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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 3 mos ago

What an absolute fucking mess that was.

Anyway, I should've warned you guys way earlier, but tl;dr I've graduated and that means I'm going on Leavers, aka Schoolies, aka That One Huge Spike In The Road Deaths Graph Every November. My school buddies and I are heading to a nice beach house to spend the week.

Unfortunately, that house has no wifi and I don't have too much faith in the reception, so while I might be around, I don't think anything is getting written from me in the meanwhile. I could be wrong. In any case, that's what's happening.

My lift should be at the door in a few minutes.

Later, nerds!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Have fun, @Antarctic Termite! Watch you don't step on broken glass, mate.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and congratulations on getting out of high school alive!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

You know, I could have sworn that Chaos Angels look different from normal Angels. Shouldn't Chaos Angels have dark hair and have dark-colored energies and stuff? They certainly don't look like regular Angels, which is apparently how they're being described in the BBeast's post. So unless Vestec has de-chaosified them and sent them on another stupid suicide stunt, they shouldn't look like normal Angels.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hey guys, its been a while.

Not gonna try to explain my way around this, so I'll just say it.

For the past month(or two?) I have essentially fallen off the face of the RPGuild world, literally because the guild was nowhere in my thoughts. I had completely forgotten about it, somehow, I guess, and only today remembered it.

And to the next point, has anything been done to Kyre in my absence/hiatus?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hey guys, its been a while.

Not gonna try to explain my way around this, so I'll just say it.

For the past month(or two?) I have essentially fallen off the face of the RPGuild world, literally because the guild was nowhere in my thoughts. I had completely forgotten about it, somehow, I guess, and only today remembered it.

And to the next point, has anything been done to Kyre in my absence/hiatus?

Fortunately, he's not dead.

In fact, I think the only significant event is in the recent collab post by BBeast, Termite, and Kho, detailing the battle between Wind Striker and Gerrick's hain and the angel/hain chaos horde.

You still keen on playing?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Kangutso>

Fortunately, he's not dead.

In fact, I think the only significant event is in the recent collab post by BBeast, Termite, and Kho, detailing the battle between Wind Striker and Gerrick's hain and the angel/hain chaos horde.

You still keen on playing?

Yes, I am still keen on playing, I just don't know how to get back into this with Kyre. What all has happened while I was gone?

Also, I wish I was around for the collab, but I understand that they went on with it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Right, I'm pretty sure there was a recap OOC about a week ago when explaining things to some newbies. Some of this might be a bit redundant, but I'll just throw the posts here. One sec...


<Snipped quote by Bright_Ops>

In a word, wounded.

We've been in a sort-of early bronze age for a time. Most major civilisations are along ot near the ironheart mountains:

Alefpria (OP diety-invested city state with Lifprasilians, multispecies). Attacked by a few realta that were pushed back.

The major Rovaick tribes (the biggest of which are lead by Sularn who is spreading the word of Toun. They also have Teknall's daughter Conata, who's helping them get more metal than they are capable of getting normally because that's her thing). These folks were hit hard by realta and are beginning to consolidate.

Xerxes (A city-state that sprung up and down a bunch very quickly. Is currently occupied by multiple demigods and a hero and will likely host a battle soon. In the meantime, the population is being manipulated into destructive hedonism by their leader, Amartia).

Valley of Peace (Niciel's angel utopia. You are compelled not to be violent there. Only angels live there, except for maybe a few hain, circumstances unknown). I'm not sure if realta have attacked here.

Across the shimmering sea to the Mahd river is:

Vetros (A not-egyptabylossyiakkad brought up by our favourite god of change before he got imprisoned and released as a Zen master or something. Doing pretty well due to minimal meddling. Currently houses a mortal version of Belruarc for various reasons). These guys have been relatively safe from realta.

Horse people (there's a steppe. Go figure).

Moving on further is the land-bridge between the white ocean and the Jvanic ocean, Mesathelassa. Varying degrees of realta attacks have hit them:

Most of that area, starting from the north and taking up the majority of the land are established hain tribes.

Moving further south sees hain and humans mingling in growing small civilisations with varying degrees of tension.

Most of the south is purely made up of humans after that.

On the north-eastern corner of the white ocean, just above Mesathelassa, is a region called Yorum. That has a bunch of small hain city states that have been thrown into disarray by realta attacks. They are new in the lore as I only just introduced them in my latest post.

Global matters are easy to summarise:

Wandering everywhere are the occasional creature twisted by the voice of Jvan (it's technically a kind of virus that only activates under certain conditions, but never you mind). These strange creatures are called Sculptors. Sculptors wander around making eldritch artworks and being whimsical and stuff. They are not widely trusted and often ostracised by hain and nonintellingent life because of Vowzra gave them natural aversion to Jvanic stuff. However, they are masters of language, making them great interpreters. See their sheet for more details.

Most uncharted portions of Galbar are more likely to be inhabited by hain than by humans due to being spread out more and having a head start.

Also wandering around the place, with a close relationship to hain tribes, are urtelem. These walking boulders have grown a bit of a culture since their original creation sheet. Jvan gave them this crazy sign language and now they are kinda nomadic, but they still take care of hain tribes.

The big current affair is Logos' invasion of Galbar. He's swapped in, bashed up Jvan, and set his plasma atronach servant things called realta to burn everything Jvanic, no matter the collateral. Teknall and his robot avatar have begun to push them away and Lifprasil wants to try diplomacy. Many have died already, more has been scorched to ruins. It's a developing situation.

Coming along with this invasion have been outbreaks of a transmuting crystal called acalya. These have been dotted around Galbar and are spreading to various degrees. It's basically a slow, sparkly, crystalline grey goo that's transforming everything into itself. A few people are trying to push it back, but some outbreaks are getting less attention than they really should.

This has been Muttonhawk, reporting for Divinus News Network.

You forgot the citadel in the world mountain! Dwarven lives matter!

^ These folks are on the south pole. Minus, Lazarus, and a new demigod of puzzles with a name that escapes me are hanging out.

To add to what Muttonhawk wrote, Galbar also has some unusual features to note:

  • Zephyrion created spirits called elementals (or djinn) that control nature. Everything from earthquakes to hurricanes and the wind. They constantly battle one another and the more powerful ones are intelligent, can be communicated with, and are sometimes worshiped.
  • Galbar has numerous moons, created by Vulamera. Tides are mostly normal.
  • Its seasons are considerably more extreme than that of Earth, both in terms of length (a la Game of Thrones) and in terms of effect.
  • The North Pole is basically its own separate dimension and has a pretty peculiar timezone The place is called Chronos.
  • Speaking of various dimensions, there's this void called the Gap that exists as something like a parallel dimension to Galbar's. Sometimes it can connect and very strange things happen. It's mostly Jvan (and Vowzra too, before his death) that mess with such things.

After this, reading the latest page of IC should get you sorta caught-up. I'm sure there are many more details, but I can't remember the point at which you went on leave.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 2 days ago


'I understand my brand of chaos!'

my brand of chaos


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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Kangutso I'm sorry Kang, but you were gone for a very long time without any warning and so, in accordance with the OP, you are no longer permitted to post in the IC. Kyre's fate has been decided by the GMs and will be posted in due time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@Kho Oh, okay...

Ditched before canon ditched. That's rough.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

It is only fair, seeing as Kang has a chronic tendency to forget all about us. To quote the OP:

Due to the fact that we're in the middle of the academic year, this RP's pace will be reasonably slow until the exams come to an end. Expect periods of absence and slow responses, particularly during examination periods. It is expected, however, that players will keep us all informed of how busy they will be and what we can reasonably expect. Disappearing for long periods (like, two weeks) without warning is unacceptable.
The OP

As the famous five once said: 'You have been weighed. You have been measured. And you have absolutely been found wanting.'
I'd kick myself out if I disappeared that long without warning.

Right to appeal the decision is granted subject to overwhelming evidence of good reason for disappearing for Amul knows how long.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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Member Seen 21 days ago

I've a test today, which is why I didn't finish up the collab. I'll wrap it up today.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It is only fair, seeing as Kang has a chronic tendency to forget all about us. To quote the OP:

<Snipped quote by The OP>

As the famous five once said: 'You have been weighed. You have been measured. And you have absolutely been found wanting.'
I'd kick myself out if I disappeared that long without warning.

Right to appeal the decision is granted subject to overwhelming evidence of good reason for disappearing for Amul knows how long.

Chronic? Don't know why you'd say that. This is the only times it has happened to me.

While I didn't expect Kyre to be anymore... Next time you guys make such a decision, make sure to pm the person it effects, whether or not they're on so that if they come back, they don't get renewed and their hopes up only for said hopes to get crushed. Crushing hopes is a very good way to absolutely ruin someone's mood.

As for the reason, I've already said. My memory absolutely failed me in regards to the guild, that's pretty much it.

If I can create a new demi and rejoin, would that be acceptable?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Kangutso No.

Edit: Appeal dismissed. On to the next order of business.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Kangutso No.

Edit: Appeal dismissed. On to the next order of business.

Fair enough, I guess. A bit blunt though...

Still gonna lurk and chat though, since this is still an RP I love.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

You know, I could have sworn that Chaos Angels look different from normal Angels. Shouldn't Chaos Angels have dark hair and have dark-colored energies and stuff? They certainly don't look like regular Angels, which is apparently how they're being described in the BBeast's post. So unless Vestec has de-chaosified them and sent them on another stupid suicide stunt, they shouldn't look like normal Angels.

That's my bad. I wasn't sure how to distinguish chaos angels of different powers. They are definitely chaos angels.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Laughs? That was a serious post with plenty of manly undertones.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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Member Seen 21 days ago

I lied my fucking ass off when I said I'd finish the collab tonight, woops. Got caught up in other stuff. I have the rest of the week off after tomorrow, so I'll be able to work on it then.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Here I am reading BBeast's post and my head is trying to visualise the technical details. All of a sudden I have no chance of thinking because this starts looping and looping and looping and looping...
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

You know, I could have sworn that Chaos Angels look different from normal Angels. Shouldn't Chaos Angels have dark hair and have dark-colored energies and stuff? They certainly don't look like regular Angels, which is apparently how they're being described in the BBeast's post. So unless Vestec has de-chaosified them and sent them on another stupid suicide stunt, they shouldn't look like normal Angels.

Yeah. Vibrantly colored hair and wings, always changing and usually bright fluorescent. Most of their energies are similarly colored. The only difference in abilities is angels that normally heal cause rot.
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