Avatar of FortunesFaded
  • Last Seen: 10 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Heretic209
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 696 (0.17 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. FortunesFaded 11 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Wow, I really missed this place
10 yrs ago
Shine on, you crazy diamond
10 yrs ago
Back, after about 3 months of absence


Been around a while. Then I left a while. On and off for over a decade, and back for now!

Most Recent Posts

Certainly interested.
Hey everyone,

I think I'm going to have to bow out for the time being. I recently something unexpected happen to me personally, and that and work have required all my attention. It's been great to be here, but I've had far too much going on in my life the past week to give this the time it deserves, and I don't want to hold anyone up.

@RumikoOhara Feel free to write off Amir if you wish to, or use him as an NPC. My life might un-complicate in the near future and I'd love to come back in some way or another.

Wish you all the best! I'll probably still follow the story and read the posts when I'm able -- I'm too invested now to fully disconnect from this story.
So who technically controls Lilly? @Wick? If so, want to do a collab for when Amir meets and patches her up?
<Snipped quote by Poi>

I was curious about the map thing as well. I'm assuming that Amir would have been with/nearby Maisy when the walker was taken out, but I'm not exactly sure what we will be doing with that map. It doesn't seem to make sense for the support group to go on a dangerous quest to discover strange red markings that could denote hordes.

Re-quoting this from a couple OOC pages back @Poi since I'm still a bit confused about the plan with the map, and I'm hesitant to post before getting a clearer picture
@NarcissisticPotato@FortunesFaded@DeadDrop@Polaris North@RumikoOhara

Boop. Just checking in with the reaction force. One walker has been killed near you guys and a map has been found. How do you wish to proceed?

I was curious about the map thing as well. I'm assuming that Amir would have been with/nearby Maisy when the walker was taken out, but I'm not exactly sure what we will be doing with that map. It doesn't seem to make sense for the support group to go on a dangerous quest to discover strange red markings that could denote hordes.
Status of our sexy roleplayere:

Dna... presumably alive... and roleplaying

Wick - ready to roleplay
Poi - ready to roleplay / and pizza (c:)
Rumiko - injured ;(
DD - working all weekend sniff
Sword - roleplaying ???
Joker - very ded ;( for now
Potato - alive :)
Polaris North - times ZONES
Fortunesfaded - faded?? And ok

Sorry guys -- an unexpected life thing popped up, which kept me from even logging in most of yesterday and today. I'm good now though, and planning on getting a post up tonight.

Guess I'm a little confused though.. Are we prepping for the sweep, or is it currently happening?
Good to know! Back when I started roleplaying (2005) the site I began on didn't actually have the option to do most of what we can now. Only basic formatting was available -- Bold, Italics, Underline, as well as three font sizes (Small/Medium/Large) and maybe a couple other features. That's how I started, and I never really ended up changing my ways. I'm personally not a huge fan of using different colors, just because people tend to gravitate more towards the colored dialogue and away from the uncolored exposition, and as a writer I've always placed more emphasis on the internal, non-spoken narrative rather than the external. But I certainly understand the rationale.

@RumikoOhara@Poi Thank you for making me this! Oh god, now I have to choose which to use. I may just alternate.
@RumikoOhara@Polaris North@Wick@Poi and others, I've got to ask -- have you all roleplayed together before or something? You all seem to have similar styles, like custom-font name header, colored text, the practice of tagging everyone on every post (which I started doing just because everyone else was doing it). Or am I just missing some style guide for all this? Mainly just curious, I've never written with a group that had this many RPing habits in common before.
@RumikoOhara Looked good! One question though: Whose group is Amir in? The specialists?
yes on the coast near coos county

There's another state with a Coos County?

Edit: Also hello, welcome
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