Photo : Unfortunately, no real life pictures of apprentices exist so this was the closest I could find.

Name : Formerly Pyode, but after her blooding, she became known as "Ugly Motherfucker"
Race : Human Apprentice
Brief Bio : Born to human parents on the remote colony of RUR-412, she was orphaned at the age of just 3 months when a Xenomorph infestation overran the colony. The first on the scene were the Yautja, or Predators as the humans nicknamed them. Sobik and his mate, Jashan were followed the sounds of something until they found the crying child. Sobik's first instinct was to put the small creature out of its misery, but Jashan had recently lost their baby to disease and her maternal instincts were strong. Much to her mates chagrin, she adopted the young one as hers. Growing up within the tribe, the girl was a pariah, only truly appreciated by her mother.
Sobik opposed her going through the Blooding trail, but it was her right as a member of their tribe. Her first hunt saw her travel back to RUR-412 to the ancient Yautja temple that the colony had been set up to study, making it through the many trials within, she was able to kill her first Ultimate Prey with her spear and retrieved the ancient mask and weapon. Taking the Ultimate Prey's corpse back to the tribe, she cut open its tail and marked her forehead with the tribes symbol in front of everyone. The Elder of the tribe gave her her blooded name on that day. As they understood it, it was the Human term for "Powerful Warrior" but she became known as "Ugly Motherfucker" Now, she has gone with her father to find and hunt the ultimate prey.