Player Name: The Kid Lantern
Real Name: Jonathan Spencer Storm
Moral Alignment: Hero
Affiliation: Fantastic Four, one day the Avengers
Character Origin & Backstory:🔥🔥🔥 EARLY LIFE & CAREER 1994-2011
Son of Dr. Franklin Storm, a quantum physicist who was featured in several magazines in 1985 including TIME and Forbes, Johnny was at best a B student growing up after his mother died when he was four years old. He took more to sports and spending his father's money on fast cars, clothes, and whatever it took to impress girls in his teenage years. In high school Johnny was expelled from the private school his father insisted on near their home in Brooklyn and had to finish his education in public school. Shortly after graduating high school, Johnny's older sister asked if he wanted to lend a hand getting an experimental shuttle into space before everything their father had worked for was lost. He accepted the offer, the rest was history.
🔥🔥🔥 THE FANTASTIC ➃ 2012-2015
Johnny's first year after gaining powers was mostly Reed trying to 'cure' the F4 of their radiation based mutations, namely the Thing's. Johnny however used his powers to gain attention in the media and briefly flirted with the idea of becoming a BMX sports athlete. He managed to get a spot in an Old Spice commercial that made him even more of a media darling. The last three years has seen the group face off against other worldly creatures from beneath the Earth's surface, beings from other dimensions, and even an evil artificial intelligence. While Johnny's temper often had him clashing with Reed, he often got on the nerves of the Thing who didn't care for his childish humor. In the field it was often Sue who would get her younger brother's head in the game, but after seeing the respect the Avengers recieved he set his sights to brighter goals and soon decided to leave the team.
🔥🔥🔥 HIS OWN MAN 2016-
Currently Johnny is trying to make a name for himself as a solo superhero in hopes that the Avengers will one day recruit him into their ranks.
Powers and Abilities: * Fire Manipulation and Generation: Johnny can manipulate fire around him as well as
create his own for various purposes. He can ignite his entire body as well as shoot
blasts of fire and create simple constructs like a pillar of flame or a cage or cylinder of
fire to restrain an enemy.
* Nova Blast: At full power Johnny can let loose a bomb of fiery chaos and take down
several city blocks with nothing remaining but smoke and a crater.
* Flight: Johnny's powers allow for flight, however he's limited as he can only fly so far
and so fast before tiring out. Top speed is around 100 mph.
* Fire Resistance: Johnny is immune to fire and intense heat.
Sample Story Arcs:My Own Man - Johnny leaves the F4 because they're more about the science rather than the superheroics. Johnny wants to be an Avenger one day. Get's into a scrape with Trapster who's pissed about being denied a spot in the Future Foundation science group.
Power and Responsibility - Johnny soon realizes what it's like to be broke when the money he'd saved over the years runs out and he's forced to get a job. He becomes a volunteer firefighter and lives at a fire station in Brooklyn rather than accepting money from his sister or father. Takes on Street [a living asphalt man], as well as the lost Inhuman Nahrees.
Fighting Fire With Fire - Diablo comes to town and corrupts the fire of the Human Torch making it appear his fires are becoming sentient fire demons. Johnny has to clear his name and come up with a creative way to foil the plans of the alchemist.
Sample Post: Working on it... LOL