@BurningCold At some point, yeah. I'm a bit back-logged with the dossiers to be honest, and I'm trying to send them roughly in order of when each character was accepted, so Royland's may not come for a couple of days.
@The1Rolling1Boy I'm a bit hesitant, only because Marie is already the Mechanical Engineer, and I'm worried about players controlling two characters with very similar professions. I was also hesitant with BurningCold making a Pilot character before LovelyAnastasia joined (Since Gera is already the co-pilot), and I probably wouldn't have allowed anyone to make two soldier characters.
However, just because the ship's crew is full, doesn't mean you can't make any more characters -- I'm just asking you to wait until the
Sentinel lands at the Willman, because I will be allowing a couple characters who are survivors at the Lab.