Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Falling Skies: Tigres Team

It is year 2899. Humanity has long since conquered the stars around them. The resources and riches from their conquests had brought the human race into an Golden Age of technological advancement. Powerful self sustaining AI's were developed to aid humans and their machines, and cyborg parts allowed cripples and the weak to continue working for society.With the advent of AI, biotech and cybertechnology several centuries prior, the advancement of humanity has grown exponentially. Starships of massive proportions were built, floating worlds in space were created, massive Utopia cities on lush green planets were erected. Worlds beyond even what humanity thought were possible were discovered. Wars weren't fought, the human race was too busy expanding at a breakneck pace. Life was perfect. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

And then it did. By the year 2480, Humanity had overextended itself; the great sprawling empire it had forged had become too large for it to support itself. The empire collapsed onto itself. In the course of 20 years, the mighty empire humanity had established splintered into thousands of factions. The fall of the Empire resulted in a massive power vacuum and the Galaxy erupted into a large feudal war. Some factions grew power by warring with other factions, taking them over; others stayed secluded for as long as they could. Many were taken back by the earth empire, and just as many were lost in deep space.

By the 25th Century, most of the numerous factions had consolidated into 3 major powers: The original Earth Empire, the largest and most numerous of the 3 powers, made up of most of the core empire planets; The Coalition, a group of separatists strictly opposed to the Earth Empire, spanning across most of colonial space; and the Krellian Republic, a reclusive, bizarre group focused mainly along the outskirts of known space. The Earth Empire and the Coalition fight bitterly, the Empire seeking to reclaim their lost territory, and the Coalition fighting for a new order in the galaxy. The Krellians choose to stay out of the conflict, their faraway frontier colonies too far away to be bothered by the other two factions.

By the turn of the 26th century, the Earth Empire and the Coalition had suffered dreadful casualties on both sides, and just as many worlds lost in the splintering had been razed by both sides. The two superpowers agreed to an uneasy truce. That marked the start of an intergalactic cold war, as the two superpowers begin a buildup of military strength and engage in proxy wars with smaller nations and colonies.

As the end of the 28th century drew near, unprovoked attacks by the UEE against Coalition planets has sparked up and reignited the flames of war. After almost 300 years of peace, war between the Coalition and the Empire had renewed in earnest. Millions of people from both sides are drafted as fleets of starships and planets are thrown into vicious war. The Coalition forces take advantage of the Empire’s overextended lines to take victory after victory by utilizing a new type of fighting machine: Mobile Armor Suits, a humanoid fighting machine much more maneuverable than conventional aircraft and ground units, and effective in most environmental situations.

In an attempt to counter the new threat and reorganize their military efforts, the Empire attempts to assemble their own Mobile Armor Suits, and succeed, and while are technologically superior to some of the aging Coalition designs, still lacks effective pilots and abilities. Still, a combination of their new Mobile Armor Suits, and the Empire's superior infrastructure and greater numbers have forced the war into yet another standstill.

Task Force Omega, an elite unit from the Coalition Mobile Armor Division plans a daring series of attacks against a thinly spread UEE in an attempt to turn the tides of the war. The Tigres Team is tasked with disrupting a transport convoy and capturing a member of the Imperial Family.

Hello everyone! Welcome to the second interest check for "Falling Skies: 7th Tigres Team"! This particular RP will follows the adventures of a group of men and women from the Coalition's Mobile Armor Division. I will be accepting up to four players, so this is not first come first served. This is a Robo-Suit-like RP, reminiscent of Gundam and Robotech, Front Mission and Super Robot Wars. Unlike typical Gundam series, I aim to make this RP seem more realistic and gritty and have implemented several systems to make these giant robots feel more like advancements of technology rather than than over-the-top, with super maneuvers capable of destroying dozens of enemies at a time.

Plot and Context:

We the players will play the role of the Tigres Team, an elite squadron from the Coalition C-MAD, as they assault a valuable UEE target in order to turn the tides of the war. Our story will be dramatic and tense as we attempt to prevail over insurmountable odds. Our characters will face daunting challenges, testing their wit and willpower, as well as their morals as they are pushed to their absolute limits in this RP that blends the humanity and melodrama of a space opera, with giant robots.

Terminology and Technology:

Mobile Armor Suit Builder:

Commonly Encountered MAS's:

Character Sheets:

The following are the Character Skeletons for the Tigres Team. The CS's are a 2 part set. The first part is your character, the pilot. The second part is your MAS, which you can make using the builder above.

Player Roles

I am a personal fan of smaller scale RPs, as such, I will only be accepting 4-5 other players to join me in this adventure. While you are free to make your character however you like, acceptance to this RP will be judged by me, and is not on a first come, first served basis. While not necessary, there are several roles I would like to see filled:
  • The FNG (The Fucking New Guy) - This player should be among the youngest members of the team, as well as the least experienced. He has many roles, such as serving as the pseudo focus of the RP as the 'impressionable youngster', as well as likely having a brighter, likely more positive outlook than the rest of the gritty, scarred veterans that make up the rest of the team. He also serves as a convenient reason for characters/npcs to explain and describe the lore that, while known to the characters in the world, is otherwise new or unknown to the players themselves. He will either be broken down mentally and physically and reforged into a newer, stronger person through the fires of war, or serve as a beacon of hope for the rest of the team. - The new guy will also begin his career piloting a MAS of my choosing, though he will be the first to receive an upgraded unit.
  • The Scarred Veteran - in contrast to the New Guy, the veteran will be among the oldest- if not the oldest member of the squadron. He/she will likely be the most jaded and cynical member of the team, and will likely be the reliable backbone of the team. The veteran will also be given some special responsibilities later down the line, and will also be privy to some information before the rest of the group.

The rest of of the roles will be normal squad members, with preferably varied personalities to keep this RP fresh and unique.

Who's game?

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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You have my interest. I volunteer to be the FNG, seeing that I'm going to need a lot of help trying to understand what's going on here.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@vietmyke Moi, moi!

Is this just my chance to see one of the famous vietmyke mech RPs in actiom that everyone has been talking about? And centered around human actions not shooty sticks? Damn where do I sign up?

Ps: I will make a CS when I get home so you guys better not start in the next 5 hours
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Probably full of typos, and some places that don't make sense, but I wrote it from phone so ebar with me. Tell me what you think.
MAS coming later today.

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