Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

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The Dawn of Marvels

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After the end of the Second World War, the United Nations founded the secret organization called the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, or S.H.I.E.L.D. for short. Unknown to the public, their task was to ensure that the United States and the Soviet Union would not utterly destroy themselves and everyone else on the planet. This job description included keeping an eye on any progress of enhanced humans on either side of the curtain. Once the Iron Curtain fell, it seemed as if S.H.I.E.L.D. had lost its purpose. However, since mutants and other superhumans alike were starting to increase in number, this secret spy organization found a new purpose. To make sure that they didn't destroy the world, too.

With S.H.I.E.L.D. working under the radar of the general population, most people did not believe that superhumans existed, even though reports of them started to pop up at an ever increasing rate. However, things changed when the first mutants came to light. People were confused on how to react: should they treat them like a minority group or regulate them like weapons of mass destruction. However, after a hard-fought bill was pushed through Congress and a monumental decision was made in the Supreme Court, mutants were finally recognized as a group that could not be discriminated against, just like race and sexuality. However, this was not quite enough because opinions never change over night and this newly created "protected identity" was still feared those bigots. When non-mutant superhumans started putting on their capes and fighting crime, people started to wander whether there should even be a distinguish between the two groups.

One such hero was Robert Reynolds, a.k.a. the Sentry. Although his past was shrouded in mystery, the Sentry's popularity with the general population began to soar as he made his debut on the superhero scene. However, he had a dead secret: an alternate persona dubbed 'The Void' that was the hero's repressed personality. One day, this 'Void' persona arose and threatened the destruction of New York City. At this time of crisis, the Earth's Mightiest Heroes, who would later be known as the Avengers, formed a temporary alliance and took on this unknown danger. The battle was long and hard, but after hours of intense fighting, the heroes emerged victorious. Once they discovered that the 'Void' was actually the Sentry, the heroes quickly covered it up, hoping that it would not taint their own reputation. Instead, the heroes gave Reynolds a funeral worthy of any hero. While the general public mourned for the death of the 'true' hero, the Avengers continued on, knowing that if the truth came out that the result would not be pretty.

This is the Dawn of Marvels, a sandbox style roleplay where you as the players help forge the landscape of this universe's Earth. The goal of this game is to provide an opportunity to all the players to cooperatively tell stories about our favorite Marvel Super-Heroes and Villains. This world is like a fresh clump of clay, ready for the artist to freely sculpt it into whatever his or her creative heart desires. Just like back in 2000 when Marvel launched its Ultimate Universe, you have the license to reimagine your character(s), picking and choosing your favorite bits and pieces from the decades worth of Marvel lore (mainstream, Ultimate, MCU, cartoons, etc.), or even adding your own flare to it!

You can imagine this as a massive "What If?" scenario. Are you interested in seeing how the world would change if Captain America did not become preserved in ice and instead had a "normal" life after WWII? Go for it! Do you want find out what would happen if someone other than Thor would wield his mighty hammer? You can do that! Are you obsessed with a obscure character and want to bring him to the forefront of the action? There is a place here for you! Together, we can make an interesting world where our characters can act out the stories we want to tell.

Below is a tl;dr version of the introduction above.

If you are interested, please leave a note and mention which character(s) you wish to play as. I look forward to hearing from you all.

Character Sheet template:
Player Name:
Alias: Your character's superhero/villain name
Real Name: Your character's real name
Moral Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line):
Affiliation (what group/team/organization, if any, is your character affiliated with?):
Character Origin & Backstory:
Powers and Abilities (What can your character do? What can't they do?):
Sample Story Arcs: Give 2-3 ideas on where you want to go with your character.
Rules: In this section, please acknowledge that you have read the rules.
Sample Post (This is used as an introduction to your writing – try to keep it to around three paragraphs or more and try to include dialogue):

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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I have arrived.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Rin@The Spectre: I don't like being that person who mentions people looking at the thread, but do you two have any interest?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@DedonusAw man, I did think the concept was interesting but I always feel like trying to post in advanced would frazzle my brain. ^^; That and the ideas that immediately popped into my head are probably already taken anyways or aren't really workable, unfortunately.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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@Rin try him :P if you want....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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@DedonusAw man, I did think the concept was interesting but I always feel like trying to post in advanced would frazzle my brain. ^^; That and the ideas that immediately popped into my head are probably already taken anyways or aren't really workable, unfortunately.

It's just a word, Rin! This is the least advanced game around. Trust me, Drew is a regular contributor in the RP. ;)
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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@GowiAw hell, may as well just drop my ideas into the other interest check I guess. Can't hurt, I suppose. ^^;
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

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@Rin: I would much rather have someone who can consistently put up smaller posts rather than wait on someone an entire month to write a novella. I have been roleplaying with these guys (and girls) for some time now and we're a pretty relaxed group. If you are fine with high-causal, then you don't have anything to worry about.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

I'd be curious to join in as Spider-Man. Specifically, I've been re-reading some of my old comics and i'm tempted to have a somewhat competant stab at the Clone Saga. Essentially, this is the rough idea that I have for it now:

* Judas Traveller is a magic wielder as well as scientist. During the war, he attempted on many occasions to try and provide the Allies with more successes like Captain America. By '43, he had had no luck at all, but due to his powers, had been drafted into the Howling Commandos, a squad of super-powered beings under Sgt Fury. After the war, Traveller began to blame himself for the 6 million dead Jews, stating that if he had just been more persistent, more determined, then he could have perfected the formula and those people may have lived. Traveller disappeared after the War.
* Cut forwards to 4 years before present day. Traveller, upon reading about the war-crimes in the middle-east begins to set up his Super-Soldier formula again, this time with the intention of creating an army of Super-Powered individuals under his command, designed to perform the duties that S.H.I.E.L.D. is too buried under Bureaucracy to do anything about. He sets about gathering DNA samples of multiple Super-powered beings, including his old Squad-mates that are still alive (Wolverine, Omega-Red, Captain America, ETC.)
* Traveller's earliest experiments were with Spider-Man, as the young man had proven interesting when he had helped bring down Sentry. Kidnapping Spider-Man, he held Spidey in his lab for the best part of a month whilst he ran experiments on him before wiping his mind and sending him back. Traveller uses the date and creates Kaine, but unfortunately, finds that Kaine is mentally unstable. Unable to control him, Kaine almost kills Traveller in his escape from his lab. Traveller goes to his old Sgt and tells Fury about his plan and the rogue Kaine. In the meantime, Kaine is on the streets, laying low and trying to figure out what he is. Hunted by S.H.I.E.L.D., Kaine runs into MJ, who mistakes him for Peter. This is when she finds out everything about Peter. She agree's to hide him if he agree's to calm down and tell her everything.
* Traveller works together with S.H.I.E.L.D., using his last favour from Fury to help put Kaine under wraps. Whilst Fury tries to track down Kaine, he forbids Traveller from creating any more clones. Traveller lies, managing to use an illusion spell on Fury to convince him that he never left the Helicarrier at any point, in the meantime, creating Spidercide using a combination of Peter and Omega-Red's body. Spidercide is a hulking monstrosity built to track-down his failed clones.
* As all of this is going on, Peter meets Kaine in MJ's basement and the 3 have a talk. Things seem to be going well until S.H.I.E.L.D. bust down the door. Kaine flips his shit and takes out most of the agents, damn-near killing one of them, but is stopped by Peter. The two have a short battle before Spidercide is dropped on the situation and the two are forced to work together to overcome the monster. Traveller attempts to aid Spidercide, but is killed (Seemingly) by Kaine. Peter disowns the clone, telling him that there is no way that a murderer like Kaine could ever be one of his clones. Kaine leaves quietly. Spidercide, in the meantime is found by Kingpin, who uses the beast to lead him to Traveller's laboratory.
* Cut to modern day, Spider-Man is one of the more respected of New York's Superheroes. Kaine is working as a hitman and is on top of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Most wanted. When Kingpin got his hands on Spider-Man's DNA, he used it to create an extraordinarily powerful drug that is known as "Redback" which gives the user Spider-senses for about 10 minutes, augmenting their reality. Spidercide is also working as Kingpin's bodyguard and top goon.

Essentially, I was hoping for some more Spider-Clones to pop up places and then have it turn out that Judas really had made his army, much to the dismay of Kaine, who is waging a 1-man war against his creator. I did very much like the "Who Is The Real Peter Parker" storyline, so i'm going to leave it ambiguous, with S.H.I.E.L.D. turning out to have Ben Reilly, whom they have had in their possession since the beginning of this debacle. The idea is that Judas' first forae into cloning is to use a spell to create and exact copy of Peter, but found that it was as uncontrolable as the original, so he wiped the clones mind and put it on ice until he could figure out a way to control it.

Also, if you don't mind, I'd like for, later down the road, I was hoping to bring Leopardon into this. Saying that Judas developed the magic robot as an "Anti-Giant Monster" defense weapon. Maybe with Kaine having it to begin with and later Peter capturing it. I imagine it'd get jobbed out to Thanos if we get that far XD.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

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@mattmanganon: Thanks for showing interest in this game. I am also planning on applying for Spider-Man and doing a Clone Saga story. I noticed in your description above that Kaine is a very prominent part of it. Would you be interested in applying for Kaine? We also have a potential player who might play an incarnation of Ultimate Spider-Woman (female clone Peter). I really don't want all that you have written to have gone to waste, so I am sure we can work something out to incorporate your ideas.

Edit: I can also PM you what I have already if you are interested.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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@Dedonus Alright. It's just that I am a man that believes that if you are going to do a remake, then don't do a remake of something that was great, because we already have a great version of is being remade. All you can do is make something equally as good, ever so slightly better, or just worse. High risk for low reward. However, if you remake something that had potential, but was ultimately terrible, then you make another great story and if it doesn't work, then nobody blames you saying "Well, you took a terrible story and made something equally as bad/ever so slightly better. But you were trying to adapt that terrible thing, so what did you expect?" Low risk for high reward.

The Civil War movie was a great example. The Civil War event was possibly one of the worst of the big Marvel Events. I mean, it was truly terrible in everything that it tried. Nobody was acting in character, the story tried to have a "Nobody is in the wrong, it's all about who the reader agree's with on a moral level" message, but then they made EVERYBODY in it a morally deplorable asshole, with Tony forming Super-Villain Death-Squads to kill anyone that didn't agree with him (Not just those who were Anti-Registration. Even those who had signed, if they so much as tried to tell Tony that he may have gone a little too far, like Spider-Man, then he tried to have them killed.) whilst Steve just did the killing of those he didn't agree with, himself. Then the Movie came along and actually made the argument a sound one. Tony said "The Avengers need to be accountable for the innocent lives that we ended in the crossfire" whilst Steve said "We need to be fully autonomous so we can help as many people as we can. If we are controlled by others, then we will have to cow to their agenda's, meaning that they could force us to go somewhere we shouldn't go, or keep us out of somewhere that we are needed." Both are excellent points, and although I freely admit that it was by no means a masterpiece, I think it's undeniable that it was far superior to the Comics.

I chose the Clone Saga because it was actually where I first started collecting Spider-Man comics and I do have a soft spot for it, so I wanted to see it done justice.

So, I made that timeline with 2 clear objectives.
1) Give Kaine a clear and decisive purpose. Rather than his constant flip-flopping between loving Peter and hating him and hating Ben and just all-round having no clear, decisive direction. My plan is for his direction to be to find a direction. To decide if he wants to become his own person, live as a clone of Peter, or just give in and become one of Traveller's Justice-Machine's.
2) Make Judas Traveller not a complete fucking waste of time and ink and give him an actually good fucking reason to be doing what he is doing, rather than just "Blahdy-Blah, i'm so cryptic, please analyse me." Mainly because I actually really like Judas' design.

If you don't mind, i'll probably apply for both of them. I mean, I can see someone else wanting to play Kaine, but I don't think there is anyone else wanting to play Judas, as he is a part of Spider-Man history that most people don't know of and those who do would rather just forget.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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You can't take this back. Now that you've mentioned it, it must happen.

...But I get what you're saying about wanting to take a not-so-great story and make it less... Not-so-great, basically. XD Hell, one of the reasons I was thinking of using Ultimate Spider-woman was because I loved the Ultimate Clone Saga (which pretty much everyone will agree is a huge step up from the 616 version) so yeah. I'm actually interested in your ideas for Judas Traveller too, since like you said most people just like to pretend he never existed rather than working out some way to make him actually make sense (and like you said, even if he was kind of a stupid character he did have a pretty cool design).

Aaaaah I'm going to have to actually do this now. D:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@mattmanganon@Rin: Sometime today, I will PM you two so that we can start discussing details about the "Clone Saga".
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

The Traveller has arrived.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chao
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Chao Resident Space Cowboy

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@Dedonus I am interested, my good sir.

Also, since I hear about a possible Clone Saga. Would it be okay if I possibly be Ben Reilly. I'm not 100% saying I am, because I'm thinking of my options.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Chaotic Chao: While I am not going to say no to this, I would also suggest that you also look at other options, too. Especially since we're really thin at Avengers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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@Chaotic ChaoYeah, um, the Spider-woman I was planning on is basically the Ultimate version who kind of sort of takes Ben's place in the Ultimate Clone Saga. ^^; I'm not saying you definitely shouldn't go for him but just bare that in mind I guess.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

@Dedonus Can you look over the Judas sheet i've put up so far and tell me what you think? I think i've ironed out the stuff that directly contradicts with your stuff, except for the part where I need to add in that Jackle helped him/he helped Jackle with the experiments.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@mattmanganon: Looks good so far. Only two suggestions so far.

1) Maybe make the Sg. Fury in WWII Nick Fury's father or grandfather, like in the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes animated series. That way, it makes sense why Fury is still alive during the modern age.

2) I know one of the other players (Gowi) is making a character sheet for one of the Invaders (Ms. America) who has been teleported to the present day. While what you have so far it fine, you might have to edit it so that your two backstories are in harmony (all you would have to do it talk to him and I'm sure you both can find a compromise).

Otherwise, looks fine to me so far.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chao
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Chao Resident Space Cowboy

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@Rin I guess I'm not going for Ben then.

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