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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by BBeast>

Your avatar is that? That's so cool! I had thought it was that project that was on the news a while ago about something similar but with black holes or something. Although, it could have been your project, I can't remember clearly. Either way, nice job.

When you get them, show us the snaps of your next project if you can. I love electron microscope pictures.

My project never made it big enough to get on any news. You must be thinking of the LIGO gravitational wave detection, with accompanying general relativistic simulations showing the merger of two black holes plus the emitted gravitational waves. My project just wanted to see how much the neutron star remnants (pictured) weighed and spun.

<Snipped quote by BBeast>

I'm willing to wager that you did your all to make that sound as incomprehensible as possible xPP
Or, even better, you tried very hard to bring it down to our level and speak in the language of the uninitiated-into-the-wonders-of-the-scientific-world-of-Hogwarts muggle-plebs.

In simple terms:
Last summer's project: I used a computer to smash two very compact stars together and watch them go boom.
This summer's project: I'm trying to find a way to make a clean rock surface in ultra-high vacuum, so I can get a clear look at the tiny magic pixie garden in Mutton's description.

@Bright_Ops, why hello there you familiar face. What Cyclone and Mutton mentioned, plus what's in and below the OP, covers most of the global affairs. I'll fill you in on some specifics to Death and Undeath.

Considering your Portfolio in your demigod, I take it you are familiar with how Vestec effectively created the undead and how they work? Details are present in the character tab if you've missed it. The rate of undeath is 1%.

Also significant to the undead are Lenslings, made by Jvan. Lensling groves are tended to by Urtelem. Lenslings can infect undead, although it is generally easy enough to avoid. Infected undead grow into Lenslings. Undead may choose to approach Urtelem to become Lenslings because becoming Lenslings allows them to dream, something previously not possible for them, and provides a path to a proper death. More info in the character tab.

And what @WrongEndoftheRainbow mentioned is actually significant for you, with Farxus being related to Reathos. I'll explain. In the early days Reathos created the Wraith Stone, which is a physical, subterranean object where souls are collected when they die (if they do not become undead instead). Reathos has been able to use the Wraith Stone to observe the memories of someone who died. It has been implied somewhere that such souls are eventually recycled, as part of the cycle of life and death, although nobody's gone into it. The Wraith Stone is important for anyone dealing with death. The Wraith Stone forms a connection between the world and the Primordial Pool, which was made by Reathos before creation and deals with souls and stuff.

After Reathos' death, a couple of things happened to the Wraith Stone. It is still operational. Firstly, Teknall found it at one point, and repaired the guardian, which was an Avatar of Reathos. Secondly, and this is where the dwarves come into it, Vestec went out and turned Reathos' body into a mountain in the south pole, and moved the Wraith Stone to that mountain. The dwarves, with their leader Lazarus, moved in shortly after. A possible point of entry for your character is through this Wraith Stone, with some meddling by Lazarus to make things happen.

There also exists this thing called a True Name. The True Name is bound to your soul, and cannot be changed by any means. Reathos is capable of seeing True Names, as are the 2% of crows cursed with the Lesser Eyes of Reathos, but normally they are invisible. It is visible as a series of glyphs floating above the person's head. Canonically, the True Name has no special powers, other than being immutable, although I imagine that True Names would find use in magic spells as unique personal identifiers. Potentially of note: the True Name of a white giant is more of a serial number than a name.

Presently, I do not think that the interaction between crows with the Lesser Eyes of Reathos and the undead have been canonised. Since the undead keep their old souls, their True Names should be unchanged.

Scattered about the world are some artefacts made by Vestec from Reathos' corpse. They each have special powers, most of them related to death. Some of them are undiscovered. Some have been found. Details are probably in the character tab, although they may not be. I haven't checked.

Wandering the world is Oradin-Thulemiz, who is a Hero played by Kho. Oradin-Thulemiz is a powerful necromancer from a past World who wants to make an undead army. He is currently in possession of at least one of the Reathos artefacts- the crown which lets you command undead. I foresee a clash occurring between Oradin-Thulemiz and Farxus at least once, considering their conflicting goals.

P.S. Reathos' death: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3786144
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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I would first like to thank everyone who answered my question. It really helped to get an idea of what the current state of the world is.


There is one question that I need to ask through; How did Reathos die and why? I heard a little about what happened to his pieces afterwards, but I can't find any of the IC posts related to his actual death.

He was ripped apart by Vestec because of his general RP inactivity, and ICly, this lead to his murder at the hands of Chaos. I'm not sure why, maybe an argument or something. Children of Chaos are pretty ill tempered. glances at Xerxes...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

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Gotcha covered, fam.

Basically, Reathos's people were unable to survive an invasion from one of Vestec's hordes. Reathos himself lashed out at Vestec, unwisely choosing to do so in Vestec's own Realm of Madness, a pocket dimension he's trapped Julkolfyr in, fused with Mammon's essence as he died, and filled with demons. (Despite all this, he's a generous kind of guy and the dimension is relatively safe for anyone who isn't too scared of the locals.)

In any case, fighting on home ground gave Vestec a potent advantage, and when Reathos refused to back off, he was killed. Ripen peaches.

ed: In other news, my activity lapse should end sometime on Tuesday. Tauga has some shit to do.

As does Violet, Chiral Phi, Old Walker, Jvan, Diaphane Whisper, and presumably a metric shitfuck of other side characters I don't keep track of.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slime
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Slime (Former) School Idol

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I have a question. Since my character will be focused on having crows around her most of the time, is there a chance that someone can appropriate the Lesser Eyes of Reathos? Also, is there a way to tell a cursed crow from a normal one?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 22 days ago

I would first like to thank everyone who answered my question. It really helped to get an idea of what the current state of the world is.


There is one question that I need to ask through; How did Reathos die and why? I heard a little about what happened to his pieces afterwards, but I can't find any of the IC posts related to his actual death.

Reathos attacked Vestec, and Vestec then tore him into said pieces. I think Reathos was mad about how Vestec had killed/corrupted his Pronobii?

Edit: ninja'd by 20 people because I didn't see posts on the next page . We could call this thread a dojo
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I have a question. Since my character will be focused on having crows around her most of the time, is there a chance that someone can appropriate the Lesser Eyes of Reathos? Also, is there a way to tell a cursed crow from a normal one?


From what I gather, the Lesser Eyes of Reathos do not have any external signs. Such crows will go out of their way to locate those who are dying, though, and presumably you could detect the curse by magical means (especially considering your Portfolio). Also given your Portfolio, you could probably create a similar effect.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slime
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Slime (Former) School Idol

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Slime>


From what I gather, the Lesser Eyes of Reathos do not have any external signs. Such crows will go out of their way to locate those who are dying, though, and presumably you could detect the curse by magical means (especially considering your Portfolio). Also given your Portfolio, you could probably create a similar effect.

I see. But is the curse still active.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Considering what Vestec has been up to with the creation of the undead, Farxus isn't going to like him very much. Unfortunately the chaotic little shit is just a bit to big to take on right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by BBeast>

I see. But is the curse still active.

You could make the argument that it disappeared when Reathos died. Or you could argue that it still exists. I do not think its fate has been canonised yet.

I would argue that it still exists, OOC'ly for story reasons (why throw away a perfectly reasonable contribution someone made a while back just because the player has disappeared?), IC'ly because many creations of the gods are self-sustaining, and thus can continue even without their creator's presence.

The functionality of the Lesser Eyes of Reathos that allows Reathos to possess the crows is now deprecated, but the seeing True Names and witnessing death should persist.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Considering what Vestec has been up to with the creation of the undead, Farxus isn't going to like him very much. Unfortunately the chaotic little shit is just a bit to big to take on right now.

Let me get this straight.

Farxus does what he can to assist the undead, generally to 'move on'.
Farxus is Demi-God of the Undead.
But Farxus doesn't like that fact that undead exist in the first place.

(n.b. the undead did not exist before Vestec made them, in case that was unclear. Reathos once summoned a skeleton army, but that was Legion's last ever post, so what happened with that we don't know, and it was a once-off thing anyway)

P.S. I'm not questioning your logic or character. I'm just making sure I'm understanding the situation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Bright_Ops>

Let me get this straight.

Farxus does what he can to assist the undead, generally to 'move on'.
Farxus is Demi-God of the Undead.
But Farxus doesn't like that fact that undead exist in the first place.

(n.b. the undead did not exist before Vestec made them, in case that was unclear. Reathos once summoned a skeleton army, but that was Legion's last ever post, so what happened with that we don't know, and it was a once-off thing anyway)

P.S. I'm not questioning your logic or character. I'm just making sure I'm understanding the situation.

It's not so much that the Undead exist, it's more the fact that most of Vestec's contributions are... quite effectively little more then mindless weapons that go on rampages or worse, are intelligent enough to forcefully control other undead. A better way to word it would be... Farxus is the God of the Damned and the Cursed and will do what he can for them... but a part of him has a grudge against those who made the curses in the first place.

Edit: Also, while Farxus is the God of Undeath... he is still first and foremost connected to the Domain of Death and the lengths that Vestec has gone to defile it is a fundamental insult to him and everything he stands for.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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It's a few months before this will take effect, but collabers take note:

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by BBeast>

It's not so much that the Undead exist, it's more the fact that most of Vestec's contributions are... quite effectively little more then mindless weapons that go on rampages or worse, are intelligent enough to forcefully control other undead. A better way to word it would be... Farxus is the God of the Damned and the Cursed and will do what he can for them... but a part of him has a grudge against those who made the curses in the first place.

The Cursed, as made by Vestec, actually keep their personalities from when they were alive. No part of Vestec's curse forces the undead to become mindless or evil. Some may choose to become evil, though, but that's a personal choice.
But yes, you still have lots of reasons to hate Vestec.

Also, found Death's Shards:
http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3766332, under Vestec, Creations.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 22 days ago

It's a few months before this will take effect, but collabers take note:


Noxus Piratepad will rise!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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2x Like Like
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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It's a few months before this will take effect, but collabers take note:


Nooooooo! Titanpad!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by BBeast>

It's not so much that the Undead exist, it's more the fact that most of Vestec's contributions are... quite effectively little more then mindless weapons that go on rampages or worse, are intelligent enough to forcefully control other undead. A better way to word it would be... Farxus is the God of the Damned and the Cursed and will do what he can for them... but a part of him has a grudge against those who made the curses in the first place.

Edit: Also, while Farxus is the God of Undeath... he is still first and foremost connected to the Domain of Death and the lengths that Vestec has gone to defile it is a fundamental insult to him and everything he stands for.

The Cursed are basically the cursed from Dark Souls (minus the GO INSANE IN THE END bit. For some of them at any rate. Some do lose their minds and start eating everything within sight). Ugly and hated, but still sentient.

Reathos was planning on making them mindless to balance. Then. Well. Vestec killed him. IN SELF DEFENSE.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Bright_Ops>

The Cursed are basically the cursed from Dark Souls (minus the GO INSANE IN THE END bit. For some of them at any rate. Some do lose their minds and start eating everything within sight). Ugly and hated, but still sentient.

Reathos was planning on making them mindless to balance. Then. Well. Vestec killed him. IN SELF DEFENSE.

VESTEC. My child will slay you and devour your soul!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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<Snipped quote by Rtron>

VESTEC. My child will slay you and devour your soul!

You mean, HIS child.

Vestec has adopted Keriss. Since Vakarion is primordial soup.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Mardox>

You mean, HIS child.

Vestec has adopted Keriss. Since Vakarion is primordial soup.

You can't adopt my child! She's a fully grown adult and she despises you! Besides, Vakarlon isn't quite primordial soup. As I recall, he's the "Ghost in the Machine", a literal Deus ex Machina.
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