Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sarah was sitting at the window when she saw something moving out there. She gasped softly and she got her sniper ready. "Crap." she muttered. She bit her lip as later her adopted father said, "Sarah, go get some sleep. I'll keep watch." She nodded and went to sleep. In her dreams she had nightmares of her father who had hardly allowed her to eat much even when she had worked hard for her food, him killing her poor dear mother...and finally her shooting him in the face. She had curled up with her mother's corpse after that waiting for the police to come observe the damage she had directly and indirectly caused. All these years she had hated herself for allowing her mother to die. She had wished it was her to die and not her loving but eccentric mother.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Menoitios
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Menoitios Nosce Te Ipsum

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For a moment, Tom stood still, still completely dumbfounded. Was this guy serious? Being rude? Etiquette training?

Tom quickly snapped out of it when he realized the man--who introduced himself as Malik Cole--was in no way joking. Despite himself, he couldn't help but smile. "Pleasure's all mine, Malik. It's been a while since I last met someone who doesn't want to shoot me dead at first sight. I don't know about you, but so long as you have no plans of shooting me with that bow of yours anytime soon, I say etiquettes be damned." he stated, giving Malik a friendly smile from beneath his gas mask. "The name's Thomas, Thomas Vaugrenard. You can call me Tom for short."

Looking the man up and down, Tom figured he wasn't much of a threat. With that still in mind, he gazed past Malik and at the dead buck that he's been dragging along. "Mighty fine kill, there. Looks very professional. Must've had much practice the past three years, huh?" Tom exclaimed, motioning at the dead buck, still trying to figure out whether or not he should hand the young man some help. Despite Malik's clear proficiency in using his bow, Tom doubted he'd fare well against a shotgun at close quarters, no matter how skilled. Besides, he seems like the trustworthy sort, definitely doesn't look or talk like someone who'd cut your throat open in your sleep.

"Hope you don't mind me saying so, but I gotta say that there's zero chance you'll make it through the night if you're planning on dragging that thing any longer. Sun's going down fast and I'd reckon you only got a few minutes left of daylight before shit hits the fan, so I'd suggest you find shelter as soon as possible." he stated matter-of-factly.

"Tell you what, how about you follow me inside? It's much better than spending more time to look around for another empty building that's safe enough to hole in." offered Tom. "Time's precious, after all."

"Besides, I can get a fire going and maybe help you out with butchering that thing. You can stay till mornin' and then we'll go our separate ways. I promise I won't do anything funny, so long as you do the same." he added, opening the door behind him wider with his left hand. "So whaddaya say?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

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Aaron responded to Charles. "Find Audrey. Tell her that I chose code black." He looked out the window, and swore he saw a humanoid figure in the distance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ivan slept on, trembling and shaking in his nightmare-riddled sleep. He murmured to himself in Russian, beads of sweat forming on his pale forehead. Not much of what he said was audible, though he seemed to be repeating himself quite a bit. "не оставляй меня... папа..." He writhed and sobbed in his unconsciousness, the chair tipping over and spilling the small boy onto the floor with an audible thud. Somehow this didn't wake him up, either because he hit his head or because he was just a really heavy sleeper, both of which were true.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Charles gave a curt nod to the boy and was bemused by the fact that he was worried about Charles being a danger and yet also gave him free reign in the place, with the good intentions to find the girl Audrey of course. He wandered the halls and passages of the store turned fort not entirely sure where he was supposed to be going or even who this Audrey girl was or what she looked like. Then, rather abruptly, Martel flew off his shoulder perch and sawed off into the distance leaving Charles to wonder why such a sudden departure when it came together for him, the smell of food was in the air, which also meant other people. Charles adjusted his clothes and brushed back his hair with his fingers, ensuring that he looked as best he could given the circumstances of the post-apocalypse. He then continued for a little while until he reached a young boy cooking, Martel getting quiet close and inspecting his work, and a girl, closer to his age than anybody he had met recently, near by who he assumed to be Audrey. "Hello there new friends and fellow survivors of the wastes! I am Charles Justinian Banesworth the second, Duke of the North-East, Child from the house of God, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance" he said giving a courteous bow just like his tutors once taught him. He did so because it was not often these days that he got to indulge in giving such a introduction, the girl from before notwithstanding since he was in a fit of ungentlemanly rage, so he took the chances where he could. "And may I know your names?" he said to the pair.


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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ivan seemed to have quieted down after he fell out of his chair. He was no longer murmuring incoherently, though he still shivered a bit. One would have thought he would have woken himself up by now, but he was well and truly out of it.
As it happened, this is basically what happened every time he tried to sleep. Ever since the plague hit and his family was forced to emigrate, he'd been plagued by terrible nightmares, forcing him to repeat and relive his worst memories. Occasionally these would cause problems far worse than simple nightmares. Occasionally he would wet the bed or wake up in a full on night terror. Because of all this, he was always low on sleep and was starting to face the consequences.
Ivan still lay shivering on the floor of the cleared out area, his lips moving slightly though he did not speak. His forehead was now drenched in sweat, tears sliding down his flushed cheeks. The poor child moaned in pain, on the verge of waking up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Watching the young boy named Ivan scurry off afterwards, Audrey couldn't help but chuckle. She hoped she hadn't scared him too much with her joking. Despite their circumstances it was good to keep things light when they could be. She decided to use the restroom herself and freshen up. Walking out, she moved back into their dining area to clean up and arrange stuff where she was met with a very grand greeting. Another man joining the group? Three in one day, Audrey wondered what Aaron could possibly be thinking doing all of this. She watched him bow and covered her lips with her fingers slightly, containing a smile. "I'm Audrey." she stated, "Aaron's older sister." she continued, grabbing some of the remaining food and putting it away. A dull thud could be heard as Audrey's attention turned to Ivan who she had helped earlier. His moans of pain, caused her to worry as she feared he was infected. "You'll have to excuse me for a moment Charles." she said, nodding her head towards him as she went towards where she had heard Ivan.

Squatting down to where he was, she placed her hand on his forehead. He was burning up. A look of concern swept over Audrey's face as she put her hand on his shoulder and gave a strong nudge to wake him up. "Ivan!" she exclaimed, trying to wake the boy from his sleep.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

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Ivan gasped as if he'd been struck, jolting awake and instinctively grabbing onto Audrey like a baby animal clings to its mother. He started to cry as pain shot through his head. He felt too hot, even though the night outside was dreadfully cold. His face and ears were flushed red and he was sweating a bit, whimpering and clinging onto Audrey. This was rather odd for Ivan, who was usually shy and never touched anyone without permission.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

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Aaron ran downstairs, a gas mask on his face and several more in his hand. "Get inside the Vault!" The vault was a term for the secure room in which they would hide if things got bad. "If you can help me fight, then get over here. Gabriel, you protect Ivan! Charles, Audrey, help me out!" They would hear feral shrieks from upstairs, and Aaron handed all four of them gas masks. "And keep these on!" He raised his rifle as something tumbled down the ladder. A strange humanoid figure dropped down, its flesh mottled with blisters, and blood red. He shot once into its head, and climbed onto the makeshift sniper tower he had constructed in case of something like this happening. "Get your weapons!" He continued to shoot the strange things coming down the ladder. "This is going to be a long night!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sarah woke from her nightmare and she heard her father yelling and she got her gas mask on, going up and she had her katana and sniper ready to use. Her adoptive mother was on the ground screaming as something inhuman tore at her flesh. She ran up and chopped its head off with a yell and a snarl. Both her adoptive parents were wearing gas masks. Her father said, "Sarah, get ready for more of them! This is gonna be a long night."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LordofthePies
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LordofthePies A Mess

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Gabriel panicked. He had fallen asleep on the kitchen floor. He didn't know how he managed it, but he somehow passed out after putting away the soup. Gabriel barely had time to comprehend a loud, "Get to the Vault," before he heard the sound of ferals. He didn't know where the vault was, he hoped everyone was near. Gabriel pulled the gun off his hip, checked for bullets, then began sneaking towards the sound of gunfire. He contemplated hiding in a closet, or the bathroom, but thought against it. He would rather be with someone when he could. He spent way too many nights alone, running away from monsters.

He scooted out into the sitting area, happily noticing that everyone was still in the sitting room. Gabriel grabbed a gas mask, quickly pull it on and moved over to Ivan and Audrey.

"Shh, shh, it's going to be alright," Gabe grabbed Ivan's hand and led him to the Vault. Aaron was right, this was going to be a long night.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ivan grabbing onto her caused Audrey to tense up at first in shock. She relaxed slightly as his whimpers were heard. She felt terrible for the young boy, "Oh honey.." she cooed, her hand resting on his back gently as she rubbed it with an open hand softly. She didn't have any idea what to do with him.

Quite suddenly Aaron's voice yelled out for them to get into the Vault. Standing up quickly, she pulled Ivan up with her. Though she was a petite woman, she was strong and sturdy, and in emergency she was quick and active on her feet. "Go, get with Gabriel into the vault. she took a gas mask and placed it on his face. She put her hands on his shoulders, "Do not take it off. Do not be afraid, we will make it through this. GO!" she pushed him in encouragement towards Gabriel, pointing towards the Vault room, a secured area that the grocery store once used as place for their money. She then put adorned her own mask. "What do we do?!" she asked Aaron, looking as the creatures crawled and gushed through the ladder.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

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Ivan staggered after Gabriel, clutching his chest with both his hands. Even with the gas mask hiding his flushed, sweaty face, he didn't look too good. He didn't take out his gun, not really knowing what was going on at all. "Vhat happened?" He asked in a panic, noticeably hyperventilating.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LordofthePies
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LordofthePies A Mess

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"Monsters got in, don't worry, I won't let them get you," Gabriel checked inside the Vault before leading them both inside. He flipped on the lights and shut the heavy metal door. He hoped Audrey and Aaron, maybe even Charles would make it in. He left a few hooks unlocked so he could open it for anyone else that made it in.

"Let's go sit by the wall, ok?" Gabe dropped Ivan's hand and moved over to the wall that was right of the door. Saving someone was noble, but nearly everything inside of him was screaming to run, hide somewhere much safer. He looked to Ivan and remembered what he was doing. Saving at least one life. Maybe even getting to live a semi-normal one himself.

"Everything is going to be alright," he told the little Russian, but it was mostly to himself.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

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Ivan sank to his knees with his back against the wall, unbuttoning his holster and drawing out his sawed-off shotgun. As much as Gabriel tried to be reassuring, he was dizzy with uncertainty. Monsters... that was a new one. What kind of monsters? Of all the horrors he'd had to face escaping Russia, living on the streets, watching his father shoot his sick mother... monsters is one he'd never even imagined he'd face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Malik was slightly confused. Had he said something funny? The man didn't look like he was going to get violent thought so he decided the laugh was a good sign. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance then, Tom. You're the first person I've come into contact with myself, I'm glad to see civility is still being practiced despite everything."

The man was right, though. The sun was practically down and he would hate to abandon the buck after all the trouble he had to get it. If the man was offering a place to stay it would be rude to decline. It'd also be nice to be around another person for once. "That seems more than fair. Thank you for the hospitality." He said and began dragging the buck into the bar.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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"Its a pleasure to meet you Audrey" Charles said and was about to talk with her more when a loud thud echoed from the distance and she rushed off to deal with the issue. And then Aaron shouted for them all to get to the "Vault" whatever that was, and so the scramble for survival began with everyone moving too and fro in a panic for their lives. Charles, not entirely sure what to do, followed his little Slav friend and the boy he assumed to be Gabriel into the "Vault". The slav boy seemed to be in a bad way, and Charles took some rare pity on who he would consider a “peasant”, he would later ponder that perhaps it was simply the heat of the moment that made him act out of character, but for whatever reason he did it, he sat next to the boy. Sitting down to Ivan, although also maintaining that his clothes remained as clean as possible, he said “Are you alright child?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

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Ivan swallowed his pain and nodded shakily. "I-I am alright..." He said uncertainly, looking up at Charles through his gas mask. The mask was hard to breathe in and far too hot, for he was already burning up with fever. And aside from that his head hurt and he was dizzy, but he didn't want to let Charles know that. "Ve never got to introduce properly, did ve? I am Ivan. Ivan Levin Mikhailovich. You mind, Mikhail is not my father. He was my father's father. My father was a Rudolf, and my proper family name is Levin. I take it you have name as well?" Realizing he was talking too much for his sense of shyness to allow, he fell silent, blushing under his ski mask.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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"Its a pleasure to meet you little Ivan Levin Mikhailovich" said Charles, grabbing Ivans hand and shaking it to amend the handshake they lost before do to an untimely interruption. "As for myself, I am Charles Banesworth" he said biting his tongue in his best efforts to not give his full title. "And as for my father, his name was Willis, but hes gone now and somewhat irrelevant now I suppose", he said not especially sad. Charles did not feel a great deal of loss when his parents passed, when he was a boy they were more focused on the high society and maintaining their social status then raising their son, which they mostly left to nannies and expensive tutors. However, Charles would always remember the day when his fathered bothered to actually speak to him, on this day his father told him that he must remember that he is above the rest of society and always will be, that he has the blood of nobility coursing through his veins and will do for the rest of eternity. Charles often looked back on that time, it was one of the few memories of his father that he had, and since that day forth he had taken that advice to heart. "But at least he left me the estates I suppose" Charles said with a tired smile, snapping back to reality as Martel began to walk in and out of the two boys legs looking for some attention "And dear Martel of course". Charles looked back at the boy, he was still clearly frightened despite the mask covering his face it was clear from the boys body language "But enough looking back on our pasts. We must forever look towards the horizon, for we have a future ahead of us. I know you may not think so now but believe me, we'll make it out of this mess" he said, hoping that his words would comfort Ivan at least a little

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

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"You are sure?" Ivan asked a bit dubiously, but he smiled a bit under his mask. Somehow Charles's lack of panic alleviated his own. Just seeing that someone else could be calm in a situation like this was a bit comforting.
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