died age 112 in 1161
Radomus was the loyal and effective second-in-command of the rebellion, dedicating his life to Seraphion and their cause. He often advised his leader and helped him on tactical decisions, took command of the rebels during Seraphion's absences, and personally went onto the front lines and led attacks to carry out Seraphion's orders. In the years leading up to the true start of the attacks, Radomus had spent nearly all of his free time training to fight, so after the first battles he participated in, the lieutenant had gained a fearsome reputation as a powerful wizard who delivered swift deaths.
After their victory Radomus felt hopeful that together with Seraphion, they could reform Wiz into a peaceful kingdom. But one of their advisors addressed the division among the people. Many people despised the wizards who had been fighting on the opposing side and if they did not mend the rift between them, the chaos could begin all over again. It was decided that a marriage between the crown princess and a rebel would be the symbol of unity Wiz needed. Radomus had no personal opinion about the idea until it was suggested that he be the one to marry her. Seraphion seemed to think that was a great idea, so Radomus reluctantly agreed to marry the princess. He felt ashamed that a part of him hoped she would refuse but Belladonna accepted their offer and Radomus knew he could not get out of this arrangement without disappointing Seraphion. Before he knew it, Radomus had become Beluga Black and the King of Wiz. As the consort of the true monarch, he had less political power than the queen but because Belladonna had little interest in ruling, she gave them free reign with the kingdom while she went on a cruise. Seraphion, as the new council leader, worked with Radomus to pass fair laws and reconstruct the kingdom. It was not easy at all, especially in the beginning, but as the years passed Wiz slowly began to heal and rebuild.
When his wife came back to live in the castle, Radomus felt pleasantly surprised. Now that he and Seraphion had established order and control in the kingdom, Radomus believed the cooperation of the queen would only move Wiz forward. He promised Belladonna that although they were only together through an arranged marriage, as her husband he would support her if she really wanted to help Wiz. Unfortunately, his hopes for a better future were ruined with the arrival of Belisario. The prince and his husband had been welcomed back to Wiz; triggering the downfall of everything Radomus had accomplished. Some time after they arrived, Radomus began to develop painful headaches that swiftly escalated into memory lapses and black outs. He felt terrified and every time he tried to speak his worries, Radomus either suddenly passed out from pain or he would momentarily forget what he wanted to say.
His personal nightmare became reality when he got news one day that Seraphion was dead. Radomus could barely keep himself together afterwards; the sight of his friend's corpse was horrible and he looked as if he died in pain. Then, as if life wanted to taunt him, Radomus began to remember what he forgot during his memory lapses. At first they were small glimpses of his body moving without his consent to places he did not recall visiting. But the dreams continued every night during the span of two months and they steadily grew worse. He viewed the memories as if he was reliving them and Radomus had to experience the events for himself; it terrified him because he had no control over anything. He saw himself doing horrific things to people in secret and even killed Aurelia, who Radomus did not even realize had gone missing. He felt mentally tortured at night and experienced physical pain during the day, feeling like he could drop dead at any moment. Radomus wanted to believe his life could not get any worse. He was proven wrong once again when he had one last final dream: a memory leading up to Radomus remembering that it had been himself who had cruelly tortured Seraphion to death. Feeling nothing but absolute self-loathing for himself Radomus wanted all of his pain to end. He grabbed a blade and began to self-mutilate his body, feeling he deserved to experience the painful death he dealt to his friend. Mimicking the torturous actions he took against Seraphion in his nightmare, Radomus died slowly and in pain.
He never discovered the truth; Hades and Belisario used a rare, dangerous demonic spell to control his mind. The spell was difficult to pull off because the victim's body would begin to degrade and as the spell began to fail, their memories of their time under control would slowly return. They managed to control Radomus as their puppet long enough to dispose of their biggest immediate obstacle: Seraphion. His suicide had not been planned since they still had some use for the enslaved king, but his early death was actually better for their overall goals.