@NuttsnBoltsMotherfucking. sorry, brother. I like. swear and mix up because its my brain trying to not let all my thought jumble into the dishwasher of my ticket taker. I got some sort of thought disorder that means I have "thought crashes" so that's like. My traffic light.
Characters tend to become much more likable when they are more defective to their own goals. Typically the more of a bad
(unskilled or lack of assured power defining bad here) start a character has the more fantastical the bar lowers for this effect to take place. The more powerful or weird or whatever you make a character the bar has to keep raising, to the point that it's no real surprise that they achieve the goal anyway or that even with sporting opposing rivals the ways they do it can become predictable. Normal people are good drivers if you can apply human limits onto them and humans, generally. As a rule. Suck at shit.
They suck at seeing how they suck, they suck at seeing when the right time to do something. They suck at reacting on the spot. That's what makes human triumph so empowering to look at, because how they suck is relatable. A lot of characters in my experience that tend to be unlikable are fixed characters...EG:
"lawful paladin who is always lawful and good cop" when in reality, no one is 100% confident of being in the right, of the laws and they are DEFINITELY not 100% confident in themselves. Cops aren't even confident in all the laws. Now you're fucked, you got to eat but yesterday despite all your training, all your experience you had to shoot a guy who just wanted to see his kid and was stopped from doing so by an abusive ex wife.
How do your live with that and still be a good guy.
Basically: if you want to make a character more likable. Give your characters mirror image devil horns...to himself. Then make him have to learn to grab 'em and try to tackle 'em or keep getting gored and wonder why they keep doing worse shit or leaving destruction in their wake.
Maybe, like. This dosen't have anything to do with your posts. Fuck, brother. Sorry. I'm of like. Flipping my brains more than a acrobatic burger vendor lately. So, I'm all in the maze.