IGN: Göhlray
Race: Dusk Elf
Class: Mage/Assassin
[|] Armour: None.
[|] Weapons: Throwing knives, Long dagger.
Level 1:
[|] Impeccable Accuracy {Passive}: Ranged weapons have a +20% chance of hitting, and close ranged weapons receive -10% hit chance.
[|] Sneak {Passive}: Not noticeable by mobs whose level is equal to or lower than user's level, -5% walking speed. [Effect becomes invalid while within 10 meters of another player, or within 5 seconds after killing something.]
[|] Poison Edge {Active} {6 Seconds} {Cooldown: 10 Seconds}: For the next 6 seconds, all close range hits give the target poison for 4 seconds.
Level 5:
[|] Weapons Master {Passive}: The user can use a weapon from any class at normal proficiency.
[|] Sliding Kick {Active} {Cooldown 12 Seconds}: User runs at target at 130% speed and silences (Disables spells) for 5 seconds. User takes damage equal to 5% of base damage.
Level 10:
[|] Built up a Resistance Over the Last Few Years {Passive}: Poison and similar effects do not affect user.
[|] Precision Never Before Seen on this Earth {Passive}: User has 99% accuracy, no matter what.
[|] Fool Me Once... {Passive}: If an enemy uses the same ability twice against user, the second time does not work. All other times, the ability works normally.
[|] Heal Burst {Active} {Cooldown: 15 Seconds}: Heals nearby allies are healed for 40% of their maximum health. User is healed by 20%.
[|] Spinning Kick {Active} {Cooldown: 10 Seconds}: All enemies within 2 meters are hit by an attack with a damage of 50-150% of user's base damage. Counts as a Close Range attack.
[|] Smoke Bomb {Active} {Cooldown: 13 Seconds}: All enemies within 1.5 meters are blinded. (-20% accuracy.)
IRL Name: Joseph Drakeson
Appearance: Blue hair, moderate length. Wears this as a hoodie:

About 5'9", pretty skinny. He wears glasses.
Age: 16
Background: An avid gamer, Joseph has played the original Haven game when it still used mouse and keyboard controls. On the Internet, he's achieved something close to fame under the username
thetaline as a Let's Player. Though he's known for playing honoured classics such as Starfox 64, he's been veering towards newer games, though he doesn't like the fact that games seem to be less for challenging the player now than they used to be. He's appeared as a guest star on
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series and such, but nothing too overly major. At school, he doesn't have too many friends, but that's how he likes it, and he has average grades, but is better in physics than anything else.
Note: If there
is anyone under the username thetaline, I'm sorry. I just made it up.