Side Question: What's the policy of taking another, deceased, Gods portfolio or domain? Say I wanted Time, and since Vowzra is dead, could I claim it. Simply a hypothetical question.
Hasn't been canonised. @Kho knows best.
EDIT: also i found this.

Side Question: What's the policy of taking another, deceased, Gods portfolio or domain? Say I wanted Time, and since Vowzra is dead, could I claim it. Simply a hypothetical question.
I hate it when both my IC parents die thus abandoning my character and leaving her without a true purpose any more :P
<Snipped quote by Lauder>
Could always join Logos.
@Lauder Totes. Seeing as I'm God of Order.
<Snipped quote by Dawnscroll>
Hasn't been canonised. @Kho knows best.
EDIT: also i found this.
(cool pic of the alignment spectrum)
<Snipped quote by Dawnscroll>
DEATH TO ALL CHOAS! RAISE THE BANNERS! CALL FORTH THE DEMI-GODDESS OF SUFFERING! *evilly laughs before blacking out from lack of oxygen*
<Snipped quote by Lauder>
You can NOT side with the guy causing more Chaos than Vestec has with the mortals, let Vestec talk you into fighting Logos and promise a Chaos fighting Order in return.