Perhaps something that will notify the reader of what you're looking for, exactly? As in, what's catching your eye the most; what you're wanting to do the most; what idea is at the top of your list. I find, even if things are pretty, if it's not immediately catching my attention, I skip
everything to find out what you're interested in doing and if it aligns with what I'm interested in. And then I read the rules and if they're off putting, unnecessary, or tedious then I simply see myself out.
Saying this, you might want to cut down on your expectations. Simpler is better, especially when you're talking about rules in writing with other people. I find, the longer the list is, the less I want to deal with the person even if I know for a fact that I won't break any of their rules. If your expectation is higher than my will to care about whether or not my writing is going to offend you (and I'm talking about how I write and at what level I write, rather than what I'm writing), then I'm just gonna hop on out.
Partner Expectations
- I want my partner to be at the age of sixteen and over, because younger partners aren't my favorite kind of partner.
- I want my partner to talk to them about random stuff, because It'll only bring us closer.
- I want my partner to be a high-casual and an advanced writer.
- I want my partner to have grammar, that's readable enough. As you can tell, I don't have the best grammar; but, I am trying to improve that.
- I want my partner to post at least two or more paragraphs.
- I want my partner to post often. Doesn't have to be everyday, but posting once in a week is good enough.
- I want my partner to help me with plotting and coming up with ideas.
- I want my partner to be looking for an actual plot, development and storyline(s) in our 1x1 rather than romance. We can still have that, but it won't be the main focus of our roleplays.
- I want my partner to understand why I don't do OC/FC x canon character.
- I want my partner to also understand that I have life.
This can easily be condensed into this (i put my own notes it in, but if you take them out, then it's a lot shorter than the original):
Partner Expectations
- I want my partner to be at the age of sixteen and over. (you can do without the filler, but that's up to you)
- I want my partner to be a high-casual and an advanced writer. (if you have this, then you don't need to explain that you're also looking for decent grammar and 2+ paragraphs. high-casual+ players are usually consistent in these regards)
- I want my partner to understand that we both have lives and that a post a week is fine. But, I'd love some OOC chatter in between, too! (try to make sure you're talking about the both of you; it's good to use the pronoun we instead of I or you when regarding something as specific as "I have a life." We all do. also, since you're already talking about posts in multiple bullet points, it's easier to just condense it)
- I want my partner to help me with plotting and coming up with ideas without having the main focus be romance. (if you've already made the point that you're looking for something plot intensive, but not focused on romance, you can just throw it into this sentence without taking up another space, ez pz)
- I want my partner to understand that I don't do OC/FC x canon character. (I'm just clarifying this because you don't give an explanation as to why you don't do OC/Canon anywhere in your post)
You can change it up as much as you want, but it's best if you keep the rule's list short and sweet. The longer it is, the more likely people are just not going to bother. The moment that I see that the rules are longer than your introduction or your list of genres/fandoms, then that gives me the impression that you care more about control than actually roleplaying. (Your rules/expectations is actually as long as your genre list, not by bullet points but the number of lines)
As well, leave a paragraph at the end of your introduction telling people how to contact you, whether that be in your thread or through PMs. Or, if you like RPing on Skype or discussing/plotting on Discord, put in that info there, too.
Also, to touch up on "most interested in" ideas, giving a clear symbol on what you're most interested in doing and what's your FotM (flavor of the month) would help reel some more interest in. I think when people can see that you're potentially excited for something they're also looking for, specifically, then you're more likely to garner that interest. It's a hit and miss kind of thing, though. I know, when I go through 1x1s, I'm either wanting someone to catch my interest or, more likely, I've got a specific idea I want in mind, but it's either only one or a few things that aren't numerous enough to warrant their own thread.
An example would be:
Number of Asterisks* = Interest
- Knight/Prince*****
- Mafioso/Cop**
- Assassin/Target*
- Soldier/Civilian*******
Just a rough thing, but something like that maybe? I see it often and it helps me pinpoint whether or not I should throw them a PM because the one they're most interested in happens to be the one I'm looking for. Or perhaps the one I'm looking for isn't bolded or italicized or marked in anyway, so either I bookmark/subscribe the page and come back later or throw them a PM notifying them that if they ever want to come up with an idea, have an idea down the road, or find their muse for this particular idea that I'm free and willing.
Anyways, that's all I can give you there.
People like eye candy, short and simplistic, and things that are easy to read and have enough visual clues that they aren't overwhelmed, but rather are guided through your interest check nice and easy.
Bitches love K.I.S.S.(but all of this might also be hogwash, who knows. i know i like looking at 1x1s rather than actually making them. so *shrug* this is mostly from that perspective: your audience)