Red Slime splits into two species. It is slightly smaller now. Two tiny bobbles appear at the top of it's head, feeling rough to the touch. A yellowish, translucent substance coats it's fangs that is unpleasant to the tongue.
It is suddenly very Hungry for blood. Seeing Yellow Slime undefended, Red Slime Attacks.
Red Slime kills a yellow slime and absorbs it, growing slightly larger and becoming Orange Slime. It has absorbed a teeny tiny amount of magic.
New Red Slime bobbles along. It has inherited all of Orange Slime's previous traits. It is slightly Peckish.
If a combat ability is mentioned this round and it can overpower yellow slime it will attack.
Yellow Slime is thoughtful. It feels at one with the balance of the universe and ponders the meaning of reincarnation. It has successfully alligned it's Base Chakra, Naval Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra. A pleasantly warm glow surrounds it. Then Red Slime attacks, killing one of it's number. Yellow Slime is scared.
Blue Slime and Yellow Slime merge to form a new species called Green Slime.
This species has inherited:
+4 Magic (focus: combat) +2 Chakra +1 Music +1 Heat +1 Toughness +1 Thick +1 acidic film +1 Seduction +1 charming dimwittedness +1 Vape
Green Slime is the most magically powerful of all the slimes. It is spiritually motivated, but has a lackadaisical attitude. It is cheerful and making pleasant sounds. It immediately get's to work on alligning it's heart chakra, and feels at one with all things.
Red Slime starts forming sounds with it's mouth in simple patterns. It is focused.
With the death of Yellow Slime, as well as the presence of light, heat and condensation, nature has been brought to the world. The remaining slime left to the previous yellow slime has congealed and is now sentient though has low intelligence. They collect around their creator.
Yellow Slime decides it doesn't want to be eaten again, and starts to focus it's magic on combat. It treads the path of balance and focuses on healing magic as well for good measure. It is feeling determined. While it is working on telekinesis abilities, it develops a third eye.
Blue Slime feels protective over it's neighbour, and decides to step forward into the face of danger. The slime plates on it's body harden further, they are no longer soft and squishy though have a slightly bouncy nature. With it's new hardy attitude, it decides to turn on the charm. So far it's learnt it can pull a face when it quirks an eyebrow a certain way. Mostly, this confuses the other slimes.
With it's new found charms, it decides it needs to cultivate a cool attitude. A metal blip forms in the ground nearby.
Orange Slime decides to focus on the important things in life. Muscles. It is feeling manly. It's gloopy midriff feels slightly firmer to the touch. Seeing Blue Slime move in nearby, it decides it needs to keep itself safe. Tiny sproingy needles pop out of it's skin. They are mildly irritating.