Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 40 min ago

Alice Kennedy

Location: Mako Island inland's Dormant Volcano
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

"I would miss all of the friends that I have made here if I ended up having to move so suddenly." Alice said softly as she looked up at Millicent and smiled slightly as she ran a hand through her hair, this place was actually very beautiful and she didn't feel like having to leave it just yet. And the island was still a complete mystery to her, though it was such a beautiful island even this little place that they both ended up stumbling into.

"Well i'm sure that you will still get along with just about anyone here though." Alice said with a bright smile as she started to swim around the small pool of water and then started to float on her back looking up at the day light shining through the giant opening of the volcano. It was actually very relaxing and she decided to just come here whenever she felt the need to since it was such a relaxing place to be.

Later On That Night...

As the girls spent pretty much their whole entire day under the extinct volcano the girls spent a lot of time just talking and playing in the water, enjoying their time just hanging out. They completely lost track of time as the sun started to set and the full moon started to rise. The moon slowly started to move its way over Mako Island until the moon was shining directly into the opening of the extinct volcano and onto the pool of water that both Millicent and Alice were in.

Then something weird started to happen as the water suddenly started to become very warm and then the water started to bubble all around the girls. Both of them stared at one another very confused at what was going on, eventually the moon moved away and just as the bubbling and warm water suddenly stopped.

"That was really weird I think we should head back home c'mon follow me I know the way out of here." Alice said as gently took Millicent's hand and then took a deep dive under the water and started to swim until they were at the opening and Alice quickly helped Millicent back up to the surface as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Millicent Blair

Location: Mako Island
Interacting With: Alice Kennedy @Nallore

Millicent nodded slightly, thinking back towards her friends from home. Cassidy and Juniper had been her two closest friends, but their parents had disagreed politically. Any occasion in which she hanged out with them had turned into some sort of contest, a fight to the death between the Leave and Remain mentalities. It had been better when the Blairs left for Australia, as her parents could no longer bicker and ruin her friendships. Instead, they killed them altogether.

"Life goes on," Millie explained, smiling slightly. "You just have to look on the sunny side of life~" Closing her eyes briefly, Millicent let her hair float in the water, singing the silly tune to herself. Her accent had practically evaporated since moving to Australia, with only her parents retaining the thick Scottish brogue.

"There is one beautiful girl in particular here," Millicent teased, winking slightly.

Millicent's skin felt as wrinkled as a prune as the moon rose high in the sky, the soft light spilling down into the slight clearing. She doubted that her parents would've been too worried yet, but as she glanced up and saw the moon, Millie couldn't help but curse. "I think we might have a late fee...Like for library books, but for a boat," Millicent joked, grinning at Alice.

However, her smile faded as the universe decided to make them into....soup?! Frowning, her eyebrows raised high, Millicent started to climb out of the water. However, before she could do so, Alice had grabbed her hand. She gasped for air, taking a deep breath, and followed Alice out from the pool. By the time she came above and onto dry land, Millicent was coughing, having some water nearly reach her lungs.

"So...Is it normal for pools in Australia to start turning people into stew?" Millicent inquired, shivering slightly against the chill of the cool night air.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 40 min ago

Alice Kennedy

Location: Mako Island inland's Dormant Volcano, then Mako Island Beach
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

Alice made her way towards the beach taking several deep breathes as well and then rolled over onto her back looking up at the night sky for a moment. She looked towards Millicent and gave her a slight shrug she had never seen anything like that either herself, she was actually freaked out about the whole thing as well. "I've never seen that happen before either. Unless there was some sort of volcanic activity which I doubt that it was. It's been extinct for several thousand years or so now." Alice answered as she rolled up onto her stomach and sat back up letting out a slight sigh as she remembered she forgot her phone inside. But that could wait now she didn't want to swim back in there and get it after that had just happened.

"I think we should just head home now, my mom should be home by now and my little bro probably ended up trashing up the place." Alice said as she started to make her way along the beach until she found their boat was still there where they had left it. She looked back towards Millicent and blushed slightly at her comment earlier while they were in the small cave and started to push it back towards the water.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Millicent Blair

Location: Mako Island ---> The Beach
Interacting With: Alice Kennedy @Nallore

Glancing around, Millicent couldn't help but be surprised that there weren't any Search and Rescue boats around. Perhaps Australians were a bit tougher that way, but she decided to concentrate more on rubbing her chilled skin in an attempt to regain some body heat. Helping Alice shove the boat out, Millie clamored in, offering to help with navigating them back to the beach.

"My parents are probably pissed," Millie chuckled. "Either that or they didn't notice. Fifty fifty chance." Her laughter fell from her lips like the soft peeling of bells, her wet hair clinging to her skin. The pile of chores she had to complete loomed over her head. It'd take a few good hours to complete them, and of course, there would be school assignments as well. As the boat zoomed towards the shore, Millicent glanced back at island they were rapidly speeding away from. It almost had a mystical air to it, and as much as Millicent struggled with science, she couldn't think of any normal explanation for the bubbling water.

Biting her lip, she glanced over at Alice. "Do you think the place was radioactive or something?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 40 min ago

Alice Kennedy

Location: Mako Island inland's Dormant Volcano, then Mako Island Beach
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

Alice smiled as Millicent helped her push the boat along until it was safely back in the water, she then pulled the start up cord for the little boats motor. As the boat moved across the sea she looked back towards the beach one last time seeing the island getting smaller and smaller as they got further out to sea back towards the mainland. "If you want I can come over to your place and tell your parents why we were late." Alice offered, she really didn't want her friend to get in trouble because of her and she would feel guilty as well.

"I don't think so, my mom sometimes goes there every so often to do some studies on the island." Alice said with a slight shrug she wasn't sure or how she could explain the sudden bubbling in the water when the moon hit the center of the volcano. A few minutes later they were finally back at the mainland of their home, Alice moved the boat through the bay until they were there at the rental place where they got the boat from.

Alice then parked the boat and tied it off to the dock, and helped Millicent back up onto the dock as well and gave her a soft smile. "So did you want me to walk you home?" Alice offered.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Millicent Blair

Location: The Beach
Interacting With: Alice Kennedy @Nallore

Millicent shook her head. When her parents got angry, the Scottish brogue came out in full force. It was the same with Millicent, her accent having muted from her time in Australia, but returning with a vengeance in those screaming matches. She didn't want to force Alice to hear confusing screams that vaguely sounded like English, not just yet. "I'm good, thanks," Millicent replied politely, stretching her arms a bit as she said so.

She winced slightly, realizing her words might have seemed rude. "You don't want to see an angry Scot...It's more disturbing than a kilt," Millicent joked, tugging on her hair awkwardly. She couldn't help but feel a bit naive and embarrassed around Alice, hardly understanding science herself. Literature and history were her areas of expertise, and most of what she knew about science came from Bill Nye and Neil DeGrasse Tyson. For all she knew, the lake had boiled and frothed like that because the devil was shaking his chains in anger.

"Do you wanna go see a movie tomorrow, maybe?" Millicent asked, tucking her hair behind her ear. "We could also go to the marine park, see the dolphins and stuff...The splash zone is one of my favorite things, by far."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 40 min ago

Alice Kennedy

Location: Mako Island inland's Dormant Volcano, then Mako Island Beach
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

Alice smiled softly and gave Millicent a soft nod. "Alright then." Alice said as she handed back the keys to the boat to the person that they had rented it from. She didn't mind walking her friend home at all, but then at the mention of some sort of argument coming up between Millicent and her parents she rubbed the back of her neck slightly. "Yeah I hear the Scots kind of get into arguments quiet a bit." Alice said as she looked back out towards the sea where they had came from.

Then she perked up at the mention of seeing either a movie or going out towards the marine park and nodded. "Sounds like a great plan to me, did you want me to swing by your place tomorrow and what time did you want to go?" Alice asked, she loved going out to the movies and the marine park was always a lot of fun to go to. She loved going to the theme park there as well as seeing all of the marine life that was at the park.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Millicent Blair

Location: The Beach
Interacting With: Alice Kennedy @Nallore

Millicent giggled a bit, contorting her face into that of an angry parent. "Millicent! Ciamar a Dare thu a 'fuireach a-mach anmoch!" She laughed more, covering her face with her hands slightly, almost mouse like in her movements. She threw a smile over at Alice, grinning broader at her acceptance of the invitation. Truthfully, she had no idea what films were out and even then, she doubted that Australia had the same selection as Scotland. "Does noon work for you?" Millicent asked. She nodded at Alice's offer of coming over. Once her parents had had some time to calm down, seeing a friend of hers coming might relieve her mother slightly. It'd be proof that she wasn't entirely socially incompetent.

"Do you know if there are any good movies out?" Millicent added. "I'm pretty much up for everything...except for science documentaries. Those put me to sleep."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 40 min ago

Alice Kennedy

Location: Mako Island inland's Dormant Volcano, then Mako Island Beach
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

Alice looked at Millicent and smiled at her friend and thought for a moment she didn't really pay much attention to seeing movie trailers the last couple of months and gave her friend a slight shrug. "Not sure yet, we could always just look and see what is interesting I guess." Alice said and smirked at Millie. "I think a science doc would be a good thing to watch, i'll get tickets for it tomorrow." Alice said jokingly as she gently nudged Millicent's shoulder and then took a step closer and pulled her friend into a loving hug then a quick kiss on the cheek.

"We will figure something out to see tomorrow, i'll see you around noon then." Alice said with a smile as she backed up and gave her friend a wave. "It was fun by the way, i'll swing by your place for our date." Alice said as she started to run off down the street and back towards her house which wasn't that far. As Alice got home she opened the door seeing that her little brother had ordered some pizza and he was sitting on the couch munching away at it. "Looks like you got dinner already, wheres mom?" Alice asked as she closed the door and sat down next to him. "Still working she said she wont be home until tomorrow morning." He answered.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Millicent Blair

Location: Her Home
Interacting With: Herself

Millicent managed to sneak into her room, avoiding the wrath of her parents. She spent her night reading and watching Netflix, attempting to do anything but fall asleep. Each time she closed her eyes, she saw the moonlit pool, the mysterious bubbling of the depths. It reminded her so much of conspiracy theories, where aliens came down to Earth, and abducted individuals for tests. Pulling out her phone, Millicent did a cursory search, attempting to find out any information about Mako island.

She whistled softly, seeing all of the information pop up about Mako. Shipwrecks and disappearances were incredibly common, and it had made it onto a list of the most haunted locations in Australia. There were more than a dozen websites claiming that it was far more bizarre than the Bermuda Triangle. "What the hell..."

Turning off the phone, Millicent tucked herself into bed, attempting to get some shut eye for the last few hours. Alice would be texting her in the morning, and she wanted to be able to be mostly awake when that happened. Mako island plagued her dreams that night, and likely would for the nights to come.
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