@BlackPanther I realize I'm the only one about in spring, and I'm not able to post, but in the ic sense it is perhaps a little odd for Feoras to write the other two and not Nyx (whose death he was not informed of yet). Indeed, I think it might be perceived as a subtle slight, if he left spring out in such a manner. If that is not your intent, perhaps you can add a note to spring when you have the time and energy. There's obviously no rush, and Sini shall deal with it when I am back.
I'm actually in quite a bit of pain at the moment, and since the heavy-duty painkiller I was supposed to get was screwed up by my doc's office, I'm having to make do with OTC meds until I he back from my trip. It's...manageable but not so great, and leaves me with a constant headache even if my jaw isn't trying to rip itself off. Murphy's law at it's a best.
@LadyRunic also why I never got you a pm; I was on the phone with doc, pharmacy, and after-hours nurse. X.x kill me now.