Name: Corporal John Millerson

John is 5 foot 9, a bit stocky but powerfully built. His body is well muscled from his time working at his family's lumber mill and serving in The Black Parade. His head is always buzzed and his pencil mustache is always well trimmed, he has a small scar over his left eyebrow.
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Personality: John is a good-natured, if hot headed, soldier. He doesn't tolerate anything but 100% from the men under his command, but he would do anything for them as well. He's becoming a bit cynical, having seen some action, but tries to keep his hopes and morale up through prayer though The Black Parade frowns on such a thing. Despite the fact that he works his men hard, John is a good friend to have and a funny guys and funny guys are appreciated when you could be horribly killed at anytime.
John was born 3 years after the fall of Arcadia, on a small lumber mill at the base of the West Arcadian Mountains. He had a relatively sheltered childhood, being a good distance from any cities, towns, or advanced technology, John was home schooled and brought up to be a miller like the last 3 generations of Millersons. But when he was 10 years old, his father took him to the nearby city of Raz to see a marching band. But it wasn't any marching band, it was The Black Parade. They were returning from the capital of Farell after performing for the Chancellor to keep up the morale of the people. Something lit a fire in John that day. And apparently it lit a fire in his father too, because his father left the mill to enlist in The Black Parade. He was killed in action 7 months later.
John's uncle took over the mill, but since the death of his father, John's desire to join and avenge him only increased with each year. Finally, when he turned 18, John refused to stay. He left his mother and his uncle to join The Black Parade in Raven. He passed boot camp (barely) and became a rifleman. John was deployed almost immediately, riding into Arcadia two weeks after he was assigned to his unit. He had heard the stories of the things that dwelled there, but he could not begin to imagine what they looked like. And then he saw them. And then he realized why it was so easy to kill them, whether they had been human or not, it didn't matter. And so his career continued and he moved up the food chain. Occasionally he was allowed to visit home and they'd always ask when he was going to leave and he'd simply shrug and say "When I feel like I've done my part."
That hasn't happened yet.

John is 5 foot 9, a bit stocky but powerfully built. His body is well muscled from his time working at his family's lumber mill and serving in The Black Parade. His head is always buzzed and his pencil mustache is always well trimmed, he has a small scar over his left eyebrow.
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Personality: John is a good-natured, if hot headed, soldier. He doesn't tolerate anything but 100% from the men under his command, but he would do anything for them as well. He's becoming a bit cynical, having seen some action, but tries to keep his hopes and morale up through prayer though The Black Parade frowns on such a thing. Despite the fact that he works his men hard, John is a good friend to have and a funny guys and funny guys are appreciated when you could be horribly killed at anytime.
John was born 3 years after the fall of Arcadia, on a small lumber mill at the base of the West Arcadian Mountains. He had a relatively sheltered childhood, being a good distance from any cities, towns, or advanced technology, John was home schooled and brought up to be a miller like the last 3 generations of Millersons. But when he was 10 years old, his father took him to the nearby city of Raz to see a marching band. But it wasn't any marching band, it was The Black Parade. They were returning from the capital of Farell after performing for the Chancellor to keep up the morale of the people. Something lit a fire in John that day. And apparently it lit a fire in his father too, because his father left the mill to enlist in The Black Parade. He was killed in action 7 months later.
John's uncle took over the mill, but since the death of his father, John's desire to join and avenge him only increased with each year. Finally, when he turned 18, John refused to stay. He left his mother and his uncle to join The Black Parade in Raven. He passed boot camp (barely) and became a rifleman. John was deployed almost immediately, riding into Arcadia two weeks after he was assigned to his unit. He had heard the stories of the things that dwelled there, but he could not begin to imagine what they looked like. And then he saw them. And then he realized why it was so easy to kill them, whether they had been human or not, it didn't matter. And so his career continued and he moved up the food chain. Occasionally he was allowed to visit home and they'd always ask when he was going to leave and he'd simply shrug and say "When I feel like I've done my part."
That hasn't happened yet.