his arm. It was only until Jax slowly turned toward him that the former prince offered him a kind smile.

“It is all right, warrior. The bottle was for me and my men, but we won’t be drinking tonight,” Jarvan informed.

Garen had a hand against his chin as his blue eyes scrutinized the strange man before him. The man’s fame then suddenly dawned on him as his own expression of awe brightened his features with excitement.

“By the gods, it’s Jax!” Garen revealed.

Jarvan’s brows rose as he looked to the vanguard curiously.

Garen smiled and held a hand out to the warrior.

“He is a true champion in The League. His record is unsurmountable! Jax won so many tournaments that the High Councilor tried to place a restriction on his skill. Instead, he chose to fight with a lamppost!” Garen grinned almost too proudly. Apparently, he had felt satisfaction standing before a worthy opponent and match. Brushing the back of his head as his cheeks glowed with embarrassment, he apologized to The Champ: “Forgive me. I am sure that you can regale us with your legacy. I suppose I got a little excited.”

Garen held out his hand in a friendly handshake toward Jax. “If we ever meet on the battlefield, I will be sure to do my best to give you a worthy match.”

Jarvan smiled at the two until the ball mysteriously fell quiet as an unusual entity entered. The sight of The Kindred unsettled the emperor for its appearance usually meant that someone at the ball was to die.

“The Kindred?” Jarvan muttered in surprise. He strode away from Jax and Garen, and Garen didn’t even have to command The Vanguard to follow their lord. Garen could see the concerned look shining in his eyes. The appearance of The Kindred was starting to make him question the divine safety the gods had promised. Was the peace truly meant to be through death?

Jarvan carefully approached the spirit and stopped a few feet away from her.

“What brings The Kindred here?” Jarvan questioned, unafraid if his question may have come off too stern.

The appearance of the Noxans nearly made Garen forget that he was standing with Jax as his once boyish demeanor hardened sternly into a glare.

Noxus, he thought.

The Sinister Blade looked so relaxed in her black gown, flaunting her vulnerabilities like the fruit of a carnivorous plant. Garen was feeling a little one-uped. If he hadn’t been ordered to show in his armor, then he might have worn a tuxedo or similar formal wear as her companion. He felt that he didn’t need his armor to dispatch of those guests. His expression softened as he remembered that the ball had been meant to be a peaceful occasion. He was not going to be the one to upset the gods and shame Demacia.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jasonwolf
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jasonwolf Hunter, Trainer, Ranger, Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Champion: Gnar
Affiliation: Bandle City/ Unaffiliated
Location: The food, drink, and Hors d’oeuvre table standing on a silver platter along with a pile of chicken bones
Tagging: @Holy Soldier Mentioned: @LeeRoy

In the darkest corners of the Castle of the Gods lurked a monster of insatiable hunger. It growled quietly prowling through the back halls normally used by staff rather than guests. He raised his nose up taking in multiple quick sniffs before shrinking back down to stay out of sight. The smell of meat, juicy fresh meat, filled the air here. The monster bared its fangs and licked its lip. It began to stalk along the dim stone corridors towards the smell. Finally arriving at the source the monster found its greatest weakness, doorknobs.

The yordle groaned. The big people were always putting things like this in the way. He jumped and leapt for the doorknob trying desperately to grab onto it. Eventually when he wrapped his paws around it the door swung open throwing him off again. A servant came out and rushed by with a large tray. Gnar could smell the meat and looked wide eyed at the platter. He chased after following the man into a noisy room filled with big people. Gnar pouted not liking all the sounds, but he was hungry and that meant more. The yordle waddled along dragging his little boomerang as he followed the servant to a big table filled with food. He smiled a big toothy smile and jumped onto the table tearing into a chicken and devouring everything but the bones. People began to notice and shouted and pointed, but Gnar continued eating until he noticed someone in the crowd.

Demaglio!” He shouted, which sprayed chewed food everywhere, pointing to an extra big person in shiny armor.

He jumped up and down swinging his boomerang and spinning around like he had seen Demaglio do with his sharp club. Gnar smiled up at the juggernaut remembering many times they had "played" on summoners rift. Not many were durable enough to play with him and got "sleepy" really fast.
1x Like Like
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
Avatar of Stern Algorithm

Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Name: The Kindred
Affiliation: None
Location: Castle of the Gods, The Main Ballroom
Tagging: @Holy Soldier @LeeRoy @Mirrodin @PatrickDrummer @BreakingMe
Mentioned: Jarvan, Sion, Noxians

Wolf swirled around Lamb, peeking over her shoulder at the gold-armored Jarvan IV. "An emperor! Will this one be mine as well?"

"Most heads of state are unwilling to relinquish their life of power and privilege," Lamb said, raising a hand to pet Wolf's muzzle, "But this one is brave and when the day comes that he truly meets us, it will be by my bow that he falls." Lamb finally turned to face Jarvan to answer his question. "We came simply to observe," Lamb said calmly, almost mysteriously. While that was true initially, The Kindred's goal now was to seek out the foul, undead abomination. Lamb could tell Jarvan, but chose to keep the information to herself, after all, no one knows the time of their death, and The Kindred did not divulge secrets readily. "Do not worry mortal," Lamb added, swiftly stepping closer, "Our presence does not always signify death. Perhaps we are here to prevent an untimely one."

"But what would be the fun in that?" Wolf clacked his teeth in hungered anticipation.

"Hush now, dear Wolf." Lamb reached her other hand over to gently shut his muzzle. Lamb looked over to the gathering of Noxians. "Although I must say, I do not know who is more blindly optimistic, the gods for holding this 'peace dance', or you mortals for attending. Considering you are swimming with your enemies, would you really expect me not to be present? Or do you think that you can overcome your mortal nature's and truly have peace?" though not intentionally condescending, Lamb spoke with a certainty that bordered on arrogance, fueled by her knowledge of the unseen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Jarvan Lightshield IV and Garen Crownguard
Affiliation: Demacia
Location: Standing next to the wine samples at one of the banquet tables - Jarvan is meeting with The Kindred
Tagging: Open Mentioned: Noxus - @LeeRoy@BreakingMe@PatrickDrummer@Stern Algorithm@jasonwolf

Jarvan frowned sternly, steeling himself against the scrutiny of Wolf. He wasn’t going to show the death god any fear. He still had his pride. When Lamb faced him, the emperor’s nerves settled. Lamb was much gentler on the eyes than her companion.

We came simply to observe.

That was strange. They only ever appeared around the dead. Were they trying to keep their true purpose a secret?

Jarvan’s brows shot up when Lamb swiftly stepped toward him. Naturally, the hands of his guards went to their blades but Jarvan once again held out his arm to stop their reactive movements.

Prevent an untimely death? Jarvan wondered before his eyes carried over to the Noxians that had entered the ball. It had to be them. They were up to no good. He glanced at Lamb who also started to look in the Noxians’s direction.

Jarvan frowned and answered the god: “If any Noxian were to raise a blade against me, then I or my men will cut them down. Perhaps it is good that you are here.”

The emperor’s eyes narrowed on Katarina and Keld. “You may just be sparing them from my wrath.”

Garen was distracted from Jax by the panicked and disturbed talk that rose like a tide around them. His blue eyes were brought to a platter further down the table that had once bore a crispy, golden bird, but was being reduced to scraps by an orange fuzzy creature.


The vanguard blushed as people started looking at him and giving him questionable looks. Is that your pet? Garen looked over back at Gnar and walked over to the creature.

“How did you get here?” he questioned at first and then brought a hand to his face. Even Gnars were invited apparently. He knew he had to be very careful when handling the critter, having faced his temper countless times in the past and it was never pretty. If Gnar got angry here, then the Kindred’s presence would only be justified. “Gnar, I can make you a plate of food if you would like? You’re eating all the chicken. Don’t you want to share with others?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Name: The Kindred
Affiliation: None
Location: Castle of the Gods, The Main Ballroom
Tagging: @Holy Soldier @LeeRoy @Mirrodin @PatrickDrummer @BreakingMe
Mentioned: Jarvan, Sion, Noxians

Jarvan frowned and answered the god: “If any Noxian were to raise a blade against me, then I or my men will cut them down. Perhaps it is good that you are here.”

The emperor’s eyes narrowed on Katarina and Kled. “You may just be sparing them from my wrath.”

"Confident..." Lamb said, then thought to herself, but foolish. "Tell me, young emperor, do you have a contingency should things go awry?"

"A surprise! A surprise!" Wolf growled gleefully.

Lamb decided to leave it at that, any more and she would be giving away too much. The Kindred turned their attention on the ancient Yordle that had made its presence known.

"This one has escaped us for far too long..." Wolf sneered.

"His time will come, Dear Wolf," Lamb said reassuringly. The Kindred walked over to where Garen was trying to guide the small creature and observed.
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