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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Shoryu Magami

Must be pretty big, considering... Over twenty tabs. I rarely have more than five at any point.

But yeah. You should be good regarding Dissidia's lore for the most part.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The current tabs up don't even compare to the real workload, considering this isn't even my main PC. To put it into perspective, I've got hundreds of notepads of data on this PC alone -- that amount of data was collected in the space of a few months, so imagine how much information I've gathered over longer than a decade (the story has been revamped/rebuilt several times, but you get my point).

Good to know. I have like a dozen or so possible role-plays I want to introduce to this site eventually - not even counting possibly introducing my main project setting to people - but if I think I've got time to do this Dissidia role-play I could be interested. It's definitely been a long time since I've touched Final Fantasy role-play though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Shoryu Magami
Damn, Daniel.

So you plan to be a GM then? I wish the best of luck to you, because on this site, you need it. People drop out for so many reasons, it gets hard to keep morale up. I'll be watching for if you post something, however, and I might just join if it catches my interest.

In other news, I'm completely decided on Ritz and Marche. Now I'm considering other FF characters... Perhaps I'll add some in from VI.

Specifically Edgar and General Leo.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

'Daniel'...? xD

I'm a GM at heart rather than a player -- I imagine being a writer before a role-player has something to do with it. Honestly, I'm not unfamiliar with how whimsy and unreliable a lot of players can be, which is the reason that looking for devoted people is one of the most important criteria when I accept players. In another thread, I emphasized how lack of commitment - and general tendency to give up on a role-play out of nowhere - are some of the qualities I look for in a person when I decide if they'll be rejected from the role-play -- these qualities are more likely to make me deny someone than lack of understanding the role-play in question, since they can be helped with the latter problem. Of course, if people disappear due to real life being really difficult then I can understand it, but some people just use that as an excuse when nothing truly major happened offline and they just got a little busy.

Regardless, I'll let you know if or when I get enough time to post up an interest check for something.

Still contemplating characters on my own end, while I try to work out if I have time. I wanted to be up over five hours ago.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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I'm still here, just ghosting the thread. I'm pretty much set on what characters I want. I played a crap-ton of Final Fantasy 4 (which became Final Fantasy 2 here in America) when I was young, so I'm probably going to bring in Cecil and Golbez as well as the aforementioned Layle and Jegran.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

'Daniel'...? xD

Memes, bro. Memes.

Of course, if people disappear due to real life being really difficult then I can understand it, but some people just use that as an excuse when nothing truly major happened offline and they just got a little busy.

This part really strikes me, because it's something that's happened so many times. People have dropped my RP after a few days, yet continue to easily post elsewhere, sometimes multiple times a day. I can understand getting bored, or something, but not within the first two pages of IC. I mean, come on; Why the hell join if you aren't going to stick with it? If people were just honest about why they left; I'd be a lot more comfortable when an RP dies. But, it's all bullshit and lies for the most part, because the general population of RPGuild is cowardly. Kind of rude sounding, but it's the truth.

I'd appreciate a heads' up if you post anything. Either by PM, VM, Mention, whatever. I might just not be interested; But if I join, I'll stick with it. I can promise you that much.

Well, don't stress about it, yeah? It's not like this is important. If ya don't, you don't. If you take awhile between responses? I personally don't care. I have a partner 1x1-wise that only can respond once a month, sometimes. We've literally been roleplaying for years because of it, lol.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cecil and Golbez are actually examples of characters I would've brought along, if I got involved. They're not the only ones, but they ring true to me in a lot of ways. I usually prefer to play characters I relate to in some way, even when taking part in a fandom role-play. Firion and The Emperor also come to mind immediately, but there's characters from plenty of other games I could definitely work with too.

Heh, you guys and your memes... How am I supposed to know what you're saying? Lol.

This is one of the reasons that I think having an OOC on this site is helpful. Honestly, you can gauge whether or not a person is genuinely interested - or only joining on a whim - from some of their behaviour in the OOC. I won't even bother letting someone get involved in my role-plays unless I believe they're devoted.

You've expressed interest in Dissidia, so I imagine something I have would be up your alley, but it's hard to say. Nothing specific comes to mind. I don't usually work with fandom role-plays at all. I've got a fairly lengthy list of role-plays I've considered posting up on this site, but haven't actually decided to make an interest check and note them all in there for people to see. I suppose I could possibly PM you examples of some of them at some point if you like.

Pretty much -- I won't stress about it. I'm mostly bringing this up because of the discussion we've just had about devoted players. I don't want to commit to this and then be unable to take part in it. While a monthly based posting schedule would be trivially easy for me to work with, I'd imagine Gohan wants something a bit more consistent and honestly I'd rather post more often than that too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Shoryu Magami
Give in to the memes.
Become memes.

OOC is extremely important to RPGuild in general. Without communication, a roleplay is destined to die quickly. You can usually tell something is going to go downhill when someone posts in IC but not often in the OOC; They probably see the roleplay as a chore instead of something fun, and when you have the chance to get rid of that chore... Childishly, most of them will take it.

Only way to find out? Show me what you've got. Or just keep me waiting until you eventually post it; That works, too.

I understand what you're sayin'. I respect that you're upfront about that; Not a whole lot of people are. Certainly climbing the list of people on this site, you are. I honestly hope we get a roleplay going; I'm interested in seeing you write more posts. I'd prefer more posts than once a month too; I'm just saying that for me that's an option. :P
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Blessed is the man that endureth temptation."

We never had an OOC tab in threads at the forums I was part of - or hosted for that matter - so you mostly needed to work with C-box, PM, and the fact that a lot of my better role-plays happened over IM programs -- in the case of the latter we basically made frequent posts that would be classified as the OOC and they were separated from the IC posts by having them be in brackets. I still get what you mean though; it's really helpful to have an OOC and I respect this place for including it. As for the childishness, yeah... This is why people shouldn't commit to role-plays on a whim.

I might toss you up a PM, actually, but if you want an immediate example: Each time I've made a character sheet for this site thus far, I ended up liking the character so much - and developing ideas around them that wouldn't work in their respective role-plays - that I came up with an entire world/cast/setting around them that got included in my list of role-plays, so if you check out my character sheets thread you'll get an example of two such role-play ideas currently, though admittedly there's not too much to go off just by looking at those profiles -- still gives an idea of the setting.

I tend to be upfront about most things, and I appreciate you respecting that. I guess I'll continue to climb that ladder, even if I'm not doing it consciously. That said, yeah, it'd definitely be cool if we could role-play together. I just think my performance is considerably better when I'm not working on a fandom role-play, and I'm definitely at my best as a GM. I figured you'd prefer a more active poster, so I was more making that statement to imply a monthly schedule likely wouldn't work between you, me, and @Gohan.

On a side note, I really need to get better at replicating my IRL speech patterns over text. I come across too formal.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Shoryu Magami

On a side note, I really need to get better at replicating my IRL speech patterns over text. I come across too formal.

I just need to swear more, and throw out an occasional word in spanish.

I remember the good days of I.M roleplaying; I used to do it a lot, and occasionally I still do with people I've known for awhile; You get really connected with someone that way, I find. I had one RP me and a guy were doing over I.M over the span of three years, and it never got stale. Between the hilarious banter and terrific character progression, it was a pace I enjoyed. Not to mention we could just stop whenever and start chatting about shit instantly; Reactions and such. It's always good to see a classic "LMFAO" right after I make a joke.

If you've got the time, feel free. I've got a few group RP projects myself that I don't plan to use in the near future; We can throw a few around at each-other. Most of mine are just concepts, however, and aren't fleshed out. Giving my fondness for 1x1's, I hardly find a Group appealing anymore. But I'm going to eventually return to it, because I miss being a GM.

He's climbing that ladder without even using his hands!
Not to mention if you plan to be a GM, you ought to be ready to focus mainly on that. It can be irritating work, so don't take up other things and try to GM too if you don't feel like you can handle it! The worst possible thing that can happen is when a GM is forced to close an RP, or, just does because they want to. I've had to do it before; I've known good people who had to do it. It's a terrible thing, and kills a lot of motivation for people's future projects.

If I do end up in an RP with you, I'd be happy to help out as a Co-GM. It's where I end up being for the most part whenever I join Group RP's these days. Mostly because I'm lurking pretty often and therefor can keep my eyes on a lot of things when other people don't have the time. Just something to keep in mind.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Cecil and Golbez are actually examples of characters I would've brought along, if I got involved. They're not the only ones, but they ring true to me in a lot of ways. I usually prefer to play characters I relate to in some way, even when taking part in a fandom role-play. Firion and The Emperor also come to mind immediately, but there's characters from plenty of other games I could definitely work with too.

I hear that. Not really sure what it is about the older FF games, but they pack so much character into the important people, that you really connect with the characters in some ways. And as for the schedule, I dunno really.

What what you guys want to do?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I just need to swear more, and throw out an occasional word in spanish.

Heh, I swear a fair bit myself, but I'm not used to replicating my speech pattern into text in general. It's probably due to the fact that I've spent so much time discussing my project over voice chat rather than over posts. Sometimes I wonder if people'll even have a clue what the hell I'm talking about if I abbreviate too often.

IM is where my best role-plays definitely happened, both with my fiancΓ© and also with my other top role-playing associate, who got listed as a 'Special Mention' in my bio. I completely relate to what you're saying here about feeling more connected to people this way and being able to enjoy discussions while you're in the middle of role-play, alongside the reactions. Honestly, I think I role-play a lot better when I know the person is on the other end waiting for me and ready to react. A lot of people would probably find that too much pressure, but it's sort of intoxicating (in a good way -- this is coming from a guy who hates drugs, so I felt like clarifying that) to me.

Chances are, I'll have a moment to myself at some point. I'm thinking of giving you a very basic idea of them initially, and we can elaborate more on our ideas as time goes by. I've admittedly had to close role-plays before, but this was more due to them going inactive due to having falling outs with the groups. One of the reasons I haven't posted any of my ideas so far is I want to confirm I maintain a solid interest in them for a while in my head. The only thing that could make me close a role-play here - I imagine - is if my 'Guardian Ascension' workload becomes too severe or if I decided to leave the site -- due to both reasons I haven't posted anything up yet.

In general though, I'm fairly confident that I can GM a large group of people effectively -- while most of the role-play threads I've taken part in were honestly only between two to four people on average, it's important to keep in mind that I've hosted entire role-playing sites devoted solely to a certain setting before. For all intents and purposes, I was GMing that entire site, so at any point one of the threads people had going on could end up getting pulled into the plot by me introducing an NPC on request or due to deciding it was appropriate.

I'll definitely keep in mind the Co-GM offer, since I imagine I'd want to have something like that going on. That aforementioned 'Special Mention' person I brought up earlier was pretty much the Co-GM of a lot of my role-plays due to him being a really good online friend of mine and thanks to him pretty much understanding my 'Guardian Ascension' setting better than anyone except, well, me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I hear that. Not really sure what it is about the older FF games, but they pack so much character into the important people, that you really connect with the characters in some ways. And as for the schedule, I dunno really.

What what you guys want to do?

FFVI being my personal favorite, I agree. I feel like the characters began to fall off after the SNES titles. Not to say the characters are bad in future installments, but I just like the way the classics were written. FFIV is probably the best Final Fantasy, realtalk.

As for the schedule? Just post, and I'll be there.

Doesn't matter how long it takes. But my replies won't be super quick so back-to-back responses won't be a thing, probably.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Still working that out, honestly. It's interesting to have Cecil and Golbez though, since they arguably might've been my first pick for characters to role-play here, especially since Golbez is one of the characters from a fighting style perspective that I had always planned on picking up and using in the games, alongside The Emperor.

FFVI being my personal favorite, I agree. I feel like the characters began to fall off after the SNES titles. Not to say the characters are bad in future installments, but I just like the way the classics were written. FFIV is probably the best Final Fantasy, realtalk.

It's a mix for me; Final Fantasy VIII was my personal favourite for a few reasons, but I definitely see a lot of good in most of the games. I try not to think about whether they're one of the new ones or one of the old ones when I discuss them, but I get what you mean about the classics being good. I don't agree with people who don't give the new games a try, but I also think the new generation should go back and see how the series started.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Shoryu Magami

Don't get me wrong; I love the newer games, as well. I'm a big fan of FFXII and FFX. More FFX because that game literally stole more of my life than World of Warcraft. And I've completely played through it... Twice. That includes celestial weapons, post-game content, and... Blitzball.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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A few of the Celestial Weapons are a real pain in the ass (I prefer challenges that are difficult, not just time-consuming or based on luck) in FFX, but I agree it's definitely a good game. My fiancΓ© is more into Blitzball than I am -- I believe we had an agreement that next time I go back and do all of my old Final Fantasy runs (I'm planning to reply the whole series when, erm, if, I ever get some spare time) she'll be doing the Blitzball and I'll be doing the Arena. I'm assuming you're American, so have you ever gotten to see the horrors that are the Dark Aeons, or Penance for that matter?

The PS2 generation is around the time my workload - and life in general - started making it difficult for me to 100% RPGs like I always used to prior to this, so admittedly I haven't had time to sit down and play games passed FFIX to the point that would be considered 100%, but I know all of the post-game contents and have assisted some people with strategies involving them.

Honestly, FFXII is really underrated in terms of its story (biggest issue was them making Vaan the poster boy instead of just sticking with the original plan to make Basch the lead -- fuck the masses wanting a younger protagonist every single game) and combat system, but the ridiculous amount of side quests and such in the game has made it impossible for me to play that game properly given my schedule -- I'm sure it's not a bad thing for people who have time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I bought the PS3/PS4 remaster edition which included the international content. I am not proud to say I've played a LOT of FFX. It's my most played game on my PS4, and that's pretty crazy. Not many good games out for the current gen console, sadly. Waiting for more RPGs to come out in 2017 before I even start it back up again. :/

In all seriousness, fuck FFX. It's a great game; It really is. But I fucking hate it, as well. The amount of bullshit loops I have to jump through is insane. But, in the end, I had a fun time torturing myself with filling out all of the sphere grids. So I guess it's okay.

I agree. If Basch was the lead, it would have improved the story. Vaan, while obnoxious, is a character I oddly like. He's just so on the sidelines and unimportant that it's hilarious. Not to mention how damn-near every character treats him like shit in Dissidia during their intro quotes to a battle. Like, mad disrespect, man. Nobody likes him, and that makes me laugh my ass off every time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Ah, right. My fiancΓ© has our copy of the PS3/PS4 version, so I haven't played it yet. I've actually managed to find some games on the PS4 (both in the RPG category and in the fighting game category) that I'm enjoying, but I know what you mean due to there generally being a steady decline in good quality games as the generations go on.

Love-hate relationship makes sense -- FFX had a lot of great content, but fuck some of the farming and random side quests. Same for FFXII technically, but in this case it's due to the excessively long-winded side quests brought on by the game being a little bit too sandbox for its own good -- this game arguably did it before western RPGs (which usually don't interest me) started doing it.

You've pretty much nailed the whole problem with Vaan -- I think he could've worked as a character, but if you're going to make a character that annoying you shouldn't give them so little story focus that the audience doesn't see a redeeming side to make up for the obnoxiousness. Once they committed to including him, they should've put more focus into developing him. As it currently stands it feels like he got thrown into the game at the last second, sort of like how Fang (in FFXIII) was literally planned to be a guy until the final stage of development, to the point that I seriously can imagine her working as a guy character. In general though, I don't dislike Vaan so much as I dislike the way he was handled, though after Zidane and Tidus I felt like we were due a more serious protagonist again (those two were serious and well-developed, don't get me wrong, but I mean more openly serious).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Still working that out, honestly. It's interesting to have Cecil and Golbez though, since they arguably might've been my first pick for characters to role-play here, especially since Golbez is one of the characters from a fighting style perspective that I had always planned on picking up and using in the games, alongside The Emperor.

I could like, just take Kain or something instead, if those were your two strongest choices. To round out the trio.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ah, right. My fiancΓ© has our copy of the PS3/PS4 version, so I haven't played it yet. I've actually managed to find some games on the PS4 (both in the RPG category and in the fighting game category) that I'm enjoying, but I know what you mean due to there generally being a steady decline in good quality games as the generations go on.

So you haven't got to personally deal with the hell that is trying to prepare for Dark Aeons?

Admittedly you could just Zanmato with 66k Gil and full Overdrive and have a 50% chance to flat-out kill them, but being a bitch isn't my style. But, if you don't do it that way, you're in for hours and hours of work trying to get ready to fight them. Including getting Celestial Weapons, getting certain stats maxed, crafting specific weapons, and Overdrives. Once you have the right weapons crafted, sphere levels are easy. But getting the stat spheres for maxing in the sphere grid? god help you on those luck spheres.

2017 is going to be a godly year, I can feel it. I mean, just google "PS4 RPG's 2017" and you'll see what I mean. Between Mass Effect, Horizon Zero Dawn, South Park: The Fractured But Whole(Guilty Pleasure), AND Persona 5? Not to mention a new Dragon Quest is possibly coming too, which I am super excited for. I'm also curious to see what Vampyr will end up being; As a fan of Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, I hope to see something similar in that game...
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