The Dawn of Marvels
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After the end of the Second World War, the United Nations founded the secret organization called the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, or S.H.I.E.L.D. for short. Unknown to the public, their task was to ensure that the United States and the Soviet Union would not utterly destroy themselves and everyone else on the planet. This job description included keeping an eye on any progress of enhanced humans on either side of the curtain. Once the Iron Curtain fell, it seemed as if S.H.I.E.L.D. had lost its purpose. However, since mutants and other superhumans alike were starting to increase in number, this secret spy organization found a new purpose. To make sure that they didn't destroy the world, too.
With S.H.I.E.L.D. working under the radar of the general population, most people did not believe that superhumans existed, even though reports of them started to pop up at an ever increasing rate. However, things changed when the first mutants came to light. People were confused on how to react: should they treat them like a minority group or regulate them like weapons of mass destruction. However, after a hard-fought bill was pushed through Congress and a monumental decision was made in the Supreme Court, mutants were finally recognized as a group that could not be discriminated against, just like race and sexuality. However, this was not quite enough because opinions never change over night and this newly created "protected identity" was still feared those bigots. When non-mutant superhumans started putting on their capes and fighting crime, people started to wander whether there should even be a distinguish between the two groups.
One such hero was Robert Reynolds, a.k.a. the Sentry. Although his past was shrouded in mystery, the Sentry's popularity with the general population began to soar as he made his debut on the superhero scene. However, he had a dead secret: an alternate persona dubbed 'The Void' that was the hero's repressed personality. One day, this 'Void' persona arose and threatened the destruction of New York City. At this time of crisis, the Earth's Mightiest Heroes, who would later be known as the Avengers, formed a temporary alliance and took on this unknown danger. The battle was long and hard, but after hours of intense fighting, the heroes emerged victorious. Once they discovered that the 'Void' was actually the Sentry, the heroes quickly covered it up, hoping that it would not taint their own reputation. Instead, the heroes gave Reynolds a funeral worthy of any hero. While the general public mourned for the death of the 'true' hero, the Avengers continued on, knowing that if the truth came out that the result would not be pretty.
This is the Dawn of Marvels, a sandbox style roleplay where you as the players help forge the landscape of this universe's Earth. The goal of this game is to provide an opportunity to all the players to cooperatively tell stories about our favorite Marvel Super-Heroes and Villains. This world is like a fresh clump of clay, ready for the artist to freely sculpt it into whatever his or her creative heart desires. Just like back in 2000 when Marvel launched its Ultimate Universe, you have the license to reimagine your character(s), picking and choosing your favorite bits and pieces from the decades worth of Marvel lore (mainstream, Ultimate, MCU, cartoons, etc.), or even adding your own flare to it!
You can imagine this as a massive "What If?" scenario. Are you interested in seeing how the world would change if Captain America did not become preserved in ice and instead had a "normal" life after WWII? Go for it! Do you want find out what would happen if someone other than Thor would wield his mighty hammer? You can do that! Are you obsessed with a obscure character and want to bring him to the forefront of the action? There is a place here for you! Together, we can make an interesting world where our characters can act out the stories we want to tell.
Below is a tl;dr version of the introduction above.
If you are interested, please leave a note and mention which character(s) you wish to play as. I look forward to hearing from you all.
Character Sheet template:
Player Name:
Alias: Your character's superhero/villain name
Real Name: Your character's real name
Moral Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line):
Affiliation (what group/team/organization, if any, is your character affiliated with?):
Character Origin & Backstory:
Powers and Abilities (What can your character do? What can't they do?):
Sample Story Arcs: Give 2-3 ideas on where you want to go with your character.
Rules: In this section, please acknowledge that you have read the rules.
Sample Post (This is used as an introduction to your writing – try to keep it to around three paragraphs or more and try to include dialogue):