“Good hero, thou art special, none art like thou.” A gentle voice washes over you as your eyes slowly open to an endless plane of green grids above and below. You feel confused as to why you are here, just a second ago you were… oh yeah. You are Fate Fallen. Your past is no longer your remembered, forgotten long ago. Your future no longer your own, forfeited just as long ago. For whatever reason, you were turned into a super soldier, meant to fight off the Abyss in a war that never came.
As you remember how to blink and breath, the green geometric world shifts, forming walls that box you in down a straight line. “Good hero, if you would, please come to me, you are but heralds of a new Awakening, this artificial realm will be your first test of mettle. In this realm, thou body is but an incarnation of one’s mind.” A woman appears before you as if she walked through a veil of pixels and flashing data, dressed in black robes with an exotic looking eye mask, tubes and wires leading to nowhere stretching out from it, “In accordance to the ancient decree, thou shall comply for it is thou destiny is it not? Once thou hath arrived unto me, please defeat this training program.”
And like that, the hall expanded several feet back, the floor splitting and new cubes being birthed into the world from the depths below. A faceless cubic figure comes in next to the maiden who woke you up and is now ordering you to do these menial tasks, but either by your own will or some unending urge in the back of your head that you cannot shake, you follow the orders of the maiden whose name you don’t even know.
“Ahh! save me good hero.” The maiden cried out in a flat, monotone voice as the square figure repeatedly poked her in the shoulder, even her exclamations giving only the most minute increase in tone, “For I am being assailed by such a villain. Oh whatever shall I do/”
As you remember how to blink and breath, the green geometric world shifts, forming walls that box you in down a straight line. “Good hero, if you would, please come to me, you are but heralds of a new Awakening, this artificial realm will be your first test of mettle. In this realm, thou body is but an incarnation of one’s mind.” A woman appears before you as if she walked through a veil of pixels and flashing data, dressed in black robes with an exotic looking eye mask, tubes and wires leading to nowhere stretching out from it, “In accordance to the ancient decree, thou shall comply for it is thou destiny is it not? Once thou hath arrived unto me, please defeat this training program.”
And like that, the hall expanded several feet back, the floor splitting and new cubes being birthed into the world from the depths below. A faceless cubic figure comes in next to the maiden who woke you up and is now ordering you to do these menial tasks, but either by your own will or some unending urge in the back of your head that you cannot shake, you follow the orders of the maiden whose name you don’t even know.
“Ahh! save me good hero.” The maiden cried out in a flat, monotone voice as the square figure repeatedly poked her in the shoulder, even her exclamations giving only the most minute increase in tone, “For I am being assailed by such a villain. Oh whatever shall I do/”