Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

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As the title, my interested check is both lame and outdated. It's time for a major update to it, but I don't know where to start. I know how to make it look sexy and more interesting, but I don't know what to add. I don't even know what pairings are (they sound like something that you use while making a romance roleplay and those things aren't for me). To everyone that has/had an 1x1 interested check, what are the most important things that someone should have in their interested check? How important are they to you? Do you usually look at someone else's interested check (if they have one)?

What should I have in my interested check to increase my chances of finding my partner?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Bump is real good.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by HalfOfLancelot
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HalfOfLancelot What's worse: being heartbroke or roachbit?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Perhaps something that will notify the reader of what you're looking for, exactly? As in, what's catching your eye the most; what you're wanting to do the most; what idea is at the top of your list. I find, even if things are pretty, if it's not immediately catching my attention, I skip everything to find out what you're interested in doing and if it aligns with what I'm interested in. And then I read the rules and if they're off putting, unnecessary, or tedious then I simply see myself out.

Saying this, you might want to cut down on your expectations. Simpler is better, especially when you're talking about rules in writing with other people. I find, the longer the list is, the less I want to deal with the person even if I know for a fact that I won't break any of their rules. If your expectation is higher than my will to care about whether or not my writing is going to offend you (and I'm talking about how I write and at what level I write, rather than what I'm writing), then I'm just gonna hop on out.

Partner Expectations

  • I want my partner to be at the age of sixteen and over, because younger partners aren't my favorite kind of partner.
  • I want my partner to talk to them about random stuff, because It'll only bring us closer.
  • I want my partner to be a high-casual and an advanced writer.
  • I want my partner to have grammar, that's readable enough. As you can tell, I don't have the best grammar; but, I am trying to improve that.
  • I want my partner to post at least two or more paragraphs.
  • I want my partner to post often. Doesn't have to be everyday, but posting once in a week is good enough.
  • I want my partner to help me with plotting and coming up with ideas.
  • I want my partner to be looking for an actual plot, development and storyline(s) in our 1x1 rather than romance. We can still have that, but it won't be the main focus of our roleplays.
  • I want my partner to understand why I don't do OC/FC x canon character.
  • I want my partner to also understand that I have life.
The Specter

This can easily be condensed into this (i put my own notes it in, but if you take them out, then it's a lot shorter than the original):

Partner Expectations

  • I want my partner to be at the age of sixteen and over. (you can do without the filler, but that's up to you)
  • I want my partner to be a high-casual and an advanced writer. (if you have this, then you don't need to explain that you're also looking for decent grammar and 2+ paragraphs. high-casual+ players are usually consistent in these regards)
  • I want my partner to understand that we both have lives and that a post a week is fine. But, I'd love some OOC chatter in between, too! (try to make sure you're talking about the both of you; it's good to use the pronoun we instead of I or you when regarding something as specific as "I have a life." We all do. also, since you're already talking about posts in multiple bullet points, it's easier to just condense it)
  • I want my partner to help me with plotting and coming up with ideas without having the main focus be romance. (if you've already made the point that you're looking for something plot intensive, but not focused on romance, you can just throw it into this sentence without taking up another space, ez pz)
  • I want my partner to understand that I don't do OC/FC x canon character. (I'm just clarifying this because you don't give an explanation as to why you don't do OC/Canon anywhere in your post)

You can change it up as much as you want, but it's best if you keep the rule's list short and sweet. The longer it is, the more likely people are just not going to bother. The moment that I see that the rules are longer than your introduction or your list of genres/fandoms, then that gives me the impression that you care more about control than actually roleplaying. (Your rules/expectations is actually as long as your genre list, not by bullet points but the number of lines)

As well, leave a paragraph at the end of your introduction telling people how to contact you, whether that be in your thread or through PMs. Or, if you like RPing on Skype or discussing/plotting on Discord, put in that info there, too.

Also, to touch up on "most interested in" ideas, giving a clear symbol on what you're most interested in doing and what's your FotM (flavor of the month) would help reel some more interest in. I think when people can see that you're potentially excited for something they're also looking for, specifically, then you're more likely to garner that interest. It's a hit and miss kind of thing, though. I know, when I go through 1x1s, I'm either wanting someone to catch my interest or, more likely, I've got a specific idea I want in mind, but it's either only one or a few things that aren't numerous enough to warrant their own thread.

An example would be:

Number of Asterisks* = Interest

  • Knight/Prince*****
  • Mafioso/Cop**
  • Assassin/Target*
  • Soldier/Civilian*******

Just a rough thing, but something like that maybe? I see it often and it helps me pinpoint whether or not I should throw them a PM because the one they're most interested in happens to be the one I'm looking for. Or perhaps the one I'm looking for isn't bolded or italicized or marked in anyway, so either I bookmark/subscribe the page and come back later or throw them a PM notifying them that if they ever want to come up with an idea, have an idea down the road, or find their muse for this particular idea that I'm free and willing.

Anyways, that's all I can give you there.

People like eye candy, short and simplistic, and things that are easy to read and have enough visual clues that they aren't overwhelmed, but rather are guided through your interest check nice and easy. Bitches love K.I.S.S.

(but all of this might also be hogwash, who knows. i know i like looking at 1x1s rather than actually making them. so *shrug* this is mostly from that perspective: your audience)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 28 min ago

I haven't made a 1x1 thread. Even better, I've looked at other people's threads and been turned off by them. So I think what I say is relevant.

Bump is good for getting people to see your 1x1 thread, but from there your potential players have a few options.

-Decide to RP with you
-Make an inquire/question
-move onto another thread

The trick is to get as many people to try the top two options as possible. The following all help your chances:

-Good formatting: Like you said if it's pretty, people will stop and read it. Pictures are a nice touch too.

-Less negativity: Both towards yourself and towards other interests. You don't have to tell people that you're the greatest writer ever, but you might want to leave out things about your grammar or spelling. You're probably just trying to be honest, but people will exaggerate this and think you can't write at all. Also, while people who hate the same things are drawn together, it can push away interested parties. You don't have anything to do with disinterests of that nature, but if you do decide to add them, just be polite about it and try not to come across as too blunt.

-Find a niche: If you're the only person who likes to do 1x1 RPs in an ancient china setting, you'll have partners who are into that beating a path to your door.

-Participate in group roleplays: Some people will go into your profile and look at your previous posts to get a feel for how you write.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

An odd title can help with the clickbait part.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@The Spectre Just bump it once a day until you find a partner, like @Altered Tundra said.

If I might add, I find your thread rather bland. It can attract people that are into simplistic things. But I would not be attracted by it. And I like simplistic things, at times, so I guess that's telling.

Moving on, I find the usage of 'wants' a bit out of place. As a person that got up to 5 1x1 requests in response to my thread at one point (not anymore, but once upon a time) I can understand why you listed them as what you want but for someone that does not understand the trouble of finding suitable RP partners it can be off putting.

It's like me entering your house looking for a good party, but upon entry you hand me a paper that has 20 rules about what you want me to do. I'm gonna be like 'yo see ya later bro' and find another party.

If I might suggest a fix: make it into a bit of a story. 'I typically write x and y amount of paragraphs/words/characters, and I would appreciate if my partner was somewhere in that area too!' And tone them down a bit. There's a lot of em. Many of them are kinda common sense at this point. For instance: 'I want my partner to be a high-casual and an advanced writer.' kind of implies that they know about these:

'I want my partner to have grammar, that's readable enough. As you can tell, I don't have the best grammar; but, I am trying to improve that.
I want my partner to post at least two or more paragraphs.
I want my partner to post often. Doesn't have to be everyday, but posting once in a week is good enough.'

Now this is only an issue if you want partners, many of them. I don't so in my thread I just said fuck it and listed them as rules, lol, but you don't have to do that.

Furthermore your settings and plots can use more description. Not the original ones you list but the setting name. Like shit, I know you like Halo, but what do you specifically want to do with that setting? Just put some interesting ideas below them. Like pairings which are not romance only. It's the match up of the character. It could be something as fucking stupid as 'ODST trooper x Master Chief' and the RP would be about them kicking Covenant ass, not even sharing a single romantic moment. Though they're often used for that, so beware, lol.

Also, if I can be honest, what I find most off-putting about your 1x1 thread is that you're so bloody formal. I like formality, I like that in a 1x1 interest check but it has to go with a sense of humour. Right now you sound like a dude in a grey business suit trying to sell me a car in the most monotone voice ever.

That's probably my nr. 1 tip for you as of now; cheer up. It can literally be as simple as using a few !'s here and there. Yes, portrayal is that important.

But I honestly don't think your thread is bad. Better than 90% of the shit I see. I click on most 1x1 interest checks because I am bored and look around for inspiration. I advise you to do the same, click on a few 1x1 interest checks and see what parts you like. Just steal them, change it and adapt them to your own thread.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryoko
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Ryoko insomniac

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with it because all I look for in 1x1 threads is for it to be well-organized and legible; yours is.

If you aren't attracting any potential players, don't feel bad since most of them are not looking to do anything in depth if you catch my drift. It's just about being patient and waiting for the right partner to come along.

I mean, you could add a cool picture to it, if you want; again, I don't see anything wrong with it. Being someone who has OCD, I much prefer it that way because I know what to expect from that person: fairly good writer, organized, and serious about what they're doing.

It's fine to bump your thread a lot too like everyone else said.

You'll find someone worthwhile!

Are you taking any players right now? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 12 days ago

@HalfOfLancelot has bought up a heap of points that I don't really need to repeat, but the expectations is one part I would definitely tidy up. Take out the "I Wants" and reduce the size. At the moment it comes across as very rule based and might push people away.

Other than that, it looks mostly fine but I didnt read it into depth. Basically try to make it fun, bright, and inviting. You want people to look and go "wow!" whenever they see your thread.

But it could also be that it's a busy time of year with exams and NaNoWriMo.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerGuilt
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