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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago


Name: Diana.
Title: The Claw of Heavens.
Age: Unknown.
Gender: Female.
Race: True Dragon.
Allegiance: Angels of Heaven.
Height: 146 cm.
Weight: 44 kg.

Personality: Usually, Diana is laid back and likes to enjoy her time on everything she does. One to know of few things to regret, as any member of the dragon race, Diana just lives her life the way she thinks is best, while trying not to impose on others, except when the matter of spoils is involved as she has a huge unstoppable impulse to hoard as many treasures as she can. Her own home is covered in a bed of gold and gems that she more than happily sleeps in every night. And dare you think that stealing from her is easy, you'll find yourself very mistaken because any dragon worth of their salt knows every single gold piece of their hoard by name and date of acquisition, Diana not being an exception to this rule at all.

That said, it all changes when Diana turns into her true draconic form, becoming an uncontrollable berserker that once wrecked the countryside of whole nations on the world she came from. On that form, Diana isn't filled with any form of malice or hatred, just rage that she can't control because of how powerful she becomes.

History: Diana's original world was a realm where the magic and supernatural where dying slowly. She was the last member of her race, that grew alone and didn't had the chance to be educated by other dragons, thus becoming feral, nothing but a beast with the power to rival armies and then some. She plagued the countryside for years, destroying all she could see until a great knight and hero defeated her, at which point the dragon got to her human form for the first time ever.

The knight gave her her name in honor to an ancient Moon Goddess s it was said that Diana and the knight spent the rest of their days living on the Moon. In truth they just traveled the countryside incognito for years until they had to part and Diana found herself at the Nexus not much after as the magic and mystery of her home world died, leaving space for the era of mankind and their machines.

Powers: Diana has the powers expected of one of the dragonkind, though most of them are limited by her human form. As an exchange for her heavy hitting abilities being sealed while she's a human girl's body, Diana has much more agility in that form and has trained to become an master in the roguish arts. Lastly, Diana can unseal her true form, but it requires that she stabs her own heart with Ascalon.

While she's on her dragon form, Diana goes amok and only gets back to her sane mind when she's knocked out, everything within her sight is dead and destroyed or if she ever runs out of stamina (which takes around a week or so under normal circumstances), at which point she reverts back to her human form, completely exhausted because of how much energy her dragon form consumes. Despite the fact that her equipment doesn't get damaged when she does transform, it also doesn't change with her so, whenever Diana comes back from her dragon form she'll be completely nude.

Weapons: Ascalon, Golden Blade of the Dragon Slayer: a weapon that once belonged to the knight said to have slain Diana. Ascalon is the bane of all dragonkind and related beings, a touch of its blade being enough to fell all but the most powerful of the beasts. The blade is also blessed, thus being dangerous to any Demon it may strike but not nearly as much as it does for the great wyrms of legend. Against Machina, well... it's at least as effective as any other extra-hard, sharpened chunk of metal would be.

Equipment: Shroud of Dragon Blooded: A blood red shroud that once belonged to the knight that is said to have slain Diana. The wearer of the shroud is considered a True Dragon for all intents and purposes, for good or ill. Alternatively, the wearer of the shroud can designate any one target within their line of sight to become the recipient of the Shroud's power. The shroud can't be used against non-living targets and objects so, most of the Machina as well as Undeads can't be affected by it.

Armor of the Saint: The armor that once belonged to the knight that was said to have slain Diana. While Diana can't for the whole full suit of heavy plate armor with her rather... vertically challenged human form, she wears the some of it as a form of protection when she's lacking her scales. The armor is blessed and protects Diana from fire based attacks as well as the Demonic Corruption.


~Cheesy Theme~

*: Don't take it seriously. That was a request from a certain person.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

-Eris Reinhardt-

Height: 163 cm. | Weight: Secret. | Age: 16 years. | Hair Color: Platinum Blond. | Eye Color: Burgundy/Red.

Name: Eris Reinhardt, a.k.a. "Valks".
History: ---
Personality: ---
Other: ---

-Eclipse Princess-

Avatar Class: Warrior (Berserker) | Avatar Level: Level 07. | Avatar Guild: The White Masks.

Avatar Title: Eclipse Princess.
Avatar Profession: None, Eclipse Princess exist only to fight.
Avatar Feats:
- Level 03: Power Strike; Increase all damage done by 15%.
- Level 04: Titan's Grip; Enables you to wield two-handed weapons with only one hand.
- Level 05: Icarus Attack; An attack from above, using gravity as a means to enhance the damage even further. The user also takes no falling damage when using this skill. The higher the fall the more damage done.
- Level 06: Gyro Strike; An offensive attack where you swing your weapon(s) in an unstoppable whirlwind of pain, heavily damaging anyone hit. (Taken from Level 05 choices).
- Level 07: Herculean; You now possess the physical strength to smash or move through most - if not all - obstacles in your way. This does not affect your damage output.

Avatar Abilities:
- Level 01: Eclipse Aura; 20% + [20% x Level] bonus to Attack Power and Defense in shadowy areas. Passive.
- Level 02: Dark Step: 30% +[30% x Level] bonus to Movement Speed in shadowy areas. Passive.
- Level 03: Sunder: You can attack a target's weapons or piece of their armor and damage them using melee weapon attacks without any penalty to Accuracy and your weapon won't suffer recoil damage in case of a hit. If an attack manages to break the item, any excess damage can be transferred to the target. A broken item is converted in raw EXP that is dropped on the field in the form of a tiny EXP crystal. Cast Time: N/A; Cooldown: 1 Action.
- Level 05: Spatial Collapse: A short ranged AoE (implosion) attack that heavily damages any unfriendly target within a small area with the crushing gravity. Deals Magic damage based on your Attack Power. Cast Time: N/A; Cooldown: 1 Round.
- Level 07:

Other: ---
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Life is just like a dream, fleeting. When you least expect, it ends and you are left with nothing but a void to gaze at."

Name: Reiko Asamiya, The Scarlet Sage.
Age: 22 years.
Height: 164 cm.

Personality: Reiko's usually an introspective person, pretty much always keeping to her thoughts as if she had a huge weight to carry on her shoulders, which is in fact kind of true, even if most of it is just perceived guilt.

Brief History: At the young age of twenty one, someone with Reiko's talents would be considered a prodigy, the last great magician of the Asamiya Clan. If only for the fact that, because of personal reasons that few know about, Reiko hadn't gave upon the life of the a mage and decided to study Philolophy, hoping that a mundane life would be some form of penance for whatever sin Reiko thinks she committed.

However, nothing on this life ever goes like one wishes. With the news of the upcoming ritual, Reiko traveled to New Sealand, to take part on it, under the guise of an exchange student of New Sealand's University Master Degree program. Reiko's personal goal on this war is unclear, at the present moment, even Reiko doesn't know what she's fighting for.

Magic: The Asamiya clan's primary magical expertise is exorcism, effectively the skill to deplete a supernatural being's existence, destroying it, which is no wonder when one considers that the Asamiya are known as a Demon Hunters for generations. For that reason, most of their magic is defensive in nature, dealing with barriers and enhancements as well as Eastern rituals and related magic. Reiko however, has a talent for fire magic which allows her to use offensive variations of some of her defensive spells.

Their magic is based on Onmyoudou and their runes are generally delivered through the usage of pre-written ofuda, though the spells can work if they are written on any similar surface (like a playing card, for example). Reiko has grown particularly fond of using book marks and usually carries a whole stack of them with her at all times since they light, easy to conceal and wouldn't call any undue attention to her, since she's a student.

Vampire Form

"You know it's your end, if you forced me to use this power..."

Yggdrasil Seed: The seed owned by Reiko allows her to access the powers (transform) of her clan's ancestor, a powerful vampire. While she is on this form, Reiko is faster, tougher and stronger than her usual (enhanced) without having to use extra spells.

Reiko can use two additional powers that don't require rune magic to be activated, the first being hemokinesis (the power to control blood) and telekinesis, those two powers might or not be related. Her usual limits range around enough a ball of 01 meter diameter of blood (around 2,100 liters) and a mass of roughly 2,200 kilograms (around the weight of a medium pick up). However, Reiko has to divide her power between both uses, meaning that she can't reach full power on both at the same time.

The seed works based on Reiko's conviction, which she actually grew to believe based on the lore of her family. However, Reiko also believes that this power for long causes her to become "corrupted", developing a literal thirst for blood and even aversion to go under the sun light thus, Reiko tries to avoid overusing it, for fear that she might become a full vampire if she does so.

She's said to be dead by her clan, who preferred to fake Reiko's demise than admit to the magic community that their most powerful member, surpassing even the clan's head, Ginko Asamiya --The Silver Fox-- had turned her back on them.

No matter what Reiko is always seen wearing a red scarf, or similar accessory. It's the main giveaway of her true identity as the women of the Asamiya clan are preserve this tradition for ages. Why Reiko still does it,despite her defection, is unknown.

Recently, Reiko has been contemplating the idea of smoking, but she's yet to commit to it.

She has fire runes engraved on one that she carries with her the whole time, so that she can use her pyrokynetic abilities without extra preparation time.

Reiko has rent a small rundown apartment on the old part of the city's downtown, which serves as both Reiko's residence and the business place for her (unnamed) investigation agency.

Reiko has a BMW-S 1000 RR which she uses as her main means of transportation.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

-Enyo Reinhardt-

Height: 163 cm. | Weight: Secret. | Age: 16 years. | Hair Color: Platinum Blond. | Eye Color: Burgundy/Red.

Name: Enyo Reinhardt, a.k.a. "Eins".
History: ---
Personality: ---
Other: ---

-Argent Maiden-

Avatar Class: Healer (Guardian) | Avatar Level: Level 05. | Avatar Guild: The White Masks.

Avatar Title: Argent Maiden.
Avatar Profession: Archeology.
Avatar Feats:
- Level 03: Wisdom; Cooldown time for feats and abilities are reduced by 25%
- Level 04: Heal Pulse; Area-of-effect skill that heals all allies within a twenty-foot radius. One-second cast time, thirty-second cooldown.
- Level 05: Esuna; A magic skill that allows you to remove all negative status alignments on a given target. One minute cooldown.

Avatar Abilities:
- Level 01: First Apocrypha; All of Argent Maiden's abilities are centered around her unique armament, the First Apocrypha, a spellbook of untold powers. Argent Maiden can summon the book to her at any time
- Level 02:
- Level 03:
- Level 05:

Other: ---
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

✨Harumi Shizuka✨

✨Name: Harumi Shizuka.
✨Age: 16 years.
✨Gender: Female.
✨Race: Human.

✨Appearance: Harumi is around 156 centimeters tall, with an average silhouette for a girl of her age with nothing in either excess or lack. Her long dark hair and blue eyes that seem to sparkle with an inner light are the Harumi's most eye catching features. Harumi's own personal mark is the hair bow that she wears on pretty much any occasion, and cherishes like an invaluable treasure. It's almost impossible to see her wearing anything other than her school uniform however, they seem to take a rather whimsical form when she's using her powers. One could say that it's almost like a magical girl's transformation, but that would be stupid... right?

✨Personality: Current Harumi is a simple, some would say... happy go lucky, or even daydreamer girl, a stark contrast to her old brooding self. Above all, Harumi likes to meet new people and know new places, taking like as a ride on a bullet train. Everyday is a new adventure, every person a potential source of amusement. Harumi is like a ten gigawatts light bulb, you either like her, or you turn away because she's too bright.

The one thing that can make Harumi stop are aliens, not any made up stories coming from random youkai, demons and other supernatural but still mundane beings. The girl would actually do pretty much anything to meet and befriend a bonafide visitor from beyond the stars.

✨Abilities: Affinity: Space.

Harumi's magic is called "Starlight Manipulation", she can use it to produce starlight that can be shot as beams, magical binds and other creative uses. To cast it, Harumi has to recite a short verse describing whatever celestial object she's drawing power upon, like "Shining in the sky, twin sparkles companions of one another, Spica!" She can do this for entire constellations, but the more powerful the spell, the longer she needs to do it (Zodiacs are particularly nasty to do, but totally worth it if she does). Harumi tends to improvise said incantations, so it's unlikely that she'll do the same one more than once for the bigger constellations.

Aside from her magic, Harumi was also born with a Magic Trait called Boundary Layer, a derivative of her affinity for the otherworldly, it allows Harumi to interact with all kinds of boundaries, real or imaginary. She can at the very least "touch" and see any kind of boundary. Currently her uses for such power limit to perceiving invisible things and interacting with usually intangible and formless object. Effectively this makes Harumi a decent medium and exorcist without the need to rely on religious based magic, like Onmyoudo and Church rituals.

✨Skills: Outside the skills that any mage or school student of her age would have, Harumi has no special training whatsoever. Like she would have time for that... Well, actually she know a bit of self defense and is a pretty good swimmer, but nothing of this would help her against supernatural threats. Aside from that, Harumi is also very knowledgeable about Astronomy and the Physics required to understand it in first place, to the point that she's able to name all the most important stars of the sky from memory alone.

✨Equipment: Likewise, Harumi has nothing that a student shouldn't have, her most prized possessions being a brand new smartphone with a few star charms attached to it and a telescope that she got on her last birthday. Harumi has actually being working on ways of magically enhancing this last one, to help on her search for extraterrestrial life.

✨Brief Backstory: Little is known about Harumi's past from the previous four years. It's presumed that she had quite a terrible life and was completely unaware of the existence of magic and supernatural stuff. It all changed when she was saved from an attack by an enraged youkai that had lost its sanity, by a reclusive mage that saw Harumi's hidden potential and took the girl under her wing. Now, after being properly trained and developing her own style of doing things, Harumi is working her proxy for her master, paying up for the lessons she receives by serving as the main agent of their supernatural detective agency.

There's just one thing out of order, or better huge quirk with Harumi. Somehow, she developed a fixation with aliens (the real deal, not fakes) and, no matter what people tell her about it, Harumi swears that not only they exist, but that she'll find them and become their friend. Once could say that she literally has her head on the stars. However, not all of this obsession is bad as ushered Harumi to join the Astronomy club of her school and become quite knowledgeable about the subject. She has been scouted to join the MYO, because youthful spirit is pretty much the best way to describe Harumi as a person.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

⛓ Iona, Ahwaan's Ash ⛓

"The true tragedy of war are not the bleeding gashes it opens, but the scars it leaves behind."
Height: 174 cm.| Weight: Unknown.| Age: Over 10,000.

Name: Iona.

Title: Ahwaan's Ash.

Three-word description: Angel of Chaos.

Appearance: The first impression of Iona is that of a woman of stunning beauty with a tall and well defined physique, not unlike a marble statue chiseled by the hands of master of yore. Her body and curves are well proportioned, with a medium shapely bust and worked out muscles that only add to her womanly charm, further enhanced by her swaying, waist-long, blonde hair and eyes that share the color of rich red wine.

The features that call for most attention on Iona, are her huge, black-feathered wings that she can summon or dismiss at-will, as well as her stoic gaze that can cause any men to his heels with nothing but the sheer intensity of her stare.

Magic/Skills/Abilities: First and foremost, Iona is a fighter, being able to effortlessly wield any weapon ever conceived by mankind, but favoring her own arms, with dexterity that goes far above that of even the most seasoned mortal warrior. Iona's also a spellcaster far more experienced and able than any mortal, even the mightiest spells a mortal can ever hope to master are no problem for her however, Iona's true power lies in the holy element. As an angel it's only natural that Iona can wield a vast arsenal of holy magic. Smiting any who dares stand in her way without any form of mercy or remorse, Iona's the ultimate testament that light isn't necessarily good, much less nice.

Furthermore, Iona's also nearly immortal, being unaging, requiring no sustenance of any form to exist and possessing a healing factor that guarantees that she'll overcome even the most grievous of wounds, her ability to regenerate can be suppressed if she's sealed but the only thing that's said to be able to permanently kill Iona is whoever she recognizes her master, through a contract. As long as her master keeps on living, Iona will always come back and only him can end her life permanently.

Inventory/Holdings: Iona's most praised possessions are her armor, which can be made to look like any sort of garment (though she favors a lightly armored dress that only ever enhances her feminine charm), yet will always protect Iona in their integrity as well as her swords.

Dies Irae, Iona's dual blades, forged by a divine artisan from an unknown black metal that can only be damaged by weapons of equal quality, like the great hammer Mjolnir. Aside from both of them being blessed with holy powers, allowing the blades to strike true even against being that have no form or shape, like ghosts and spirits, they can also be joined by their hilts, changing shapes to become a black bow inlaid with golden runes. In bow form, Dies Irae can shoot powerful bolts of explosive holy light, instead of normal arrows.

Lastly, Iona is in possession of a pair of matched silver rings. She can give one to a being she wants to form a contract to and will always know where and how well the recipient she chose is. Conversely, the recipient can use ring to summon Iona to their side no matter the distance taking them apart, unless Iona is sealed. Both share a telepathic bond, being allowed to converse and share their emotional states without anyone infringing on their privacy.

Myth: A long time ago, before mankind and the other children of light rose to prominence, the world was a sea of shapeless chaos onto which the Gods breathed life, ushering shape and beauty to their Creation. All of them, except for Him, the Dark One, Bane of Life, Destroyer, Conqueror, by many names He was but only one only which He recognized as His, Kil'threx, the God of Evil. He sought to usurp Heavens and douse the world of the light in darkness, taking all the Creation to Himself.

The God of Evil's strongest weapon in His crusade for conquest, was also his Opus Magnum, the biggest mockery to the power of the other Gods, His own archangel, Ahwaan. Stealing the secrets of the other gods, Kil'threx, created a being of peerless beauty, wielding His enemies' own weapons against them as a testament that even the light would provide them no solace.

However, time would come when the Conqueror's army would fall, His might crushed and Ahwaan broken and sealed in an old temple, deep within a valley where no mortal dared to thread. Chained with links of pure silver, heart and stomach transfixed by her own blades, abandoned in the darkness from with she came, forever. The Archangel Ahwaan was no more.

Deep in her millenia long sleep, Ahwaan would have a vision, a dream of her master so handsome in His dark glory, seeking once more to free His ultimate tool upon the world of the light. When she woke up from her dream, Ahwaan found herself laying upon a bed she had never seen before, free from her binds, sitting on a chair beside her was him, the one who gave Ahwaan's freedom back, tho one who came seeking the power to conquer all, even the Heavens themselves, her new master, who had been ushered to find Ahwaan by none but her Creator.

"From this day forward, you are Ahwaan no longer. Like the Phoenix, you have been reborn from the ashes of your former self. I name you Iona, the island upon which my eternal kingdom shall be built; you shall be my sword from now and forever more."

The man who named himself Aesir said before the Archangel could even utter a single question. Nodding, Ahwaan no, Iona rose from the bed, taking the covers to preserve her modesty, and gazed upon the lands of her new master. There was a war to be won and Iona would once more be a spear of light, crushing down all those who were foolish enough to challenge her Master.

Personality: Iona is usually a stoic woman, only ever speaking, in her deep contralto, when it's important, or if prompted by her Master. She's not one to hold secrets and will always be true to her beliefs, no matter. Despite holding no pity for anyone, Iona despises those who abuse of their victims for petty sadistic reasons. In fact, it's not unknown of Iona to put down soldiers of their army that demonstrate psychopathic behavior. If Iona ever needs to eliminate a being that can't defend itself, she'll do so without hesitation, but in an apologetic way as she feels no pleasure from killing those who can't defend themselves.

Perhaps it's a quirk of her angelic, or feminine, nature but Iona really feels sympathy for women and children and will only raise her blade against hem if ordered by her master, or if they try to fight back in any way. In fact, Iona has requested to take the custody of any children orphaned and woman widowed by their wars
and for those she cannot spare, Iona will raise a grave.

Thanks to her mercy for the weak, Iona, is revered as a sort of saint, by those she brought under her wings, though Iona never let them place her above Aesir in their prayers. After all, it's only his mercy that allowed them to live. Iona will never overstep her bounds and try to usurp her Master however, it's not unknown of their followers to see Iona and Aesir as a couple. The truth of this statement is left to each of their imaginations, though.

Sample post:

⛓ Theme ⛓

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago



Five (5) Digit MOD Identification Number: 00017.

Name: Itsuko Kanzaki.

Callsign: Tiger.

Gender: Female.

Age: 16 years.

Height: 160 cm.

Weight: 54 kg.

Country of Origin: Shipan (Presumed).


Faceless Type: B.


Specialization: Fighter Aircraft.

Name of Machine: Su-37B "Flanker-G", Carrier enabled, multirole version of the Su-37.

Machine's Flyby Picture:

Profile: The Flanker G has undergone significant refitting from its base model, the Su-37, to perform reliably on naval operations as well as close air support/bombing missions, the biggest tactical advantage of fighter jets over CAUs.

00017's plane has seen a number of successful deployments, without suffering significant damage in over 13 sorties, despite the individual's known daredevil tendencies. 00017's plane has been further modified with the addition of Azimuthal launch pods for the main launchers as well as an improved rear radar system, granting it unrivaled dogfighting prowess.

Modifications: Azimuthal launching pods (can fire missiles, or rockets at any angle, including directly behind)x2, improved rear radar, reinforced airframe.

Personal Color Scheme: Despite the subject's strong drive for individuality, she has opted for the standard issue camouflage. Apparently, she believes that it looks "cool enough" that way.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago


Name: Cecile "Ciel" Etoile.
Title: The Stargazer.
Age: 19 years.
Gender: Female.
Allegiance: The Angels of Heaven.
Race: Human.
Height: 164 cm.
Weight: Unknown.

An astrologer from an unknown world where the night is eternal, Ciel came to the Nexus at a very uncommon age. Originally she just followed the instructions in the star charts left behind by her master, after he disappeared, following the legend of an eldritch beast.

With those instructions in hand, Ciel attempted to reconstruct the travels of her master, ultimately arriving at an ancient temple carved with imagery of all kinds of weird and twisted beings, though the one that called most of her attention was the giant statue of a vaguely canine being, bound by chains, that laid over a map of a sky she had never seen before. Curiosity bested her and when Ciel touched the stone chart, she found herself transported to an observatory under the most awesome sky she had ever seen.

From that day forward, Ciel has dedicated her life to try to locate her master, as well as decipher the mysteries of the Nexus' skyes.


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago


Name: Jormungandr.
Title: The Snake of the World, Eclipse Princess.
Age: Unknown.
Gender: Female.
Allegiance: The Angels of Heaven.
Race: Unknown.
Height: 171 cm.
Weight: Unknown.

The humanoid incarnation of the legendary beast Jormungandr --The Snake of the World-- who decided to join the conflicts in the Nexus after its role has the guardian of the Borders of Creation has been concluded. She has an unparalleled mastery over space, matter and gravity, being able to do things such as summon black holes and teleport at the snap of a finger. A S-Class threat to be handled with great care if she's ever spotted on a field engagement.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago


🌸 Name: Sakuya Konohana.
🌸 Archetype: Melee Speed.
🌸 Epithet: The Dancing Cherry Blossom Princess.
🌸 Age: 19 years.
🌸 Height: 174 cm.
🌸 Weight: 66 kg.

🌸 Appearance: .

🌸 Bio:
Sakuya is the second of the four children of the current generation of the Konohana, a well established family of middle-class shinobi. Her other siblings are Ryouma, her two years older brother, Miyuki, Sakuya's five years younger sister and Kenta, or Chiyuri, who's due to leave the oven in a few months. Meanwhile, her parents are Seijuu, a bodyguard that works regularly for the Exetech Conglomerate, and Hanayuki, who cares for their family's flower shop.

Sakuya's parents worked hard so that she could be the first of her family in over two decades to enroll on the prestigious Kaguya Academy, one of the Shin-Yamato's lead ninja academies, which is known for an exclusive girls school. During her four years at the academy, Sakuya has grown into a fine shinobi, focused mostly on speed based close-range techniques, which earned her the epithet of Dancing Cherry Blossom Princess.

Now that her training is almost complete, Sakuya is ready to try the ninja life, for real. However, will that go as she's expecting?

🌸 Ninja Arts:
- Sakura Senpu:
- Ougi, Sakura Ranbu:.

🌸 Weapons: Hanabira (standard ninja sword, when it's brandished, it leaves a trail of illusory cherry blossom petal.), 01 Fuuma Shuriken, Infinite Senbon.

🌸 Equipment: .

🌸 Other: .

🌸 Sample Post: .

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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago


Name: Amara Arcturus.
Age: 27 years.
Gender: Female.
Race: Human.
Height: 166 cm.
Weight: Unknown.

Born Amaranth Arcturus Fortuna, the oldest daughter of an affluent family from a planet known for its rich trading tradition, Amara ran away from home at a young age, hoping to do a name for herself as an independent trader. Her business took Amara to all corners of the known universe and even some unknown ones, taking jobs that ranged from legitimate trading all the way to smuggling and some less savory tasks.

It's needless to say that such a life has given Amara a lot of acquaintances, most of them being of the kind she preferred not to have, as well as a wide set of skills that any scoundrel needs to survive to trade another day. Recently, Amara has joined with the members of a privateer company, as pilot and, well... their leading woman, even if she isn't their captain properly said.


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago


Height: 163 cm | Weight: 56 kg | Age: 16 years.

Name: Eris Reinhardt.
Gender: Female.
Race: Human.

Magic: None at the moment.

Divine Protection: None at the moment.

Personality: Eris is brooding and filled with a deep discontentment for her upbringing so she tends to be dry and blunt when talking to other people, almost to the point of being obnoxious sometimes. She thinks that she doesn't needs friends and such, since they will only be more trouble to her, but still can't avoid social interactions, since she knows all too well that human beings can't live alone.

She's not a bad person to hang around, since she doesn't tend to lash a other people so frequently, but her lack of social finesse can cause some people to feel a certain discomfort around Eris, not that she cares in the very least.

However, there are two things that Eris is greatly interested in, one of them being fashion, in fact, Eris has a big passion for lolita fashion because of how elaborate and pretty it's even, if not all that practical to wear, most of the time. The second thing that Eris is rather passionate about are notions of chivalry, and related issue, fantastic or not, she just loves these themes. One could almost say that she has a bit of left over chuunibyou when it comes to these issues.

Background: The only daughter of an afluent German family with a long history as the head of a mercenary, nowadays private security, company that dates back to the European Middle Ages. As is expected from a child that got forced by her parents --or rather, her father-- to strive for a living that she might not have wanted, Eris got fed up with her life rather quickly and instead of doing as she was told, Eris got drawn to her passion of fashion and knightly stories.

Knowing that she would be a problem child, Eris' father put her on a plane and sent her to study at a Japanese boarding school to see if the time away from home would "cool" their daughter's temper.

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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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The Herald of the Thunderous Warcry

Height: 159 cm. | Weight: 51 kg. | Age: ???

Name: Farris Arran.
Gender: Female.
Race: Human.

Magic: .

Divine Protection: .

Personality: Farris is a solemn and serious person, having a demure aura around her. Like anyone of her standing, she learned to appreciate the bigger scene over bouts of rampant emotion and thus values plans and strategies to a great degree. She's a loyal, but ultimately stubborn person, whose past experiences made her value freedom and abhor any form of injustice imposed by the rule of strength, where those with power have the right to rule over the weak.

Background: .


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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Character Sheet

Name: (Your character's name.)
Age: (Your character's age.)
Gender: (Your character's gender.)
Height: (Your character's height.)
Weight: (Your character's weight.)

Appearance: (Your character's appearance, you can use images, a text description or both. No real life images, please.)
Bio: (Your character's bio. A brief description of their backstory, personality, quirks and whatever else you may think of. One paragraph at least, but try to not overdo it.)

Team: (Your character's active Pokemon. Up to six, obviously.)
Reserve: (Your character's stored Pokemon.)
Inventory: (Your character's inventory, including their funds.)

Sample Post: (Your character's intro to the RP. Describe the morning right before they set off on their adventure. You can go a bit further back, if need be. At least a couple of well written paragraphs. Try to not overdo it as well.)
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Character Name: Lizbeth, "Lizzy"
Alias: Pint-sized Sage (Don't let she get saying this, though)
Age: N/A.
Race: Gnome.
Gender: Female.
Height: 126 cm.
Weight: 24 kg.

Hair Color: Around knee length, blond hair that gets wavy towards the tips. Usually she keeps it into tidy arranged "hair drills".

Eye Color: Blue, big, shiny and disarmingly innocent eyes characteristic of the gnome folk. Because of her magical power, they have some strange patterns on them, most usually remembering a starry sky.

Visual Description:

Written Description: The gnomes are a race of magically inclined, short stature fey, slightly related to both elves and dwarves and as a member of their folk, Lizzy is no different. Barely above half the usual height of an adult human and light as a plume, Lizzy is the definition of your archetypal gnome, with a head that seems a tad too big to fit between her shoulders, a feature that makes gnomish people easy to distinguish. When it comes to clothing, Lizzy usually wears a very cute dress, with lots of frills, pom-poms and stuff like that, that makes she look almost kinda like a doll, along with striped thighs, mary janes and a few other accessories. All in all she can be described as having the perfect elegant lolita look that many would kill to have.

Level: 1.

Class: Wizard.

1. Arcane Bolt: This spell creates a bolt of arcane force that hits a target of the caster's choice with unerring precision and strike with the same force of a crossbow's bolt, regardless of any non-magical defenses the target may have. The number of bolts that can be created at once are determined by the caster's level (1 plus 1 for every even numbered level, max of 5 bolts, at level 8).
2. Sleep: Puts all targets within a small area of effect (3 meters diameter, within a 30 meters range) in a magically induced sleep that lasts around 1 minute. The targets won't wake up until the time has passed, unless they take damage form something or are too roughly manhandled. If this spell is used against an already sleepy target, it'll instead last for up to 08 hours, providing them a good night of rest.

1. Lore: Lizzy is very knowledgeable about a huge number of subjects and can more or less be considered a walking library. She also knows a reasonable number of languages because of her arcane studies. Furthermore, if there's anything she doesn't knows, she's most likely able to dig it on a well stocked library in a fraction of the time other people would.
2. Problem Solving: Lizzy can solve almost any problem that requires mental skills if given some time to think, this covers anything from strategy and tactics to puzzles and riddles. Essentially, she's a perfect source of free tips.

Weapon: Magic is the only weapon she really needs, but in a pinch a spellbook can dub as nice club... probably.

Personality: Lizzy is kind of haughty, being a bit full of herself —with reason!— to the point of people who are not used to the pint-sized wizard calling her a brat. She can be quite demanding and imperious, claiming that she needs space to do her wizard-y things, or just for herself, even though Lizzy could easily fit inside someone's closet, and there would be a lot of space to spare. That said, Lizzy's a good hearted person and will not refuse to help others, even selflessly, if she has reason to believe they really need her help, no matter how annoying it can be to her. She also tends to be surprisingly soft those she comes to consider friends, or anyone that brings sweet things for her, obviously.

Quirks: Saccharine addicted, foul mouthed, egomaniac, short fused, OCD.

Likes: Books, sweets, cute things, her friends.

Dislikes: Bugs (who likes those things, anyway?), dirty stuff (tickles her OCD to the max), children (because they are all a bunch of snot nosed brats who think they can bully anyone smaller than they), people who treat her like a doll/child (if they can't see Lizzy's greatness, they aren't worthy of her time), perverts (again, who likes those?).

Inventory: Empty.


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago


Name: Lethe.
Title: Judge of Oblivion.
Age: ???.
Gender: Female.
Allegiance: The Demons of Hell.
Race: Chthonic Incarnation.
Height: 170 cm.
Weight: 66 kg.

A Judge of the Underworld, responsible for wiping the memories of the mortal souls before than can be reborn, by drowning them in her illusions. Lethe can create illusions that affect and corrupt anything, causing them to slowly lose their sense of self, this power is extremely deadly for humans and their soulless constructs, but most Angels and their allies have eternal essences, grounded in concepts that weaken the effects of Lethe's powers.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Juno ✨ Eclipse
Height: 164 cm ✨ Weight: 60 kg ✨ Age: 17 years

N A M E:
Juno Eclipse.

G E N D E R:

R A C E:

K I N G D O M O F O R I G I N:

P E R S O N A L I T Y:

H I S T O R Y:
Juno is the second of three children of the Eclipse family, who have a tradition as real estate dealers from Atlas. Given that most of her family's business was set to be inherited by her older brother, Juno had been regarded as a commodity by her parents ever since she was born, with no right to do anything she ever wished to, even though she had all her needs served to her in a silver plate. Juno never thought that she would get out of this cycle for the whole of her life, especially since she had even her marriage arranged for business related reasons.

W E A P O N S:

S E M B L A N C E:

S T R E N G T H S:

W E A K N E S S E S:

R E L A T I O N S H I P S:

O T H E R:
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Eris ⚜ Reinhardt
Height: 164 cm ⚜ Weight: 56 kg ⚜ Age: 16 years

Eris Reinhardt.



Eris can wield anything that she can conceptualize as a weapon with utmost mastery. She can keep on fighting at her best regardless of any effect that might impair her ability to do so, as long as she's not physically restrained.
Perhaps it was a twist of fate that led Eris to find this, but she is gifted with Yin magic, being able to use it at an advanced level without any formal training.

Yin Magic.




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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Height: - cm ⚡ Weight: - kg ⚡ Age: - years






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