Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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July 18th, 1910
The Serranthian Strait: Blutlander coast watchers on the Eastern Side of the Strait watch six vessels from the Empire of Saurilia enter the straits, headed south through the Strait toward the Faresian Sea. The message was relayed via wireless telegraphy to Blutlandic Serranthia, to the 4th Army, which would send the message back to Blutland itself. The vessels identified were: 1 auxiliary, 1 destroyer, 2 light cruisers, 1 battleship. Given Saurilia's distance, the Blutlanders assume the fleet must have left over three weeks ago.

Saurilian battleship identified by Blutlander coast watchers

Meung Civil War: While the Imperial White Army continues to mobilize--a fact that may take nearly two months considering Meung's lack of infrastructure--the Emperor and the General order local garrisons mobilized and sent to their garrisons to maintain order. The garrisons, maintained by regional governors privy to bribes and corruption, are poorly maintained. Village garrisons are made up of young boys and old men, many of them have a myriad of M1902 Schutze, Otto Mark II and even ZLR-012 rifles. The Zellonian ZLR-012 cartridged the Estalian .303, as opposed to the 8mm of the Schutze and Otto Mark II. This different ammunition made maintaining the rifle a logistical pain.

Karalian Uprising: The Second Battle of Karalia continues. The First Armed Battalion, given orders to hold position--find the rebels intensifying fire and utilizing hit and run tactics to keep the soldiers on edge. A few hundred civilians, fearful of fleeing, seek the Saurilians for aid, who take them in. The unfortunate side is that soldiers here are tied up caring for these civilians. During the battle, several rifles are collected from deceased Karalian soldiers and given to General Sjorn in the Market District. Along with his command staff, they determine these Otto Mark II rifles, manufactured in the Kingdom of Blutland, are relatively new and were sent very recently.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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The Saurilian Empire


With the upcoming event of the queen's birthday; a ball is in need of planning, music is to be organized, everything needing to be pristine, and most importantly invitations to be sent out. That was the only job that the queen had in front of her right now, planning who to actually invite other than relatives and close friends of course. Close friends... Of course! The Sultan of Seljuk would receive an invitation. Now that the queen had began thinking about it more and more, she had decided to send invitations to many more people; the President of Staratia, the King of the Blutlandians, the Emporer of Tyro-Antaria, and even the rival of Saurilia; the President of Zellonia. Even some rulers of smaller nations were invited; The King of Dongaria and the Cheiftan of Samgola

The date of the celebration was planned to be August 9th and the queen could only be excited to see if at least some of these people were to be coming. Details were out into the invitations; formal wear required, gifts are not required, and time of the a all was to take place at 7 PM.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

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July 18th, 1910

Artist's depiction of Antari Protesters at the beginning of the Troubles of July.

It was never in question that the Tyro-Antarian Empire was a melting pot of ethnicities, ideals, and beliefs. However over the last decade radicalism of all three has led to numerous instances of minor skirmishes and revolts by bitter nationalists, liberals, and the like, and the self-titled 'Troubles of July' were no different.

The Troubles began on July 16th in Kulig, Antaria, with the death of local Antari autonomy activist Patryk Kotlinski. Kotlinski was notorious with law enforcement in Kulig as a hotheaded poet and artist who, whenever possible, would spur anger and emotion in a crowd and attended every protest the city had held in years. Thus, it made local headlines when an incident with police led to the death of the local activist.

According to police reports, the young Kotlinski was drunk and making a scene on the evening of the 17th. Two officers on patrol marched in his direction and intended to place him in the drunk tank for the evening and ensure his safe return home the next day. However, witness accounts state that the officers egged on the sober Kotlinski and spurred him to anger. Witnesses state that when Kotlinski began approaching the officers "yelling horrid remarks" the officers unholstered their revolvers and within moments Kotlinski lay bleeding on the sidewalk.

By morning the Antari Rights Committee had begun the organization of mass protests in Kulig and furious Antarians across the nation looked to Koltinski as a martyr over the 'Tyro brutality towards the Antari people'. In Kulig and other Antari cities the protests and marches throughout the day were relatively peaceful with only a few minor arrests and clashes with law enforcement. However, on the evening of the 18th chaos broke out. Somewhere in the crowd of marching protesters a pipe bomb was thrown towards the police line standing at city hall in Kulig. Immediately law enforcement rushed into the crowd and countless protesters were beaten and arrested as an all out brawl began with witnesses saying the police instigated the violence and the police saying the protesters did. Soon the street brawl blew up into a full scale riot and by the end of the night six policemen would be dead, ten hospitalized, and over twenty protesters killed with a dozen more arrested and injured. In the chaos, a factory in Kulig was badly damaged in the rioting and reports state that hundreds of dollars in industrial equipment were torched and destroyed recklessly.

After the evening of the 18th, protests would continue well into August and a national discussion was started on the stability of the Empire and her melting pot of cultures. One thing was certain though, the relationship between the long standing dual cultures was starred.

-- [Factory] damaged. No use until [October, 1910]

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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July, 1910

July 19th
The Seljuk Empire foreign office calls in Foreign Ambassador Klaus Bader. There, the Seljuk diplomat Janus Bey immediately requested "the return of those dissidents of the Karalian provinces so that they may not add to the chaos of Antari nationalism." While it was apparent the Seljuk Empire similarly wished for the return of the Karalian rebels to bring them to justice, freeing up ten thousand refugees would help Tyro-Antari turn inward. Furthermore, Ambassador Janus Bey informs Bader that military forces will be moved to the Tyro-Seljuk border to enforce customs laws and ensure Antarian nationalism is kept on it's own side of the Tymar River.

July 20th-July 26th
Karalian Uprising: The Second Battle of Karalia heats up when the Karalians press the attack, emerging in force to attack not the Market District, but rather the single street that allowed the 1st Armed Battalion an open supply line. Given that General Sjorn had made no distinction or troops in reserve, the almost week long firefight ended with the Karalians closing up the street--lining soldiers in the buildings and patrolling the streets in anticipation of a counterattack. The Seljuk Empire maintains it's two divisions around the city, and catches a handful of soldiers attempting to flee northeast to the Tyro-Antarian border.

July 27th
The Republic of Zellonia dispatches three auxiliary merchants from it's shores. Their destination, the brand new Republic of Xian in Faresia. Carrying almost 30,000 ZLR-012 rifles to help the fledgling Republic in it's fight against the Meung Dominion. The ships are not expected to reach the far flung Faresian republic until early September, given the distance. Refueling stops are planned in Southern Serranthia and Eastern Faresia.

July 28th
A vote is brought to bear in the Empire of Saurilia over a new bill. The exact nature of the legislature is mostly unknown and a fight breaks out in the Parliament regarding the poor paperwork handled. So confused and distorted was the Saurilian Parliament, few even recalled the name of the proposed legislature. The Chief Deputy of the Parliament dropped the bill and called the house to order.

July 30th
A vote begins in Saurilian owned Tsungmao, a coastal city on the edge of the Meung Dominion. The vote is intended to discover the will of the people. It's estimated to finish around the time of the Saurilian Queen's birthday. The event is marred by disaster from day one, when Saurilians realize that the citizens present--formerly citizens of a two hundred year old monarchy, barely have any understanding of even the basic politics of voting ballots. "Voter" turnout is expected to be less than 5%, and the Governor of Saurilian Tsungmao, Herbert Maus, sends a formal complaint to the Saurilian Colonial Department citing: the aggravated situation is thus exacerbated by the Queen's Government's insistence on forcing democracy down the throat of a people who have long understood and embraced autocracy. In a city where the colonial police forces are still learning the laws, the government still filing its paperwork, and the military cleaning its rifles, these grand standing parades of 'democracy' do not help."

Nations may now post their August Productions.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

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The Republic at War

In the immediate days following the coup of the Liaotzu province the newly established Republic immediately went to work in establishing diplomatic connections to the Continental powers and raising funds and soldiers for the coming war with the Dominion, who would surely be right on the heels of the fledgling republic.

On July 12th, two days after the Republic's announcement, President Wan-Yen announced that the Republic would, after her victory, honor all agreements held by the Meung Dominion regarding the selling of Tsungmao and other economic contracts held with the Continental powers. In addition the Provisional-President announced the arrangement for the Fumen-Taffington treaty. A treat that, once implemented, would see the new Republic receive military and economic aid from the Republic of Zellonia. Ironically, Xian would also go on to sign a following agreement with Zellonia's rival Blutland to sell the small Xianese navy to the Blutlanders for economic support as well.

Within the military crisis had already arisen as the National Revolutionary Army quickly began to disband large amounts of militiamen in a desperate bid to prevent economic crisis within the Republic. By the end of July over a million reservists would be called off and sent home, and the Republic would be greatly outnumbered against her far more massive foe. Amidst the chaos of the disbandings, reports from the Zellonian colony in Leylon state that Xianese men, without uniforms indicating Imperial or Republican loyalties, launched raids into the defenseless borderlands of the colony. Soon after the incident the Republic of Xian denounced the raids as 'Imperial bandits attempting to scar the Republican cause'.

After the disbandment chaos the National Revolutionary Army's high command went directly to work with organizing the remaining Republican forces and preparing for a defensive along the western border with the Dominion. The NRAHC recognized that with current economic conditions the Republic was in no position to begin a offensive against the Dominion. Thus, the 1st Army under a joint command group organized and marched from Fumen waving the 6 starred military banner high to joyous crowds.

National Revolutionary Soldiers, circa August 1910.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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The Saurilian Empire

New Commands

With how the military currently handles itself, it is a rather dull state where orders can constantly get confused with being passed down the chain of command which generally is not seen as good. That is why, some military theorists have gotten together to form a new way that Saurilian officers can pass orders down through the chain of command. By coming up with short phrases that could repeat the same order but in a clearer fashion as to avoid confusion, these men have seemingly begun making headway to making the military more competent. While the radicals may not agree with an increase in military spending to support this reform for the Officers, the government has simply went over the complaints without as much as batting an eye to them. The government has its eyes on seeing a newer and better military form that wil allow its soldiers the chance to act efficiently within the ranks.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

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Republic of Zellonia

Friendly Negotiations

After the original meeting with the Samgola Chieftan, Trellis knew the hopes were high. As such he and his cabinet pushed to get the samgola people with them providing them with a guarantee of independence especially as the empire of Sessu has yet to recognize them as a full empire

Colonization Efforts

Once again the Zellonia efforts to maintain colonial expansionism has been allowed due to the budgetary constraints as such the rest of Suryana will be colonized in the name of the Republic.

Republic of Xian Treaty

While a treaty was made not more than merely a month ago. The recent raid upon the zellonian colony has made the government question their new found alliance. Zellonia plans to send a full investigation forces to find out what really happen and depending on what’s uncovered further actions will be taken.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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August, 1910

August 1st
Karalian Uprising: The Seljuk 2nd Army begins preparations for an artillery bombardment of the Karalian city to take place on August 12th. General Mahmed sends out the 90th Riflemen Platoon into the city with orders to get into contact with the Saurilians there and warn them of the impending attack. The 90th, led by platoon sergeant Murad Hapsyy, departed from the Seljuk lines early in the morning of August 1st.

Seljuk 90th Rifleman Platoon, photograph circa 1909

August 2nd-August 4th
During the early hours of the 2nd, the Zellonian colony of Leylon came under heavy attack by non-uniformed soldiers. The colony, which had no military garrison to speak of was ransacked. Several homes were burned and in the three days of raiding, 173 Zellonian nationals were killed--though the majority indirectly. Almost everything of value was taken, several Ellis automobiles (most with less than 50 miles on them), gold watches, hunting rifles. If it wasn't bolted down, the soldiers took it.

The Zellonian colonial governor Matthew Hepbridge sent a report back to the Zellonian Overseas Department (ZOD) indicating that it appeared that the non-uniformed soldiers were those belonging to the Republic of Xian, who had unfortunately just signed a treaty with the Zellonians.

August 5th
After days of negotiating, the Seljuk Empire and the Tyro-Antarian Empire sign the Bader-Bey Pact (1910) in Wreslou, Tyro. The treaty, signed between Ambassador to Tyro-Antari Janus Bey and Tyro-Antarian ambassador Klaus Bader was conducted as a backroom negotiation and much attention was given to keeping it's contents mostly secret.

BADER-BEY PACT (August, 1910)
Article I. The Empire of the Seljuk officially recognize the sovereignty of the Tyro-Antarian state's Dual Monarchy as well as the sovereignty of the current reigning monarch and his lineage until at least August, 1920.

Article II. [Enclosed. -1 Support (Seljuk Empire)]

Artivle III. [Enclosed. -1 Support (Seljuk Empire)]

Article IV. [Enclosed. -1 Support (Seljuk Empire)]

[X] Ambassador to the Tyro-Antarian Empire, Janus Bey, Representative of the Imperial Government of the Sultan of Seljuk
[X] Klaus Bader, Foreign Ambassador to the Seljuk Empire

August 6th
The 1st Army begins moving out from Fumen. With over 174,000 men under a single command, they make less than three miles a day suffering along unpaved roads and forced to march three abreast. So long and errant was this single army formation, one witness reported: "For eight hours I worked my fields and for eight hours men marched past waving the six starred flag." The lack of infrastructure in the region made maneuvers on such a large scale difficult, but if nothing else, one man rose to acclaim all on his own. General Chi Haotian (24/Offensive Minded/Risk Taker).

The 1st Army bore witness to the spectacle of the land they claimed. The Western Provinces were an agrarian paradise, with even the biggest cities failing to stake their claim so firmly as the Meung coastal enclaves. Still, with the support of their people--the Xian Army was bolstered considerably. [Army Spirit +8%]

Xian citizens, 1910

August 7th
On August 7th, four Fusanese built Xian owned destroyers and a nationally built Light Cruiser depart from the Xianese port city of Min, destined for Blutland. Fortunes were nearly halved for both the Xianese treasuries and the Blutland Royal Navy when ships of the Meung Dominion Navy sent eight destroyers to intercept the fleet with orders to sink the ships at any cost. Fortunately, the Dominion ships were forced to turn back with orders to support army maneuver operations along the coast. The Xianese sailors watched--literally sweating--from the decks of their own ships as the Meung closed and finally swung around in a wide circle back toward their own ports.

Xianese Hǔ-class Destroyer, circa 1910
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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The Saurilian Empire

Ashland Pact

After many hours of discussion about the well being of both Blutland and Saurilia, having shared ideals and the general samed attidute towards one particular nation of Zellonia, two diplomats, a Jakob Krahl and Anders Sjöberg, have formulated a Non-Agression Pact between the two nations that would last for three years. The two diplomats signed in the saurilian city of Ashland, afterwards the two shook hands and acknowledged on another as formal friends for the time being.

Support of Xian

While the Empire shall remain neutral within the conflict of this new independence war, that does not mean that the Empire will not be rooting for a side. As of August 8th, the queen of Saurilia has come out with a public statement to state what Saurila veiws on this situation. "While Saurilia has long been known to despise rebels of any kind, and we may not be a republic even if we do practice small-scale democracy, have chosen to recognize Xian as an independent nation. We refuse to get involved in this war until further notice, we do hope that this war is over quickly so that a loss of life will not be present.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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August, 1910

August 8th
The Kingdom of Samgola welcomes the Zellonian delegation to their capital of Kamrun. The King was absent, away on diplomatic matters to the south against the Fairun Tribes. Instead, the Zellonian diplomats are met by Prince Moustapha Niasse, Heir to the Kingdom of Samgola. They eat a hearty breakfast and begin negotiations. The first is that the Samgolans will enter the Zellonian sphere of influence. Prince Niasse, eager to learn the Continental ways accepts this without reproach. They tour the city further--though it is hot, humid and muggy--before negotiating further in the day.

During the second round of negotiations, the Zellonians inform Prince Niasse that they will be guaranteeing the independence of Samgola from potential future aggression. This however ends negotiation as Prince Niasse become angry. "Samgola is an independent nation and needs no justification from foreign powers!" The Zellonian delegation was returned to their rooms and on August 9th would return to the new Zellonian Embassy there in the city of Kamrun.

The flag of the Kingdom of Samgola

Samgola's inclusion in the Republic of Zellonia's Greater Economic Zone would take time, but introducing another 900,000 farmers, 350,000 bureaucrats and 700,000 workers would help bolster a Zellonian economy held afloat by colonial endeavors. Within days, entrepreneurs from Zell were filling out "Overstay Visas" to enter the Samgolan nation and get to work on expanding their basic, almost entirely pre-industrial economy. The fast acting Zellonians caused a reaction in the international community, where the Republic of Estalia and the Empire of Sessau both ordered their foreign embassies to recognize Samgolan sovereignty.

Zellonian and Samgolan delegations, photograph taken August 8th, 1910

Zellonia's Day in the Sun however was marred by the explanation from the Zellonian Overseas Department (ZOD) that investigators had begun their initial observations on the raid in Leylon, south of the new Republic of Xian but that 2,000 Zellonian refugees were flocking to Leylon as reports of attacks from the natives on the island colony of Surayanna reached word of the Zellonian Overseas Department at the capital of Leylon, Sumak.

Surayannan refugee boats left after the Crisis on August 8th, 1910
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Meung Civil War, 1910

August 9th, 1910
Meung Civil War: The Xianese 1st Army has sallied to the South under General Chi Haotian. With almost it's entirety sent along the coastal paths and utilizing natural choke points, it's poised to strike out toward the city of Dading, a hub for trade between Southwest Faresia and the Meung Dominion. The Dominion itself meanwhile, continues to mobilize--a process prolonged mostly due to poor infrastructure. The basic posts have been manned, with elements of the 1st, 15th, 22nd and 55th armies continuing to mobilize.

The Meung's fates continues to be in poor health, as the commander of the 15th Army based out of the army garrison at Sungiao was late to his assembly area and when the guards checked on him, found him dead in his sleep. Similarly, the General of the 22nd Army--when arriving to the assembly area south of Tieli was found to be drunk and high on opiates. Elements of the Imperial Security Agency took him away, and he was replaced with a junior commander--Zhu Peng, barely thirty years old. The War Department of the Dominion sends out a post indicating all mobilization must be completed for offensive operations by August 20th.

Fortune smiles on the Xian, if not for the day, when the Meung Dominion commander Tan Lun arrives in the army camp of the 1st Army and officially defects to the Xian. While not a senior officer in the Imperial Army, he has exclusive knowledge of the geography and terrain of the Dominion, which General Chi Haotian can utilize to his advantage if necessary. The defection of Tan Lun also offers up the opportunity of his services at $500,000 a month.

Meung defector Tan Lun (seated, front left) and several compatriots, 1910

August 11th
The 1st Armed Battalion of the Empire of Saurilia begins a breakout toward Seljuk lines out of the Karalian capital. During the early morning hours, they come across fifteen Seljuk soldiers, remnants of the 99th Rifleman Platoon. During the meet up, they inform the Saurilians of the impending artillery barrage. The firefight intensifies and during fighting in the mid-afternoon, General Sjorn is shot in the back. Though not killed, it's assumed he'll die within the next day if not given proper care. The remnants of the 1st Armed Battalion and the 99th Rifleman Platoon begin their break out attempt.

August 12th
During the early morning hours of August 12th, 55 of the 70 Seljuk field guns open up. The artillery barrage, lasting five and a half hours displaces over 750 shells across the Karalian city. The 99th Rifleman Platoon and the 1st Armed Battalion emerged from the city within minutes of the barrage starting. The news was dire:

-- Out of 40 men, the 99th Rifleman Platoon reported it's platoon sergeant killed, 29 killed and 3 wounded.
-- Out of 10,000 men, the 1st Armed Battalion reported General Sjorn had passed away, and a total casualty rating of 3,192 dead, 1,099 wounded.

General Mahmed of the Seljuk 2nd Army immediately orders the medical unit and Engineer Corps to tend to the wounded and give whatever aid they can. He passes word on to command--via messenger--that General Sjorn of the 1st Armed Battalion had died and requested word on what to do with the body. Word would not reach the capital, Hamdas, for several days.

August 14th
48,000 M1902 Schutze rifles--the most popular and common in the world--are finished and sent, via horse carriage--to outstanding Tyro-Antarian military units throughout the empire. With over 900,000 rifles at their disposal now, the Tyro-Antarian Army is becoming quite the military force.

August 15th
In the heart of the Continent, the Troubles--so called due to their ubiquity, have subsided. The people, mostly too tired and ignorant to continue fretting over an issue the rest of the world has already forgotten, have for the moment returned home. Wreslou, in August bloom, beckons travelers and merchants from as far as Seljuk and Zellonia to the cool breezes and night life.

A look at modern Tyro-Antarian life, Wreslou, 1910

Not all have forgotten however, and the Diet met on August 15th to an emergency meeting to discuss the inevitability of future conflict. In the absence of the Emperor King, the Diet decides that before midnight they will have made a decision as to the future of Tyro-Antarian relations. A slim minority wished to pass the Civil Suppression Act, a bill that would give the local police and military garrisons the legal authority to stop future rebellions in their infancy. Others however believed the troubles to be at their end, long forgotten and wanted the issue dropped immediately.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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The Saurilian Empire

Licking wounds

With the horrific loss of life in the Second Battle of Karalia, the saurilian men were shuffling about with their heads hanging while the wounded were being tended to. The men gathered what dead they could without having to get near or inside the city, they just seemed miserable with no general to lift their spirits, or motivate them to fight in a war that was not even theirs to fight. These men did what they could to help the Saljuks, but they refused to fight any further and the immediate replacement to General Sjorn, Lieutenant James Forn, had sent a message to the Seljuk general, Mahmed, detailing that the men would be out of the Seljuk's way and they would be headed home as soon as all the wounded were tended to. These ragged men grieved for their comrades and some were even performing makeshift remembrance ceremonies to the dead.

A Private Odin Farsen conducted a small speech in remembrance to General Sjorn, only 532 men attending the ceremony.
"The General, he was a good man and we know he cared deeply for our lives and the lives of others and it is imperative that we all live up to his name. I was on the front when we stormed the city, I was on the front when we got trapped, and he was on the front when he was shot. It is at this time that we shall not pass him on with grief, instead we shall celebrate for he will be in a better place and he shall know that we have gotten out of that city which he died trying to take. It is here where he has died and it is here in which he shall be remembered, and in the motherland. May we all hope to be as great a man as the General."

While those of the 1st Armed Battalion who attended the ceremony were not cheered up, they did appreciate that the Private had tried to get them all to have a better view.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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The Tyro-Antarian Empire

"Unbowed and Unbroken"

The Imperial Cabinet
--- 19th July ---

"These Karalians, these refugees, they are not of our nation! Send them back!" A voice boomed, it's source a deceptively small man donned in a black three piece suit with an immaculately white undershirt. A man of many seated at the great table but of importance none-the-less, for he was Steffen von Kohlhase, the Prime Minister of Tyria, answerable only to his peers andtheEmperor. "This is no time for sentiment, we must remain firm against dissent. That which the Seljuk Empire does to them once they cross that border is beyond our control. We are not accountable."

"The man which sends another to his death is just as accountable as the one who swings the axe, who pulls the lever." A duke stated glumly from his seat nearby, drawing the irksome gaze of the Prime Minister.

"Enough!" A new voice joined the din, this one accompanied with a thud of the table with a fist. The medals adorning his uniformed chest jingled as the Chief of Army, Matrin Kohler, pulled back his arm with words on his lips. "This is not a debate of morals, it is simple pragmatism. My Emperor, we must hand the Karalians over to the Seljuk for the state must face the traitorous radicals in our own midst, not a man is to be spared guarding refugees. Not a single man." With that the room turned silent, all eyes turned to the monarch whom sat at the head of table.

After some time, the Emperor King responded: "See that it is done Matrin. Send them back." He resolved with a solemn tone.

--- 15th August, 27 Days Later ---

The early morning light spilled into the room as servants and aides rushed to and fro, setting platters down upon tables and pulling open shutters to great yawning windows. Beyond the panes of glass it was yet dawn, and a pale orange lingered in the sky. Despite this, a group of persons found themselves once more seated at the great table which had become a common sight for the Imperial Cabinet whom had met to convene multiple times throughout the troubled July in order to oversee the precarious situation. While it seemed the state had survived the tumultuous month, steps had been taken assuming the worst. Across the country local Landwehr Divisions had been recalled and put on alert, local constabularies had been reinforced and there had even been talk of the purchase and deployment of Saurilian machine guns in order to control potentially riotous crowds.

In the end, none of that had appeared necessary for the state seemed to once more relapse into peace, the state had survived. For how long. For how long would peace last? This question remained on the minds of every man present, some believed indefinitely, others wanted to be prepared when the time came. The debate on how to proceed regarding the Civil Suppression Act went on until the sky had turned a gloomy grey, a light rain now pattered against the glass beyond.

"How we proceed is very much up to us my fellows. The Emperor is attending a ball in Sauril, as such the decision we make today lies solely with us. And it must be decided today." Ulrich Strauss, the Minister of the Interior, spoke as the debate continued anew until finally, a consensus could be reached by dinner that day.


Civil Suppression Act (1910)

After long and deliberating debate, the Imperial Cabinet announces it's intentions to both Parliaments, to put forth the Civil Suppression Act (1910) which will grant enhanced powers to the authorities of the state in protecting the state internally and ensuring under the act, never again a repeat of the Troubles. Hailed by the Prime Minister of Tyria as "the Act to ensure the safety of the nation, to ensure she stands united against the foes of the world who would see her crushed and alone." The Act, while not publicly announced, would also oversee the creation of the 'Internal Security Bureau', a secret intelligence and law enforcement agency which is intended to operate beyond and above the law in order to suppress political dissent away from the public eye.


Denial of Xian

The Tyro-Antarian Empire denies the recognition of the Republic of Xian, decrying the state as one of "Up-jumped sycophants praying on the weaknesses of foreign nations in the name of a disgraceful 'democracy'."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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The Sultanate of the Seljuk (August 19th, 1910)

Foreign Ambassador to the Seljuk Empire Maximilian Mann had been at his station for less than a month than he was called upon. His contemporary, the Foreign Ambassador to the Kingdom of Blutland, Temel Balkan, was similarly a new face to the realm of Continental politics. Educated at the University of Wreslou, he was an attendant of Continental politics and spoke fluent Zellonian, Blutlander and Antarian. He joked that he once tried to learn Tyrian, but that four languages (three including Seljukii) was plenty enough for one lifetime.

Side portrait of Temel Balkan, 1906

The meeting was brief, in fact, so brief that it comprised entirely of Balkan calling Ambassador Mann in, unfolding a letter from the Sultan's Bureau and handing it over to the Blutlander ambassador. It read:


The twenty-third Sultan of the Empire of the Seljuks bids the King of the Blutland well. Enclosed here are twelve imperial documents dating as far back as 1461 regarding the current ownership of the island of Dilsen, known to the Seljuks as Tapsây. These documents provide proof of former ownership of the aforementioned island to the Empire of the Seljuks. The Sultan of the Empire of the Seljuks issues this ultimatum for the Kingdom of Blutland as follows:

Article I. The island of Tapsây, known in Blutlander as Dilsen, will be rightfully returned to the Empire of the Seljuks no later than September 1st, 1910.

Article II. The Kingdom of Blutland will rightfully acknowledge all citizens currently living on the island Tapsây, known in Blutlander as Dilsen, as citizens of the Empire of the Seljuks. Any who wish to remain citizens of the Kingdom of Blutland will be given until September 1st to return to the Kingdom of Blutland and will be allowed to do so after control of the island has been returned to the Empire of the Seljuks until 1920.

Article III. The Kingdom of Blutland will legally acknowledge the exchange of the island back to the Empire of the Seljuks.

Twenty-third Sultan of the Empire of the Seljuks, Abdu Hamdas

The ambassador of Blutland was informed he had until August 20th to given a response.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

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Leylon Investigation

On August 5th the Republican Government released a press statement condemning the bandits who made their raids into the undefended Zellonian colony of Leylon. Provisional-President Dr. Wan Yen personally presenting a statement declaring a full Xianese investigation into the incident to be organized and an official apology given to the Zellonian government with 'swift justice' to be brought to the traitorous thugs.

Despite the statements by the government, Xianese-Zellonian relations have turned tense and within the capital of Zellonia the Xianese embassy remains on alert with Ambassador Jin Jinan unauthorized to leave the embassy grounds. Protests by Zellonian militarists and nationalists continued outside the embassy well into mid-August.

The Tiger and the Trench

General Chi Haotian, the Tiger of Chunghae

While the government handled crises abroad, the newly appointed Chi Haotian defied his high command objectives of a southern defensive and organized for a immediate move on Dading. Dading, the 'end of the southern road', was crucial for the Republic to capture if they were to secure southern Xian from the Dominion. Thus, on August 10th, the 1st NRA continued their long march east with the Tiger of Chunghae leading them. In a telegram sent from Haotian's field command back to Fumen detailing his plan, the General stated.

"Dading will open her gates to the Revolutionary Army, or Dading will face our liberation by force."

Meanwhile, the 2nd NRA marched from Fumen under the leadership of Chang Qi-Min, a old guard from the Imperial Army that aligned with Xian, like many other defectors, in the hope of gaining admiration. Despite his dubious loyalties, Qi-Min was given a command of the second National Revolutionary Army and handed the task personally by Field Marshal Yuan Wuzhou to defend the northern frontier from the still mobilizing 15th Army. Thus, the 2nd Army marched with a large Engineers Corp prepared to turn the great forests of the northern frontier until a proper defensive line against the coming Imperial menace.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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The Saurilian Empire

Listen to Teacher

With the death of General Sjörn finally arriving the motherland of Saurilia, grief comes to many of the high ranking officials with of the government who worked with the man. The Saurilian Army Bureau reaches it to promising candidates as a replacement for the late General Sjörn, only looking within the officers academy for ace students or veterans who have entered after their service. They find a mister Colbert Runesen, a veteran of the army, who was a promising individual with acceptable test results. The only sensible thing was to pit this man against one of the former generals in a game of chess, multiple drawn-out games of chess.

After many bourse of many drawn out games, Colbert Runesen had prevailed and claimed his title as Commander of the 2nd Saurilian Armed Forces and was immediately sent to the city of Lobrand. There he would join be introduced to his staff and some of the soldiers that would be serving under him, though it would be soon found that this man would not care about using underhanded tactics or not when in one of the trainings the new Commander had beaten a Luitenant by sacrificing many of his men in the training to achieve victory.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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August, 1910

  • Tyro-Antarian Empire
    With the Troubles of July behind them, the Tyro-Antarian Empire decided--with an overwhelming majority--to pass the Civil Suppressions Act in mid August.. This act was delegated to the local authorities, giving them the power to enforce acting legislation on riot suppression and civil disobedience and enacting new legislature to "root out dissidence where it exists, and stamp out the flame of radicalism before it spreads."

    The Tyro-Antarian Diet, 1910

    With success on the act still uncertain, attention of the Tyro-Antarian Empire turned toward industrialization. The Tyro-Antarian Empire was falling behind it's cultural neighbor Blutland. With the Tyro-Antarian Diet still in session, several prominent--and backed by industrialists--politicians brought forth the idea of a "Tyro-Antarian rail through every city center." The idea had merit, as rails eased the movement of goods, soldiers and even ideas across the country. The more frugal politicians promised to shut the idea down before it ever saw the ink of a parliament bill. So expensive would this bill be that it could very well force the still fledgling industrial economy into a recession.

    DECISION: A Rail Through Every Town (Always available)
    -- Immediately spends $450,000,000 a month for twelve months.
    -- Rails grows by +6% a month for twelve months.

  • Empire of Saurilia
    The concept seemed logical enough. Battleships were heavily gunned and heavily armored, but too slow to hunt down smaller, faster warships such as cruisers. On the other hands, cruisers lacked the firepower and protection of the battlewagons. So why not combine the two into a battleship-sized vessel armed with the big, long-range guns of a battlewagon, but with the speed of a cruiser? They could use their speed and firepower to chase down lighter enemy warships and commerce raiders. If they encountered enemy battleships, their superior speed would enable them to escape.

    The Kriger-class was designed with an armament that could achieve parity with the Blutlander Blutlandia-class, but achieve nearly ten more knots an hour. This unmatched speed could make a Kriger-class battlecruiser an excellent commerce raider as well as a fast acting ship capable of matching an enemy's superior force.

    The Kriger-class battlecruiser design, 1910

    Republic of Staratia
    The West had long been a neglected region of the Staratian sphere of influence. With the quiet Samyet people in the North and a Dominion neighbor that had it's own troubles to contend with, Staratian eyes rarely turned so far from the Continent. August 29th was the day that changed all that. The Sublai Khanates, a wildland of familial tribes and provincial governments that bore power from the strength of one's army, had recently been united into a single--barely manageable government called The First Khanate.

    On August 29th, 1,300 mounted raiders--using a mosh posh of different rifles--crossed the Staratian frontier and attacked several villages. Their intent was not claiming jewels or prizes. The Khanate raiders simply sought to destroy. A day later, on the 30th, another 900 crossed the border and attacked a merchant convoy destined for the Meung Dominion. Of the 56 men and women in the caravan, there were no survivors.

    Khanate raiders crossing into Staratia, August, 1910

With no active military presence, thousands of refugees from the West started flocking to the East--many on foot--most in carriages and on horseback. The Khanate raiders ran amuck. For now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 4 days ago

The Saurilian Empire

Kavonian Denouncement

"The very fabric of peace is what Kavonia had sought to preserve several months ago, yet, they have refused to demobilize their men after this situation has died out. It is important to rationalize the hypocrisy of this situation, Kavonia who were people of peace still have their soldiers prepared for war. If they want a war so badly then Saurilian soldiers will give them what they want unless they stand down and recognize their own hypocrisy, maybe then they will find peace." -Queen Maine Sauril, 1910

The citizens of Saurilia along the Saurilian-Kavonian border, mainly farmers, have been getting anxious as the Kavonian government refuses to demobilize their men even after the original denouncement crisis had died down months ago. This had led the Queen going to denounce the Kavonian republic threatening war if their men do not demobilize.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by silver or lead

silver or lead

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kingdom of Jouran

The National Review

Field Marshal Gustaw Von Kruger Oversees Exercises:
The Jouranian National Army (JNA) has begun military exercises alongside the Imperial Tyro-Antari Army. It is expected that two infantry divisions, the First and Third, will begin mock exercises aimed at defending against an attack by a foreign aggressor. The exercise comes on the heels after King Rictus Von Wulfram has publicly decried Kavonian’s attempts at ‘saber rattling’ in recent days. ‘’ In hindsight, the aggressiveness displayed by our neighbors only justifies our recent efforts to re-arm, re-equip- and prepare the National Army for conflict. ‘’

Labor Party Protests in Parliament:
The Labor Party protested the government’s decision to remain silent on the unrest brewing in the Tyro-Antari Empire. Recently elected former General Richard Moraclev called recent civil suppression laws in the Empire as a ‘’ disgrace ‘’ and questioned why there was no resolution yet on the infamous Carlsburg Massacre. ‘’ This government is intent on remaining silent on all aspects of its relationship with the Tyro-Antari Empire from the death of its own civilians to ignoring the abuses of rights of ethnic minorities within our own former homeland. It was these protests in the past that allowed our own nation to peacefully form. ‘’

(Quickie post, sorry I've been away guys. Work has been insane.)
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