Kyara Dovenia
Age 18
BioKyara’s parents are carrier bird breeders and provide the land of Gemminia with the means of long distance communication. An important part of the job was to write out and read the messages for those who could not do so themselves and as a result Kyara is well educated and highly intelligent. Like all those of the Air affinity, Kyara is extremely creative and she tends to live in her head, but with her head seemingly in the clouds majority of the time, the people who do not know her well believe her to be an airhead.
Through the letters that she has read and written, Kyara knows the state of affairs of many families who lost their daughters as Brides to the Drakken. Seeing just how devastated the mothers and fathers were by the loss of their children made her realise that it would not be long until she too was taken. She knew she could have run away, it wasn’t unheard of for such things to happen, but she couldn’t do that to her parents, after all, running away was just as bad as being taken. Until her coming of age, Kya spent her time with her parents barely separating from them and helping them as much as possible. Finally the day came and she went with the Drakken without a fight. Staying strong for her parents was the least she could do. If only she knew what she was truely getting into.
OtherDressGrowing up around birds has given Kyara a fondness to the small winged creatures and she has a habit of making bird calls when bored. She also has a pigeon by the name of Jase who she hand reared from a hatchling and somehow he always manages to find her when she leaves the house.