Name: June Magarius aka Jack Slater
Race: Magnus Empire
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 180
Age: 26
Occupation: Diplomat
Not one to act the norm, even in politics, June is found to be a little more cheerful than most. He tries to find the good, not just in a bad situation but also in other people... mostly for his own comfort of course. He's learned from an early age that the easiest way to get anywhere in life is to rely on others and the best way to surround yourself with "friends" is to befriend them. Of course, this mentality is one of the many reasons he gets himself into a lot of trouble and also why he's followed constantly by an escort of sorts. This other person usually takes on the role of the "Voice of Reason", steering him clear of danger and letting him know when he's being a general idiot.
There are benefits however. He has connections everywhere and with those connections comes power, resources and aid should he need it. He has a knack of slithering his way out of tense situations with a few well placed words and has managed to woo the spirits of those around him on occasion... both for business and pleasure. This silver tongue of his, although it has its uses, is still in it's infancy and if he ever hopes to dissuade a nation from war, he knows he has a long way to go.
Besides his need to surround himself with friends and family, June also has a major flaw... one that will be tested in the frontier. He's hates conflict and will actively avoid it if it were at all possible. He has no combat experience save for what training he's done with his pistol and is an absolute wreck when it comes to hand to hand combat. More often than not, when faced with the choice of fight or flight, he'll flee. Of course even with these fears just cresting the Horizon, his determination to prove himself is unwavering and he's decided to press on regardless of the dangers ahead.
It's yet another reason someone has to accompany him on his journey.
June hails from the Empire of Magnus, a large nation of men and women who live on borrowed power and shun the rest of the world. From early beginnings they struggled and although, through some luck, they've managed to carve off a piece of the world as their own, they've also learned from their mistakes and are quite weary of everyone else. This ideology became the foundation for which June's childhood was built on... but it wasn't one he placed at his core. His parents who were of noble birth and who lead lives close to the epicenter of their nation's political landscape were sure to teach their child the fundamentals of their people but also stressed the importance of having an open mind. The Magnus Empire would not become the bubble that their son would be trapped in and he was quick to learn that there was more to this world than the one he could see outside his bedroom window. There were people and places out there to meet and see and it was out there that he would find the one thing that everyone was looking for... peace. Noble birth did not come without its fair amount of history lessons and June knew everything there was to know about the three nations and the tentative treaty they'd drawn up for each other. It was the focus of his parents to find a permanent solution to the plague of war and June dreamt of following in their footsteps.
Of course the journey there would be a tumultuous one. FIrstly, he was not the only child. In fact, he was the youngest although he was loved no less than the others. What really set him apart was the fact that he had no affinity to the art of magic. No use for runes other than to move them from one place to another, couldn't understand arcane script or the like. His nations entire lively hood was tied to these ancient relics and in that way he was crippled. It's one of the reasons he took up the word instead of the sword. Additionally, he quickly found that though he had the knowledge, the silver tongue needed to use that knowledge to his advantage was lacking. It wasn't that he couldn't hold his own at the front of a crowded room. He could give a speech all day long. His voice lacked direction and at the moment, held little merrit. Being the youngest of his family's name and the only one unable to tap into their people's source of life, few gave head to his word.
He couldn't move forward unless something changed. He'd have to prove himself through action... and perhaps a little luck. His answer?
The Wishing Star.
Aiding him in his journey is one of the Yaroi Republic's own. A peculiar character who was originally hired on as a guard of sorts. Lara as she became known had been assigned to protect June and assist in whatever way she could. She sticks close to his side at all times, unless told otherwise.
His favorite sauce is bbq.
See Lara's CS for information on his bodyguard.
Combat section
The Black Star
A pistol. This six shooter, elegantly designed by Yaroi's best and purchased by June's father, has never actually been fired and June doesn't expect to use it ever. He's taken to resolving conflict by word of mouth rather than spitting bullets. However if need be, he is an excellent shot having spent years practicing with a similar model in case the day came when words were not enough. Having never been fired before however, the weapon's exact extent of usefulness has never actually been tested. It was after all on display since it's purchase.
June is found to be wanting in regards to armor. He essentially has none... save of course for the weak Runic spell placed on his attire. This invisible barrier, while still susceptible to direct hits from any kind of projectile, will deflect anything that comes in contact with it at more than a 45 degree angle. The fabric acts as though it is made of a kind of thick padded material and essentially bounces the bullet (or whatever it may be) harmlessly away from it.
Complete with coat, shirt, vest, tie, pants and boots. Changes daily though only occasionally now that he is on the road. His attire does little more than keep him warm during the cold days and colder nights. The only real means of defense besides his pistol and knife are the spells weaved into the fabric of his clothes and of course Lara.
Magic: None. What magic he does wield is purely defensive and only because someone else has done the work for him. For example, the runes that protect his articles of clothing were woven into the fabric by his family before he left as a way to aid in his journey. The bullets that require a runic charge or some kind of arcana to feed from do so themselves thanks in part to Yaroi design.
Fighting style: Prefers not to fight if it can be avoided. If engaged, in hand to hand combat, he'll squeal.
Has a way with words... most times. It's a skill that becomes the most useful when he's not trying to use it. He's been able to get himself out of sticky situations or turn things to his favor by appeasing the people around him with a few well placed words. It's also a skill that's gotten him into a lot of trouble.
-Excellent shot
Although not one for combat, he's received extensive training with firearms. His trigger finger is quick and accurate and he's been known to hit a target's bulls eye from a significant distance away. Any other weapon and he's complete shit with it.
Has a knack for reading a situation and seeing where things may lead. Can pick up on some slight undertones in one's speech and can at times pick up on subtle clues in his environment.
-Very good at finding places to hide.
A skill he's picked up after perceiving his own ass kicking and hiding to prevent it.
Miscellaneous stuff
-12 Rounds
-4" knife
Mostly utilitarian. Can be used for defense as a last resort.
-pencil and a sheet of paper
-Coin Purse (25g)
-4" knife
Mostly utilitarian. Can be used for defense as a last resort.
-pencil and a sheet of paper
-Coin Purse (25g)
1 Weeks worth in the form of 4 canned meals and 3 large slices meat that have been salted and packed.
3 Days worth in the form of one leather water sack and one canteen.
12 Rifle Rounds
36 Pistol Rounds
1 Water
1 Fire
1 Earth
1 Wind
1 Lightening
1 Dark
-Sheets of paper and extra pencil
-Map of Frontier
-Gun Cleaning Kit
-3 Changes of clothes
2 for June
1 for Lara
-Coin Purse (125g)
1 Weeks worth in the form of 4 canned meals and 3 large slices meat that have been salted and packed.
3 Days worth in the form of one leather water sack and one canteen.
12 Rifle Rounds
36 Pistol Rounds
1 Water
1 Fire
1 Earth
1 Wind
1 Lightening
1 Dark
-Sheets of paper and extra pencil
-Map of Frontier
-Gun Cleaning Kit
-3 Changes of clothes
2 for June
1 for Lara
-Coin Purse (125g)
Money: 150g
Finally up! Let me know if you have any questions, need anything explained or would like me to change something.
1x Thank