Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crumbs
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Crumbs Triphollow

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@CrumbsNice :)

1 question though, the power levels at the start are supposed to be low, right? Level 1-like etc

Not necessarily, but yes; in a way. I made Isyph with the "Level One" character thing in mind. Others can be more powerful, but I expect them to be fairly balanced. I'll be looking carefully at Abilities and the like to make sure that things don't get too out of hand.

Edit: I've got a few more characters in mind.

A Llangeli (deserter and former specialist), a fully sentient Golem (Knight of Delad and something of an oddity), an Elven Mage (one of those involved in the sundering of Kanys, fifty years prior), and a firebrand from the southern reaches of Tantas.

I might get started on them, here in a bit. They may not all make it to fruition, but I'll be completing at least two of them.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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@CrumbsI'll have my character up soon ;)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crumbs
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Crumbs Triphollow

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@CrumbsI'll have my character up soon ;)

Awesome! Welcome, by the way! (Since I didn't say that earlier)

I've made quick work of posting up Crosos Granz, the Golem Knight of Delad. I won't do his Bio, because, well...he has something of a storied past that might be more fun to expand on in-character.

Truly, I don't know whether or not I'll be having him join the group; immediately. I do plan, however, for him to make an appearance at the Lunar Festival.

Edit: Started work on my Llangeli deserter; she's about half-finished. Will continue working, after I go get some food.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Crosos kinda looks like a fantasy version of Ultron to me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by potatochipgolem
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potatochipgolem Linear Freedom

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@rush99999 Maybe this IS Ultron when he's letting his hair down at a cosplay convention. Villians need a hobby too.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crumbs
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Crumbs Triphollow

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@rush99999Huh...I didn't even think of that. You're kinda right on that one, hahaha~

@potatochipgolemThat they do. I've always wondered what some villains do for fun when they're not being villains.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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@rush99999Huh...I didn't even think of that. You're kinda right on that one, hahaha~

@potatochipgolemThat they do. I've always wondered what some villains do for fun when they're not being villains.

4x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crumbs
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Finished up "Wraith/Lucia". I may go back and make some small changes, later. For now, though...I like where she's at.

Edit: I still think Isyph is my favorite.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by potatochipgolem
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potatochipgolem Linear Freedom

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@Crumbs Crosos will be sad to hear that, he'll cry ...and then rust. :(.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Edit: I still think Isyph is my favorite.

She's my favourite too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by potatochipgolem
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potatochipgolem Linear Freedom

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Btw, I kind of found out that in the real world it's actually the Lunar festival now!


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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Komamisa Retired Magical Girl

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Today was significantly more busy than I thought it'd be. But I'll drop a message here so it doesn't seem like I ditched this RP.

Quite partial to both Isyph and Crosos in about equal amounts. Something about a sarcastic golem just tickles me.

Edit: Oh right, @Crumbs When you said you don't normally do High-Fantasy, what type of roleplay/writing are you normally up to?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crumbs
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Crumbs Triphollow

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Today was significantly more busy than I thought it'd be. But I'll drop a message here so it doesn't seem like I ditched this RP.

Quite partial to both Isyph and Crosos in about equal amounts. Something about a sarcastic golem just tickles me.

Edit: Oh right, @Crumbs When you said you don't normally do High-Fantasy, what type of roleplay/writing are you normally up to?

I'm glad you like them. ^^

I usually do more modern stuff, but still with weird esoterics thrown in. I've got a 1 x 1 Interest Check up that has small examples of what I normally like to do. I think that's easier than explaining it. Kind of...

Edit: Yeah, it has been pretty busy today!

Second Quick Edit Combo: @potatochipgolem Yes. :p

Third Mercurial Edition: That post didn't use my color! Everyone please look away! T_T

Fourth Edit: That's kind of a shameless plug, now that I think on it (though this is really more the plug) because my partners have been inactive. Hint. Hint. Hint. Guys. Hint.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by potatochipgolem
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potatochipgolem Linear Freedom

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So, how're you all doing?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crumbs
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Crumbs Triphollow

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Pretty well, but my eyes are starting to get incredibly dry. How about you? ^^
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Komamisa Retired Magical Girl

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(Relatively) Disorganized Questions Time! I may update this as I think of more, and sorry for the huge barrage of them.

Relating to Aedrasil Natives:

How tall are Ewori and how large/small can their wings get? Further than that, how long do they live on average and how fast do their bodies develop? In comparison to a human being, how physically strong are they? Being magical beings, do they even age as humans do? As relatives of succubi, I'd imagine they "collect" from other creatures in order to reproduce, if you catch my drift; is that how it works? In other words, do Ewori children have people they can refer to as a father?

As Ashtus is said to exist within all mortal creatures, would the energy that drives magic be referred to as Ashtus as well, or the more common "mana/manna"? On the topic of magic, how capable would be a single magician at replicating natural disasters, and does healing magic exist?

Besides the Vaunted Council, is there an order of knights or anything of the sort?

Edit: Do glasses exist in this world?

What happens should one continuously win against their Perso- I mean Moonscratched Doppelganger?

Relating to the Llangeli and their deserters:

If the Llangeli have matter assemblers/disassemblers, I find it safe to assume they can arrange carbon molecules and various other elements to create some spectacularly strong materials. Just how powerful is their armor and is that level of armor protection achievable through magic or some form exotic material found in Aedrasil?

Do the Llangeli prefer kinetic weaponry or energy weaponry, or are they one of those space melee types of people? Do they use combat walkers/exosuits, conventional vehicles, or prefer powersuits/infantry? I can imagine if their armor is as strong as it theoretically can be, ranged weaponry wouldn't be so feasible anymore and they'd prefer close combat. On the topic of damage that can be done, how's their medicine for physical (non-magical) afflictions?

Do Llangeli absolutely require their environmental suits when outside of their establishments? My current idea is for a weapons researcher/designer with a bit of medical knowledge to be playing herself off as a sort of "witch in the woods". Though I don't mind giving her an underground bunker with a few airlocks/decontamination rooms, as well as a wooden hut at the top with a hologram projector.

If the Llangeli ships are military vessels, would it be safe to say their governing powers at the moment are a type of military junta or dictatorship?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crumbs
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Crumbs Triphollow

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(Relatively) Disorganized Questions Time! I may update this as I think of more, and sorry for the huge barrage of them.

Relating to Aedrasil Natives:

How tall are Ewori and how large/small can their wings get? Further than that, how long do they live on average and how fast do their bodies develop? In comparison to a human being, how physically strong are they? Being magical beings, do they even age as humans do? As relatives of succubi, I'd imagine they "collect" from other creatures in order to reproduce, if you catch my drift; is that how it works? In other words, do Ewori children have people they can refer to as a father?

I'm gonna break up this stuff into quotes, so I can answer it a little bit at a time. I just woke up, so if I'm somewhat imprecise in the articulation of these answers, forgive me. The Ewori would only (on average) be a little bit taller than a human; with wings that could be either large or small. (the Ewori of old all had grand wings, so maybe having big wings is something of a status symbol) I would label them as 'about the same' as a human, on average, but the lineage of an Ewori could have an effect on something like that. Yeah, they do, surprisingly; they weren't manufactured (originally) to have very long lives, usually serving Ragar (the Mad) for about twenty years before expiration. I would say, now, that an Ewori's average lifespan would be seventy to eighty years.

Yeah, most some Ewori children would know their father. The Ewori tend to have voracious appetites, but no so much so as their ancestors; assuming someone can 'keep up' I don't see them deviating from standard Aedrasilian courting practices or even marriage.

As Ashtus is said to exist within all mortal creatures, would the energy that drives magic be referred to as Ashtus as well, or the more common "mana/manna"? On the topic of magic, how capable would be a single magician at replicating natural disasters, and does healing magic exist?

Some call it Ashtus, some call it 'essence', 'energy', or 'mana'. Depends on who you talk to. A single (average, but capable) mage would be hard pressed to command a natural disaster and would most likely deplete their own soul attempting to conjure such a thing. They'd make it happen, probably; but it wouldn't be any fun for anyone. Yeah, healing magic is a thing.

Besides the Vaunted Council, is there an order of knights or anything of the sort?

Edit: Do glasses exist in this world?

Yes and yes.

Crosos Granz is a Knight of Delad (albeit one recently removed from the service of the Vaunted Council) and several Guilds within Delad would label themselves as 'Knightly Orders'. Some of them may even be recognized by the Vaunted Council and expected to respond to their calls.

(I like glasses...I guess...so...yeah...)

What happens should one continuously win against their Perso- I mean Moonscratched Doppelganger?

Haaaaa! They get to to it again, next full moon. That's what. Right now (though this is something I aim to change, once we get a ways into the story) the Moonscratch can only grow progressively worse. That's not to imply that the shadow-self becomes stronger (though this can happen) or even, really, that the Moonscratch will deepen within its host...it's just that it won't end.

Relating to the Llangeli and their deserters:

If the Llangeli have matter assemblers/disassemblers, I find it safe to assume they can arrange carbon molecules and various other elements to create some spectacularly strong materials. Just how powerful is their armor and is that level of armor protection achievable through magic or some form exotic material found in Aedrasil?

Do the Llangeli prefer kinetic weaponry or energy weaponry, or are they one of those space melee types of people? Do they use combat walkers/exosuits, conventional vehicles, or prefer powersuits/infantry? I can imagine if their armor is as strong as it theoretically can be, ranged weaponry wouldn't be so feasible anymore and they'd prefer close combat. On the topic of damage that can be done, how's their medicine for physical (non-magical) afflictions?

Do Llangeli absolutely require their environmental suits when outside of their establishments? My current idea is for a weapons researcher/designer with a bit of medical knowledge to be playing herself off as a sort of "witch in the woods". Though I don't mind giving her an underground bunker with a few airlocks/decontamination rooms, as well as a wooden hut at the top with a hologram projector.

If the Llangeli ships are military vessels, would it be safe to say their governing powers at the moment are a type of military junta or dictatorship?

"They can create some spectacularly durable materials and they often do, but even so it requires a tremendous amount of energy to bond the atoms to form these ultra materials as well. Adding on the fact that some of them don't actually make good armor despite their hardness, etc diamands and nano-woven carbon are not malleable or tensile to fulfil all motile parts of say, a suit. Pure carbon is also a semi-conductor, so on parts where electricity is required they would have to use an insulative and probably frailer material in place of carbon. So while their materials may be better and the walls to their bases seem nigh impenetrable, they have to make a balance between functionality and durability in many places. It is also the reason why they are harnessing the natives' magic for fuel, energy is integral to the continuation of their society." (quoted from @potatochipgolem who was kind enough to give their input on this section. Thanks~)

There's a fair mix of kinetic and energy based weaponry within the Llangeli Armada. Frames (what we're calling mechs, these days, I suppose) are fairly commonly employed and have a diverse range of forms and functions (and paint jobs). Conventional vehicles would also exist. I would say that they're fairly adept at dealing with non-magical afflictions, as a whole.

"The suits. (once again quoted from @potatochipgolem)

They are required to prevent contamination, Aedrasilian atmosphere contains something that adversely affects them. K, is an example of someone who failed to abide the proper preventive measures and was directly exposed for a substantial period of time before. Living outside a controlled environment is hazardous and until they can solve what's causing this, they have to wear them almost constantly.

(I thought it might be tied to Lunar radiation, as Kanys cursed the moon. The moon though visible at night, is there throughout the day. So their protection against lunar background emissions are what determines if a place is safe to take off their suits or not.)"

Also, yes about the power structure. It's pretty much a dictatorship, at this point. Highest rank, highest power. (not that it's terribly dissimilar from the usual way things would operate)

Yep. So, there's that. I like your character concept, by the way. I'm interested to see what you're going to produce~

If I've fucked up anywhere along the way and didn't properly clarify something, let me know. To be honest, though, a lot of things I am leaving up to the player; or outright vague. Some things, to me, are just more fun to toy with in the dark. (Until the time comes that it's a hugely relevant thing...then we'll deal with it)

Edit; Added quotations marks to clarify.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Komamisa Retired Magical Girl

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A-OK~! All questions I have for now are answered most satisfactorily, thank you!

As to liking my character concept, thank you as well! I suppose I'll get to working on the fun part(s) of character creation, now. I'll probably take a few liberties with the lore, but the bits I'm unsure of for power reasons I'll make sure to ask about.

Maybe I can hop in on this multiple character business, too. I can think of a few ways an Ewori Battlemage and a Llangeli weapons developer would know each other; and by that, I mean be entirely at odds with one another.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crumbs
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Crumbs Triphollow

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A-OK~! All questions I have for now are answered most satisfactorily, thank you!

As to liking my character concept, thank you as well! I suppose I'll get to working on the fun part(s) of character creation, now. I'll probably take a few liberties with the lore, but the bits I'm unsure of for power reasons I'll make sure to ask about.

Maybe I can hop in on this multiple character business, too. I can think of a few ways an Ewori Battlemage and a Llangeli weapons developer would know each other; and by that, I mean be entirely at odds with one another.

No problem, on both accounts~ ^^

I'm looking forward to seeing your characters.

Edit: I got inspired and wrote up an In-Character intro. If it displeases anyone, let me know. I'll look around for errors and stuff after I eat.

Second Edit: Fixed some errors.

Third Edit: Changed some wording, here and there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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I got inspired and wrote up an In-Character intro. If it displeases anyone, let me know. I'll look around for errors and stuff after I eat.

Does that mean we're allowed to post too?
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