Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlytheChi
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BlytheChi Sassy Sailor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Veda strolled casually out to the bar, her demeanor that of a sour old woman. She had just been talking with a potential request client, when they started an argument about how she ran the inn. Customers would do this every once and a while because they thought her inn brought in too many hooligans. It constantly drove her up the wall. She's need a few drinks after that.

"MacGruff, something hard please." He gave her a look and then nodded his head before starting on her drink.

Veda sat down next to a lizard humanoid. "Hey Vedaaaaa..." He hissed. She nodded toward him and then put her head in her hands. Sometimes she didn't know what to do, but so many people depended on her for shelter and food. The weight of the world was constantly on her back. On top of that she was still figuring out things about herself from before her accident. All the time people would come up to her and mention a memory from before she left. She'd just have to nod and smile as if she remembered. But she didn't and it was draining.

Tomorrow they'd be putting up the new requests, she'd also have to boot out about two members of the inn for inactivity. Which was her least favourite job as the Innkeeper. One of them would be giving her a hard time about it, she knew that. That's when she'd have to ask Sid and MacGruff for some assistance.

Veda sighed as Mac put the drink in front of her. "Your fav'rite m'lady. Chin up eh?" She set a raw smile and began chugging the drink.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
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Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jin the Undying

Walking into the Inn, as usual, Jin announced his presence. Walking to the bar, Jin places the reward he earned from the mission he completed earlier upon the counter. A decent bag of gold. (The missions he completed, were several mundane escort and courier missions. Taking someone or something from one city or village to the next.)

"Ello! I've completed the missions which i assigned for.... Even one that stumbled upon me. The rouge band which was attacking a nearby city. Ah... I never seem to recall it's name. Sadly tried to jump me as I made my way home. None the less, despite not properly signing up for the mission, it's been taken care of."

Over the last two months out of his six being at the Strumpet Inn, Jin has started calling it his home out loud. Currently he sat next to Veda. Fully knowing her presence or being there, just yet to announce said fact. Motioning to the bartender, he asked for his usual drink. A rather unknown and rare mead which was really only kept in stock due to his constant demand of it. Not to mention said mead was rather expensive.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CanisMajoris2
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CanisMajoris2 Some Madman with a Pen

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ocellus Aquilae

Ocellus took a small, maybe gentle swig from his mug before wiping his lips and staring off vaguely at a nearby waitress. She was a fine looking piece, if not a little thin, that he had been eyeing for quite some time with the lazy notion of bedding in some way or another. Ocellus smiled as she made her round back to his table, peering up at her soft, round face with what he hoped was noble charm.

" 'Nother beer, if you please," he said, sliding the mug into her hand and pressing a copper coin into the other. She made no expression of either shyness or repulsion, and Ocellus knew then he had no chance. Sighing as she walked away, he leaned back in the chair and regarded the patrons. Waiting for his contact had become rather dull, and he had resorted to making up stories about the people inside.

The owner of the place--what was her name ("Doesn't matter much anyhow...")--she had been caught in a shipwreck and thrown into the muddiest slag of volcanic rock imaginable. Her ears had been cut up by little pixies, so that they grew into sharp points. She used the wood from the shipwreck to then build this very tavern and make her living by selling the alcohol that was left over (it was most certainly a rum-runner).

"God, how the mind wanders! Where on Earth is that damn peasant?" Ocellus muttered aloud, snagging the beer mug only to remember it wasn't there. He sighed, watched the newest fellow drop some coin bags.

Coin bags.

"Oh my. Isn't that interesting," the thief muttered as a smile crept across his face.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Yaneznayo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hungry… she was getting used to the feeling. More often than not, these days, she went hungry. The smell of food being cooked at a local inn had made her wander off the main road. She mentally began to prepare herself for another night in bed with some stranger. The stink of the last one of her john’s sweat and the hot, clammy feel of being trapped under a blanket with him all night made her shudder at the memory.

She stopped in front of the door, took a deep breath, and felt her stomach gurgle at the scents of steaming hot food and the musty smell of well fermented mead. She pulled down her blouse a bit and pulled up her skirt to show a bit more of her cleavage and thighs. Putting on her best pout, she walked through the door and glided toward the bar.

Soon after she took her seat, a man took the one next to her, placing down bags near his seat that clinked with coin
So, what’s a pretty elf like you doing here?” He asked, eyeing her up and down like a dog staring at a bitch in heat.

She cringed internally, recoiling from the sheer lust pouring forth from him in waves. “I suppose I’m waiting for some handsome man to buy a girl a drink? And a meal to go with it.

Grinning, he began to reach for one of the bags, then turned quickly, alarmed that it wasn’t there. He recovered quickly, which she had to give him credit for, and excused himself to look for his bags of coin.

Allara was slightly alarmed as well. She had seen him put down the bags of coin, but had not seen them being taken. She checked her hidden pocket, feeling her single copper piece pressed against her forearm and her fingers, and sighed with relief. With that man gone to look for his lost loot, it seemed she was on her own for a quick meal. Flagging down a barkeep, she asked how much it would be for some food, and upon his reply that food was free so long as you took a job, she immediately ordered a plate, figuring she would find one to do afterwards.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the man making an angry beeline towards another man sitting at a table, sipping at a mug of beer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 26 min ago

Taraah - A mountain not so far from the Inn

The Claw was a supposedly inactive volcano. There was no eruption in hundreds of years, however if you asked the locals, the older ones would claim that often the mountain would spew fire and the ground would quake. Not in the recent years though. There would be talk of a monster living beneath the mountain - ancient by their standards that would rain fire on the land if they angered it. Others however would tell you stories of a spirit of the volcano that protected the local villages form bandit raids. And the more educated folk would simply write both of the theories off as simple exaggeration of what were most surely natural disasters and accidental fires.

Only a few would have ever seen the truth, and they would not tell of it - no one would believe them. A monster was an ambiguous term, so was a mountain spirit. But who has ever seen a dragon? They were myths, fairy tales told to children.

But today, the world would see the truth once more.

An amber eye slowly opened in a cave deep beneath the Claw. For the first time in ten years it took in the sight of piled up gold and gemstones. The other eye popped open as sunlight shone over it's lid from the crevice leading into the mountain's innards. Beneath the earth a dragoness awoke.

Raising on her legs, Taraah stretched and shook off the numbness form her body. Has it been a decade already? She felt like she could sleep another one - was she getting old? It couldn't have been. She was timeless! But the world has likely changed, just as it did through her previous slumbers. Her still idle mind wondered to the last memories she had before falling into her magical sleep, and the root of one of her wings ached a little.

She recalled a promise to a kind fool. Yes, perhaps that was where her first steps should take her. Be rid of her debts so she could soar through the skies as she saw fit. A yawn escaped her lips, although a lesser being would be forgiven for mistaking it for a terrifying roar.

As she walked towards the mouth of the cave Taraah's stomach let out a growl of it's own and the idea of visiting the Inn was even more appealing. After all, how better to start the next fifty years than on a fine home cooked meal?

Standing in the full sunlight, the dragoness let her lungs bellow the fresh morning air a few times before taking a running leap into the air, followed by the beating of her wings.

It felt reinvigorating to fly through the clouds and out on the sun, the moisture form the air condensing on her scales and turning her into a magnificent glittering jewel. She was the most beautiful creature in the world and the gods in the skies should avert their gaze lest their eyes be burned by her radiant beauty!

The dragoness stretched mid-air, falling into a dive before performing several feats of acrobatics for the joy of it, uncaring of her shadow passing over the sparse villages on the land below and scaring the souls out of the peasants. Before long she picked up a course and headed towards her desired destination.

Her memories true, it was but a half an hour flight to reach the familiar building. Taraah made a couple of fly-bys at high altitude before soaring down. She took in a deep breath of the thickening air and bellowed out a deafening roar that would no doubt alert everyone on the ground not yet aware of her magnificent presence.

With a final beat of her wings she rose twenty meters above the ground before folding them and landing hard on the ground making it shake a little. Raising herself to her full height, Taraah waited with interest to see how would the patrons react to her presence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thecircus
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thecircus An Operator

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nyrdis walked out of the woods, the side of a hart of his wide shoulder, freshly killed and butchered. The other half got him 15 pieces of silver, not a bad day’s work. Hopefully this one will get more from The Inn. It is a curious place, this inn. He thinks he might stay there for a while since the weather is getting colder. Truffles and Bucket scampered around his long legs, tackling each other as they moved, oblivious to his thoughts. They just wanted some fish and berries, and perhaps a different environment to play in.

Knocking on the kitchen door, Nyrdis hopes for a favorable response….
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mr. Scarper Montmorency

Black dress shoes clacking against the pavement in cadence with the tapping end of his walking cane, Scarper was leisurely strolling along the street towards his destination. One famous local inn by the name of 'Strumpet' he had learned of upon his arrival in town, which had piqued his curiosity. Smiling to no one in particular, he was tickled by the thought of such a funny-sounding name for an inn. It reminded him of some sort of brass instrument and brought back fond memories of music he had listened to when he was younger. However, the day had different plans in store for him, as a thunderous crash and the following bellowing roar interrupted him from his thoughts. Startled, he had jumped a little. His hat nearly falling off of his head, which he had to readjust. Off in the distance, he saw the magnificent and towering form of a terrifying creature. Blinking, he rubbed at his eyes as he reached into his inner vest pocket and pulled out his spectacles.

Setting them onto the bridge of his nose, he whistled impressively as he stood in the middle of the street. He couldn't believe his eyes, was that a dragon?

Scarper thought to himself.
"What a splendid sight to start this day with."
Scarper hmm'ed as he removed his glasses and returned them to his vest pocket.
His curiosity and interest trumping any instinctual urge to run and flee out of fear or terror.

The townspeople however, seemed to not think along the same lines as he.
Men, women, and children were in an uproar and moving as quickly as they could away from the creature.
Some of them even had cases of luggage with them, in a hurry to get out of town.
As a man in a horse drawn-carriage approached, belongings and family in tow, Scarper stood in front of his way and halted the man. The horses neighing their displeasure at the sharp-dressed man as he rounded them to speak with their driver.

"Ah. Excuse me sir, my name is Scarper Montmorency and I am currently attempting to locate a certain local inn of yours."
Scarper removed his bowler hat temporarily as he gave a short polite bow of the head before turning his hat in his hand and returning it.
Montmorency then reached into his vest and pulled out a little brown leather-bound book, opening it to review some notes he had jotted down from previously.
"As I am not very directionally inclined, I am at a bit of a quandary. You see, I am currently lost and-"
The ragged looking man seated at the front of the carriage looked over his shoulder and let out an exasperated growl.
"Lookee here, mister. If you aren't happenin' to be aware of the sitcheeation, there's a bloody dragon that has just made ets appearance. So if you could kindly spit it out and get on with it!"
Blinking, Scarper turned his head to look at the dragon and then back at the man.
"Of course, but there is no need to be so crass and rude."
Scarper thought, keeping the words confined to his mind.
"Of course, of course, sir. I am currently looking for the Strumpet Inn? Perhaps you could point me in the correct location."
The man scoffed and guffawed, jabbing a finger in the direction of the dragon.
"Well, head towards dat thar dragon and you'd be right there!"
The disheveled vagrant of a man looked Scarper over and mulled a few loose thoughts in his noggin before finishing.
"Now, y'seem like a well-meanin' fellow. My recommendation? Head the opposite direction. There are finer places to ogle women and guzzle mead, my friend! Now, g'day sir! HYAH!"
The man snapped on the reins and Scarper stepped aside just in time to avoid being run over by the carriage.
Watching as the carriage vanished down the road, Scarper couldn't help but wonder what the issue was.

Turning towards the dragon once more, he couldn't understand why anyone felt intimidated by such a creature.
From its body language and current actions, it didn't seem to wish to cause undue harm or destruction.
More importantly, Scarper wanted to know why it had chosen this day to make an appearance. For the better part of his childhood, he had only heard tell of stories of legendary creatures. He couldn't even begin to fathom its purpose for appearing now. Was it an omen? A portent of things to come? For Scarper, the dragon was a herald. A messenger of great things to come in his future. With his usual faint smile, Scarper made his way towards Strumpet Inn. And the dragon.

It only took a few minutes stroll, it would've been faster had Scarper's back not chosen to torture him this day, but once he arrived he stood a respectable distance from the dragon who happened to land right in front of the inn he was searching for. Looking up at the creature, Scarper removed his bowler hat and placed it against his chest. Hopefully the creature wouldn't see such an action as hostile, as the man meant no ill will towards it. He called out to it.

"Ah. Excuse me! Dragon!"
He didn't know how to differentiate between a male and female dragon and he wasn't about to insult the glorious creature.
"Ah. Good day, dragon! Pardon me, but my name is Scarper Montmorency!"
Unfortunately, he knew such creatures had names. But for the life of him and cursing poor memory, he didn't know what name this dragon went by.
"It was my goal today to stop at this fine establishment of which you are currently blocking the entrance to! Forgive me if I come off as bold or forward, but may I ask that you kindly step aside?"
He waited for the creature to notice and address him, a few stray townspeople from afar looked at Scarper as if he were insane. But what was the worst that could happen? The dragon turn around and crush him into mush? Eat him? Immolate him with fire? Any which way, such would be the tale of his life. It was of no matter to Scarper. He spoke to it as if he was attempting to strike up conversation with a stranger, to whom he was simply trying to get to know. Wait. Could dragons even speak? He hoped so.
"Ah, pardon my lack of manners, dragon! But may I also ask you of your name, so that I may properly address you in the future?"
Either Scarper was intensely brave or incredibly foolish, but he was honestly standing there and carrying on as if there was nothing wrong with chatting up a fierce and deadly dragon.

To be determined by anyone observing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Elin Meagher

Elin sat in the rafters, silent as she looked over a browning piece of parchment in her lap. Raucous laughter and brusque bellows echoed below her as she pored over the map of the local region. This place isn't too bad, Elin thought, tapping a few landmarks on the well-worn paper and making a mental note to visit them in the upcoming days. Maybe I'll stay here for a while.

Setting the map on her lap, Elin's eyes focused on a drunkard who put down his pouch of coins beside him. Looks like I might be buying a few drinks tonight, Elin thought, grinning. Then she noticed another man eyeing the pouch as well, and she watched silently as the man snagged the bags of coin. He was skilled—Elin could see that much. The grin was still on her face when Elin phased into air and drifted out a side window, gliding to a tree branch near the tavern before solidifying again.

Looking around with narrowed eyes, the sylph noted a man approaching the inn with a butchered deer. She cringed internally at the sight of the mutilated animal, once again reminded of the realities of the animals in the woods. After the man passed, Elin headed around to the front of the tavern. The Strumpet Inn? Cute, Elin thought, entering the building unceremoniously. She took a seat to the side of the bar, ordering a mug of mead before scanning her surrounding. Aside from the usual rabble one would expect to find at taverns, there were a few more dangerous-looking folk at the bar, the thief from before who was now being questioned loudly by the drunkard, and a jumpy elven girl digging into a plate of food. Elin took a sip of her mead after it was delivered, cocking a brow at the quality. If this is the quality of drink around here, I’m definitely staying.

Just then, a loud roar sounded from above the rafters. Elin’s eyes widened in alarm, her hand automatically going for the sword at her side. Shit. What was that? she thought, rising from her seat as the other patrons did. Looking around, some of the inn-goers seemed unimpressed by the monster even as a loud thump signalled its landing in front of the tavern.

My god, is that a dragon? Elin thought, eyebrows rising as the beast’s scales came into view. The last time I saw one of those… It’d been long dead.

Deciding the best course of action would be to imitate those who seemed unsurprised by the beast’s arrival, Elin sat back down and continued sipping the liquid gold in her mug.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CharmingDevil
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Tae’o had been flitting from town to town, village to village, for the better part of the last 3 years. His current story was the same as any wandering adventurer. Picking up odd jobs here and there just to make a decent living. Never staying in any one place for long. Honing his magic and combat skills whenever he had free time. But regardless of where he was or what he was doing, Tae’o strived for anything and everything that would grant him entertainment. Boredom was a toxic thing for pixies but more than that, Tae’o longed to take his mind off thoughts that revolved around his true purpose for wandering. To see a pixie outside of his tribe was a rare sight, rarer still to spot said pixie at all, for pixies shunned the civilized world, preferring to live out their existence in whatever untouched region of the world they called home. But as of the devastating events of 3 years ago, Tae’o no longer had a home in which to remain. Swallowing his fear of the outside world, Tae’o began his journey from the forests of Nivalis, searching for information along the way that could point him in the right direction for the men that destroyed everything he knew and held dear.

It was difficult at first. People didn’t seem to know what to think of him, this little pixie child dressed in leaves and feathers with the unnaturally colored hair and too-pale skin. Most people have never seen a pixie before but they had heard the stories. Pranksters. Mischievous cunning tricksters that played wicked pranks on anyone unwise enough to venture off the trail. They’ve heard tales of villagers and hunters who lost their way for hours, the once familiar forest becoming a labyrinth of trees and rocks, weird lights dancing on the edges of their vision only to disappear upon notice, disembodied voices tittering in an unknown language, only to finally emerge confused and dazed, having no memories of their time in the woods.

So when young Tae’o ventured into his first village it was easy to understand why people shied away from him. The ones that did talk to him quickly made up an excuse to be elsewhere. And when the first questions out of his mouth mentioned “evil magic men wearing black cloaks and golden sunrises” it was obvious that no one would trust him. After a couple months and many failed interactions, Tae’o finally came up with the conclusion that he needed to do something different if he was going to get anywhere in this strange world. He practiced tirelessly in the woods until he was able to alter his child-like appearance to something resembling a young human adult. He traded in his leaves and feathers for an outfit of black leather that he stole from a merchant in town, caught momentarily distracted by some dancing lights Tae’o conjured up. The dark attire was well made, consisting of pants and a form-fitting hooded vest, and thankfully fit. These two changes alone drastically improved his interactions with villagers he encountered. Save for the pointed ears and pair of translucent blue wings sprouting from his back, sticking out of the vest through holes he managed to cut in the leather, the humans actually treated him fairly normally. Upon first notice, he would get strange looks sent his way but otherwise they talked to him willingly enough. Tae’o eventually even learned how to use a bow and arrows from a family nice enough to give him a place to stay. He later made his own, infusing the arrows with his pixie dust and continued to practice his magic as well as his new-found skill.

Present day found him in the town of Norr. He had just arrived 20 minutes ago, tired from flying all day in his Pixie Form. Tae'o stopped on the edge of town to transform into his Humanoid Form before walking the rest of the way. He was pointed in the direction of one Strumpet Inn by a kind young woman whose eyes kept flitting from his wings to his ears and finally landing on his face with a too big smile spreading across her own.

"I hear the owner there offers free food and board to anyone willing to take a job or two. You look like a capable fellow. I'm sure she'll appreciate the help."

Tae'o smiled pleasantly and thanked her for the information, making his way in the direction she had pointed. Maybe if he took on a couple of these jobs he could gain some useful information regarding the mages he was looking for. It was as good a place as any to start.

Upon getting closer to the inn, however, a playful grin stretched his lips when none other than a dragon the size of a horse blocked the entrance with a man seemingly in conversation with said creature. He hadn't seen a dragon in years! There had been a couple of them living in the snowy mountains nearby his home forest in Nivalis but he was sure this wasn't one of them. The scales were red and black, hinting at a dragon that most likely called a much warmer area their home. Something told Tae'o that he was definitely going to enjoy his stay here in Norr, the easily excitable pixie nature within him growing restless. He had always wanted to meet a dragon! Practically bouncing on his feet, he would've sprinted the rest of the way if not for the fact that Tae'o didn't want to seem rude or immature in the presence of such a magnificent creature. Dragons were extremely prideful. So instead he casually walked the rest of the dirt pathway towards the inn and bowed deeply once he was standing next to the man.

"Pardon for interrupting your conversation, but I couldn't help but admire your beautiful scales, My Lady! They sparkle brighter than any jewel I've seen! Would either of you happen to know if this is the Strumpet Inn?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 26 min ago

Taraah - Dealing with the polite plebians

As expected, the reaction of most people was to pick up their most valued possessions and necessities and leave on a hasty vacation. What surprised Taraah was the relative calm that remained in the Inn. Do they think me so small?! she growled mentally, although her more reasonable side told her it was probably a state of controlled panic as she was blocking the only obvious exit. That, and if memory served, this particular inn attracted tougher crowd than the usual peasant. Hopefully none of them would be too rude - it would be a shame to have to burn this place down when she only came to make nice.

Speaking of which, there were always those either too clueless, brave, or simply curious enough to treat her perhaps with less reverence than she was worthy of, but with respect nonetheless. There seemed to be two here - a man whose appearance displayed perhaps not the largest wealth but good upbringing, and a pixie - Indeed a strange place this Inn, it seemed to even attract members of the more secluded races like herself.

Deciding to answer the man first as he was the first to speak to her, she turned her head. Her amber gaze burrowed deep into the human's own eyes, as if the dragoness' slit pupils could judge man of his worth. She couldn't sense anything arcane about him, and with his good manners and herself slumbering for a long time, she decided not to be offended by him not knowing of her despite there not being that many dragons left not to recall them all.

"I have many names, good sir, yours refer to me as Ashwing." The dragoness spoke with a slight bow of her head and without her lips moving once. Her voice was distinctly feminine one could notice, once they got over the notion of her words somehow worming themselves into their mind regardless of what their ears heard, or whether one covered them with their hands.

The large mass of amber and ash scales moved a step aside to allow the good gentleman a passage before looking at the pixie with the same gaze. "You are most kind and correct. Your wings are rather radiant themselves. And you are at the correct place." Turning her head back, she addressed the human again: "Mister Montmorency? Would you please be kind enough to call the Inn's owner to me? I am indebted to the old kind fool, I came to ask if he is ready to make his wish."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CanisMajoris2
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CanisMajoris2 Some Madman with a Pen

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ocellus Aquilae

Ocellus watched the man eagerly, with both a desire for further loot and the trepidation that he might be losing some down the way! It had been entirely too easy to snag--no one really protected their wealth if they didn't have any in the first place--and Ocellus had finished rummaging through the bag of coins, setting it beside him. He was sipping a new mug of beer that he had bought with the "repurposed" money, flipping a copper coin to himself as the peasant walked up.

He grinned and stood, gesturing to the chair across from him: "Sir! Sit down! Have some drink! Please! I've got money to spare!" Ocellus spread a hand and dropped a single copper coin on the table in front of him with an amiable, almost innocent laugh.

THUD. Ocellus glanced at the door at the sound, momentarily distracted:("Mmmm. Something heavy outside... ah well. Let me just get my dues.")

"Pah! More hooligans tipping carts, do you know?" Ocellus laughed and sipped at the mug again, utterly enchanted at the possibility of robbing this man blind. And of robbing his prostitute blind as well. Mmmm... The oldest profession makes the oldest money... it doesn't go anywhere. All you do is work and work, and you're rewarded anyhow: plus you get paid! Ocellus glanced at the elven mistress, flipping a wink at her before turning back to the man once more: "Please... sit down. You ought to know how exquisite the beer is here. You bought it after all."

This obvious bait is followed by Ocellus nonchalantly pulling out the silver dagger to pick at his fingernails.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mr. Scarper Montmorency

Upon the arrival of a rather charming young man, Scarper was briefly distracted by the boy's protruding wings. Entranced by them, Scarper reached into his inner vest pocket and retrieved his spectacles to get a clearer look at them leaning towards him ever so slightly.

"Hm. Very interesting. This boy must be of the more 'enchanting' races. Why, this boy may not be a boy at all and ages older than myself!"

Chuckling quietly and pleasantly to himself, Scarper turned his attention to the dragon's scales upon the 'boy's' mention and had to nod in agreement. They did seem to be rather stunning in colour and appeared to be very hardy. Grabbing at his chin, he pondered if the dragon wouldn't be opposed to parting with a few for his closer examination. Tools or weapons fashioned from that may be quite durable and fetch a pretty penny at market. Not to be actively removed from said dragon of course, but perhaps scales that had been shed or molted. Did dragons shed? Scarper puzzled over this thought, slightly infuriated that he did not know very much at all of such creatures. His brows furrowed together deep in thought before he returned to the realm of the living, leaving his own inner world. He would have to remember to request a few scales later, and made a mental note to study up on dragons. Where was the nearest library or bookstore? Perhaps he could have a sit down with the dragon itself to ask direct questions, if they weren't opposed to the notion...

Startled by a sudden voice resonating within his head, Scarper jumped and looked about himself to determine their location. It wasn't until he had the mind to look up at the dragon so intensely staring down at him did he realize.

"Oh. That lovely voice was not a sign of my loss of sanity."
Blinking, his lips slightly parted as his view of the dragon elevated a few planes.
"At least now, I know of the dragon's name and gender. How should I address her properly, though? Lady? Miss? Madam? Ma'am? What would be the proper title..."
Scarper froze, standing stll.
"Wait. Can she hear my inner most and private thoughts? Curious. Curious indeed."
Shaking his head, he kept his hat against his chest as he bowed more deeply this time out of newfound increased respect for the majestic dragon.
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance..."
He thought quickly. Would lady or miss be too young and insulting? Madam or ma'am too old and still insulting?
"...Honorable Ashwing."
"In spades, I've got it."
Pleased with himself, his faint smile grew a little more as he turned his bowler hat in hand and returned it to his head.
Steadying himself by placing both of his hands on his walking cane, he was surprised to see his request granted by the grandiose dragon as she stepped aside.
Looking up at the Honorable Ashwing as she turned to face him, he was again pleasantly surprised to be addressed by her. She even requested of him! He couldn't be more pleased with the current events of the day as he immediately stepped off with a slight spring in his step.
"Ah! Of course Honorable Ashwing! At once, at once!"
Quickly smoothing the front of his clothing and making minor adjustments here at there, Montmorency reached for the door to the Strumpet Inn and stepped inside. Invigorated with a certain electric excitement, he dared to even consider himself brimming with positive energy. His back even felt a little less pained.

Door swinging opening, Scarper's senses were immediately treated to a veritable feast. Colourful characters and bar patrons abound, conducting themselves in various forms of merriment. Music wondrously playing in the background and tickling his ears with their lovely tunes as he took in the environment. Smells of delicious and delectable plates of hot food wafted all 'round him as he made his direct path towards the bar deeper within the inn. A few jolly characters paid him little mind, with other seedier characters still eyed him as if determining his net worth as a potential target for unsavory acts. Regardless, Scarper had been tasked with a mission, and by a dragon no less! So, striding up to the counter of the bar, Montmorency removed his hat as he addressed the reptilian bartender.

"Excuse me, sir? My name is Scarper Montmorency and I am currently seeking the owner of this fine establishment. Might you know who he is so that I may direct him outside? There is a rather congenial and affable dragon that wishes to speak with him. She had made mention of wish-making?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Yaneznayo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Her mouth still not finished chewing her last spoonful, but Allara had to will herself not to shovel more in. She was starved and this food was on par with that of the feasts she attended as a noblewoman.

Allara had finished half the meal when a strong impact shook the ground, making her nearly drop her spoon. Looking around, the hairs on the back of her neck stood straight when she caught sight of the dragon standing outside the inn. She froze, trying to process what she was seeing. She had always thought of dragons as an omen, a creature of destruction, so why hadn't it already burned down the inn along with everyone inside?

Most of the other residents of the inn had not reacted other than to glance at the dragon repeatedly, so that calmed her nerves... slightly. When a man walked up to and talked with the dragon, she further relaxed, which allowed her to notice that there was a child with wings that looked suspiciously like a pixie. She hadn't seen one since she was a child, before her adoptive father sent lots of men to put out a forest fire. He told her the pixie's home was destroyed and they had to find another home. She knew he left out the part where the pixies they found were all dead.

The man who was talking to the dragon came in and asked the barkeep to talk to the owner, and the man who snagged the bags was obviously getting his victim worked up. It was kind of strange watching the scene. The man animatedly, and maybe a bit drunkenly, yelling at the thief and trying to get back his gold while the thief just kept moving them, reminiscent of a teenager holding something high above a child's head. She could almost hear his teasing: "oh you've almost got it! Just a little higher!" Meanwhile, the rest of the patrons paid virtually no attention to the dragon outside, save for a few who were outside when it landed.

Through all of this, the thief's eyes met Allara's, flicking quickly between her green eye and her blue, then with a smirk, he gave her a wink.
"Well, that answers that problem", she mumbled to herself. It looked like he'd be the one paying for... the in that doesn't charge money. Right. She'd have to get used to this just as quickly as she formed her current habits. Still, it wouldn't hurt to have a backup.

Flashing back a shy smile, she walked over to the bounty board, hoping to find something suited to her abilities. She made sure to add a sway to her hips on the short stroll to the board.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlytheChi
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BlytheChi Sassy Sailor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Veda had taken in all the sights and sounds once she sat down. No one seemed to pay her no mind cept for a man, who gave her a hello, and a regular whom she sat beside. After that she watched a thief in action, a very friendly girl get some food, a few newcomers settle in, and a rather loud noise outside, which she ignored due to her terrible reactions to everything. She wasn't exactly one to make a fuss over anything unless it directly affected her. She learned not to care after her accident. She got another drink and mused in her own thoughts, she wondered what requests would come in tonight, for her to put up in the morning. And she wondered how many people would get the request they wanted.

MacGruff directed his gaze to the gentleman in the fine outfit. His vocabulary and tone even took on a polish. The orc was rather surprised by someone of this grandeur stepping foot in the Inn. So much so that he let out a little huff when the man asked for the owner, even referring to the owner as a man. The nerve. He thought very sardonically. His battered voice rang out after the man's question, MacGruff still eyeing him up,"The lady of this here inn is sitting to yer right. Veda, dis gentle-man is looking for ye." And with the MacGruff turned away and moved along to the other end of the bar, his head shaking in disappointment, mouth mumbling along.

Veda was surprised to hear the question, she just sat there. Her silver eyes flitted to the left. Feeling a presence there. She was concerned, especially after the man had asked for the owner, and referred to the owner as a "he." This meant he either didn't know her uncle passed or assumed the owner was a male. She was wary because of this. Once MacGruff implied where the owner was, she turned towards the man. She was taken aback when noting his exquisite attire and cleanliness. To which she giggled. She didn't understand why, but she did. Probably because she found it so funny that he was in her run down, no good, hell of a bar. After her reaction she shook her head in apology and offered her hand to shake. Her dark skin shone a light grey in the terrible candle light of the inn. She thought it looked so putrid and muggy, wasn't exactly flattering to her race. "Heya, name's Veda. How do ya do?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
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Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jin the Undying

Onlooker may not have noticed, Jin was rather observant of all taking place. Yet one thing in particular stole his attention outright. Not even a flinch were to be experienced, upon the dragons entrance. No insult intended for said dragon, by far. Jin was merely not easily scared. Not to mention, a side effect of all he's endured, death wasn't something he actively feared. Standing up, he proceeded to stretch and relieve various joints or bones of cracks and pops which may or may not have been noticed by other patrons. Quickly as standing took place, Jin gave the reward of his quest to the bartender. Which the bartender dealt with appropriately.

Excitement overthrew his complexion upon looking at the source of the thunderous sound. Almost dangerously quick, nearly colliding with several patrons as he exited the building. Now standing in front of the dragon. Jin almost bounded with excitement. The look of glee on his face was probably quite an intriguing sight.

Waving arms like an excited child, Jin spoke. " Oi, OI!!!!! Do my eyes decieve me? You are a dragon! How astounding you are!" Arms went to his side as he inspected the dragon. Yet Jin did not move from the spot which he stood. Simply leaning back and forth trying to grant more view of the sight to behold. "I never thought i'd see another in my lifetime. I thought all of your kin escaped these lands years ago?" Jin encountered a dragon once before, yet nowhere near as friendly. If not for his snatch ability and his factor of having consumed water from the fountain of youth, Jin would not of survived the incident. Nor would he of gotten the story behind the Dragons departure of these lands.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CanisMajoris2
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CanisMajoris2 Some Madman with a Pen

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ocellus Aquilae

Ocellus was almost instantly enamored by the elf, and for a moment forgot the drunken peasant blubbering before him. His amusement run thin, he stood and gently tossed the half-empty coin purse back in the man's lap: "I'm wearing three things that can kill you instantly. I'd suggest you get some better eyes and pick a fight with someone who won't kill you nine times over. Though he REALLY doesn't want to do that." Ocellus was no killer, though he was terribly impatient.

He turned and started walking over towards the woman, sheathing his dagger to let himself become more approachable.

("Ah... were that even possible. I'm wearing more weapons than I know what to do with... maybe... maybe if I told her they were for hunting. Mmm! I hunt rabbits with a sword!")

Ocellus laughed affably to himself as he stared at the woman's arm. He had watched her as she entered--she had invited attention with that dress of hers--and for a moment he thought her a mere prostitute on route for another job. But she was keeping something; perhaps something valuable. He had seen her touch it... right there... on the arm. It could be nothing: people touched their arms all the time. But she had been frightened. All the same... it could just be some useless family heirloom or a locket from some long-lost and forgotten love.

Or it could be a priceless jewel... ("Far too small...")

Elven prostitutes were rare as it were, anyhow. He felt that if he were to rob her, it might be better to do so quickly and negate the effects the quickened elven mind would have on his true intentions. Truth be told, she was beautiful...

("Far TOO beautiful... reminds me of that time in Graados... those lovely naiads... they kept us warm and safe in the boat as we were going across--me and my compatriots--and for the longest time they would stroke our hair and whisper these sweet nothings into our ear. But the one caressing my head had grown lax in her seduction, and she suddenly yanked at my neck before I was completely limp. I remember now... wrenching away... sliding the slippery sword out of its scabbard... hacking as the ones I called friends became the deep's graves. It was so much colder... became so hard and grating... the coldness was inescapable and tangible... like a mud sphere that only strengthens the more you try to kick it away...")

Ocellus had paused and stared at the elf, suddenly very wary of her. Business. It was business. He robbed them; gave it away so that they would learn something or another. He smiled and spoke over Allara's shoulder: "Now what is a lovely specimen like you doing in a little place like this?" He tried to keep the suspicion out of his voice, and the easiest way to do so was to haughtily smile on one side of his face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Elin Meagher

Elin took another hesitant sip of her mead, frowning to herself. The inn’s customers had reacted to the dragon with such a variety of responses that Elin wasn’t sure what emotion to take on. Perhaps a scared one, like so many other women? Or how about the not-so-friendly scowl of the troll in the corner, turning his back towards the dragon in favor of his roast mutton?

Elin watched as the dragon was first approached by a courteously mannered man in a top hat, then a pixie—that race she’d had plenty of experience with—and finally a rather well-muscled and confident man who was more excited than impressed to see the fantastical beast. Relaxing a little when the dragon failed to promptly snap the trio up whole, Elin lifted her hand from the hilt of her sword and resumed savoring her mug of mead. If this is the usual crew at this inn, I’m in. One-hundred percent. Now to find out what the fee is per night.

Elin watched out of the corner of her eye as the elven-looking woman who was previously stuffing her mouth rose to examine a paper-ridden board nailed to the wall on the side of the room. Fliers about the nightly rates? Or...

Rising, the sylph walked over to the bulletin as well. It was a bounty board, which was about what Elin had expected, but she’d had to make sure. Bounties for board, a flier at the top right stated in rough black strokes of ink. Elin suppressed a grin as she made her way back to her seat. Amazing liquor, fascinating clientele, and just service for board? Am I in or am I in?

Just then the door to the inn opened to reveal the man in the bowler hat. Elin watched carefully as he strode confidently up to the bar, requesting that the bartender produce the owner of the inn so that the dragon could speak to him. The bartender seemed offended, eyes flashing a reptilian orange as he pointed out the owner of the inn—a black-skinned elven woman who was one of the few that had complacently continued drinking in their seats even after the dragon had announced its presence. The sylph instantly pinned the tavern owner as a respectable individual, both on and off the battlefield. There was a woman that had built herself up to something, no matter how insignificant it might seem to strangers.

As the dark elf introduced herself, Elin flicked her eyes down to her mug, now dangerously close to being empty. Time to order another, Elin sighed, tipping the remaining contents of the cup into her mouth.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mr. Scarper Montmorency

Montmorency blinked when the bartender huffed after he had finished his line of questioning. Had he said or did something wrong? Did he commit some offense unknowingly? When the gruff lizardman finally spoke with a rather displeased tone, Scarper turned his head to the right as directed and instantly understood what wrong he had committed. He was erroneous in his assumptions that the Strumpet Inn's owner was male. My, how sexist of him. Women could own businesses and property too, after all! Mentally, he reprimanded himself. What was that silly little saying about making assumptions? Something about...making donkeys? Well, he certainly felt like a donkey, though it didn't show on his face. Turning back just in time to see the lizardman storm off, grumbling.

"Drat. Have I already made such an unfavorable initial impression?"
Staring at the bartender's back as he continued to walk off, Scarper's mind worked tirelessly towards methods of restoring his image.
"Should I apologize profusely to the bar owner? No, that would not do."
But, he would still apologize.
"Should I declare myself an idiot and decry my ignorance? No, that would not do either."
He knew that was not true.
Scarper is a dignified and intelligent man.
Humans are flawed creatures and are not flawed creatures permitted to make minor mistakes from time to time? He certainly did not think himself perfect or above others, that would just be arrogant.
It was when a musical giggle was heard did Scarper finally return from his thoughts that he turned to face the bar owner.
"Oh." He blinked.

Scarper removed his glasses and slipped them into his inner vest pocket.
It appeared that at least she did not seem to take any offense. But what was so funny? Was there something on his face? Did someone tell a funny joke? Or was it his bumbling actions that was the cause for her tittering? Why did she shake her head? These and so many other questions littered Scarper's mind.

"Curious. Curious indeed."
He looked at her presented hand and perked up a little, smiling warmly at her as she introduced herself.
He thought.
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Veda. As you may have heard, I am Scarper Montmorency. I, myself, am doing fantastic today, thank you for asking. How does this day treat a lady such as yourself?"
Taking her hand in a firm but still gentle grasp, he shook it exactly two times.
He hoped his hands weren't cold.
Though his mother once told him something that bothered him to this day.
"Warm hands, cold heart."
Did that mean the opposite was true?
He didn't think himself a bad person.
But, the thought of a 'cold' handshake disturbed him.
"I do apologize for the misunderstanding, Miss Veda. I have just recently arrived in town from my travels and learned of your wonderful establishment just today. I did not care to discover or ask as to the gender of said owner and only jumped to foolish conclusions. Please, forgive me for my blunders."
Scarper again smiled, the corners of his lips tugging just a smidgen wider than they normally did.
"As you may have heard when I was speaking to your bartender, the dragoness outside has business to conduct with you. She had bid me entrance to your inn and requested the owner specifically, but it seems that she was also under the assumption that the owner was male as well."
His eyes briefly looked Veda up and down.
"And much older."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CharmingDevil
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


When the dragon had introduced herself as Ashwing to the eloquent man standing next to him, memories flitted through his mind of a dragon he had heard mention of before by a sister tribe of pixies he came across while in the southern deserts. Dragons were practically all but legends now so the few that still remained were known by all. Just like the pair of dragons that lived in the mountains near Nivalis, this tribe knew a dragon that claimed a nearby dormant volcano it's lair. They had called it Flare but later as Tae'o continued his travels through the human domains, he heard stories of a dragon by the name of Ashwing that were eerily similar to the dragon the pixies spoke of. Tae'o idly wondered now if these two dragons were but one and the same?

Coming out of his reverie, the pixie's pale blue eyes widened in shock when the beautiful dragon acknowledged his compliment with one of her own. "Your wings are rather radiant themselves". To think he had been complimented by a dragon! Whether she had just been trying to be nice or not didn't matter. Tae'o couldn't help the smile that stretched his face just then. Facades be damned! In his excitement and a snap! of blue-white light, Tae'o had retransformed back into his Pixie Form. The small blue orb of light danced up and around the dragon's head, tittering excitedly.

"Oh, you're too kind! My wings are nothing compared to the magnificence of yours, My Lady! Regardless, your words have made my day!"

The blue light lazily floated back down, a bit more calmly now that his remaining energy had been spent in his excitement. This time a wisp of pale blue smoke appeared until Tae'o was standing in his Human Form again. Just then an extremely excited muscular fellow all but barreled out of the inn. Seems Tae'o wasn't the only one wishing to meet a dragon. A lazy smile adorned his face as the pixie stared up at the dragon once more.

"Well, seems you have another patron wishing to gaze upon your glory. All this excitement has made me hungry and tired so I shall take my leave. It was a fantastic pleasure to make your acquaintance. I do hope our paths cross again in the future. Until then, Lady Flare."

Tae'o gave a deep bow and a polite wave to both the newcomer and the dragon before pushing open the door leading inside. Instantly his ears were bombarded with the sounds of drunken laughter and shouting, the tantalizing smell of food filtering through his senses. The diversity of the patrons inside would never rival the dragon he just met but all sorts seemed to call this town their home. Elves, orcs, lizard men, even a sylph!! How exciting! However, his stomach grumbled its command of food so Tae'o decided to take a seat at the bar, not wishing to take up a whole table to himself. Meeting everyone else would have to wait for now.

Tae'o remembered the words of the girl who had originally pointed him to this inn, that the owner offers free food and board to anyone willing to offer their services. Flagging down the bartender, Tae'o decided to test the advice by ordering a simple plate of fruit and greens. When the food was set before him, the pixie barely had a chance to open his mouth before the orc walked off to help the other patrons. No demand of coin was met. Not like Tae'o had any coin to speak of anyway. Tentatively grabbing a slice of apple and popping it into his mouth, Tae'o's suspicion instantly melted away as his taste buds thanked him. What fresh produce! Humming in delight, now content that he was filling his belly, Tae'o glanced around the tavern before he noticed a whole wall near the back that boasted bounties. So that must be where the jobs were posted. It seemed rather empty. Well, priorities first! Turning back to his food, Tae'o grabbed another apple slice, biting into the crisp sweetness with fervor.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlytheChi
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BlytheChi Sassy Sailor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Veda was pleased when the gentleman had apologized, though she wasn't expecting one, another giggle escaped her. "Oh Scraper.. or should I call you Mr.Montmorency? You needn't apologize for such things, I understand the confusion. You see, this inn was once owned by my Uncle. He had since passed and left me with the ownership. So those who used to travel through here, well... they're under the impression my uncle is still alive and laughing. Which unfortunately is not the truth." Veda's head hung low for a moment, a few tears glittered her silver eyes.

Veda wiped them away and met Scraper's gaze with a large smile, back to normal again, "I do appreciate you fetching me though, you said a dragon was out there looking for the owner? Interesting. I have never met a dragon. I'm down right excited now!" Her exclamation resulted in her glass dropping to the floor, quite clumsy she was. A few patrons looked over to them, wondering what the excitement was over. Most looked away and shook their heads, a smile on their lips knowing Veda's accidental habits.

"Oh my goodness, I am sorry if any got on you!" Veda immediately jumped off her stool and began picking up the glass. MacGruff chuckled at her and threw her a towel. Once she was done tidying she set the towel with the glass contents on the counter and looked back to Scraper. "My apologies, I'm a bit of a klutz," Her bright smile was a large contrast to her skin, "So, I suppose our meeting is to be cut short by my visit with a dragon? We should find each other again, I do hope you're staying?" She was full of questions, she loved meeting new patrons. Especially since the rumours of her bar were going far and wide now. Soon she would not have room for all the occupants.

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