[ ] In this modern age, vote Green-cyborg-ninja-guy. Vote Genji
[ ] Step right up, vote Mcree
[ ] Play nice, vote Pharah
[ ] Not even trying, vote Reaper
[ ] Any other candidates want to try doing their jobs today? Vote Senator 76
[ ] ??? Vote. Sombra
[ ] She shoots, she scores, vote Tracer
[ ] Bleep Bloop, Vote Bastion
[ ] See through the dragons eyes, vote Hanzo
[ ] If at first you don't succeed, blow it up again! Vote Junkrat for shits and giggles
[ ] Our world is worth fighting for, vote Mei
[ ] He has big plans for you, vote Torbjorn
[ ] Step into my parlour, vote Widowmaker
[ ] Play to win, vote
D.Va[ ] Let him be your shield, vote Reinhardt
[ ] Violence is usually the answer, vote Roadhog
[ ] Imagination is the essence of discovery, vote Winston
[ ] Vote for a president as strong as bear, vote Zarya
[ ] Take your medicine, vote Ana
[ ] Drop the beat on America, vote Lucio
[ ] Have her watch over you, vote Mercy
[ ] The true enemy of humanity is disorder, vote Symmetra
[ ] Embrace the Iris, vote Zenyatta