Adonnenniel-Anastasia Dresden
"As long as I am allowed to be where I want to be I am free."-
Full Name|
Adonnenniel Dawn Dresden
Anastasia which is easier to pronounce than her real one. Ana for short.
Birth Date|
August, 19
Zodiac Symbol|
Ana would need someone strong and knowledgable about subjects she's not. Someone to press her into controlling her wild abilities. Someone who isn't afraid to challenge her thought pattern and pushing her away from the comfort zone enough.
Hero or Villain|
Undecided. Leaning towards Villan
In Depth Appearance|
Ana is nothing of what her family expected. Being the baby of the family she was given free rein of her own choices and soon devoted a style to herself. Her hair being the first thing she changed from the usual her family had. Instead of the long braids she got a short bob cut. Her hair a natural brown, not uncommon in her family, she never dyed her hair leaving it alone. Unusual about her was her emerald green eyes. Again being what she is they seem impossible yet is isn't. Her eyes an emerald green with what others describe as embers of orange speckled in. Her body is a build regular for her kind, tall and lean with small curves subtle but still there.
Her fashion sense is that of her own. Hats usually being included in the mix. Mostly more casual clothing than her uptown type family would have enjoyed. Finding a patterned sweater and jeans to be a favorite outfit for colder months. Warmer months include worded t-shirts and jeans or shorts. The occasional dress is tossed in the mix when she is feeling fancy and/or it is warm enough for her to not be frozen while wearing said dress. She has no piercings or scars on her humanoid form as she is still young and has not faced what would give you scars on both forms. Tattoos are a different thing, and without revealing what she is she has only one. Which is the mark all phoenixes in her family are given. A Tradition started long before she was a thought the small phoenix shaped tattoo was first given to a child in her family. The marking placed at the shoulder facing out to the front of her body.
Her pheonix form is her mostly used form when with family. The phoenixes in her family vary greatly in appearance from the others.
She is about 5'4" in height and is not going to grow more in this body. Weighting in at 120 lbs.

Such as one side of her family has pompous head feathers, while her fathers side has pompous tail feathers. Which means each of her and her siblings have a mix of either one, both or none of these traits. So the family becomes more diverse as it grows. Her Phoenix appearance is sleek and maneuverable. Three head feathers stick up to the back while her pompous tail fans out behind her. Her feathers are a brilliant yellow. Transformation into her other form involves fire so beware away flammable things. She usually doesn't change forms.

Reincarnation after death. Rising from the ashes.
Fire immmunity, even in human form. Control and creation of fire and flight, only in Pheonix form.
Her control over the fire is not exactly perfect. Far from it. Her fire usually finds everything it can burn to burn. As why she rarely changes forms.
Power Weakness|
Large amounts of water are poisonous and if killed using or in water reincarnation is stalled or even if ashes are left in the substance, destroyed. If they to reincarnate after this water incident. All past memories are lost with the water.
Quriks | Habits | Oddities|
Deathly scared of large bodies of water, Even if she is right to for what she is. Others see this as an irrational fear. Though being deathly scare of water she can hold her breath for a full minute and a half if necessary. If she finds herself becoming cold she will not hesitate to add another layer to her outfit. Having picked out something to add when she found the outfit. When lying she has a poker face but when telling the full truth she fidgets. She loves new experiences yet she's straight as a pole.
Hobbies | Talents|
Ana enjoys active things and new experiences. She enjoys walks in nature and climbing. When older she wants to travel the world and see all that it has to see. A goal not impossible for her kind. Bad at math and language she does well in history and a passion for it. Finding what those of the past had done which got them where they are.
Warmth, Free-roaming, Chocolate, Pestering(close friends only), Her hat.
Water, Being caught in a lie, Lack of freedom, excessive rules, Being cold.
Drowning, a controlled life, Permeant Death
♦ Youthful ♦ Opportunistic ♦ Adaptable ♦ Disorganized ♦
Anastasia is young hearted and adventurous. Fueled on by her grandfathers vivid tales of his adventures around the world and the vibrant cultures he found. Her mothers side is caring and happy but she retained only the happy portion of this finding herself to take any opportunities to better herself if they are presented and easy enough to take. Her fathers side is more devious and cruel, but they are also wealthy business owners giving her that business deal making side. She appears always thinking of a new plan for adventure. As the baby of her family she was allowed to basically raise herself. Disliking makeup or hair dyes. In which her older sisters loved. She found herself more drawn to boys style and sense hanging out with her grandfather in his study where she earned her passion for adventure. Her grandfather also taught her basic skills in deception and business tricks. She doesn't exactly care if she betters the world around her, learning from her grandfather that humans make too many mistakes to fix and that it was easy to take advantage of them.
Still being young her parents knew not how to contain her growing rebellious side and so tried to instill virtues into her. Kindness towards allies was one of the virtues she picked up on. Along with lack of vanity. She didn't pick up on many of the other virtues. Without her parents knowing her grandfather had dismissed many of them as acts that should be known widespread and that if everyone didn't fallow them she shouldn't either. Her brothers loved their little sister and treated her like one of them. Growing her rebellious adventurer side more as they allowed her to do things her sisters would never.
She is usually thinking of a new plan to explore. Even if humans had explored the earth she wants to do it for herself. Unstiffled by the claims of just reading books. As they aren't the real thing and could possibly be wrong. She finds others accounts of things boring unless they are vivid. Result of the storytelling her grandfather has corsed her with. She knows of most large human conflicts and can tell you how silly they were to be fighting about the cause.
The reason as to why Anastasia was bornhatched is a fairly tragic incident involving the oldest son of the third generation Dresden family. The fateful day when he was murdered, drowned in a frozen lake to be exact, by a rival Phoenix family; to which their oldest son also drowned in the same lake during the summer months. The Dresden's in though of keeping five children for each branch of the family allowed her mother and father to produce a final child. Anastasia knew what she was from the time she was old enough to change forms. Being the youngest by a long shot, 50 years to say from the second youngest, she was always going to be the baby of the family. But her parents having already raised five children before her allowed her siblings to raise the dear girl. That duty passed about through the family till she started enjoying her grandfathers company at age 6.
Ages 7-10 were spent listening to her grandfathers stories of travel and the work he used to do as a young phoenix. He would spread maps about on the grand table and send her off on search missions through old books to find parts of history. Since her family are wealthy business owners she lived a life of luxury in a old-fashioned stone castle the family has built back when her grandfather was like her. She learned first hand that experiences are better in person than in books which sparked her need to travel and be on a constant adventure. As her teen years started as she was drawn towards the classroom. Focusing on her studies. Exceeding in human history and geography from the years she spent as a child playing adventurer with her grandfather. She had already seen how their reincarnation ability worked, her grandfather was shot and 'died' a few days before high school started for her. Like all phoenix's his body went up in flames and he flew away as a small baby phoenix with darker feathers. The feathers indicating how old he actually was. -The chain starts as a brilliant yellow and slowly turns to orange then to a red. After red it starts to become more hectic with details of black and brown coloring in after long reincarnations. -
Her mother wanted her to become a better creature than the rest of her family and sought off for her too go to this camp. Ana only saw it as a new place to explore maybe meet new interesting things to record.
M I S C .
Actually I really like elves. But phoenixes are close close second.
Anything Else|
She can't swim, nor is she going to willingly learn.
- I'm only using the color system for my phoenix because it sounds cool and works for my story.-