Long ago the ancients desired to find the true strongest of all, and not just of our universe. Countless warriors stepped forth, and the ancients saw that there was only one way to sift through them. The process by which they weeded through the warriors was known as the Kumite. The ancients designed a grand tournament and invited notable combatants from across many realms to attend. This tournament, however, is no mere farce where points and ten-counts decide the victor.
There are no traditional rules of etiquette. Anything goes. A winner is decided when his or her opponent is no longer able to fight.
It is the 12th century, the date of the last genuine Kumite. Throughout the world and the ones adjacent there are secret forces known not to the common man. Beings with powers that transcend what the mortal organism is capable of. Werewolves, superhumans, giants, wizards... Perhaps even giant superhuman werewolf giants, among other things that haven't even been named yet. They are called from their home realms to prove they are the greatest.
The Kumite alone will decide who fits the bill.

Hey all. Pretty strange roleplay, huh? Just think of it as a cross between Mortal Kombat, Enter the Dragon, and Yu Yu Hakusho. You can use all manner of fantastic creatures and powers inspired by both fantasy/mythology or your own imagination, but of course with such artistic liberties being allowed, I must lay down a few rules to keep things fair.
*This /IS/ a competitive tournament, and my role both IC'ly and OOC'ly will be that of an impartial judge. I do not pick favorites. I've been fighting/refereeing in these types of affairs for the better part of a decade, so I'll have to ask you to trust me when I say your character needs to be buffed or nerfed, or if your opponent should have taken that killing blow. It's an iffy business trying to keep so varied a roster balanced, and there isn't a solid way to make sure nothing is abused aside from personally checking and evaluating every entry.
*Each fight will take place in its own thread in the Arena Sub-Forum, so that we don't clutter up the Casual. Those who are waiting for the next round to begin may interact with the other free fighters and spectate current matches, partake of food and drink, gamble, or basically just have fun within the confines of the arena. One round will be held per day IC'ly, so you'll have time to socialize with other players in their own rooms (and yes, there are mini fridges). The socialization will take place on this main thread. I'll dictate the IC'ly time to keep things moving, so don't worry about the waiting periods going on for too long. I'll notify everyone that the evening is going to transition to morning so we can get back to the action. I'll describe the inner workings and details of the arena as we proceed through the roleplay, so that you may all discover the goings-on firsthand.
*Your character's maxiumum destructive capacity cannot exceed the force required to level a quarter of the four-foot high stone ring, whose size is comparable to that of a major league baseball field. Destroying the environment is fine, but just remember that you won't be the only one with the power to do it. Focus first on defeating your opponent, and second on showing off your might.
*No "hax" abilities. This includes such reality warping perks as manipulating space and time, ignoring enemy durability, moving at the speed of thought, inflicting instant death, ect.
*Keep your character's general power around the level required for them to, for the most part, remain within the boundaries of the arena. It's okay to destroy portions of the audience now and then, but let's not have battles become so intense that the fighters involved wind up flying off into the sky or the outside forest.
An example of a well-rounded fighter would be someone that can throw punches at the speed of sound, has a last ditch attack that, say, launches a wave of fire that melts a portion of the ring and incinerates several hundred members of the audience. This fighter can shrug off a cannonball to the face as you would a foam hulk fist toy wielded by a three year old.
*All characters must be of comparable speed so that nobody gets "blitzed", or attacked so fast that they cannot fight back. If you want your character's specialty to be speed, then there must be some balancing factor that prevents them from overwhelming opponents without significant skill on the player's part being required.
*Your character may have the ability to fly. There are no ring-outs, but all fighters capable of flight must not leave the stadium. There is no roof, but that doesn't mean you can go outside. Any character that tries to leave through the top of the stadium will be propelled right back down as if launched by a badass catapult, hard enough to hurt when they land.
*No technology that didn't exist in the 12th century. No guns or steampunk stuff. You can have massive crazy-ass swords or Scorpion King style greatbows, but let's not get our fantasy mixed up with science fiction.
*Feel free to be creative with your character's powers and species (but no machines, obviously)! As long as you aren't something absolutely ridiculous or broken, like a morbidly obese ten foot chicken with the head of John Cena, then it's fine.
*If a player doesn't respond to an opponent's post within two days, then it results in a disqualification. I will allow exceptions based upon extenuating circumstances, such as being sick or having to go to a meeting.
*Your character may be an asshole but be friendly, generous, and considerate OOC'ly. We're all friends here, and despite this being competitive, the number one goal is to just have fun!
Home Realm (optional): You can make up the name of a world or dimension where your character came from, but if you don't like naming shit, then feel free to skip this part.
Appearance: Feel free to use all many of pictures!
Background: You don't have to put too much effort into this part. I don't want to force everyone to create their own worlds from scratch. Just the basics, if you want.
Powers: Try to be reasonable. If there are any adjustments that need to be made, I'll give you a heads up! We can work together to make this as fair as possible.
Home Realm (optional): You can make up the name of a world or dimension where your character came from, but if you don't like naming shit, then feel free to skip this part.
Appearance: Feel free to use all many of pictures!
Background: You don't have to put too much effort into this part. I don't want to force everyone to create their own worlds from scratch. Just the basics, if you want.
Powers: Try to be reasonable. If there are any adjustments that need to be made, I'll give you a heads up! We can work together to make this as fair as possible.
The Nightingale Vs. Kamiko
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The Nightingale Vs. Kamiko
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