Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Character_ Shadow Soldier

Strength: 1d5+2
Endurance: 1d6+3
Dexterity: 1d4+2
Agility: 1d5+2
Perception: 1d3+1
Accuracy: 1d7+3
Wisdom: 1d5+2
Intelligence: 1d4+2
Physical Density: 1d3+1 (+1 Armor)
Resistance: +1 Heat +1 kinetic
Luck: 2
Charm: 1d2+1
Soul: 1


Type- Gunsword
Material- Steel and wood
Damage output- Strength check / 12
Dmg Type- Kinetic
Condition- Good
Ability- Able to shoot a round every 3 seconds. Has a blade attached for melee combat.

Spells- Soul release
Type: Manifestation
Substance: ethereal
Dmg Type: Kinetic
Damage output: Wisdom roll
Requirements: Soul at Level 1 or higher
Ability: Able to project a kinetic force field momentarily. Able to push foes back or deflect or defend projectiles or attacks.

We will use copies of this sheet.

Abandoned village


The two soldiers are 5 meters apart from each other. There are only a few items laying around for cover and the like. A single empty barrel. A wagon. And 2 boxes. All spaced well apart from each other within the spherical district. In the middle sits a well. The two soldiers are on opposite ends of the well, each being 2.5 meters from the well.

Please roll six sided to determine first move.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 40 min ago

So it was a duel, soldier against soldier. It had come down to this.
Guard 1 stared at his comrade, as if looking into a mirror.
As fast as he can he quickly draws both gun swords and fires gem off one after the other as he darts to take cover kneeling behind the well.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

One gunblade per soldier. So one shot was fired.

Rai dashes for the well and slides as the first shot was fired.

Subtract 1 from total. 80% Accuracy.

Rai is hit in the shoulder.

-5 & -1 from 12 = 6 dmg

Rais shoulder is wounded as the bullet lodges into it. Bleeding commences. He reels back in pain. Now huddled by the well in the opposite side of darklight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 40 min ago

With a deep breath he focuses his Soul Energy.
Wasting no more time he fires off a pot shot over the top of the well.
A distraction. Like himself his opponent knew he couldn't fire again for a short moment.
He didn't plan to, instantly he was up and charged around the well throwing up a force field directed at his opponent as he released his soul energy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 40 min ago

Sorry it's all I got time for right now :)
Hope you like
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 40 min ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 40 min ago

Hope you are liking some of this or getting some ideas.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The big floor I see in this system is the exponential advancement and lack of variability (chance) in the lower levels vs the higher.
Eg a 2+d2 is never gonna hit an opposing 4+d4.

A d2 is a +1. A D4 is +2. Different factors can change this to be what you suggested. So on this I'll have to agree. Look. An agility of D2+1 is maxing out at 3, while the D4+2 is 6. Literally double that. The D4s lowest is 3, which is the d2+1's maximum. That's a bit too wide of a gap in ability from a basic 1d2+1 to supposedly two levels higher 1d4+2.

The d20 system roughly starts on a 50% hit chance and then variables move it 5% at a time. But there's nearly always a chance.

Standard weapon = potential d10
Novice skill = 1+d9
Adept skill = 3+d7
Expert skill = 5+d5

No matter what, everyone can potentially get the same max outcome but the lowest the expert will score is a six

So lower the Dice number for the higher the level, but increase the bonus. It's not a bad idea to balance the game out. The Bonus (+) is the constant set level. While the Dice is the potential. That's the logic I was going to apply to this. I'll apply your idea here. But instead of just three realms of ability I'll add in in-betweens (From Novice to Expert).

A low grade or 'poor' weapon may have a potential of 8 while a 'great' 12

Not entirely sure what this pertains to. Weapon potential is depending on the quality and material. Like a stick can be a weapon but it wont be able to take on a dragon. Even if you are a master dragon slayer or something. So I applied a solid number to the weapons damage output for guns. Since a bullet is the same as another bullet if fired from the same gun. While a swing of the sword can be altered, and a bow. But not a gun IMO.

[number of actions]
The more things you try to do in a round, the sloppier they become.
For every action above 1 in a turn, each action is subtracted by that amount.

Ie an adept attacking twice.
3+d7(-1), 3+d7(-1)

3 actions = Dodge 2+d8-2, / attack with g'weapon 1+d11-2 / movement action
4 actions = -3 to all

Dodging is a usable skill, not automatic.
Normally to hit you must score above 5, armour, abilities and circumstances may increase that number.

Defence actions:

Normally to hit on D&D there is indeed an armor check to see if you even hit. I don't personally appeal to that, as armor doesn't auto evade for you. Armor is defensive and absorbs damage for you. So for me agility is a better marker for evasion and physical density is how much your person can withstand. So Agility is applied when attempting to dodge, or counter, and many other things. It's not automatic, only applied when speed is a factor.

As for actions there will be one or two per post as a general standard. This will help ease the amount of rolls. I'll allow free actions like moving here or there, as long as it isn't a dodge attempt to an attack. But if it goes over those two actions THEN I'll subtract. As I won't force anyone to make only two actions. Applying your idea will allow them to do as many as they want, digging themselves a hole. As many movements in one turn will burn their endurance more than usual.

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