Not sure if I shoulda left this here or not, but I had an idea hit me, and wanted to get approval first for it.
Religion Name: Necrotheism
Chief Deities: Death and his MaidenReligion Description: Discovered by the Grey Old Ones, a secluded order of decaying monks in the Tal-Narek Mountains, Necrotheism is the worship and revering of Death as a god, but overtime, another deity was included to the nefarious and often intolerable religious practices and rituals of this ill-famed religion, she was the Maiden of Death, the reaper's bride, his queen and lover forever in the eternal comfort of his kingdom, the dark Otherworld. For some though, Death worship has become a secluded rite, often seen as indeed occult and evil to most other mono or polytheistic religions, thus leading to an exodus of the remaining Death worshipers from Karstberg, among them, Matthias Grimm, who later used his teachings by the Priests of the Holy Scythe to indoctrinate several individuals into believing that they were the servants of Death and His Maiden, all while committing several murders about Karstberg. Hence, the religion of Necrotheism only became exclusive to those who swore fealty to the Coven of Thorns. The Coven has strong belief that Death grants them their distinct power in exchange for the offering of souls through their contracted assassinations. They have also incorporated many symbols of Necrotheism into their creeds and their practices.
"...And let it be forever known unto the earth and Hell and those who dwell amidst the lost denizens of that dark and dissident realm, that paradise of ghosts, the Otherworld, that Death be the father of apocalypse and the end of all life upon earth as we doth know it, but the beginning of rebirth and new life upon the ashen grounds of the Otherworld, where the alive in Death sing and dance and merry forever and ever eclipsed by his nurturing shadow..."
-Excerpt from the burned tomes of the Grey Old OnesDeath is the chief deity of Necrotheism, or more specifically, the personification of death itself. The concept of Death as a sentient entity has existed in many societies since the beginning of history. In human societies, Death is often given the name Grim Reaper and, from the Tenth Era onwards, came to be shown as a skeletal figure carrying a large scythe and clothed in a black cloak with a hood. He is also given the name of the Angel of Death or Devil of Death or the angel of dark and light or The Killing Angel. To most Necrotheologists, Death is portrayed as the dealer of final justice, appearing only to those who are of wicked mind and heart, to strike them down and carry them forth to eternal damnation. Others however view Death as the Father of Shadows and the Ruling King of the afterlife, where he makes his kingdom in the Otherworld. Other names given unto Death include the Akitsushima's Shinigami, the L`ankou of the Ahkshribah deserts, and various other titles, but simply to the Coven of Thorns, he is only Death, the end of mortal life and the beginning of immortal life.
"Unto a terrible storm Death did ride upon, harvesting the souls of those dearly departed from their shells of flesh by the crashing waves and the tumultuous thunder of the Sky Gods' wrath upon this city of unlawful mortals alike, but as he, the Father of Shadows, rode upon his unhallowed steed through those crashing clouds of hate for all humankind, his eyes doth laid upon her, the maiden whose Gods' hands hath struck down and shed innocent blood. He fell to her side and with the touch of his lips to hers, she awoke with new life, cradled lovingly in his arms. In thine eyes, he fell in love and lust with the woman of immortal beauty and carried her away to the shadows, forever to be his bride, and she doth proclaimed her love for him, forever to be his queen with a return of his life breathing kiss."
-Excerpt from the burned tomes of the Grey Old OnesThe Maiden, commonly considered the Maiden of Death, the Dark Bride, or the Queen of Death, is the second deity of Necrotheism. According to the ancient lore and holy writ of the Grey Old Ones, she was an innocent woman who was slain by her Gods during a purge of sinners from a corrupted city. Death found her lying dead and breathed life into her with a kiss, whereupon she fell in love with the Father of Shadows and submitted herself to him as his bride and his queen. She is seen by Necrotheologists as the comforting aspect death brings to some, as she is often foretold to appear to innocent souls in the final hours of their suffering. More than most, the Maiden has appeared to children and the elderly and those suffering from fatal diseases, consoling their troubled heart with a gentle whisper and carrying them in her arms to eternal paradise in the Otherworld. Often, she appears to soldiers who have lost their lives upon the battlefield to ferry them to an ease in afterlife.
Creature Name: Raven
Creature Appearance:

Creature Description:
"I, the wings who guide the Angel of Death, do take flight."
-Personal mantra of the Coven of ThornsIn the religion of Necrotheoism, ravens are highly revered by Death worshipers. They are the messengers of the Otherworld who call forth the souls of the departed to rise from their mortal shell and await the hand of Death to ferry them to the afterlife. While various species of are known to exist around the continent, the most common of sorts to Necrotheologists and the Coven of Thorns is the Nevermore Raven. Nevermore Ravens are often seen near old cemeteries where they nest in the withering trees or upon the battlefields picking carrion off freshly slain soldiers. This particular breed of raven too has often served as a messenger bird of the Coven's assassins, not to mention some of the assassin's taming them to be a faithful companion. Their method of attack often is using their razor sharp beaks to peck at their aggressors or claw at them with their small but lethal talons. Nevertheless, there's only been a few stray accounts of an assassin ordering a raven to attack.
"Confuse ye not that barren pit of flames and misery with the Otherworld, for the Otherworld is the paradise of the fallen and the lands upon which the Father of Shadows rules with his queen. Yea bearing be this land of peace and tranquility, of songful joy and merrymaking, eclipsed by comforting shadows of eternal night."
-Excerpt from the burned tomes of the Grey Old OnesOften times confused with Hell, the Otherworld is a realm of the afterlife that serves as a paradise for the souls of the departed to forever live happily in eternal life. According to Necrotheologists, the land is bountiful with fresh harvest and those who dwell upon it are joyous and sing forever as they are free from the ebb and woe of mortal life. The sky is also frozen in nighttime, with a wondrous view of the moons and the stars that dot its lovely, violet-hued skies.