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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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Dragon Ball - Different Worlds

Planet Vegeta - 3 Years ago

"Haha, look at that weakling!" One of the kids shouted, as they whistled and laughed at the long haired boy, whom was getting beaten up by the green plant being, the green plant had claws and a large head with wrinkles in it, and was such a primitive race that it was not even able to speak, yet, it was capable of beating up the boy. It's small leg bent as it jumped up, kneeing the boy in the nose, making him bleed as he fell onto his backside. "Oww!" The boy cried, a tear welling in his eyes. "Haha, he's gonna cry, guys!" One of the four boys cheered. "He's totally gonna cry! Bwahahaha!" Another one howled.

"Kikikiki!" The being laughed at him, as if it understood what the boys were saying.

Planet Earth - Today.

They say you should make a wish upon a falling star. If you see a star zooming in the night sky, it means your wish will come true. Yet, on the outskirts of the Wilderness near Mount Paozu - where one of these stars crashed down. A large cloud of dust rose up, covering the crash site, a handful of local farmers had gone out to look at the fallen star - as the stars sometimes had materials or minerals that could be useful for their crafts, weather to make new tools out of metals, or to provide more fertile soil, or a beautiful space rock to make a necklace or ring for their wives. They had brought guns with them, since there were plenty of dangerous animals out in the forest during the night. They peered down the crater, expecting to find the steaming hunk of rock.

But this was no rock from the stars. No, this was a white little pod, with a lot of scratches on it. It seemed to have a panel - no, a door on the front, that had been slid open. Showing the red interior of the pod. Was it a spaceship? The farmers readied their guns, as they scanned the area, only for one of them to find the boy - a little shorter than one of the farmers, standing there, not wearing a shirt, tattered pants, and out of the back of his pants was a tail, barely visible beneath the long spiky jet-black hair. The boy turned around, and looked at the farmer with the gun, whom stuttered, as he then pulled up his gun, and fired.

The bullet hit the boy in the back of the head, sending him to the ground, "GUYS! There's sometype of freak! I think I got im'!" The farmer shouted, as the other four quickly followed, two of which had their bloodhounds with them, as they had been outside hunting. But as he turned around, the boy he had shot was hoofing it, running in the opposite direction, his tail wrapped around his waist. "What, he's still standing? Get im!" The man shouted, as the two bloodhounds raced after the boy, so did the four armed men, firing behind him.

The boy grunted, as he looked back, leaping over logs, dodging under branches. As he eventually turned around, and fired aimed his hand at a tree, a purple beam came out of his hand, blowing the trunk off from the tree, making the tree fall in the path the boy had been running, thus, cutting his pursuers off. He looked back ahead of him, and had a slight grin on his face.

A grin that faded, when he realized he was at a cliff - a cliff he hadn't seen coming, he stopped right at the end, half off both of his feet peering out, losing his balance, he flailed his hands in the air as he eventually fell down the cliff into the dense forest below.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Babbling clear, the loud river streamed at its sturdy pace. Putting away from it was the exhaust of a gray scooter bike, until it turned about. Engine reeving, it burned to a top speed, course angled to a rocky outcropping, pointing across the river, guiding the rider forwards.

As the scooter closed, the rider turned her shaking hands, skidding to a halt. The scooter careened sideways, bumping against the butt of the buttress. The rider let herself go, and the scooter collapsed to its side.

Scrambling free, a girl in a one piece, yellow dress with a brown belt and red satchel, rested on all fours. Standing up onto her brown boots, she tore off her gray pair of goggles, tussling her grayish-purple ponytail, tied back by a red bow. Her blue eyes blinked against their freedom, as she rubbed them, growling, "What the hell am I doing!?"

Letting out a sigh, she stooped down, fiddling with the scooter, turning it off before in vanished in a puff of smoke, a gray and black capsule labeled (11) appearing in her hand. Zipping open her satchel, she pulled out a light blue case, popping it open. Setting it right next to number (12), she ran her finger down the row. She briefly tapped the blue and cyan (18) before removing the gray and gold (19). Biting her lip in anticipation, there was a cloud of smoke as another vehicle appeared. She giggled as she looked over the rounded,blue and gold striped cockpit attached to what appeared to be layered black discs. Hopping in, she rubbed her hands together, before popping and tweaking a number of switches and knobs. With the press of a button, the wind rose, as did the craft. Hovering over land, she took a breath before taking the plunge. Effortless, the craft balanced over the roaring river. Cackling, she made forwards, upriver, as fast as she'd been going before.

Going back to her capsule case, she took out a red, green, and black capsule numbered (70). A puff of smoke later and it took the shape of a round object with a dial on top. Clicking it, the screen lit up with a green grid. A yellow dot labeled '2' was centered. Spinning the dial, it zoomed out, and another dot labeled '4' appeared, the '2' steadily moving to it. As it pinged, the hovercraft drifted, smacking into a tree on the bank.

Spinning wildly out of control, the girl held on for dear life as she tried to recombobulate herself. The craft wobbled and waved, threatening to toss the pocket radar overboard, but she somehow held firm, regaining control. Steering along, she twitched the wheel ever so often, but the craft kept drifting to one side. Turning back, she saw the top disc, dented. "Augh! Really!?" Slumping back in her chair, she muttered, "Some genius..." In her pout, the cascade of birds flying about escaped her eyes, stirred by an interstellar reckoning during her wild ride.

Drifting to a clear back that cut by a sheer cliff, she made land, before she lowered the vehicle, making land. Stowing away her craft, she looked around and up the cliff, before her stomach began to gnaw at her...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Raditz fell down from the cliff, at first, he tried grabbing a hold of the side of the cliff, a small rock would be the bastion he'd hold onto for a brief moment, relief washed over him. His relief was shortlived, however, as in the next moment, the rock gave weigh and he once more tumbled down the mountainside into the dense forest below, he hit a branch, into his side, breaking it as he did, he collided with four smaller branches on his way down, head first, and finally ended up with a bush full of thorns, each of them making it's way into his skin, and with a painful howl, Raditz rolled out of the bush, covered in thorns. The boy was sniveling a little from the pain. A tear welling in his eye, his black shirt had been torn to shreds on his decent, looking like more of a primitive Toga now.

In the distance, peering over the flora all around him, the boy took in this new world he had stumbled upon, and in the distance, he could see a forest clearing, and some kind of structure, he got onto his feet, and began walking towards it. His tail wiggling playfully, as it - along with the rest of him winced in pain as he began pulling one of the many hundred of thorns that had found it's way into his skin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Stick jabbing, the fire crackled even louder. Leaning back onto her short chair, Bloomer watched blankly as the pot hanging over the fire bubbled. Looking at her light camp setup, she patted her stomach again. Watching. Waiting.

A rustling from nearby had her ears perking up, as she looked over to see a humanish form from the nearby foliage. Bloomer nearly jumped, before she narrowed her eyes, standing up to get a better look.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The boy from the woods peered his eyes at the lifeform in front of him. It looked almost Saiyan.. Except it seemed frailer. Weaker. softer. More fragile, less of a merciless killer - like his peers. His eyes focused on her - he had learn to not underestimate a foe, even if it had been the hard way. He was still full of thorns, thus making him look quite freakish.

Raditz was slightly hunched - as if he was gonna break into a sprint on all four, while really - it was but his combat stance - he never was much of a skilled fighter, after all.

He made his way towards the standing woman, stopping about five meters in front of her, peering at the fire, he could smell something.

Food. His mouth began to water.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Bloomer stared as the creature creeped out. It was ragged, dirty, wild, and...actually a person? Brow furrowing, Bloomer took a mental step back. But her eyes widened when she spotted a tail. That was a new one.

Following his eyes, she returned to her stew pot. Letting out a sigh, she took her extra bowl, filling it up before standing to head over. Then, a bell kicked off in her head, and she once again turned to the local. A faint smile on her face, she placed the bowl down for him, before stepping back, crouching down, eyes focused as she watched him. Earnestly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Raditz made his way closer to the humanoid being, hunching a little, as if he was about to break into a sprint on all four legs - while in reality he was just getting into his combat stance, where he usually hit low against the most often taller opponents he faced. He slowly made his way towards the strange person in front of him, each step was soft as his foot crushed against the terrain.

His eyes narrowed as he looked at the girl, taking the bowl - at first he flinched, as if it were a weapon, but he soon realized he overreacted, she smiled at him as she put the bowl on the ground in front of him. Raditz walked towards it, pointed at it, then at himself, then at it, he picked it up, and he sniffed it. It smelled good. Some kind of vegetable soup. He drank it and wiht only a couple of gulps, the rather big bowl was completely empty. He smacked his lips gently, before stretching out the bowl again, as if to ask for more, a faint smile on his face.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Scooping up the bowl, Bloomer returned to her pot, refilling it, but she didn't head over quite yet. Instead, she held the bowl in one gloved hand while her other reached down into her shirt, before pulling up a small case attached to a string around her neck. Popping it open, she picked out the yellow and orange capsule (72) and tapped the button, revealing a hand sized orb with two red stars within, visible from any direction.

Bowl in one, ball in the other, she gestured to the bowl, then nodded. She then held up the ball, before pointing her finger out from under it, panning it across direction of the mountains and cliff she knew it was bound to be.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Raditz looked on in marvel - not quite able to figure out what the girl wanted. Was she to give him more food? No? Did she want something in return? What was the orb about? Or throw the one orb over the mountain? Or to go there before she would give him any food? It really didn't make any sense, and the young alien did not approve.

"Do you want me to put the orb in the bowl?" Raditz blurted out, out of frustration of not understanding, not expecting the earth girl to understand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"No I-"

Bloomer stopped. And stared. Still holding the food and Dragon Ball, she scuttled right up to the monkey man, eyes boring into him from below.

"YOU COULD TALK THE WHOLE TIME!?" she burst out.

Letting out a sigh, she held her Dragon Ball away, pushing her food towards Raditz. "Never mind, just eat. I made too much anyway." Going back to her pot, she scraped out the last of the food into another bowl before laying it on her lap as she sat. Taking out a spoon, she began to eat, before holding up the Dragon Ball again, asking, "So, you haven't seen anything like this before?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Raditz looked at the shorter girl, his mouth somewhat open, as she looked him over with big eyes - "O-Oh, I can, yes. So can you, it seems." He mentioned, letting out a chuckle at the whole scanrio. She let him eat, without agreeing to anything, and he bowed respectfully. "Thank you stranger!" He said as he sat down and ate his second bowl of soup - rather quickly, one might add, not even bothering to use cutlery, he simply drank the whole thing.

"This is delicious. Did you make it?" He asked, the girl had her own question, though. She asked about the rock she had in her hand. "No, I have not. Is it a rare kind of stone on this... uhm, i mean, in this region?" He said, forgetting himself - most planets in this part of the universe did not yet know about alien lifeforms, and he didn't exactly want to drop the bomb on this stranger that he was from a race of intergalactic space-pirates.

It might not go over so well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rotating the Dragon Ball in her hands for a moment, she returned it to capsule form, before explaining, "Well, if you didn't get a good look, you can see both of the stars inside no matter what angle you're looking at it from, but it won't let any light through even the edges. It's also virtually indestructible...it doesn't really follow natural physics at all, really. I was just thinking that if you were from around here you might have seen another, since it should be close by."

Finishing her soup, she went to rinse off the pot in the stream, before calling, "And if you want more I've got packets. It's just instant..." Bloomer let out a mild giggle as she noted, "I'm a scientist, not a cook."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"M-Magic? Wow." Raditz admitted. He nodded. "I'm not from around here, I have no clue what that thing is. I just got here a little while ago" Raditz said, a little embarassed "So, I'm not sure how much use I could be".

Bloomer mentioned the food. "Wait, really? You can make more of this?" He asked with a smile, and sure thing, she did, dunking the instant package in the water, it made food immediately. "..you sure you're not a wizard?" Raditz asked, as he dug in, emptying the new pot of soup almost instantly.

"This is amazing!" He shouted with a pleased sigh.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Bloomer waved her hand. "It's just chemistry..."

Stepping off, she began to pack up her camp, returning it to capsule form. She added, "And this is just physics with a dash of quantum mechanics... Anyway, where are you even from? And where are you headed?"

Blinking, she stopped, mentioning, "By the way, my name is Bloomer."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Raditz looked up from his bowl of soup, she was asking him questions - questions he wasn't sure she would be able to handle. She was after all just a member of this planet, and he recalled that the inhabitans of this planet weren't exactly the most advanced, as they themselves had not yet started interstellar travel.

"I'm, uh, from somewhere pretty far away. I kind of arrived here on accident." He said, trying to avoid the question.

"Oh, hello, Bloomer. I'm Raditz!" He said, finishing his food, his tail wiggled excitedly as he let out a pleased sigh.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 1 hr ago

As her possessions were all safe and sound in her capsule case. Bringing out a cyan and blue (18) capsule, she popped it open, a small boat, striped white at the bottom under cyan, then blue for the top, appeared out of midair. As she pulled her dragon radar out giving it a look as, she moved foot to the first step of her vehicle, before turning back to Raditz, saying, "Well, I'm pretty sure the Dragon Ball is somewhere up that way...." She glanced over to the mountainous peaks and valleys beyond the cliff side the river ran down. "You gonna be okay?" She wondered aloud, eyes unable to shake themselves from that wiggling tail.
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