Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[Digital World - Sector 14 - Frozen Pond Area]

@Light Lord@Duthguy
When Delsin pointed out he was the one who in fact saved her, she let out an annoyed grumble. "...Fair enough." As the teen continued, she raised a brow at his words, Shitty spawn point, what is he talking about? Humans are... really quite strange.

Looking back over her shoulder, she paused for a moment, awaiting Mammothmon's appearance, but he never appeared. That's odd... Being pulled from her thoughts, she looked over as the frantic teenager grasped at her arm and dragged her once more. Blood dotted the snow beneath him, causing Renamon to look up at him with a worried expression, "You're injured...?" His reaction wasn't unreasonable, given they had just previously been chased by a very powerful Digimon, however he went from somewhat calm, to frantic in a matter of seconds. "What's gotten into you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Wessel van de Meer

[sector 14]

While he wasn't sure if he had managed to draw the other kid's attention Wessel decided to head over to him anyway, the other human's strange fox like companion didn't have to seem any interest in harming after all. He started running again, when he got closer he noticed the other human was bleeding. At first he thought the fox was responsible but it seemed to be actually concerned with the boy's wellbeing."Are you okay? Did one of those aliens do that to you?" he asked in English because he had no idea if the other human knew Dutch as well.


Gaomon was surprised how easy it was to dodge Mammothmon's attacks, at least in the open. If the forest got denser before he had managed to lure the commander to the humans he would no doubt end up getting hit and thus deleted
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Delsin Grey
[Sector 14 - Polaris Lakes]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo@TalijaKey@Forsythe@Duthguy
Looking back at the fox he was dragging, as well as the other human boy that thankfully decided to run across the ice with them, the panicking Delsin snapped. "I'm fine! Nothings gotten into me! And there's no aliens! Just..." Looking back to the ice ahead of him with left eye twitching slightly, he groaned. "Just shut up and keep running or else we're all dead!"

The clearly not fine teenager actually lost his footing for a moment, his feet scrambling to maintain balance as they stumbled over each other, a pained wince crossing Delsin's features. Momentarily however, he regained his footing and continued to sprint along the frozen water while dragging Renamon along with him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 15 days ago

Luna Bishop and Dustin Coleman
[Affiliation: ???]
[Digital World - Sector 14: Polaris Village]

The two Digimon were very careful to not be spotted, sticking to the underbrush and making sure not a single thing was moving before darting from it. Eventually the group finally came across the small settlement nestled between the many frozen ponds and lakes of the area known as the Polaris Lakes. "Phew, we finally made it. This is Polaris Village, it's the home to a bunch of Digimon who don't want any part in the Civil War." Said Dracomon, motioning to the small village.

"It's also been our home for as long as we can remember." Said Dorumon. "The Digimon here are very friendly, they'd be glad to help us." She finished. "That sounds wonderful, what a great place to live." Said Luna. Dracomon didn't share Dorumon's thoughts it seemed. "I'm not sure how they'll react to seeing... humans." He said. "Hey, let's give them a chance and see for ourselves." Said Dustin. "Alright... if you say so... let's go." He said, leading the group down towards the village.

[Affiliation: The Digital Army]
[Digital World - Sector 14]

The small traitorous Digimon managed to use its size to stay one step ahead of him, but suddenly Mammothmon came to a realization. It seemed like the Digimon was trying to lead him somewhere... or lead him AWAY from somewhere. He stopped in his tracks. "You take me for a fool then, I see what you're trying to do. You're trying to lead me away from your partner. Well I'll have none of it." He turned and started walking away. "Don't think I'm done with you either. Frigimon, finish him." He said.

As he walked away, several forms appeared around the Gaomon. Eight Frigimon now surrounded the blue dog with boxing gloves. "Yes, Commander!" They said in unison as they moved in a circle formation towards the lone rookie.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Candlemon& Mirko Dubrinic

[By the frozen pond - Sector 14]

Candlemon was about to say no, that they shouldnt help and better run away them self but the digimon made a grave mistake. He looked at Mirko pleading face. His big eyes, all but melted away any protest the digimon had ready. The candle digimon surrendered his better judgment and nodded.

"They better become our friends after this." The digimon jumped on ice and easily, skated over it quickly reaching the boy who was not accompanied by a digimon at the moment. "I want to help you." He said and grabbed the boy hand, and regardless of the teen reaction to having a candle approach him he was pulling him back to where Mirko was.

They reached the snow covered lake bank at the same time Renamon and her human partner arrived to it. Mirko quickly asked. "Hey, from what exactly are you running away? Is it what was cutting the trees? We could see from here the tree tops being fallen over. And my name is Mirko and that is Candlemon."

"Lets hurry away, I dont want to be surrounded by the army digimon. They for sure are searching." Candlemon said letting go of the other human hand and jumped up beside Mirko.

@Ninian@Duthguy@Forsythe@Light Lord
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Mammothmon's comment just confused Gaomon, he didn't know anything about a partner. He didn't have much time to wonder as a bunch of Frigimon surrounded him at their commander's order. He knew he was in serious trouble, sure as Champions his opponents were weaker but still strong enough to delete him, plus as he was surrounded he couldn't run.

Given the circumstances there was only one thing he could do. "I surrender." Now he just had to hope they wouldn't attack a surrendered Digimon, though if they did he would go down fighting.

Wessel van de Meer

[Near the pond]

Not knowing what else to do Wessel chased after the other human, hoping he would be able to help or at least tell him what was going on. Before he reached the ice his hand was grabbed by what he could on;y describe as a giant talking candle that claimed not to want to hurt him. Not seeing any way out of the situation he let it drag him along.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 3 days ago

Katya & Monodramon

"Oh, zat ees just lovelee!" Katya exclaimed at being introduced to the fact that she might apparently die for no reason at any time. She needed to wake up form this dream-rapidly-turning-nightmare. The likelihood of this being a dream were plummeting as she thought that though, with more and more of these digimon, and despite the apparent genocidal war, humans appeared from out of nowhere. Some of them appeared to be wounded, which did little to inspire hope in her.

"Help zem? Vee neet too help ourselfes!" She looked at Monodramon when no one else shown a speck of self preservation.

"Hey, your voice is broken again." the little dragon said, in a low growling tone unlike his usual cheerful and loud one. "You're a friend. human, digimon, I don't care. I will keep you safe." Or try to at least. I can topple a tree, not that many at once. Something big did that.
Katya was looking into the distance as Mirko and Candlemon went to help, thinking this would probably be a good time to make herself scarce. Find somewhere to hide and hope whatever it was Monodramon seemed to hear. She felt something brush against her hand and looked down to see Monodramon holding her hand in his paw, himself looking no more confident than she was.

Finally Candlemon suggested what Katya was thinking all along. "I live in a cavern nearby. Only a small part, it's way big, we can hide inside, they go on forever, past the sector border!" the dragon suggested to the candle, pointing in the direction.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[Digital World - Sector 14 - Frozen Pond Area]

@Light Lord@Duthguy@TalijaKey@Forsythe
Being literally dragged along was no fun. Ripping her claw from the deranged teen's grasp, she picked herself up, following after him. "You're not fine, and if this had anything to do with how much trouble we're in, you would've been a tad bit more concerned earlier."

Looking over her shoulder to check Mammothmon's position, she noticed Candlemon dragging away the human from before. "That's...?"

They were close to the other humans. Putting a paw on the ice beneath her in order to slow her movement, she skidded to a stop. Picking herself back up, she turned to Delsin, "Monodramon apparently lives in a cavern nearby. We could perhaps follow them. This ice will only hold so long."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Delsin Grey
[Sector 14 - Polaris Lakes]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo@TalijaKey@Forsythe@Duthguy
The mind freaked teenager ignored the irritated fox's comment to continue running, only stopping once he reached the snowy shore of the pond. Delsin panted a bit as his head flicked around to every angle, suddenly coming to a stop when he laid wide eyes upon the pair that greeted him. "You've got to be shitting me."

A young, scruffy looking accented boy that clearly wasn't dressed for the snowy weather minus a scarf, and a giant, sentient candle creature approached him followed by the boy from earlier. The bewildered black haired student scanned over both the boy and his candle, before pointing his bloody stick back at the direction he and Renamon had ran from. "There's...a mammoth, trying to kill us, back there. I would say it's a bit...hard to believe...but I have no idea what to believe right now." Emerald eyes panning to his left, he nodded. "I'm...Delsin. That fox is Renamon. We're not with that army....We're not with anyone."

This kid can't be older than twelve....He's just as young as Trevor....Why...Who the hell would bring all these kids to this insane place? Does nothing make sense around here!? Does nobody think!?

Then, another pair of human and mon made an appearance. A girl with what seemed to be a European accent and stunningly pale features, and a small, impish purple reptile that was like a creature taken out of a fairy tale. She looks just as freaked out as I do...Probably not going to be very helpful judging from how she's dressed....A rich girl.....At least that lizard's trying to help.

The gloved canine restated what the lizard had said, cause Delsin to attempt to right his shaky stance and grip the stick tighter as he turned to look at her with a stern stare. "It's our best option, for now. I don't see any signs of that mammoth, but that doesn't mean we should be any less cautious. Especially with a bigger group." Looking to Monodramon, he nodded as he stood straight. "Alright. We'll follow you. But if you try anything, I'm taking you down."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 15 days ago

[Affiliation: The Digital Army]
[Digital World - Sector 14]

The Snowmen continued to move closer and closer to the small child Digimon. When he verbally surrendered, the Digimon looked at each other before raising their arms. "Sorry, kid. We have our orders. You should have stayed out of this all." One of them said. The others all moved their arms backwards, looking like they were ready to punch the air in front of them. Every smart Digimon knew this would be Frigimon's signature attack, the Sub Zero Ice Punch. And with that many of them, the future looked bleak for the lone Digimon.

[Affiliation: The Digital Army]
[Digital World - Sector 14]

After leaving his minions to deal with the traitor, Mammothmon made his way towards the Polaris Lakes, where more of his Frigimon were to have the Humans surrounded. He finally found the lead Frigimon. "They're out there, on that big lake. If we go storming out there, sir, that ice won't stand, and we'll all get one freezing end." He said, Mammothmon nodding. "Let's get them off the ice and somewhere we can trap them easily."

Frigimon nodded, and began relaying the message to everyone else. They all understood what do do. One by one the Frigimon begain firing their Sub Zero Ice Punches into the air, causing it to become even colder, and a slight freezing wind to pick up. Then Mammothmon kicked it up a notch. "Tundra Breath!" He called just out of earshot of the humans and Digimon, causing the wind to pick up even more.

Luna Bishop and Dustin Coleman
[Affiliation: ???]
[Digital World - Polaris Village

Nearby, near Polaris Village, Dracomon could hear Mammothmon's cry. He froze, not from cold, but from knowing that Mammothmon would only be attacking if there were humans or Resistance Members around. But as far as he knew, the Resistance had no control this far out. So it had to be more humans. "Did you hear that? That was Mammothmon again, and he's attacking someone! We have to go help whoever that is!" Dracomon said, immediately turning and running towards the cry. "Dracomon!" Yelled everyone as they started after him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


[sector 14]

When the Frigimon refused to accept his surrender, Gaomon knew he was probably done for but he would do his best to make his deletion as difficult as possible. The Rookie got ready to use the one attack that might let him escape if he could get it off before the Champions used theirs and even then it would be unlikely. "Wild Howling!

In case the attack succeed in making at least Frigimon panic Gaomon was planning to use the opportunity to escape, if it didn't well at least he would be deleted quickly.

Wessel van de Meer

[Frozen pond]

Unaware of the plan the others had made, Wessel decided to get off the lake when it suddenly started getting even colder. Not wanting to drag the candle along he tried to pull his hand free and head back to land.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Candlemon& Mirko Dubrinic

[Sector 14]

Luckily the boy with the yellow fox introduced himself as Delsin and the digimon with him as Renamon. As well as told them what was after him. Mirko for a brief moment thougth how cool it must be to see a real life mammoth before he figured that its was less cool if it wanted to kill them. "Delsin were you fighting it with a stick? You know they have magic?" At least that how Mirko was rationalizing the situation. He simply assumed they were in a magical word with magic and its own rules. After he saw that Candlemon could throw fireballs, and thougth of it as most normal thing in the world...well it probably was in this world. Mirko assumed that everything could throw some magic spells around.

Hearing Monodramon suggestion of where to go MIrko nodded. "Yeah, lead the way. Monodramon we are following" The boy shivered as his breath all but froze it couldnt have been more than a minute ago that it was a lot warmer. Candlemon moved closer to him, its flame feeling nice. "Is this normal for digimon world? Sudden temperature drops?"

"... I hope it is if not.... then we may have been spotted." Candlemon whispered and Mirko eyes started to look around as they followed Katyas digimon off the beach and into the forest. There was a lot of white but instead of spotting anything he saw the till now silent boy. Starting to move away from them. Mirko wondered if the boy didnt understand english, like he wouldnt if he didnt had a super strict english teacher...

It got even colder and Mirko hugged his bag as a shield from the cold. "From where are you all?" The boy asked looking at Delsin and Katya, and turning briefly towards Wessel hoping he stayed with them instead of wandering off.
"I am from Hungary, my city is close to Serbian border. I know some of their language as well." He spoke trying to move his mind from the now biting freezing weather as he followed wherever Monodramon was taking them.

@Shiny Keldeo@Ninian@Duthguy@Forsythe@Light Lord
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Delsin Grey
[Sector 14 - Polaris Lakes → Forest]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo@TalijaKey@Forsythe@Duthguy
When the young accented boy pointed out how combating a mammoth with a stick would be futile, Delsin looked down at the shabby weapon with a flat stare. Magic is bullshit....Then again, if this is a world of it's own...It could have entirely different laws of physics when compared to Earth's...I'll need to ask Renamon to give me the details when I'm sure we're safe....

The sudden chill in the air caused the black haired teen's head to whip around and scan the area behind him. A look of caution over taking his features as he lifted a hand and directed everyone into the forest. "The candle could be right. We need to leave, now."

The frazzled and confused intellectual began to walk along with the rest of the group, paying close attention to the two other Digimon present besides Renamon. Those two could easily be tricking us..They could be with the army, and are just acting like they're these kids friends until they have a chance to turn them in...This whole talk of a cave could be a trap as well, we need to be careful....

Mirko then spoke up, attempting to make casual conversation with the rest of humans. His topic of discussion, while not an odd one, caused Delsin's expression to freeze for a moment, a hint of curiosity coming across his face as he turned his head to look towards the equally chilly boy. "I'm from Canada. The province of British Colombia to be specific. It's Mirko...Right? I had my suspicions from your accent, but if you're from Hungary, that just leaves me with even more questions." Looking up at the now grey, cloudy sky, he bit his lip. "Where exactly is the Digital World located? How did we get here....?"

Attention coming back to the group at hand, the students emerald gaze shifted between the other humans. "Do any of you remember what you were doing leading up to your arrival here? Anything specific that happened to you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 3 days ago

Katya & Monodramon

"I'm Russian. Or British, depending on which parent you ask. But I live in Murmansk. This-" Katya said, throwing her arms around to indicate the frozen wasteland, "-is actually not such a difference." she explained. Indeed she was looking like she had no problem with the cold, or for that matter keeping up with Monodramon on the ice despite lacking the dragon's claws as she followed.

"I can't recall anything past the morning. Lil fella landed on my head, I don't even know how I got here, wherever this is. But if I am to assume this is in fact real and I am not lying in hospital with a massive concussion or something, the name of this place sort of gives it away, wouldn't you think? We could be on the internet or something." Katya posted a theory. If that were the case, she suddenly found herself wishing she signed up for the programming class. She doubted Excel sheets would do her any good when a giant mammoth could be chasing her, unless she intended to bore them to death with statistics.

Suddenly Monodramon squeezed her hand by which he has still been leading her and stopped cold in his tracks. Katya dropped down into a half kneel: "What is it?"

The little dragon turned to the other digimon, hoping one of them had better eyes: "Up on the horizon. Are those snowmen?" he asked, more in a bit of wishful thinking. He drawn a deep breath, trying to get wind of his surroundings and guess if other digimon were around. A scent was in the air, but what confused him was that it wasn't coming form where he saw the snowmen. They were in front, the scent came form behind them. "I think... we're surrounded." he said, his grip on Katya's hand becoming tighter being the only sign of nervousness he let on.

Katya wasn't faring that well though, as suddenly an empty pit made home in her stomach and sent a shiver down the up until now unfazed russian's back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[Digital World - Sector 14 - Frozen Pond Area]

@Light Lord@Duthguy@TalijaKey@Forsythe
The group discussed where they came from, which Renamon only paid some attention to. Clearly they were not from the Digital World, however it wasn't something she could offer an explanation to, or even any insight. It was as strange to her as it was them.

However, one thing was a cause for concern. Monodramon was convinced they were surrounded. Her gaze narrowed, "...Surrounded?" Closing her eyes, she let out an irritated sigh, "Well, if that's true, our only chance would be... the lake, once again..." Pondering everything, she continued, "Though that's not exactly a solution. If the lake breaks, we'll be trapped. Perhaps we could somehow slip through their defenses?" Looking around, she still didn't see much of anything. In the back of her mind, she wondered if the Monodramon was actually telling the truth.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Ninian@Forsythe@Light Lord@Duthguy
Candlemon& Mirko Dubrinic

[Sector 14]

The situation turned bleak fast. Candlemon had a bad feeling when the temperature droped but he hoped it was something common for the sector they were in. Apparently it wasnt. Monodramon was the first to notice as he lead them towards the cave system that was their best chance to leave the place. Snowman, he said. " Frigimon " The candle digimon spoke.

"The army would wait for us on the lake. Thats how they do it. Pushing on to slip by is something I would do as well. We cant fight that many champions. " He saw the other digimon reach for the human girl and he did as well holding Mirko hand.

Mirko was surprised when he heard where everyone came from. It was all across the world. Maybe it happened in the same moment, then again it didnt sound as if they were for a few hours here. Katya saying they were inside the internet was weird to Mirko. Mostly because he never imagined the internet to have this much vegetation or snow and such a lack of cats from the cats videos. Or there being a raging war on top of it all.

Looking at his phone clock it showed that it was afternoon already. And the boy felt uneasy and fearful, his parents will panic if he didnt come home. It didnt really help as the digimon concluded they were surrounded. He truly had no idea what to do. He felt Candlemon take his hand and Mirko moved his bag to make it easier to run.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 15 days ago

Dustin Coleman and Luna Bishop
[Affiliation: ???]
[Digital World - Sector 14]

A lone Frigimon lay in wait, mere feet away from the humans and traitors. He prepared to strike while he still had the element of surprise when...


Everything went black. The Frigimon fell to the ground with a thud. Dracomon landed a few feet away. "See, I told you something was up!" He said as the others finally caught up. "Dracomon... will you not... just run off... like that..." Said Dorumon between gasping breaths. The two humans were a bit less out of breath. "What is he?" Asked Luna, looking at the unconscious Digimon.

"That's a Frigimon. He's one of Mammothmon's Soldiers." Said Dracomon. "Let's see what he was about to attack..." He said, sticking his nose through the bushes until he could see through the other side. "Hey guys, look!" He said. The others promptly stuck their heads through the bushes, finding a small group of humans and digimon on the other side. "There are more humans here? Hey, you guys, this way!" Said Dustin, waving his arm through the bushes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Delsin Grey
[Sector 14 - Polaris Lakes → Forest]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo@TalijaKey@Forsythe
The theory posed by the now identified Russian-British girl caused Delsin to reply in a flat tone. "For all we know, 'digital' could have an entirely different interpretation here. Same with the concept of 'data'. Alternative world, sure, but an alternative world that was spawned from computer code?" His emerald colored eyes panned to the girl, The student's face displaying a skeptical frown. "Yeah, no. That isn't possible."

Moments later, the small purple lizard that had been leading them to what was hopefully a place of safety killed his stride. The extremely pale white haired teen girl crouching down to check on him. The black haired boy sighed and averted his eyes to the trees. It better not be something stupid....

Unfortunately, the hyped focused teenager was wrong in his assumption. Delsin's eyes going wide as his head flicked towards the horizon, and Monodramon shared similar thoughts to the bookworm. "Fucking hell." he cursed under his breath. Things weren't looking good.

Renamon and the odd talking candle creature began to think up possible ideas for how the group could 'slip past' the living snowmen. Though the heavy tone of doubt of doubt in both their voices only made the Canadian boy groan as he crossed his arms. "I still don't understand what you mean by 'Champions', but you two are narrow minded. We're gonna get out of here. We need to try." Raising his fist up, Delsin pointed a thumb at his chest and narrowed his eyes. "I've got a life to go back to, and I'm sure you all do as well. We're not going to be able to pick them back up if you doubt yourselves."

Taking his thumb away from his hand, he flashed his pointer finger at the gloved fox before him. "Renamon. You can run fast, alot faster than any other bipedal creature I've ever seen. It was clear from your body language that you could easily have out ran me back at the lake, but you held yourself back as to not leave me behind." He nodded quick, a tiny smile forming on Delin's otherwise dead serious face. "Thank you for that. I appreciate it."

Lowering his hand, he folded his arms across the front of his grey sweater and panned his gaze across the other Digimon present. "Now, Mirko said you guys can perform....'Magic'. While I don't believe that it's 'magic', I'm convinced you all must have abilities that go far beyond what a human is capable of. If we utilize them correctly, and work together, we can get out of this. A group of people with various sets of skills is how a human war is won, so we'll do the same here."

The determined black haired teenagers speech concluded with a nod, just in time for there to be another sound that otherwise cut through the silence. The boy's gaze flicked to the bushes on his left, and he gasped. "Another person? With more Digimon?" Hesitating and considering their dwindling options of escape, Delsin began to jog to towards the bushes where the new human appeared. His head flicking back to the others. "Keep an eye on these guys, just like the rest."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 3 days ago


Katya laughed as Delsin attempted to sound smart. "So an alternative world period is an acceptable idea, but one of it's possible origins is a no-go? So much for consistency, not that I particularly care. It's just that, a theory, and until evidence is presented any other idea you might come up with is equally as far fetched." Katya hammered her logic in. The Russian was no stranger to skepticism, but double standards annoyed her. She didn't like his deadpan voice either. Aren't Canadians supposed to be nice and agreeable? Ugh!

Her attention was drawn to some other kids appearing form out of nowhere - well, bushes really - as it gave her a pause. Fight or flight. She didn't quite feel like trusting the digimon with getting them safely through around a two story tall animated snowman, but those kids over there seemed to sneak through almost all the way to them. Wouldn't that mean there was a way out? "Wouldn't them being here mean there's a safe way through in that direction?" she suggested, feeling a shiver run down her spine - it was getting colder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Ninian@Forsythe@Light Lord@Duthguy@Shiny Keldeo
Candlemon& Mirko Dubrinic

[Sector 14]

Mirko stared at Katya and Delsin wondering if the two really had to debate the world nature right now? Like were they not realising they had a bit more trouble than simple figuring if they were in a parallel world, or the internet and with it the way home? Well even if they knew the nature of the world how would it help them to get home? Mirko looked at the two older kids. And neither teen looked to him like they had a degree in theoretical physic or computer science.

"I've got a life to go back to, and I'm sure you all do as well. We're not going to be able to pick them back up if you doubt yourselves."

Said Delsin as a way to inspire them.
"Hey, I was supposed to go to school and club training, my parents are probably worrying their hair gray seeing I am gone for several hours already according to my phone clock..." Delsin went on trying to make a strategy and Mirko saw that Candlemon was paying close attention to the other boy. Well his candle body did the flame on top was still looking around and appeared nervous and was looking at him. He answered to Delsin.
"Can do Lava Loogie, which is a fire attack and Molten Wax which can slow them... "

There was a twack and moments later another digimon with human partner came in view from the bushes. Delsin approached them.

"Wouldn't them being here mean there's a safe way through in that direction?"

Mirko looked over at Katya, his breath a puff of white air thanks to the cold. "True. On top, it cannot be worse than staying in a most likely trap. Lets go."
" If they were with the army they would already atack us. So this amy save us." And saying that Candlemon, gave a nod and started moving towards them. Once the two of them got to the bushes Candlemon spoke to the waving digimon. "Introduction later. Show us the way." Mirko still holding candlemon hand gave a wave and a friendly smile to the digimon and the other humans they saw. Mirko did noticed not far on the ground a white snowman bear... He assumed they somehow knocked that Frigimon out. As well it meant that the trap was so much closer to them than they realized. He shivered, but this time not so much from the cold as fear. They could be dead by now if those people didnt came when they did.

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