Tavern Table
Take a seat by the warm fire traveler and ponder the menu at your leisure.

Hello and welcome to Tavern Table, an environment for the discussion of Dungeons and Dragons in all its forms. This thread is free for the community to contribute towards in any progressive manner and interaction with creativity here is encouraged by myself.
For the most part discussion will occur in the OOC, however, any character templates, sheets, campaigns, encounters, quests and so forth can be posted to the IC for critique and appreciation.
There is but one rule under the cold slate roof of this tavern and that is to be fair and considerate. Feedback, as well as the expression of opinion, is to be conveyed while considering the position of others.
This is NOT a thread for ONLY those with an interest in Dungeons and Dragons, as anyone with a creative spark can always give something to a fantasy setting.
Please, enjoy your stay and whatever you do, do not order the Dwarf Black Liquor!